DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Starner Jones
I was looking at this blog recently and I came across something that Starner Jones, MD sent in. He was talking about how his patient with Medicaid had gold teeth, tattoos, and nice clothes and shoes. As someone that works for the Dept of Social Services, I would like to clarify a few things that Mr. Jones felt was necessary to send in to you. 1st, it is a breach of confidentiality for him to release any information about a patient, regardless of whether it is her name or not, that can identify her in public. By giving a description of her personal appearance he has given us a way of identifying her and her gave out confidential information by stating that she received Medicaid. 2nd, his opinions about Medicaid are totally unfounded because while yes, as tax payers we do fund most of the welfare programs; however, it isn’t truly your money because the feds took it in the first place and would continue to take it even if it did not go towards the welfare system. 3rd, as a doctor he took an oath to do everything within his ability to help heal people. If this woman wants to smoke and drink that is her business and I would never ever go to him for my needs, because who is he to judge. Does he know that woman personally? Does he know the circumstances of her life? Can he say for certain that she doesn’t have just cause for being on Medicaid. How does he know if she isn’t a widow and her husband just died? Maybe she worked for 20 years to pay for all the stuff she wants only to be laid off by her job and now she has to be on TCA to feed her kids? He doesn’t know these things and if I were this woman then I would sue his pants off and make a MAJOR issue out of this SEVERE breach of confidentiality.
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well to who ever wrote this, i would have assumed it was a man until i read how many "her" "she" and "woman" you put in here...no one would have caught on or paid anymore attention to this until you brought it up...and it just goes to show that you are another "sue happy" american...grow up and get back to work!
"it truly isn't your money because the feds took it in the first place" WTH kinda statement is that???? The left's mentality shows big time in this post.
I too am a woman and it would not matter if you were a man or a woman, you sound like you would indeed sue his pants off. Listen up, with Obamacare, everyone will know your health issues from Maine to Florida, so get over it.
not sure gold teeth, and tatoos makes anyone recognizable. He absolutely did not breach HIPAA in any way.
The truth is Medicaid is fraught with low fees, difficult patients, and basically no doctors that treat medicaid
Horrible program that Obama just made HUGE
8:35am LOOKSEE You gotta be one of the social minority people that approves this type of person to bilk the system. If the agency would clean house with your type the system would work a lot better. So go back and approve more fraud.
You're an idiot! Take a quick walk around and you will see his description fits thousands of people across the US! Put your lawyers phone number back in your back pocket and find something constructive to benefit society rather than whinning about someone telling the truth since that bugs you so much.
I disagree. His description fits over half of the residents on Fitzwater street and surrounding areas.
I had a Medicaid patient leave my office this morning in a new Mercedes (and yes, they had gold teeth, nice clothes/jewelry as well); these people know how to work the system and it's all about priorities (or lack of).
I agree, the MD did not violate any HIPAA laws, the holier than thou whiner needs to obviously review the specifics of the law.
i certaintly dont approve of those type of people...i belive in get off your a** and get a job and not live off the system.....apparently you do since you want to sue the pants off someone to make a quick buck...(or telling HER to do so)
You seem like a somewhat educated person so it surprises me that the original post you're commenting on went completly over your head! Do you honestly think that "Dr. Jones" was speaking of an actual patient? Did it occur to you that maybe this post was written to simply prove a point and that his "patient" was a generalization of the many "patients" that the many "Dr. Jones" of this country see every day! For someone that works for Social Services how many truly deserving recipients do you assist?
Typical...this post is by a Social Worker type
There are 100's out there in the town with that discript., so get over it!
what a totally assinine letter.
To the Moronic Author of the Post: The description of the female that he gave probably described a couple hundred women (maybe 1000) that live in the immediate area. I seriously doubt you or anybody else outside of his office can ID her through the description that he provided. If I am wrong - prove it.
You are most definitely part of the problem. Feel free to redistribute your income with as many people that you see fit. I do not feel that we should be in the business of giving out constant handouts to people that do nothing to help themselves out - unless it involves criminal activity, and this has nothing to do with race. It has to do with laziness and ignorance, and the government has let it go on much too long.
"its isn't truly your money because the feds took it in the first place"
Its very sad that people actually think this way. Pathetic
Anon 8:41
HIPAA is why your information will be all over the place. This was not an Obama program.
If people want to place blame on someone else for things, at least be accurate with it!
I'm against this health plan too but I also don't want to blame ANYONE for something they did not do, keyword ANYONE.
i too am tired of working my butt off and watching people in mercedes suvs and cadillacs pull up with state health insurance that is totally free to them. if i didnt have to pay for my insurance i would be able to afford such luxuries too. also, so many of these people dont think free health care is enough, they are coming to the doctor to claim disability knowing there is nothing wrong with them. they make you run every test and procedure imaginable for phantom symptoms. when the tests come back negative they want to do another one. all that money wasted so someone can sit at home and collect even more free money. it used to be shameful to sit around and collect money you did not earn , to take hand outs you dont need, now it is commonplace. we have people come in on state ins. that are working for cash under the table even thought they are supposedly disabled. im done.
This is exactly why the system doesn't work. People like you don't do your job. Correct me if I am wrong but, wasn't the system set up for people in need of assistance? If you can afford a gold tooth, drive expensive vehicles, buy expensive packs of cigarettes the only assistance you need is someone to help you get your priorities in order.
This is our money you are throwing away. We put it in but have no say as to how it is spent. You should be proud of yourself. You allow these people to take advantage of the system. You don't care you are also being paid with OUR money.
Do your job weed these cons out of the system. You wouldn't have so many people angry with the system if they actually made you people do your jobs.
Wow. I wish I could reach across the Internet and smack some reason into this person!
That is the problem .... (Entitlement) I can get it for nothing etc He doesn't have health insurance but he can afford luxeries that most of us can't afford ... The more we as a country gives the more entitlement issues will arrise.... Then if you don't get what you want SUE!!!!
"As someone that works for the Dept of Social Services" Glad to see affirmative action is working for you baby. Gots to take care of yo peeps i see.
lmao.. wasn't this just a joke anyway?
Unfortunately, my tax dollars are wasted on these Medicaid leeches. and unfortunately my tax dollars are also wasted on these worthless social workers!
"he took an oath to do everything within his ability to help heal people. If this woman wants to smoke and drink that is her business and I would never ever go to him for my needs, because who is he to judge."
So on the one hand you say he took an oath to "do everything within his ability to help heal people." and on the other, when he attempts to tell people that smoking and drinking are harmful *SUDDENLY* he is judging them.
This attitude, your attitude, is one of the fundamental problems in our society. Shame on you trying to throw this doctor who obviously DOES care under the bus, while you as a medical professional (that's right you aren't a medical professional) are content to JUDGE this doctor and allow individuals to continue in their harmful ways. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! Maybe you should take an oath... to shut up and know your roll.
I don't know who wrote this crock of crap , but it stands to reason the person is employed at social service. I was going to say works for social service , but they don't work , they are parasites of society. The person that wrote this , no question , has a gold tooth and a cadilac , welfare case as well.
Sounds like JR, but the spelling is good.
Nice to see social services is finally doing SOMETHING... not. Come on, are you serious? We learned more information from this person than the doc! And as someone who works in retail and sees the food stamp cards, I'm with him. As a 'generalization', 95% of the people who use them come up with nails, hair, clothes all done up to use their food card... Then turn around and use $400 dollars or shoot, even $200 (for those naysayers) on flat screen tvs, systems and much more (don't believe me, go stand in a line around thanksgiving). Our systems are for those who need it, but most who are on it know how to abuse it & work it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to hear the conversations while you're ringing them up to realize how they got it. Some even pass their card to the 4 buddies of theirs standing behind them to use and I've heard some saying they get the cash assistance just to give to someone else. Oh and did I mention these people also leave the store in most nicer cars than the docs drive? (But I guess all of these people inherited them from a dead relative or something?) It's sad, there is no check and balance. The government doesn't care they're doing it and there are no rules to check up on them. I bet if they had to give you their bank information like some places do (the hospitals) if you request assistance for bills, there would be a lot less of it (would be an interesting statistic to see how many request the paper work and never send it in). It's just disgusting and more disgusting is the one from social services justifying this when they see these type of people all the time working the system right nicely and they patch them right through. They want to talk about the government taking the money anyway, isn't social services part of those who get those funds...hhhhmmm. Maybe it was one of their friends in the ER this weekend and the guilt hit them? Get a grip about HIPAA laws, when the government is done getting control of everything (this is just a start, you should read your bible), nothing you do will be private. They'll be able to scope you in the bathroom.
if you cant beat them, join them
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