Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan, boasting his divine stature, on Sunday predicted trouble ahead for President Barack Obama and urged him to do more to improve the lives of blacks and the downtrodden.
The 76-year-old leader said the "white right" was conspiring to make Obama a one-term president, and pointed to his stalled efforts to introduce health care legislation as proof. He said those opponents and lobbyists were trapping him into a future war with Iran that could lead to mass destruction.
"The word 'prophet' is too cheap a word. I am a light in the midst of darkness," Farrakhan said at the annual convention of the movement that embraces black nationalism. "It ain't ego, it's my love for you."
An estimated 20,000 people attended the heavily guarded Saviours' Day event at the United Center in Chicago. Followers — men dressed in navy uniforms and women in white skirt suits with matching hijabs — cheered on Farrakhan with shouts of "Allahu Akbar," Arabic for "God is great."
Farrakhan spent most of the fiery nearly four-hour speech recounting a 1985 vision he had in Mexico. Farrakhan has often described how he believes he was invited aboard an unidentified flying object he calls "the wheel" where he said he heard the late Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad speak to him.
damn right it's racism!!! but it's OK, becausem well ..... you know!! If I were to say it it would be racism!!
Blacks can't be racist by definition.
At least that's what my black coworkers tell me.
ah, isn't the vast majority of the Rep. party white? Isn't this the group "hoping for Obama failure" and likening him to a muslim hitler terrorist? Or have I missed something over the last 2 years?
please remember that Martin Luther King was a republican and he had a dream for ALL people!!
Did you even pay attention during the Bush/Cheney years!
Hey Louis!Why dont you and your beloved "empty suit"Obama catch the next "wheel" and ride up into space together?Have a pork chop on me on the ride.....What a windbag!
Lock and Load ! come and get it!
Maybe we can get Loius to hold a rally here on the shore !!! :)
Give him a real AMERICAN reception.
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