It turns out, Salisbury News had witnesses there when it happened and still on the scene. Photos will be coming soon.
Station 16 was driving down Riverside Drive, (while kids were waiting for the bus) at a very high rate of speed. NO LIGHTS ON, NO SIREN, this has been confirmed.
The truck was completely loaded with water and they lost control. We're told the truck wrecked in an area kids had just been standing to catch the bus but they had just been picked up and parents are PISSED!
The Fire Truck took out three trees and it has been reported that the driver has admitted to speeding to the Police.
More to come......
Originally Posted at 9:01 AM.
This is messed up. This is a prime example of poor leadership under Rick Hoppes and Dru Bragg. There is no accountability in the City of Salisbury Fire Department. I implore Mayor Ireton to relieve Acting Chief Hoppes of his duties IMMEDIATELY.
Were they on a call or just out joyriding?
Should have kept the one they sold as a spare!!!
Everyone involved needs to lose there job. A piss test isn't good enough. They need to be held accountable and suffer the consequences. Why is anyone speeding with the conditions of the roads and weather conditions. Totally irresponsible.
Mayor Ireton are you paying attention? I agree with 9:08 AM completely.
Considering there were NO LIGHTS and NO SIRENS, they couldn't have been on a call.
all I can say is wow. SBYFD has to change. I have seen them before speeding with out a siren or lights. Ridiculous.
I should add, witnesses who saw the accident stated they were going REALLY fast with no lights or siren on. When they wrecked, one of the witnesses immediately asked the driver, WHY WERE YOU GOING SO FAST!
What should Hoppes be relieved because of this accident? That one doesn't make sense to me.
There are no school kids picked up in that area. at all. they are not picked up for at least a half mile farther down riverside. this accident happened in between siloam road, and campground, in front of the old purple house, and the farm across the street has ponding water in front of it... wonder if they hydro-planed?
Anonymous said...
Were they on a call or just out joyriding?
9:14 AM
Joyriding in Fruitlands fire district?
anonymous 9:27, a fully loaded fire truck with a full tank of water is NOT going to hydro plane, unless they hit a lake!
When are the fire departments going to learn , drive the speed limit. These are our vehicles not yours , we have paid for them and you abuse them. That goes for all fire departments , hebron , mardela,Westside etc..
Anonymous said...
What should Hoppes be relieved because of this accident? That one doesn't make sense to me.
9:25 AM
Damage Control from the Hoppes/Gordo/Bragg clan. LMFAO
Joy this is to important not to keep at the top. Thank you for keeping us abreast on this important information.
Mayor Ireton you finally did the right thing with Chief Webster now do the right thing with Hoppes. It's ok to make a mistake by putting him in that position in the first place. You were only trusting the judgment of the City Administrator. You are only human and you make mistakes like the rest of us now do the right thing.
What's the difference between a fire truck speeding and EVERYONE other citizen, including EVERYONE posting comments, speeding? Should you be fired when you speed to work?
It sounds like it is "Tanker 16" the engine/tanker 1-1 they stole from Station 1 that wrecked. Any idea who was driving and what they were doing in the Fruitland area?
its called Speed Greater than reason in Maryland law. Accidents happen but if the drivers are not experience you cannot over compinsate or they will crash. There is a lot of weight behind that vehicle and center of gravity is off. I do accident investigations and have drove fire trucks.
Until all the facts are out there you cant judge it. It does sound bad, I wonder if it was a new driver.
He was speeding because he had to get to the trailer park to have a few beers and see his other girl friend after her husband left. And then hurry back before anyone missed the truck he wasnt supposed to be driving for booty calls.
why wouldnt it hydroplane? the weight of the vehicle doesnt determine the ability to hydroplane... airplanes can hydroplane on a runway joe. come on man.
All you hypocrites.. How many of you sped to work this morning?
Anonymous said...
There are no school kids picked up in that area. at all. they are not picked up for at least a half mile farther down riverside. this accident happened in between siloam road, and campground, in front of the old purple house, and the farm across the street has ponding water in front of it... wonder if they hydro-planed?
9:27 AM
How do you know there aren't any kids picked up there? Are you on damage control duty as well. The bottom line is they wrecked a large and expensive city vehicle. They were driving unsafe and we are fortunate they didn't hit any poor innocent child along their travel route.
Anonymous said...
What's the difference between a fire truck speeding and EVERYONE other citizen, including EVERYONE posting comments, speeding? Should you be fired when you speed to work?
9:37 AM
More damage control from a FARMIN!!
Where's Jim-Beau?
I'm told they may have been responding as a backup to an accident call the Fruitland Fire Department was already on. This has NOT been confirmed. However, IF they were on a call, their lights and siren would have been on, not the case here. Also, we also learned they may have been there filling up their water tank. Why, I have no clue! None of this makes any sense to me anyway.
It was in Fruitland responding to a reported house fire at around 7:00am. I am assuming it was coming back from that call?
anonymous 9:44, yeah, go ahead and blame the Mayor for this Jonathan. I'm sure it was Mike Lewis' fault too.
I have nothing to do with any of these people. Simply why should the Interim Chief be fired for someone wrecking a truck. Just what was his role in the accident. Think before you speak.
Let me tell you I m sick of the fire people and EMS that feel the need to go a dangerous speed to get to a call or to make the firetruck or ambulance. Driving down Pittsville Gumboro Rd on Mon afternoon a green Mark van with some type of fire tags passed me and 4 other cars in a no passing zone on a dangerous curve by the PNC bank he did have his flashers on but he went around a blind curve in the oncoming lane and put us 4 cars in extreme danger then up to Pittsville Fire House he parked and ran up to the firetruck what an ignorant a**. You see the Fire and Ems volunteers get the highest amount of points when they make it on one of the Emergency vehicles. Its insane the way they drive to and from the firehouses especially in Pittsville nd Parsonsburg.
they were responding to a house fire in Fruitland on riverside dr ext. The house was fully involved and they needed water. Why there were no lights and sirens is the drivers fault if that is true.
anonymous 9:47, yeah, you have no connection to this whatsoever. Please don't piss on our heads and tell us it's raining!
The first thing that exposed you was starting out by saying you have nothing to do with this.
hello anonymous 9:42
lets see... for the last 7 years i have driven that exact stretch of road following behind BUS 81, which is the bus that picks up the kids on this road, and guess what... NO KIDS ARE PICKED UP RIGHT THERE.
good lord. im not a fireman, i dont care to cover anything up for anyone, there is simply no kids in that stretch... there is a farm with some emu's (maybe), that changed hands a couple years ago, and thats all. except for the WILLIAMS family that lives across the street from the farm, in a white house, and the old man who lives in the purple house right there as well.
anonymous 9:48, there's no question there were no lights and no siren on at the time of the accident.
lets not borrow trouble, kids may have been standing there before the accident but they wern't there when it happened-- that point is irrelivant to the story.
I probably sped to work today; but I wasn't on the clock or driving a $100,000 county vehicle with other county employees in it either.
And if I get caught speeding, I get a ticket. You ever see a fire truck or police cruiser get a ticket? Didn't think so.
Did the driver take a breathalizer test?
hello anonymous 9:53am...
its sensationalist journalism at its finest, and to embellish the story, wrong information is used... when joe used this line
"The truck was completely loaded with water and they lost control. We're told the truck wrecked in an area kids had just been standing to catch the bus but they had just been picked up and parents are PISSED!"
he lied. there are no kids there, and no parents to be pissed off. without that detail, its just a speeding wreck, sure it was wrong and the driver should be reprimanded, but adding that detail makes it seem soooo much worse, when it really wasn't the case. thats all. get the story straight, dont embellish with false parts of the story, and the credibility of this blog increases. thats all.
Are you sure you'd get a ticket? More than 50% of traffic stops end in warrnings. Try making a relavent point.
Someone call the sheriff!
was jeremy gordy driving?
anonymous 9:58, Let me ask you this. First of all, were you on the scene and or on the truck when it wrecked?
Next, were you on the other end of my phone when the calls started coming in from angry Parents?
In fact, if you were to contact the FPD and ask them what kind of calls came into them at the time, you'd learn that what they also heard I published.
I do not lie. Just another JT & Co. comment. Probably ticked off because they didn't get the news first. Then again, anything I say or do they'll call a lie.
Now, all that being said, what's important here. A SFD Truck was driving at a high rate of speed in bad weather conditions, no lights, no siren and lost control of the vehicle.
You want to call these people PROFESSIONALS? Professionals don't let this happen. Make all the excuses you want about this, turn it around to be something it is not, that's fine. However, you're not going to call me a liar because we reported exactly what we had been told by witnesses ON THE SCENE.
Anonymous said...
I have nothing to do with any of these people. Simply why should the Interim Chief be fired for someone wrecking a truck. Just what was his role in the accident. Think before you speak.
9:47 AM
DAMAGE CONTROL again. Rick get off the city computer on city time and do something productive for a change. You are what you surround yourself with and that is an example of poor leadership. Does your selection of Dru Bragg as acting deputy chief ring a bell? Two unqualified peas in a pod.
Joe, JT doesn't have witnesses on anything. He just makes things up as he goes along.
This post has been full of speculation though Joe. If you're going to report, gather the facts, verify, then report.
Sincerely, The Boys at The DT
"This post has been full of speculation though Joe. If you're going to report, gather the facts, verify, then report.
Sincerely, The Boys at The DT"
Speculate this DT's. A Fire Truck wrecked because it was driving way too fast.
They did not have their lights or siren on.
They were driving way too fast on Riverside Drive, hello!
Quit making excuses as to why Salisbury News was called first.
Now you go think ALL of these things over and by the way, you're welcome that we delivered yet ANOTHER story for your failing newspaper.
This is crazy. It doesn't matter where they were going, what they were doing or if kids were standing there. What's important here is that this is large and heavy vehicle that has to be driven by someone who is responsible and has good judgement.
I say they were very lucky this time and should be a wake up call to the FD. I agree with others that many lives could have been lost if they were somewhere else or on a different road.
hello anonymous 9:50 AM
Let's see...I don't care how long you were driving that stretch of road following BUS 81. I am not impressed that your little pea brain can remember 2 digits on a BUS. What I do care about is the route taken by the incompetent driver of the fire truck is a route loaded with innocent children. Just because the incompetent driver of the fire truck wrecked in that certain spot and there were no kids present doesn't mean he/she wasn't a careless driver. It is considered reckless driving and God was looking out for someone this time. I am so glad that the idiot didn't wreck and kill a child anywhere along his route. I hope you don't have any children because you obviously don't care about their safety.
dinasaur, I couldn't agree more. Thank God "no one" was hurt.
Ok. You're an official idiot. I'm not who you think I'am but if it makes you feel all warm and cozy, then pull your teddy bear close and suck your thumb. Two posts and still my question has not been answered. I asked as a citizen and I'm not from the klan that you insist I'm with. If you're so filled with resentment towards these people then fine, but your "damage control" theory is about as shallow as a mud puddle.
Got any Pics of the scene or the wrecked truck?
If these farmin' were required to have a CDL they would have had a Tanker endorsement "N" on their license and the training required to haul liquids. Just more BS from the city of Salisbury. Someone needs to ask Mayor Pick when they are going to get this fire department under control.
anonymous 10:23, yes, we will deliver them some time today.
Why is everyone so quick to pass judgement on others? I'm guessing no one here has ever made a mistake before? Yes there may be some EMT/FFs out there that "bend the rules"...but not all of them do. If you were having a heart attack or your house was on fire...I'm sure you would want them to speed to get there then.
Anonymous said...
This post has been full of speculation though Joe. If you're going to report, gather the facts, verify, then report.
Sincerely, The Boys at The DT
10:10 AM
I don't know if this was sarcasm or not or if it was legitimate, but the DT doesn't even gather facts, verify, then report. This must be a joke.
And...if this is legitimate it proves that the DT is sexist. "Sincerely, The Boys at The DT" WTF!! But then again thanks for reading Sbynews to be your news tipline. Joe saves you lazy bums a lot of time and money doesn't he.
To those of you asking if the rest of us sped to work this morning... the point is we WEREN'T DRIVING A PUBLICLY-OWNED EMERGENCY VEHICLE THAT COSTS TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS!! Sheesh!
Wasn't it obsolete (over 2 years old)?
Anonymous said...
If these farmin' were required to have a CDL they would have had a Tanker endorsement "N" on their license and the training required to haul liquids. Just more BS from the city of Salisbury. Someone needs to ask Mayor Pick when they are going to get this fire department under control.
10:24 AM
It's not a "tanker" it's a fire engine with at 2,000 tank of water. Their sainted fire chief from the past got rid of the 2 tankers the Salisbury Fire Department had.
HAHA this is funny. And 930 comment leave hebron out of this the firefighters there work and do fundraisers to buy the new pieces of equipment. all the equipment in hebron fire was paid for by fundraising and not tax payers money like salisbury.
It makes me so mad when people get on here and act as if they have never done anything wrong or stupid. Was it dumb for the driver of that truck to be speeding in bad weather conditions in city property... YES.
Should we all take some advise from Joe and be thankfull "NO ONE" got hurt... YES.
Should there be an investigation... drug tests and other actions taken... YES
But you same people saying everyone on the truck should be fired... and everything in charge should be fire would be up in arms if the state passed a law saying your kids get taken from you if you get caught speeding with them or smoking with them in the car. I have seen 1000 more vans full of kids fly by me on the bypass then I have heard of fire trucks wrecking.
So please stop this whole "no one cares about the kids" BS.
anonymous 10:28 No one was having a heart attack! This was a Fire Truck, not an ambulance.
I think you should get a copy of their piss test and post the origional copy, so there is proof that it actually got done.
For god sake it was an ACCIDENT, nobody should lose their job. Imagine being the homeowner and getting a phone call that your house was on fire. I am sure you would speed home to find out what is going on. Everyone in their lifetime has sped somewhere when there was an emergency. The firetruck was on its way to a house fire and thats what emergency vehicles do... they speed to emergencies and its not just the fire dept that does it. And for them to have no lights and sirens is the same for the police dept to do the same thing. Thank God no one was hurt (as far as I know) but ACCIDENTS do happen. People do make mistakes, its called BEING HUMAN!
dinosaur I was thinking the same thing about the firefighters that could have gotten injured, but I couldn't force myself to comment on that because I am sick and tired of the better than thou, above the law attitude of those dangerous renegades. I know not everyone should be put in the same category as the bad apples, but until our elected leadership in the County and the City take ownership of the problem there are going to be more wrecks, injuries and fatalities. I am still not over that dangerous fiasco that happened a couple of years ago when that renegade fireman killed that innocent woman in that head on wreck because of unnecessary excessive speed. I am sick and tired of the cover ups.
first off it was a volunteer chief driving. he was returning empty to fill up. he lost control when his wheels went of the road into the soft ground and hit a tree.
Anonymous said...
Wasn't it obsolete (over 2 years old)?
10:31 AM
NO! That was an excuse for Gordo and Hoppes to spend millions of dollars on 5 new fire trucks. Your comment is a joke and you know it.
anonymous 10:35, NO, NO, NO! That Fire Truck was NOT on its way to a house fire. You are wrong.
We have been told directly from the FPD that it was aparently on its way as a back up to an accident in Fruitland. A BACK UP!
The driver was not acting professionally.
After what happened in Hebron a couple of years ago, clearly the SFD isn't listening. Yes, thank God no one was hurt, THIS TIME.
Enough EXAMPLES have been set for Firefighters to finally listen up, especially on a back up call.
This happened in Fruitland for God's Sake. I am no Fire Chief but let me assure you, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at these situations to realize that some, (not all) Firefighters believe they have to race to a call and get there beofre anyone else does.
I have been around Firefighters since I was in Jr. High School and the same mentality holds today and NOTHING has changed.
IF someone was having a heart attack, IF a home was on fire, clearly the Fruitland Fire Department would have been on the scene first. So is it that important that Station 16, all the way over in their new location be the next in line??????
Now, in closing, LOOK AT IT LIKE THIS! Salisbury NEVER got there, did they! Did the house burn down or did the persons in the vehicle get injured? Could several lives have been killed because they were wreckless?
The bottom line is, each and every person on that Fire Truck became completely WORTHLESS because of the wreckless actions of the driver.
Enough said!
Let it all be... NO ONE will get in trouble EVER... your all wasting your time talking about it and typing about it... If it makes you feel better, by all means do it but again I state, NOTHING will happen...
Its bad enough they spent all the money on it, its bad enough they can't even park it in the station house, now they wreck it... I love it!!!
Jesus take the wheel.
The driver wasn't a professional, he was a volunteer. Volunteers are not professionals at all. These issues wouldn't happen if we just got rid if the jolly vollys in this city. They are dangerous and have no right being resposible for anybodys life or property.
When EGO over-rides common sense, your a child.
I believe there was a house fire this morning on Riverside Drive Ext. This road was blocked off when I when to turn on this road at 8:30 this morning. The fire police had it block off. I could see all the lights from fire and rescue equipment in front of the house that appears now to have burned 75%. But that is still NO EXCUSE !!!
Do the city vehicles have Navtrac on them?
Yes, Allen VFD was there. See comments by 11:10.
I live on Riverside Dr and heard all sorts of sirens and emergency vehicles drive past my house in the early hours of the morning. It was still very dark outside, and didn't even look at the clock. From the comments and Joe's post this tanker wrecked around 9 am going to the fire, wouldn't the firemen on the scene know that they were going to need more water. (I'm just asking) I heard a firetruck come from Salisbury very early, and one from fruitland direction after that. I guess we just need to wait until all the "facts" are given before anyone can make judgement. cj
11:40 Smaller Wankers? LOL That's crazy.
Thank goodness no one got hurt and hopefully there is a lesson learned here.
Steve Records
My wife and I were out on for our morning walk when this accident occured. The man looked like he was filling his tank from a fire plug. We watched the accident happen only a couple hundred feet maybe from that fire plug. I am a retired truck driver so watching this I know what happened. It was very obvious to me the driver got over a little to far with all that water weight and couldn't bring it back. Those old trees have been there a long time and not the first time they've been hit. For what its worth the firemen had his flashing lights on all the time. At no time did I see school kids or the fire truck without flashing lights on.
A structure fire (residential or commercial) in Wicomico county comes with a 3 company response. This particular house fire was in Fruitland's (Sta 3) first due. Allen (Sta 15) was second due with Salisbury (Sta 16) being third due. With the new location of Sta 16, their territory did not change. Although Fruitland and Allen are much closer to the incident, that doesn't mean they'll arrive on scene first due to the career staffing of 16. Many times 16 will arrive on scene first in Fruitland's district. So to say Salisbury shouldn't be called for this incident shows that you have no knowledge of the fire service.
No one is perfect and accidents DO happen. These are large trucks and they do get away from you.
Considering the screwed-up conditions of the roads in this Co., its a wonder this dosent happen alot more.
10:50 What makes a professional driver? I have a CDL license and drive fire equipment for a vfd. Do the paid people in Smallsbury have cdl liceses? Paying union dues does not make you a professional.
Anonymous said...
Steve Records
12:24 PM
Not surprised. He is very dangerous.
So if it was SR why was his brother doing the "accident review" for the Salisbury Fire Department? Isn't that a conflict of interest? I guess nothing will ever happen in this incident.
12:23pm Joe P., I seriously dought you were jogging from Fruitland to Silome.
This wouldn't have happened if Station 7 was assisting. We know how to handle these types of situations.
How many here have ever driven a fire truck that sisze ? Have you ever driven down this road in a large truck or car ? How much room is there when cars are approaching you ? I invite each of you to visit the scene today and judge for yourself. When all the false reports and BS is done make your own judgement. Accidents happen to everyone. Nobody is perfect. The retired truck drivers comment earlier said it best.
anonymous 1:06, I do drive a 40+ foot long Motor Coach that is just as wide and just as tall too.
While I would agree they are far more difficult to drive in tight conditions, I have been in many circumstances with construction on the road and have yet to wreck like this.
Mind you, I'm not perfect either and I have done damage going over a slope and bottoming out because of the vehicles length between the wheel base.
Accidents do in fact happen. Witnesses, (all sorts of them) stated many of the vehicles going to the scene were driving irradically, (sp?).
Oh, I should add. The last time I had my Beast out, I pulled away from the camp site with a hookup cord still attached. Things happen.
I've driven fire trucks a many of time. You got to be man enough to handle the truck 1:06
I should add, I do not believe this Fire Truck holds 2,000 gallons of water. It's my understanding it only hold 500 gallons of water. Is this correct?
12:25 you are full of crap. I have over 1 million safe driving miles, accident free, across this country and not once has my rig gotten away from me. Stop making excuses and admit the truth, no one in the SFD has proper training on any of the rigs in the department. You idiots bought a tractor and trailer without anyone qualified to drive it. That explains a lot about the leadership of the city and the fire department.
It doesn't matter how much water. A concrete mixer with a 300 gallon tank on top will turn a truck over in a heartbeat rounding a curve if you are not careful. Baffles in the tanker are helpful. Training and experience is even more helpful.
To Anon 1:06, the answer is yes, I have driven commercial vehicles down Riverside Drive and yes, the road is narrow. The difference between a professional driver and a cowboy is we don't take risks, we pay attention to the road and all around us. It's not a matter of big engine, bigger CB, it's a matter of delivering your load timely, efficiently and unscathed. It is a matter of arriving alive.
Was DOT called in to inspect the truck?
Anonymous said...
Considering the screwed-up conditions of the roads in this Co., its a wonder this dosent happen alot more.
12:34 PM
Anonymous said...
How many here have ever driven a fire truck that sisze ? Have you ever driven down this road in a large truck or car ? How much room is there when cars are approaching you ? I invite each of you to visit the scene today and judge for yourself. When all the false reports and BS is done make your own judgement. Accidents happen to everyone. Nobody is perfect. The retired truck drivers comment earlier said it best.
1:06 PM
I just saw the pictures and the wreck occurred on a perfectly straight road with all the asphalt in place. So you tell me why the rear wheels "slid" off the road in such a short distance. I guarantee you he was giving that engine/tanker hell and WRECKED! You should see how fast this guy backs fire trucks back into the fire house. He is going to get someone killed one of these days.
WCSO and Mike Lewis please do the right thing and give this guy the citations he deserves.
Joe that is the Engine Tanker 1-1 from station 1 and it does hold 2,000 gallons of water. They call it a tanker now instead of an engine so that it can go with one person instead of their self imposed protocol of 3.
Joe, you are not correct on this one. A standard engine carries more than 500 gallons, generally between 500 - 1000 gallons. To be considered a "tanker" means carrying 2000 gallons or more.
poop on SFD, this is ridiculous.
Why does every little thing become a career vs volunteer issue? Salisbury has both well trained and little trained people depending on time in the department both career and volunteer. There are volunteers with more experience than career members and career with more experience than volunteers. Fact of the matter is its one department that need each other. It can’t be all career and it can’t be all volunteer because we can’t do business without each other. I’m proud to be a tick as you call it! Riddle me this Bateman, career staff works every 4th day yet volunteers are on call 24/7-365. Being a volunteer at station 2 I run more calls a month than any other career member of the department with my station being volunteer nights & weekends. I get out of bed several times a night and some nights no sleep at all but you don’t here me bitching like some of the career members because their paid sleep was interrupted. It must be nice getting paid to sleep. Think before you pick on volunteers paid man because we need each other!
Yea yea yea dumb ass volunteer firemen the person out trying help another during a tragic time in their life with the loss of their home. The ignorance I read in some of these comments make me sick. How about the persons home that volunteer firemen was trying to save? Why the ignorant comments against volunteers and firemen in general. It looks to me the driver got over to far hitting the tree that almost touches the road. What do you people want? You want the volunteer fired? So fire him I’m sure he won’t care after reading all this but don’t bitch when you need the volunteer or career fire truck! I’m not a volunteer firemen because I have a medical disability but I do respect what they do for the community. Public servants my ass I would like to know why some of the commenter’s don’t join their local fire department rather than bitch bitch bitch. Wait don’t tell me because you would rather be a coward hiding behind your computer screen making derogatory comments and accusations. Grow up people!
Bill Bates
Salisbury Md
Hey 3:47,
you are a no good tick. The career staff does not need you. If we got rid of all you and just hired 20 more guys it would save this city alot of mistakes and save the city tons of money. How many of these volunteers have equipment but don't show up ever. How many use city vehicles to go to classes. Some will go to station 16, pick up a vehicle then go to station 1 for a class. That's crazy and should nor be tolerated. And it's all just to be seen in a fd vehicle. A tick is a tick is a tick. They are a drain on all resources. And Jeremy Gordy is the worse one of them all. It's to bad local 4246 didn't have the power to get them out. And riddle me this batman. Does the city know that the career staff goes through a written and physical agility test to work there. If they don't pass they don't get hired but a tick can take the test, not pass and still volunteer there. How us that? They weren't smart or strong enough to pass the test but they are still somehow qualified to tick there. All and I mean all the volunteers in the sfd is a joke. A bid you good day...tick
Wait a minute paid maid the career staff are constantly hitting something tearing up stuff. Facts are facts just look at the ambulances for example beat to death. Enough said.
Ticks are a drain on resources humm let me think on this one. We do your job for Free at little to know cost to the city. You get paid to sleep we don't. Should I continue? Do you really want me to make you look bad?
Proud TICK:
I am not going to get into the career/volunteer issue, but will say a few things. In refrence to the ambulances...Yes they are beat up, with over 50,000 calls on the three units since new. Not to many "battle scars" are on them. Yeah a few cosmetic things, but overall not horrible. The worst part of them is the suspensions are shot on them from the city streets.
Now i will also say and not trying to start a war, but the volunteer staff is in no way held to the standards as the career staff. Career member does not meet requirements, they dont get promoted. There are volunteer Asst. Chiefs, that cannot pass the test to become a career firefighter (not officer) and yet they are still promoted to an Asst. Chief because the standards are not equal.
Remember one orginization!! Standards should be the same across the board.
you are a no good tick. The career staff does not need you. If we got rid of all you and just hired 20 more guys it would save this city alot of mistakes and save the city tons of money. How many of these volunteers have equipment but don't show up ever. How many use city vehicles to go to classes. Some will go to station 16, pick up a vehicle then go to station 1 for a class. That's crazy and should nor be tolerated. And it's all just to be seen in a fd vehicle. A tick is a tick is a tick. They are a drain on all resources. And Jeremy Gordy is the worse one of them all. It's to bad local 4246 didn't have the power to get them out. And riddle me this batman. Does the city know that the career staff goes through a written and physical agility test to work there. If they don't pass they don't get hired but a tick can take the test, not pass and still volunteer there. How us that? They weren't smart or strong enough to pass the test but they are still somehow qualified to tick there. All and I mean all the volunteers in the sfd is a joke. A bid you good day...tick
7:20 PM
OMG! Now we have a true idiot “Career” fire person showing their inelegance level. Do you understand how much paid firemen cost our city? Do you understand our city doesn’t have to pay salaries for “volunteer” firemen? You worry about a volunteer taking a car to class and no it’s not across town yet the career staff takes a fire engine to lunch, Wawa to mooch free coffee & smokes several times a day, grocery store. You career firemen are so lazy you can’t even make a pot of coffee and would rather mooch off the local Wawa. Then come 5pm its dinner time the off the one of the 20 recliners in the t.v. room followed by beddy by time in your nice little bunk room. 4246 oh I fear that shoo boy I’m scared. You people better start getting alone and think about your jobs.
Wow proud tick, good come back. Paid maid, very original. I bet it someone asked you what you wanted to be when you grow up you would have said a fireman. But because you are worthless you couldn't make it happen so you are a volunteer instead. Awsome job, way to accomplish something in your life. You wouldn't know the first thing about pride. I love it when I see you wannabes driving around with iaff stickers. It's ok to want to be one of us but here's the breaking news... You are worthless and couldn't put out a fire if your life depended on it. To share a firehouse with you is an insult and a disgrace. But yeah good point that you made proud tick.
Whether it was an accident or not, let's face it, the words volunteer and firemen do not go together, either you're a volunteer, or a fireman... Big difference.
Very true 8:49. And to you 8:33, there is no way a volunteer can make a fireman look bad. Be realistic man there is nothing you can do better than a career man. I think it's funny that you call us lazy but you have never checked one piece of equipment or cleaned one thing in your firehouse. Those are all things real fireman do. Mr mayor, demand a budget that consist of the city cutting all the ticks and hiring 20 guys. I guarantee it saves you money. The proposal was made already you just have to ask.
Bill Bates did you say medical disability or mental disability?
Joe, this volunteer vs. career bashing is really not doing justice to your original post. Please start rejecting the bashing posts so that we can get back to the original issue and get results for the ignorance of a few.
Your friend.
Appears to me that the union people are upset. Funny thing most of them were volunteers before they were paid. Don't try to impress me, most of you are overweight and out of shape. Maybe you neede to go back to the weight room.
I tried to leave this comment on the other blog and I bet he rejects it.
Wow...Joe has over 200 comments and you only have 8. WTF!!
I can understand all the defense posts about this incident, but I know the guy driving and he is a hot dog and a know it all. I am surprised this hasn't happened earlier in his stay at the Salisbury Fire Department. He is nothing but a renegade that always tries to buck the system. SR go away.
joe, we the tax payers need to see the damage tanker. Please have your viewers post any pics of the truck in question. If the driver cannot keep the truck on the road, let someone else drive. The driver still needs to get a ticket for this... Clear day no oncoming traffic lets get real !!!!!!!
I agree with 7:58 AM. The driver needs to get ticketed for the crash because there was no reason for the driver to leave the road. It was obvious negligence on the part of the driver. See the statements by 7:42 AM. The guy should not be driving anything for the city of Salisbury. He is a liability and will ultimately cost the city millions in litigation due to his negligence.
The event that took place yesterday was certainly unfortunate for the Salisbury Fire Department. An accident happened that could have happened to anyone driving a large vehicle. That was an accident, but the childish and ignorant statements regarding Career vs. Volunteers was no accident. Members of this department chose to use this topic and this format to have a free for all against each other. Off base and straying from the topic is an understatement.
The Salisbury Fire Department is a combination system made up of Career and Volunteer members. It is not going to change and it is a good system. There is a place and time for the services of each branch and we need each other. This organization cannot survive without each other, I can assure you. There have always been some sort of issues betwen the two sides which generally work themselves out. I have always felt they were more issues between individuals that just happened to be either Career or Volunteers.
This is a brotherhood that each of you chose to enter into. Like any family there will be disagreements, but they can be worked out. The method that you chose yesterday will never accomplish anything. Slinging mud and name calling here only fuels the fire. If either side were as Professional as they claimed to be these statements would not be seen or heard. Check your egos at the door and work toward a common goal. Be the best you can be and do your Job. Everyone of you know that if a member from either side got in trouble at a fire you would be right there to help each other.
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