The Salisbury Fire Department was alerted to respond and assist Station 3 Fruitland and Station 15 Allen on a reported structure fire this morning at 0708 hours on Riverside Drive Extended. A Tanker response from Salisbury Station 16 was requested by Command to respond to the scene during the incident.
Tanker 16 left the scene to fill the tank at the hydrant on Shad Point Road and return to the scene of the fire. After leaving the hydrant, Tanker 16 traveled a short distance, less than five hundred feet, and the rear wheels slid off of the wet road and dug into the wet ground, striking a tree on the rear passenger side of the vehicle. This was a property damage accident only; no injuries occurred. The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating this incident.
Editors Note: We continue to hear reports from all sorts of residents who live in the area of the accident. One resident recently called and said that he found it very strange that he had just seen the Fire Truck filling up with water, yet it wrecked less than 1/10th of a mile away from the hydrant.
He went on to say that at least 4 Fruitland Fire Department vehicles had traveled past his home before this accident, at least two of them being Fire Trucks. The others may have been chase vehicles. So clearly there was a lot of action going on in Fruitland and people are very confused as to who is driving what.
On a side note, we're told there was only ONE person in this vehicle at the time of the accident. Doesn't protocol require at least three people on the truck at a time? No matter what is said and done here, someone was not paying attention to the road and wrecked.
Tanker trucks, which this was, generally respond driver only or at most with two people.
Scrap her and get a new one, no need to alert the council. Heck its free money remember.
I bet they did'nt send him in for a drug test.
Joe judging from the pictures it looks like the truck was in the soft dirt on the side of the road. Those trees look very close to the road also not leaving much room. In picture #2 it looks like the flashing lights are on to me. Maybe the fire department didn't do anything wrong this time for a change. Was it Gordys kid driving?
Commercial insurance should demand a test.
This is an extremely narrow road with trees right next to the road. With a soft shoulder and that big truck it could happen to anyone. Im scared to drive my car down that stretch it so narrow.
anonymous 12:54, then don't drive.
if it is a 1/10 of a mile from where he filled up the tanker could not be speeding it takes a good mile for them to get up to 50mph. Tankers are slow beasts.
He clearly lost control or wasn't paying attention.
Salisbury should not be responding to Allen calls.
Will Allen be paying for the damage?
anyone can turn on the lights at any time... Funny how a tanker like that wrecked 1/10th of a mile away from where it was supposed to be filling... Secondly maybe they turned them on so someone can see them while they are in the dirt... Then again maybe they turned it on to not get in trouble...
Doesn't matter anyway, no one will be to blame just like the MSP crashes even tho it was 2 within less than a week of each other...
A truck of this size doesn't just "slide off" of a road - wet or dry! If the truck was full of water, it would have even more weight to prevent it from "sliding." It's the common laws of friction to which gravity, weight and surface type all play a role. A vehicle of this weight simply sticks to the road!
From the story, I would suspect that there was some sort of negligent driving involved here. I understand that the fire department has a responsibility to respond quickly, but that response time cannot come at the risk of innocent by-standers, department personel or publically owned apparatus. All too often, I see publically owned vehicles, whether it be fire, police, city owned or county owned vehicles, operated in a wreckless manner. Inexperience and/or legal immunities usually have a large role in these actions and incidents. Our public servants need to be held more accountable for their actions!
Doesn't appear to be a whole lot of space between the mud shoulder and the center line. And it takes a rather long time to get any kind of speed out of a tanker.
Just looking at the evidence, I'd say more than likely this was more circumstance than carelessness.
Call me optimistic if you will.
The ground is wet and it looks like the right side of the truck just got into that wet ground and it sucked him into the trees. Those trees are way to close to that road. Glad no one was hurt.
Does the tanker have baffles in it? The weight of the water shifting would and could send the backend of the truck sliding. It can also provide a very powerful forward motion. This is why ALL emergency personnel should have CDL training and licenses. Just because you can drive a car doesn't mean you can handle anything larger without proper training.
Mayor Pick, when will you learn?
most likely the water load shifted, anyone with real commercial vehicle training would know that. the heavier the vehicle, the less likely it actually is to slide. sounds like inexperience. it would be a good idea to have all drivers take periodic safe driving courses offered by the DOT. wonder how much the paint job will cost us?
Much to do about a minor property damage accident at slow speed. Get over it, accidents happen.
Why would Allen pay for the damage Anon 1:01? The call was in Fruitland's territory. Allen and Salisbury were only assisting.
By what I'm reading, the fire was on Riverside, the truck filled up on Shad Point Rd. Correct.
But did the truck hit the tree on Shad Point Rd, or on Riverside?
nothing will be done about this, is anything ever done about any type of mis conduct in the salisbury city government?
I rest my case! taxpayer bend over, here it comes again!
My God look at all this Damage Control. Let's protect our little precious FARMIN. I bet he was driving just like ole granny and safe as can be.
So it appears from the info and photos that the house fire was in Siloam and the accident occurred on Shad Point Road outside Fruitland's town limits. The fire truck probably returned to Fruitland to refill the tanker at the hydrant and was heading back to the fire.
Anonymous said...
if it is a 1/10 of a mile from where he filled up the tanker could not be speeding it takes a good mile for them to get up to 50mph. Tankers are slow beasts.
12:59 PM
It's not a slow tanker it is an engine tanker that holds only 2,000 of water. More damage control. You know darn well this is one of the fastest engines in the Salisbury Fire Department and that guy is one of the most dangerous drivers in it's history.
After looking at the pics, seems it could have happened to anyone. Narrow road, and the ground is absolutely saturated with all the snow and runoff we've had.
Although I agree with others that this should serve as a warning to all the FD drivers to be careful.
This could be a "no harm/no foul" situation, especially if the driver was not reckless. Sometimes accidents happen without any significant "fault".
There does not seem to be much damage to the vehicle or the tree, and only minor disturbance of the ground.
Suggest that next time you wait to get the full facts first before reporting something like this. I like this blog, but sometimes the posts are not complete or correct.
Accidents happen. What's the big deal? No one was hurt. Let it go.
I love how the Salisbury Fire Department sends out a press release to try to cover this one up since Sbynews.com was all over it. They have never sent press releases out on accidents before because they just try to sweep it under the rug as usual.
1:27 - Agreed.
Why is there this huge cry of asking for a drug test? Is there something I'm missing about the driver or the accident that implies some sort of drug use was involved?
If a hairdresser gives someone a bad hair cut are they asked to submit to a drug test and is there a demand for them to be fired? What if a bank teller gives someone the wrong change? A teacher making a mistake while grading a test?
Grow up people. Fire Department personnel drive a lot of miles in expensive equipment and occasionally accidents happen. You want these people to be perfect drivers yet you whine, moan, and take pictures anytime you see a fire truck going somewhere while not on a call.
Working in a fire department is certainly not a job known for it's high pay. You want these people to be perfect, highly skilled, and better trained, yet you still want to pay them a very mediocre salary. The more you pay for a job, the better trained applicants you will get.
Make up your minds. Either don't cry and complain when you see them out driving and training or expect to see occasional accidents from time to time. You want better applicants and employees then ask for them to be paid more.
how come noone is worried about the nab who lost his house?
Protocol does require three people minimum. The to firefigthers were at the scene of the incident working.
Just get rid of all the tics and none of these issues would happen. They only became "firefighters" to wear a t shirt. There would be less problems in Salisbury if we just got rid of the tics.
Mike said, Why is there this huge cry of asking for a drug test? Is there something I'm missing about the driver or the accident that implies some sort of drug use was involved?
A drug test is mandated by law when involved in an accident. If the driver has nothing to hide what is the problem?
doug wilkerson said...
The ground is wet and it looks like the right side of the truck just got into that wet ground and it sucked him into the trees. Those trees are way to close to that road. Glad no one was hurt.
1:18 PM
No offense dougie but the right side of the truck just doesn't "get into the wet ground and get sucked into the trees." If the trees were to close to the road the county or state would remove them. If the road wasn't wide enough the county or the state would have made it wider. You are more of an idiot than I thought you were.
With the wheels off the road in that pic he's still only a foot off center line. Appears to me that he may have been trying to give an opposing driver room when the wheels caught into the soft shoulder.
it is called an accident for a reason not a "on purpose". Give it a break.
Anonymous said...
I bet they did'nt send him in for a drug test.
12:43 PM
Probably not. It was his brother that was the Assistant Chief on duty and he is also the one that handles the Accident Review Board for the Salisbury Fire Department. Conflict of Interest I might say. The acting chief and acting deputy chief were definitely derelict in their duties allowing this to happen.
I drive this road 4 or 5 times a week and will atest to the fact that there are ruts along the shoulder from the recent severe weather. It's a very narrow roadway
lined with trees. Just stating information not making judgement.
Dear 1:05pm-
Clearly you've never drove a "truck". A semi/fire truck is different then a pick'em up truck. But then again, I don't feel like describing in idiot-proof detail.
2:07 Anytime you want. Fk you. I was giving him the benefit of doubt. Im the one in broad daylight, your the little man hiding, whos the idiot.
2:07 you have no idea what you're talking about. Have you been in that spot on that road? The trees are literally hanging/leaning into the road. There is no shoulder there. Don't believe me, take a ride for yourself. Shad Point Road, Fruitland, see the tracks, can't miss it.
The driver was taken to Main St. Medical Center for the mandatory drug and alcohol testing per standard operating proceedures of SFD.
I used to live down that way, and I can't see how someone who was obeying the speed laws and not driving in a reckless manner could have an accident. I am also trying to figure out what hydrant on Shad Point Rd they are talking about. I used to live on Shad Point, and I don't remember a hydrant.
Drug test LOL. Give me a break. How many people who have MINOR property damge only accidents have to take drug tests????? Answer- none
I think everyone has forgot what the truck was doing out there.They could have been responding to your house,you would want some urgentsy in there driving.Did anyone think they had to get over because they were passing a vehicle.
Those large engine/tankers are very loud from there exaust alot of times people mistake the loud noise for a speeding vehicle.
anonymous 5:00, with all due respect, I spoke to several witnesses who live along Riverside drive and Shad whatever road and believe me, these Fire Trucks were speeding. These are grown adults that know the difference. Stop painting citizens to look stupid.
2:02 - There may be a Salisbury FD policy or a policy instituted by their insurance company but it is certainly not "law". Prove me wrong, quote the statute.
My point was that it is standard for a drug and alcohol screening to be done after an accident like this but I don't understand why so many people are assuming it wouldn't be completed or that if it was it would show some sort of drug abuse.
Joe you really love to run the salisbury fire dept in the ground. Why dont you go up there and participate in some live training. or Are you scared to after all the crap you start or stir on here.
There is extensive training that goes on for driving and other various things. These personnel get the same license that any other individual can get to drive a vehicle of the same weight.
I dont care what you think of me because it is none of my business.
if the road was as dangerous as people are saying in their efforts to excuse the accident, then a driver who is trained in emergency response driving should not have been using excessive speed to start with. bottom line: no matter what the emergency, you are no good to anyone unless you make it there safely. If my house were on fire, I would rather it burn to the ground then see anyone (that means civilians or fire dept personnel) injured in the response. it's only PROPERTY, lives are certainly more important.
why are there no pictures of the right side of the truck ?
Sorry for the language, pissed me off.
This road when it comes off Riverside Dr, is Shad Point Rd, it turns into Mains St. when you enter Fruitland. Fruitland is full of hydrants. I think it is a shame when everyone makes a big deal out of a drivers bad luck who is trying to provide public service. Everyone did the same thing when there were pictures of stuck snow plows. From the driving I have seen around town, many of you wouldn't make it a day if your job meant driving all day around here. And no, I am not in the fire department or associated with it at all. Some of you just need to get a life. To me from the picture, it looks like this truck was heading towards Riverside Dr. Why was the original post putting this truck 5 miles down the road between siloam and campground instead of on Shad Point rd? Sounds like someone didn't know what they were talking about and from reading the posts, I know some of you don't know what you are talking about.
I know time is of the essence when it comes to fires. I would want them there as fast as possible , wouldn't you? Yes I have read all the comments and maybe this truck was not a 1st responder but to me it does not matter.
Anonymous said...
it is called an accident for a reason not a "on purpose". Give it a break.
2:27 PM
It's called negligence and ignorance my friend, not an accident.
Anonymous said...
Joe you really love to run the salisbury fire dept in the ground. Why dont you go up there and participate in some live training. or Are you scared to after all the crap you start or stir on here.
There is extensive training that goes on for driving and other various things. These personnel get the same license that any other individual can get to drive a vehicle of the same weight.
I dont care what you think of me because it is none of my business.
5:42 PM
Joe is not running the Salisbury Fire Department in the ground. He is pointing out the ignorance of certain people and how the department has run amuck. You should embrace Joe for exposing what would normally be swept under the table. Your accusations prove you are just as criminal as the guilty parties.
Amen 5:44 PM
It's time for a county wide fire department with rules and regulations. These people would be held accountable for their dangerous actions.
Anonymous said...
...I think it is a shame when everyone makes a big deal out of a drivers bad luck who is trying to provide public service...
...I am not in the fire department or associated with it at all...
7:42 PM
A drivers bad luck? WTF! So if that idiot hit a child standing next to the tree and killed him whose bad luck would it be then.
The second bullet is always a clue that someone is lying. Yes you are in the fire department and you are doing damage control just like the rest of the FARMIN.
1:00 You said Salisbury shouldn't be responding to Allen calls, but it's SOP for 3 stations to be called for a house fire. Also, the call wasn't in Allen, but Fruitland.
anonymous 10:28, "An" means ONE. Are YOU serious???? Or are you just CLUELESS?
i see not all respectable comments were accepted on this post i believe there was a numbered comment that was ignored that elaborated on some facts
Sorry, no I'm not clueless.This discussion has been about one accident.
I've never seen so much mindless drivel in all my life. Zero first hand facts gathered and a bunch drones going on and on. You people should attempt to get a life.
No need to look for excuses !! Speed and carelessness will usually always result in an accident !!!
I can understand all the defense posts about this incident, but I know the guy driving and he is a hot dog and a know it all. I am surprised this hasn't happened earlier in his stay at the Salisbury Fire Department. He is nothing but a renegade that always tries to buck the system. SR go away.
100% Agree with David Seley. Want of be experts with mindless drivel.
This is your typical lynch mob without waiting for the investigation to be completed.
I'm so happy to be out of law enforcement!
Anon 7:55 AM see 7:41 AM.
Its amazing how many people are so quick to pass judgment while i'm pretty sure most of which have never driven large a vehicle filled with liquid. Under the right conditions, the drive tires can break free and cause a loss of traction regardless or the weight of the vehicle. there's a term called "liquid surge" that doesn't help matters either. As a holder of a class a CDL, i've driven vehicles with weights up to 80,000lbs and they are not in any way exempt from losing traction. Its sad that people let their personal feelings get in the way of logic. thats the problem with most things in this world. everyone runs around using their opinion and making decisions and judgments based own their own agenda. look at the entire situation before you criticize. this could have been much worse. people could have been injured or killed but instead of being happy about that, you choose to point fingers. How many of you are out here risking your lives and well being, pulling yourselves away from your family to try and save someones burning property and or prevent / reduce injury to those involved. The next time one of you call 911 make sure you tell the responding units not to exceed the speed limit. the point is things happen and the only people that know what exactly happened are those who were there. its time to get off your high horses people. society will continue to crumble as long as everyone continues to pull into their own separate bubble of casting judgment. instead of complaining, push for legislation that required the drivers of a tanker to have a CDL with a tanker endorsement. pointing fingers and whining solves nothing. If you have complaints take action, otherwise deal with what you're given. whats the likely hood that this will be posted.....?
Except for the 7:41 a.m. post, those posting today make more sense then any of the previous post.
I drove that engine-tanker for atleast 7 yrs out of station 1, By the way i have a class A - CDL licence with tanker and all endorsements that the state of Maryland issues, that tank holds 2000 gal of water that weighs 8.35 lbs per gal. that is an extra 16,700 lbs. + the weight of the engine, chassis, pump & generator & all the equipment it carries makes it a cumbersome piece to drive, it does have a slow responce time to a sharp swerve, and at 1/10 of a mile could not get over 35 mph at best down hill, on a road with any angle it will pull towards the angle, and soft dirt against the front tires which are super singles like the ones used on tractor trailers will suck it into the turn. also people do not give firetrucks enough room to get by anymore like they did in the late 70s & 80s. i have had people yield the right away by pulling over to the sholder with turn signal and brake lights on and sa soon as i get ready to pass theyswerve right in front of the piece i am driving, Please move oveer and stop and wait till we pass then go on your way. Thank you, weather niglagence was involved or not this may help you understand, hell people wreck cars everyday so what is the big deal, tis called an accident for a reason. i am Chuck
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