Salisbury News received word that the owners of the Old Mall have requested the sale of the 5 acres of land drop down to 4.2 acres, instead of the original 5 acres. We do not know why they have changed their commitment but as most of you know, games are not something new with these owners.
Let the games begin!
I don't want my tax money going to snake oil salesmen from Baltimore.
Let 'em call us hayseeds.
If it smells like pig poop...
Its all about money and politics Joe. You what the the deal is here.
When is Jim-Beau going to make them move those piles of rubble and dirt that have been there for years and mow down the weeds, pick up trash, etc.
I guess Ireton is more interested in enforcing the zoning law against that home owner on North Park Drive.
Pollitt should respond by cutting the price per acre by 50%.
How about calling those Boyz from Baltimore (Natelson and Zalman) and asking them why?
I smell a Bubba in the woodpile!
Name that tune:
Condenmation is funny,
it makes a sticky deal runny!
I say walk away from the deal. Sleep with dogs and you will get fleas.
There is a GOD. Someone needed to save us taxpayers from this deal. It is obvious that the elected people won't. Take our toys and go home now and let those city boys eat that parking lot.
Never forget Rick sent this to the council...and remember those council members who voted for it! Life's not fair..is it? It's called Karma John Cannon, Bill McCain, Sherrie Sample, and David McCloud. Election is right around the corner.
Exactly what I said in my e-mail to the county council before the vote.
Rick and the other "individuals" who voted to purchase are you listening? Drop the deal like a hot potatoe.
The City and County need to codemn the property and take it for nothing. Are they current on their property taxes?
The 4.2 will rest inside of and surrounded by the rest of the original 5.0, thus they can charge a toll to get to the parking lot.
I wonder how much money these people have put into this boondoggle?
they should be given a thank you for getting rid of that eyesore and even putting up with the ridiculous political climate here...
why is everyone's money an issue for small minds?
somebody needs to do a better job auditing and overseeing the Civic Center...
I know of a couple of highly suspicious people associated with that place...a typical gov't entity looking to expand it's purview and gobble up what it can..where do they get off?
I had read somewhere that the Civic Center would be charged if they continued to use the parking lot. Are they charging the tractor trailers that are parked on the St Alban side of the property & why are they parking there?
truth be known, emminent domain should capture this. Or take it as downpayment for the myriad infractions against the "contract."
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