DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, March 29, 2010
Nightly News At 6 PM
Jennifer sent you a message.
Jennifer Wechsler Foxwell March 29, 2010 at 4:25pm
(no subject)
"fyi,,,you fat ugly slob,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you go ahead and keep up the bullshit,,,,,,does it make you feel better to bash my family,,,,,,,,,,oh big man with the big balls,,,,,,,,you sure would never do in my face,,,,,,thats ok dude,,,,ive got dirt on ur family aswell,,,,,,,,,ive have kept my mouth shut,,,out of respect for the two young girls that live with your father,,,,,,,,,still a mystery as to who's children they are anyway,,but needless to say,,,,i do know for a fact that your own father at one time was accused of sexually molesting those two girls and all there friend's that he druged and brought to his home,,,im sure you nor your father want that made public,,,,,,,,so like i said dude,,,,,,,keep it up...."
Watch the video Folks. Jennifer clearly follows Salisbury News and this evening sent the above message to me.
In order to detail things a bit more, allow me to explain a little more than the above Broadcast offers.
My Father adopted two girls when they were infants. His Wife's Son committed suicide and left the two children to be raised in Foster Care. My Father, NOT the biological parent or grandparent adopted them anyway, pulled them from foster care and has raised them ever since they were infants. His Wife died of cancer a few years ago and he has raised these kids on his own. What's the matter Jennifer, can't stand a responsible parent doing something you clearly are NOT capable of doing?
So now you want to defame my Father, claim he's drugging kids and molesting them, I think NOT. Jennifer Foxwell knew from the earlier Post today that I was going to finally expose what her and her nut case Mother have been lying about, so she's out to destroy others by falsely accusing other people in hopes the attention will be on someone other than herself.
Jennifer, let me tell you something everyone else seems to be afraid to say to you. IF you were any kind of decent Mother, your Daughter would still be alive today, God rest her soul. You can bash me, defame me and go on the attack all you want. However, you just remember what the Albero Family has done for you over the years and stop forgetting where you came from.
I have forwarded your message to Sheriff Lewis and Davis Ruark as it is very clear you have made statements to defame others without any evidence or proof. You have claimed someone has "druged" young women. Jennifer, you're a very mentally sick woman who has played the pity card for far too long. The day you'll threaten me and my Family with blackmail in the hopes of scaring us into being quiet is the day we'll admit to being who you say we are.
Because we're nothing like you claim we are to others, I have no problem exposing you, your letters, your messages, like calling me the same monster as Thomas Leggs. Thomas Leggs is an alleged murderer. I'll certainly remember our experience with you the next time someone like you is in need of help in the future. What a shame it is that someone like you would spoil it for everyone else. Oh, that's right, all you care about is yourself, I forgot.
Folks, Jennifer Foxwell and her Mother are mental cases. Watch the video and see all my Father did for Jennifer and her 7 children with 5 different Fathers. I heard he spent $12,000.00 in helping you out Jennifer and look how you repay him, with threats and lies. You were on the streets with 7 kids when he came in and saved you. You need some serious help woman.
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WOW!!! Great broadcast and good for you for calling her out like you did!!
this entire situation is making me sick to my stomach. god bless all of you involved
This SICK and mentally deranged biotch it just a puppy mill. She needs serious HELP!!!
Amen Joe - this is a damn shame but alot of times it's how it seems to work out.
Jennifer you are the biggest lier and Slut in Salisbury, I know Frank and have known him for years and he will do anyhthing for anyone and for you to bash him like thats is just showing how low you are, You call your self a mother you couldnt be a mother to a litter of puppies. You Better leave Frank and his family alone.
Great job Joe! Way to put her in her place. She needs to crawl back in the hole she came out of.
You are worse than Leggs you piece of shit.
It's a darn shame what happened to little Sarah and Leggs will get his just due. But you're right on the money about this "mother"! Just because you're capable of giving birth certainly doesn't mean you should bring an innocent child into this world without the willingness to take care of them.
Thanks for having the patience to keep up this blog and to put up with people who are just plain trash. Yes, you are right had she been a true mother that child might have never gotten into that hands of that monster!
Why is she using the Foxwell name now? I thought she was remarried?? It is just for attention!! That whore!
Hey Joe , Where is she at now tell her to bring it on we are all ready for , whats wrong is she lost for workds Im sure she watched your show , Bring it on Jennifer we are all waiting for you.
What an awful family SARAH FOXWELL was born into. Social Services needs to step in and remove the rest of the kids now
Joe, I've told a number of people, that when this trial starts, there is going to be a lot of embarrassment for the Foxwell family. Just a few questions like why were Sarah and her sister in the custody of her Aunt, not their biological parents or their grandparents? Also, how did Leggs waltz in and take Sarah out with the grandfather supposedly on the premises and "taking care" of the girls? As a side note, S.J. Disharoon is a great guy. I usually only seem him in my shop once a year, and we talk business and the local economy and wish each other well in the coming year. Salisbury needs more business owners like S.J. and not like some others that get mentioned here time and time and time and time again. (Hint,hint).
why are we still discussing this over 2 months later? and to be honest Joe, you have no right to call around and try and take care of all the bills without first consulting and talking with family. Nice and honorable? Yes it is. But also sounds like everyone would hear about it for quite sometime if you actualy did so. And the fact that all the comments before mine are all in your favor leads me to believe you arent accepting any comments different then that.
As someone who could never have children it saddens me that this Mom after such a loss cannot embrace the love and support that she has received from people and wrap it around her family and go forward as a loving ,strong individual. Life can be so short!!!!
sorry, but i gotta ask....how in the **bleep*** did Mr. Albero (Joe's dad) meet up with this crazy **bleep** to even take her and her kids in????? inquiring minds wanna know...
What you said to Jennifer is the painful truth, but this post is not helping Sarah's memory. She is dead and one day her mother will have to explain to God why she didn't take care of her children. But why was this post necessary?
Her and the family are just mad because you made it where they couldn't get to the money.
well said
you might not even let this post but i have to say it anyway, you are scum as far as im concerned, see jennifer and her as you call it mental mother are my sister and mother and no im not amy, im the oldest sister and i have been reading all the shit that you say about my family and i have kept my mouth shut for far to long, and we haven't even gotten to the SOB's Trial yet why can't you just leave well enough alone, ya know i dont live in Salisbury but i was at the funeral for my sweet and beautiful niece and i was there when your father was turned away and it wasn't for who he was it was because it was a private and personal funeral for the family and close friends he wasnt on the list so there for he wasnt aloud in, get over it and move on let our family grieve in piece you and your dumb ass followers must really have nothing better to do,, its sick, we should start our own blog and give you a taste of your own medicine and start bashing the people in your life, your are scum
NO ONE WANTS YOUR MONEY. That is the message that everyone sent. Your a dirty cruel self centered person and your what is wrong with our society.
When I retire, I don't want to just move to some island somewhere. I want to be the guy who gives it all back. I want it to be like, 'Hey... who donated that hospital wing that's saving so many lives?' 'I don't know. It was anonymous.' 'Well, guess what. It was Joe Albero.' 'But how do you know? It was anonymous.' [pause] 'Because I'm him.'
As far as anyone in their right mind can see they may not be mental but sure are good at manipulating others (watch the news). Joe has every right to bring this forward because as it seems, your dear sister is doing quite a good job bashing Joe behind the scenes. If she was smart and knew anything about Joe, when he's had enough, that's it. What is sad is yes it's 2 months past this little girl passing, but what is sadder is Jennifer takes and takes and takes and everyone is fed up with it. I follow this story from all sides and it's sad to see that someone who has been taken in by this family and cared for when there is no relationship whatsoever seems like they should be thanked, not harassed or bashed. And as for turning away Frank, I think with him taking care of your sister the way he did (And none of your so called caring family did. Where was all this family love we are now seeing since there is money involved?) should have been allowed at the funeral. If that wasn't a close friend, what does your family call that type of person who takes in a woman and 7 kids to raise? An anonymous donor? I guess it's not so anonymous now since Joe exposed it. But I guess that's how your family works so well if they can keep things behind closed doors. And starting your own blog probably wouldn't be a good idea either seeing as your family would have all of your 'own medicine' in writing. That means everyone would really be able to see the lies and deception. You know what, give it a whirl. I'd love to read it and be able to see the truth from your side since everyone is so wrong.
i agree with 7:38, joe you tried to do something honorable for these people, it didnt work so get over it, you should know you cant reconcile with some people...it has been 2 months bringing up this dirt only leads to more ugly truths about an ugly time in salisburys past we shouldn't let sarah's death haunt us let her R.I.P
anon 7:00, I lost a child unexpectedly. I was not prepared to bury my child mentally, emotionally, or financially. I turned everywhere trying to find people willing to help me with the expenses. Unfortunately I did not have a person as honorable as Mr. Albero to offer to assist in paying for the expenses. He doesn't have to ask to donate money, it is a very giving spirit that offers help when it is needed without wanting acknowledgement for doing so. If Jennifer would shut her big mouth instead of threatening people Joe would have never brought up that he offered to pay the expenses.
anon 7:46.. I lost a child and not one time did I go on TV with fake tears and half wit replies to questions. Jennifer is scum. Period. If anyone attempts to profit from their childs death... no let's be specific here, murder, they are pieces of crap.
If you support your sister in her feat to swindle money from innocent caring people, you are no better than she is! The absolute only persons in the entire situation that deserve sympathy is Sarah and her siblings that were born into such a dysfunctional self centered bunch of rejects.
You should all be fixed and any remaining children in the care of such hidious people should be taken and placed somewhere they may gain knowledge in accountability and self respect.
To the oldest sister 7:46 pm
You are beautiful!!! NOT!!!
When was the last time you were in Salisbury? When was the last time you saw Sarah? If you start your own blog, no one will read it, because we already have a magazine on the racks, called the National Enquirer!!! (no, one I know reads that garbage, myself included)) You calling Joe Albero and his family scum (isn't that calling the kettle black) take a GOOD look at your sister before you call anyone anything!!!!!! God Bless you Sarah!!!
The Bible says not to let the right hand know what the left is doing. This means that when we give, we aren't suppose to brag about it or let others know. We should do it in private, with only God's knowledge. If we do this, he will reward us over and over. When we brag and tell everyone, all that goodness is lost with God.
Joe please don't allow Jennifer or her psycho mother keep you from helping others. You told me. not long ago, to not give up on my heart driven efforts to better the lives of kids because of a select few...so you can't quit either! There are not many people that I look up to in this world and as simple as it may sound you are one of the handful that I do look up to, don't quit on me!
Times are harder than they have ever been for me personally and damn it I need to know there are still people in this world willing to reach out simply because it is the right thing to do! Don't allow others to dictate who you are in life Joe. You are a good man and one person or family should not have the power to strip that from you.
First I would like to say the efforts of the Dishroons and Holloways funeral home was a kind and wonderful gesture. At this point I would say to all parties, stop the arguing. It's a waste of enegry on both ends (Sorry Joe). All the energy wasted could go to honoring Sarah. To Mardela, the bible also said "let the one who has no sin cast the first stone"...That bible story would come in handy right now.
Joe I dont always agree with everything on here but I do believe your heart is always in the right place...As for you being like Leggs..Thats a cruel comment no matter the conflict at hand.
Anonymous 8:54 I remember you ! You are right but sometimes things have to be said . The truth is sometimes Ugly !
8:49; Ditto. Mr. A. thank you for what you do. Remember, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" I am sorry for what you and yours may have to deal with from someone like that. I to offer my support to you in any way. millie
9:27...you are right! I think Joe should bring to light to injustice the family is doing to everyone, sadly even to themselves.
The truth hurts and that's why the nails are out and words are flying. I believe Joe should put out there, but I also believe Joe is mad and hurt by jennifer and her family. I think he is talking out of anger when he says he will recall them when someone else needs help. Joe seems much bigger than that and I guess I just want to remind him that he is an inspiration in some way to a lot of people.
Whats sad with this situation is that we are all putting in our input when not one of us is involved with either party involved. And guess what? We are arguing with each other and neither party is saying a word. One is trying to move on with their lives after losing a young child and the other is counting hits and comments made. Sorry but thats about the jist of it.
Anon 849..sorry for your loss but the only reason Mr Albero was offering to pay for the funeral expenses is because of the tragic effect it had on the city and sorry to say the passing of his own mother. If it were just an accident that sarah was involved in we wouldnt be going through this. If Joes mom hadnt passed away we wouldnt be dealing with this. The fact that we are sitting here arguing with each other saying 'I'm right You are wrong" is sad enough in itself.
It's sad that there is so much profanity and hate voiced in some of these comments. Rise above the evil
They must really be in a tizzy now that it has been announced that the money donated is going to a scholarship fund at SU. Thank you, to whoever turned that account into a trust account. It keeps it from being laid up on a bar or in some dope dealers hands. I also hope DSS is smart enough to not let those kids be returned to Jennifer Foxwell, she didn't want them before Sarah was murdered why give them back to her now.
Joe, I know every word you spoke is truth concerning the funeral expenses and I know how you tried to remain anonymous, until now.
Thanks, Joe, for all you do.
10:15...One side is trying to cover up and one side trying to expose the truth. I'm counting every comment and hit as well for all the other children living in the same turmoil and chaos.
10:15 I respect your opinion and to an extent I think you are right. However, any time there is a horrific tragedy such as those surrounding Sarahs abuduction and murder, most communities to form some type of bond no matter how big or small. Most times those who are touched by the event want to do something to offer assistance. Joe had the means to step forward and offer the funds to give Sarah a respectable burial. I know I didn't have the means to do it but he did, and he did so anonymously if everyone recalls. I remember the post saying an anonymous philanthropist stepped forward to cover all burial expenses. Joe is now bringing this all to light because select members of the family are attempting to makes false accusations and smear Joe's name. I know if I were in a situation where I tried to help someone and that person slapped me in the face then called the police to say I stole from them I would be spilling the beans too.
Please let's not all lose sight of the FACT Joe was involved in the search for Sarah. He was on the scene, at the press conferences, he was keeping all of us posted on what was happening, when it was happening and where it was happening. He was also able to get the word out when searchers needed supplies..water, food, storage units, etc and within minutes those supplies were being delivered.
I'm sorry I know a lot of people don't follow sbynews as closely as I do, so maybe some are not able to recall the tragedy and the events surrounding it. Joe was there and I cannot even imagine what he lives with every day because he was tied in so closely with the search for Sarah and the discovery of Sarah.
What Joe did was bring a lot of divided people together during a much needed time in hopes of a happy ending. Sarah should still be here, but she is not and for her mother or grandmother or anyone for that matter to bash Joe for trying to help is just plain wrong.
It is a shame when people must consider what will happen if I try to help. It should be I AM going to help and if people have an issue with that, they apparently need to deal with their own issues. What Joe did is what this country is seriously lacking: compassion, dedication, sincerity, and good old fashion love for people. If he is at fault for that than I guess I am too, because I don't care what others think I care that I have some how improved the life of someone in some way.
ok folks, in all this, remember on thing, look who is not showing up in all this drama and nastiness of jennifer and the grandmother...the aunt that has been taking care of these kids. she, from day one, has stepped back and focused back on the kids and their well being. She has not looked for money, looked for fame, she has focused on the kids. Someone needs to ask jennifer, and she needs to tell the real answer to the question, "when was the last time you saw sarah?" 6 months ring a bell jennifer? sarah's "real" family still needs our love and prayers, they are struggling. As for this woman that gave birth (no where near a mother) she cares about herself and her next drug deal.
How many times are parents going to be able to expose there children to dangerous enviroments over and over, cover things up over and over and when it becomes public knowledge the parents then surround themselves with people who feel sorry for them and believe their lies.
I submitted a post a while back when the story first broke, and I believe my comment did not make the blog. I will reiterate "where were Sarah's parents??". You can't parent, you can't be responsible for a child, if you are sitting in jail. Yeah, Jennifer lost a child, but in the end, how much of it was a result of Jennifer's own decisions???!!
Cases like these always bring out the sentiments, child deaths, molestation, etc. But where are the parents?? That is my first question, always. If we had more parents stepping up, paying attention, taking a little precaution, choosing their kids over the boyfriend/drugs/party life.....
Ah, in a perfect world.
Anon 10:47: She has probably stepped back and refocused because she's soon to be charged. The perp was, after all, a man she supposedly dated casually, but who knew where the spare key to her house was kept??!! GMAFB.
Anon 1046...but your missing one thing. Joe only offered to help with expenses due to the untimely death of his mother. And he said that in the newscast. If it werent for that we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Dont get me wrong. Joe I know was at the scene and press conferences. But he wasnt the only one. There were many people out there doing the same thing. Searching for Sarah. Asking questions. Attending the press conferences. And if you want to get technical Joe should be there being Delmarvas News Leader as some of his old posts read. These other people stand out with only one concern. Find Sarah.
I am not trying to bash Joe in the slightest. But watch the newscast more carefully and read the post below it and something doesnt add up.Like I have said already if Joes mom hadnt have passed away he wouldnt have had the money to do so and if it were a different case there wouldnt be all of this chatter.
anonymous 11:29, with all due respect, you're wrong. Timing wise, you're right. Financially, you're wrong though.
11:29 I did watch carefully. I don't know if Joe losing his mother had anything to do with it. He said he had money that would have been given to his mom to live on for the year, but since she was gone they decided to offer it for Sarah's burial. I am not Joe's financial advisor or accountant so maybe it was the timing that made it possible, or maybe he would have offered to cover the expenses even if his mother had not passed.
It really doesn't matter to me. The fact was he was willing to do it. I know a many of people with the means to help but they never offered, he did that's the difference.
This is a debate that could sway back and forth with no end in sight! So I guess the best solution is just agree to disagree and to respect where the other is coming from.
Above all Sarah was given a respectable burial and a beautiful headstone, Leggs is awaiting trial, with any justice at all none of Jennifer's surviving children will ever be put in harms way, and people have learned from the tragic event.
I await and pray for the day we look back on child molestation and sex offense as a time when our society allowed such hideous and heinous acts and did something about it, just as we look back now on a time when slavery, as hideous and heinous as it was, was allowed...
and the parents allowing these things to happen same two words apply, hideous and heinous...
Joe-I figured as much with the financial part. Just covering my bases. But thank you for being honest in agreeing with the timewise.
Anon 1139. I agree to agree to disagree. lol
Guilt is a powerful thing. I think the grandmother and mother feel guilty about all of this. They have to have someone to attack and looks like Joe is the one getting the brunt from this familly.
Joe, you are a class act. I could go on about Jennifer Foxwell, but no need to, she knows what she is. I do agree that her child would be alive today if she had a parent that cared about her.
Joe is calling things straight regarding Jennifer. Many of us know Jennifer has quite a 'history'. She has made that history herself.
I've been hearing rumors relating directly to the "anonymous donor" since the funeral in Dec so I'm glad you've put the real story out in black and white, and what an awesome man you are for even wanting to pay for it. I have it in my heart to do the same...but no bank account to back it up :) The funeral industry becomes very generous when children are murdered, which is the least they can do. I expected nothing less than for John Holloway, or his supplying companies to donate all items needed for Sarah Foxwell's burial. Lord knows they have enough $$$ and it's great for publicity. All services were donated and she was given a dignified service and burial...the monumnet is BEAUTIFUL and I'm glad to see that baby sister is finally there too. It was great to hear your broadcast and to hear that John Holloway is actually human, somewhere in there. I feel better about him already. So thank you so for telling "the rest of the story"....It's awesome to see the community come together at a time like that. It's such a shame Jennifer can't see it like that. I'm sure her daughter would find the beauty in people joining forces to help-it's too bad her sweet young mind isn't here to explain that to her mother. This tragedy should have changed Jennifer's entire way of life...she should be appreciating EVERYTHING and letting go of all grudges....Look at how Salisbury reached out to her!! Unfortunately some people have a distorted way of thinking. Hopefully she will get it all worked out before "judgemnet day". Anyway, Joe- thank you for your broadcast...and thank you for the Blog, period. I rely on you for stories like this!
Next question, will Jennifer Foxwell be the same kind of grandmother as she is a mother when her oldest daughter gives birth? Is this another child that will end up in the system? Children learn what they live and I'm sure Foxwells children have had quite the education.
Joe, I knew in my heart from the beginning that it was you and Jennifer that were the anonymous donors! As far as Jennifer, what a piece of crap! In her WBOC interview, anyone with any common sense could see that she hadn't seen Sarah lately from her avoiding the issues. I hope that she realizes that a cat is a better mother than she is! If she was the mother that she should be, we wouldn't be talking about this, because Sarah would still be alive. I am so glad that the money is set up in scholarships for the kids and that the family can't touch one red dime! We were out there searching for Sarah on Christmas day and our hearts were broken when we heard that she had been found. As far as Joe's father is concerned, how dare you not let this man into the funeral?! He helped you when you needed help and you treat him like that?! You need some serious help child and so does your mother!
Almost 1,000 views on this Joe. Quite impressive! JT is eating crow right about now.
I had to see what the fat blob said about this. There is a comment from a Greg Hughes about people not using a capital "I". He claims hes onto Joe. I guess he thinks Joe is doing the commenting and not using a capital "I". I had a look around facebook last night and came across a post from Jennifer Foxwell... and guess what..... NO capitla "I" were used. SO GREG....I guess now we know who is posting all the nasty comments. You thought it was Joe and now you have exposed Jennifer Foxwell as the culprit! Thanks BOZO
I used to party and have a good time too. When I found out that I was going to have a baby, I hung up the party hat and put on the Mommy hat. My child took top priority in my life. Sure I wanted to party and have a good time, but being a role model for my child and giving her the best life possible was much more important than partying and having more kids. Put on your "big girl panties" and grow up girl! You have noone to blame for what happened to Sarah but yourself. YOU are a bigger monster than T.J. Leggs! You remind me of Octomom, who tried to get the public's sympathy to make money. It backfired on her and it has backfired on you! We all know what you are and you should be ashamed of yourself!
We all know what kind of mother Jennifer is. What is the point of you (Joe) talking about her. Little Sarah would not want everyone bashing her Mommy. Talking about Sarah's family and pointing the finger is not going to bring this sweet little girl back. Let her rest in peace.
can we move forward starting today?? no matter how disfunctional our parens are we still love them...I am saddened to see Sarah's memory defiled by so many that claim to love her! there is injury and hurt on both sides and yes i would be angry too if after all my family did to help out and i got slapped in return too! but, let us remember that the dysfunctional life that we are brought up in causes us to think that life is normal...a mother losing a child no matter how distant u are to them is still a deep and painful NEVER ending cut! Joe has done so much and that is much to be thankful for...but the followers on here bashing and namecalling isnt helping either...please lets stay focused on the most important thing and that is putting Leggs to death and fixing our Legislature about the predatures....and i will put my name in here cause i am not scared like so many others!! stay true and real to the cause Joe cause in the long run that is what everyone will remember...that goes to all the family and friends too...mudslinging does nothing but cause more injury and loss of focus! Luv u Haley Bug!
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