At approximately 2200 hrs, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office located Teresa Lynn King in Fruitland MD. At this time, no foul play involving her disappearance is suspected.
At this time the Sheriff's Office is investigating the cirumstances around Ms. King's disappearance. We are also cancelling the lookout for her. We appreciate your assistance and the public's help.
First Sergeant Tim Robinson
Good for her and her family! :)
Wonderful news this morning.
Details! No one leaves the house and doesn't tell thier family or work they are taking a vacation from it all. She had to of heard the news of her missing, why didn't she call. Charge her for being selfish.
7:16 Why so grumpy this morning? cj
Lighten up 7:16. There may be circumstances here that we aren't aware of and may not be any of our business.
definetly 7:16 take a chill pill. The woman maybe ill. Lighten up, it's Friday!
752. Well yes it should be our business. This lady went off out of the ordinary, didnt show up for work, family filed a missing person report, had the public looking for this woman, and the day later, she pops up. With all these crimes of murder going on, there should be something against her. This lady has wasted police officers time and tax payers money.
8;15, if the Police charged everyone for wasting their time, nobody would have any money left and everybody would be charged
Annon 8:15 Well Stated! This coming
from previously working in law enforcement. Well said...
sounds to me like she wanted a day to herself, maybe she has a man somewhere! Anyway I thought someone had to be missing at least 24hrs before the police did anything.
This woman comes from a wonderful family and shame on ALL of you for speaking without the facts!!
Welcome Home Teresa...Know this for a fact girl...you are loved by all of your family and friends more than you could ever imagine or know...hang in there cause they are ALL HERE FOR YOU!!! God Speed to you...
I have no doubt that she is loved by all. I think that if you love your family & friends you would let someone know that your taking a day to be alone. Time wasted by Law Enforcement is our tax money.
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