The new American Dream: Work, invest, save a little nest egg, have Pelosi take it and redistribute it because you saved too much!

Windfall Tax on Retirement Income
Adding a tax to your retirement is simply another way of saying to the American people, you're so darn stupid that we're going to keep doing this until we drain every cent from you. That's what the Speaker of the House is saying. Read below.................
Nancy Pelosi wants a Windfall Tax on Retirement Income. In other words tax what you have made by investing toward your retirement. This woman is a nut case! You aren't going to believe this..
Madam speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall Tax on all stock market profits (including Retirement fund, 401K and Mutual Funds! Alas, it is true - all to help the 12 Million Illegal Immigrants and other unemployed Minorities!
This woman is frightening.
She quotes...' We need to work toward the goal of equalizing income, (didn't Marx say something like this?), in our country and at the same time limiting the amount the rich can invest.' (I am not rich, are you?)
When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied:
'We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long way to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as 'Americans'.'
(Read that quote again and again and let it sink in.) 'Lower your retirement, give it to others who have not worked as you have for it'.
This is crazy! I think there needs to be a major overhaul of the welfare system and other such programs that assist the needy. There are so many people that are on assistance, unemployment, etc. that totally take advantage. I'm sick and tired of working hard to provide for my family to support only to see that others who are on unemployment can go out to get their hair and nails done, go tanning, buy top notch steak at the grocery store, etc. I'm not talking about people who are truly in need of these programs, I'm talking about the people who are able to work but don't.
What is this world coming to? Illegals need to be deported! Let Mexican citizens and their government be the ones responsible for raising their standard of living! Sounds like she watched too much Robin Hood as a child! We are in real trouble w/this administration!
Somebody bring me a box of money. Bte,bye bluebird.
Who will pay for her Botox ?
I'm all for impeachment but how do you go about it?
Lets clean up the system.Iam tired of going to the grocery store and seeing people riding in cars better than me spending food stamps.Then there are those getting welfare that need to get a JOB. I have worked for all my life and have earned everything i have , i dont get free health care as a matter of fact mine just went triple in price,{Thanks Obama}and there are lazy ass people getting theirs free. What the hell is up with this???????I can go on an on but you all know what iam talking about...Lets get this crap fixed NOW,.........
it amazes me...we bitch,moan,groan,and complain about the way the Dems do stuff and continue to vote them in. if you vote on her ticket, then this is your fault. not hers. you gave her the power to do shit like this. she is just taking advantage of voter stupidity.
9:30 - I agree 100%. Impose mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients and make them provide proof that they are looking for employment or trying to better themselves in some way (school for example).
If she were impeachable, you'd need to live in California to have anything to do it. However, if Republicans won the House majority, Nancy would be removed from the Speaker position.
This would save a lot of jet fuel.
You people are not getting it ,it's not that she cares for these people it's all about votes !If someone makes you legal ang gives you everything who ate you going to vote for ?
It's no longer what political party you belong to it's us against the government wake up just because they're doing it slowly doesn't mean it's not happening . The road to Hell is paved with good intentions !
We are stuck right now with all this and who knows when this will stop. Maybe in November if all incumbants are voted out of office, we can start over, but it will take awhile. By this time some serious damage will be done. right now, all we can do is suckk it up and hope not to much happens
I can by personal Experience acccount for "From Hence She Came" Mary embraced the "Catholic Social Agenda" from the Notre Dom Sisters, Teachers from the Baltimore Seton Institute >>I on the other hand chose to "Debate" said Nuns and suffered the broken Nose syndrome...but, they didn't break my "Capitalistic" Spirit.
we have this administration because the american voting public are Sheep and are totally stupid they wanted a change and they are going to get it. What pisses me off is democrats put them in office and bitch about what they do. These people in office need to be stopped they are dangerous and before anyone realizes we will have lost all of our freedoms. This healthcare bill is just the start of what this administration is going to do. Next they will want to force the us into being bilingual or who know what other nutjob plans we have in store. just be prepared for more individual freedoms being taken away from you. And if we have to wait til the next election it will be too late. the people need to do something now and marches and elections arent gonna do it.
9:30 With one stroke of the pen NObama eliminated the welfare reform the republicans worked on in the 90's and Clinton signed. Welfare roles are up.
under the mattress is sounding better and better alll the time
Since Nancy and her husband, Paul, are millionaires many times over, I wonder what kind of loophole she'll find to exempt them for the "windfall." She may be an idiot, but she's a crafty one. I used to think the most nefarious woman in public life was Hillary, but Nancy makes Hillary look like Mother Teresa. God help us all!
Hey why do I and others have to pay for ILLEGAL CHILDREN in our School System,they should have to PROVE BOTH are USA Citizens NOT one. ICE should be going through ALL school records and start deporting.
3:32.... the children born here are us citizens regardless of their parents immigration status
I totally agree there NEEDS to be an overhaul of all the government assistance programs.I work in a grocery store so I see it all. People buy all sorts of stuff with an EBT card (food stamps) candy, soft drinks, lobster and yet most of them can't speak of word of English. However, my favorite incident happened just recently, a couple bought lots of high end grocery items, INCLUDING Caviar.Now that was a new one.And unfortunately, because it is a food item - they can do it. What is wrong with this picture???
What an uglllllly woman she is. But oh no, I know of a few liberals who live in California and they think she is the cat's meow! Morans!
It's the time for violence !
1:36 pm,
This is what you want. Women in charge. You got what you voted for. A bunch of women in high places with children and no man to keep them in check.
Everywhere, single women with children working. They get off the welfare and other assistance programs. Get good paying jobs and keep doing what they do at home if they were still on welfare. They go to work. Get pregnant while employed. Sit on cushion chairs. Work until they have their baby. Go on and up to 12 weeks of family leave. Turn around. Do it all over again in 2 years while being employed and getting a real paycheck. They make 30 to 40 thousand or more a year. This is what the American tax payers are paying for.
We have illegal immigrants working at jobs most Americans don't want to do. To stop illegal immigration, Americans need too step up and do the work.
Most men in America are being locked up in prisons every day. This country need to ask themselves, Why and correct the problem.
Resolutions. Single mother with kids stay home and take care of your children. Stop having babies out of wedlock. You guys think it's ok to have babies out of wedlock. If that's the case, it's cheaper to keep them on welfare. You are the ones whose costing this country alot of monies.
The government should "round up" all illegal immigrants and send them all back to their country along with their kids born in this country.
Men. Wake up and be men to yourself, your wife, your kids and the rest of your family.
Just sitting around doing nothing means the rich are getting richer. The poor are living off their dreams. This is not only an illegal immigration issue. This is about a nation who has turn into the New Sodom and Gomorrah. And, now you want to blame President Obama. Everyone should be afraid about now.
every time i read about someone walking into a mcdonalds or their place of employment and cutting loose, Invariably it turns out their life is going down the tubes, just once i wish those individuals would go after the real culprits that are screwing up our country. Maybe then the culprits will think about what they are voting for. when they realize they may pay the ultimate price for screwing us!
Good luck with the impeaching thingy.
She looks like a "Slee-Stack" remember from land of the lost.
Isnt it cool how at Nascar they say the pledge and then sing the anthem. We stand up around here for that. You know what I am, I still stand up.
Clean house in 2010. we will remember who stood up for us and who sold us out!
6:31 I agree with the latter part of your argument but ppplleeaaassee! No man to keep them in check? lol
I think what you mean man that she has to keep in check, therefore, she has more time to use her brain...
raise the standard of living? WTF! All these people have to do is go out and get up off of their lazy asses and apply for a job. Don't say there is no jobs. There are plenty of jobs, you just need to look where they are at. People just need to lower the "standard" of what they think a job is. And all these poor, and immigrants, the poor is sucking the life out of our system now! Living for free! And the immigrants, stay wherever you come from. We have a major problem we are trying to fix, but yall keep getting in the way!
Lincoln , Kennedy I hope Obama is next !
pelosi is a scab on societies azz. i will bet the two dollars i have that she will not give up any of her money she is like ted kennedy and the restof that crowd. she thinks laws are made for other people, not her thanks sjd
I have a sense of humor as well as anyone, however, this is a really bad joke.
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