Rep. Frank Kratovil voted against Obama’s reckless “stimulus:”
“Maryland Rep. Frank Kratovil was one of only 11 Democrats to vote against President Barack Obama's stimulus package. The first-term congressman issued a statement following the vote saying the country is already facing the largest budget deficit and tough choices need to be made about spending taxpayer's money. Kratovil said he was not convinced the package focused enough on the programs most likely to have a short-term economic impact.” (“Md. Democrat joins GOP in vote against stimulus,” Associated Press, 2/2/09)
Then he flip-flopped and voted for it:
“Rep. Frank Kratovil joined Maryland's six other Democratic congressman in voting in favor of the $787 billion stimulus package, which has just been approved by the House of Representatives. The freshman from the Eastern Shore was one of five Democrats who switched sides and voted for the measure after having opposed it last month, when the House first approved it.” (Paul West, “Kratovil Changes Sides, Supports Stimulus Package; Bartlett Only ‘No’ Vote,” Baltimore Sun “Maryland Politics,” 2/13/09)
Kratovil told Pelosi ‘no’ when she asked him to vote for her job-killing energy tax:
“To Democratic opponents and skeptics, Pelosi seemed to be everywhere this week, lobbying for her ‘flagship’ bill - an effort expected to culminate Friday in a vote too close for anyone to guarantee one way or the other…On the floor Thursday, she buttonholed one of the most vulnerable of those marginal members, Rep. Frank Kratovil (D-Md.), who replaced a Republican last year and is a top target of Republican campaign efforts. She spoke forcefully, waving her hands. Kratovil just kept shaking his head no.” (Mike Soraghan, “Tap on the shoulder from Pelosi,” The Hill, 6/26/09)
The next day, he gave in and voted for it:
“Some Eastern Shore farmers are unhappy with Congressman Frank Kratovil for voting for a bill that would regulate greenhouse gas emissions through a cap-and-trade system.” (“Kratovil catches flak for cap-and-trade vote,” Associated Press, 8/4/09)
Kratovil voted against the tax-raising, Medicare-cutting Obama-Pelosi healthcare takeover last November (even though he supports the public option):
“[Kratovil]…is on record supporting the public option for health care—though he voted against the House version of the health care bill in the end…” (Emily Esfahani Smith, “Democrat in Danger,” Weekly Standard, 2/22/10)
Now, he’s considering voting for a revised version:
“Leading liberal lawmakers echoed the call for action. And several of the 39 Democrats who voted against the healthcare legislation in November -- including Reps. Frank Kratovil Jr. of Maryland, Allen Boyd of Florida, Jason Altmire of Pennsylvania and Brian Baird of Washington -- left open the possibility that they might back the Senate healthcare bill coupled with changes along the lines of what Obama proposed this week.” (Noam N. Levey and Janet Hook, “Democrats push forward on healthcare,” Los Angeles Times, 2/27/10)
Notice a pattern? Frank Kratovil can’t be trusted.
On every single one of those votes, the bill changed. It's not like he voted two ways on the exact same bill. This post is dishonest.
Will have to agree with 4:43. I didn't follow the previous 2 votes, but if he likes changes to the proposed health care Bill then I would expect him to vote for it.
But it was ok for Frank to pull this crap on Andy Harris when the bills changed.
No, I think Frankie changed his mind and that's all there is to it.
Is it time for my tanning bed appointment? Are my teeth white enough? Have I told you I was a prosecutor?
Breath mint? Gum?
Franks office said they were pleased to have stood up and voted against healthcare in the last go around. It will be very interesting to see if he still means it, given the new montra from Pelossi, "do it even if it kills you".
I guess if the majority of people that Kratovil represents is in favor of this Bill, he should vote for it. If the people don't want this bill, then he's not representing the wishes of the people if he votes for it or simply feels they aren't smart enough to know what's best for them. Doesn't matter whether anything changed in the Bill or not.
I'd suggest that he's following the wishes of his Party not the People.
I'm done with him !
If he votes with Palosi for the worthless health care bill,thats it for him as far as I'm concerned.Thats no threat,thats a promise.
yes and he changed his mind when his friends / piers got the exemtions he was looking for for the medical associations/ optomitrists and dentists.....They will get their money from this, guarenteed!
6:34 you actually voted for him? boy don't you feel foolish! wonder what lever you pulled for president and senator! Obama Cardin! Oh well hopefully you have learned a very valuable lesson!
Kratovil is a wimp, he'll do whatever Obama and Pelosi want him to do because the democrats bought and paid for him last election. He can't let them down when they need him. He works for the party, not the people that elected him.
He needs to go as does each and every one of our "representatives"!
He will vote for the Obama Care bill. Nancy let him vote no last time but not this time.
Pink Slip time
Throw the Bum OUT!
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