Maryland dramatically expanded its Medivac helicopter program in 1992. To help fund the expansion it created the Maryland Emergency Medical Systems Operation Fund - (MEMSOF)- whereby it imposed a surcharge in motor vehicle registration fees. It was originally $8.00, but has since increased to $13.50 annually. In FY 2003 our legislators added a $2.50 surcharge.
Originally - FY 1993 - the fund reported expenditures of $28 million dollars. By fiscal year 2006 that figure had grown to $58.1 million - (more than doubled). Then again at the end of FY 2006 our legislators added another $7.50 surcharge to moving violations to augment the $13.50 DMV registration fee.
The Maryland State Police Aviation command - (MSPAC) - a component with Maryland's EMS Systems make up the largest portions of the MVA surcharge. Promises made by the lawmakers on the use of the MVA surcharge, is that the Funds would be used for EMS/Trauma "Operational Use", and that you - the taxpayer - would not be billed for medically orientated med-evacs and that Med-Evac Helicopters would be used for those with life-threatening injuries/illnesses. GUESS WHAT - MSPAC has Memoranda of Understanding with private med-evac companies to do MSPAC medically orientated med-evacs and the patient gets the bill for that which he or she is already paying taxes and MVA surcharges.
But that ain't the end of the story folks - because last night I saw where another $7.50 surcharge is being proposed to be tacked onto your traffic citation to fund yet another expansion of the program if House Bill 1389 is enacted.
In 1986 our State had 8 Bell Rangers Helicopters each costing $432,000 each. At last count our State had 12 twin engine American Eurocopters Dauphin AS365N - at 4.75 million dollars each.
If HB 1389 is enacted - how many of you would like to guess what the new number of helicopters will be in the fleet. It's no wonder our tag fees have quadrupled - now you know why.
In my opinion there is no better use for our taxes than to provide this outstanding life-saving service. The medevac program has saved many lives in the past 25 years; I would gladly pay an extra $13.50 or more to upgrade the helicopter fleet and add additional paramedics. Why not raise the toll on the Bay Bridge to $3.00 to meet this need ?
to dinosaur im sorry but the state already takes enough of my hard earned money straight out of my pocket every week. the state does not need 12 helicopters they cannot fly all of them at once now can they.
no wonder the city of salisbury is broke they just follow along with what the state does
Typical out of control spending by government. People like dinosaur must trust the judgement of corrupt politicians. I frankly do not. More is not always better. Cost must be considered in the future at every level.
Really, you should'nt comment on things that you know nothing about.
TIME is of the essence and the State has 8 helo sections placed throughout the state to be able to get to YOU the patient in a timely matter. I have personally used three helo's at one time in a multi-patient situation and its not all that uncommon to use 2 medevacs on a 2 car mvc depending on the sverity of the persons injured....IT is a must have system and many lives are saved because of this system. do you realize that a private medevac service charges $7,000-$10,000 to fly YOU to the hospital and guess what it may not be covered on your insurance....so who gets the bill...."YOU DO" God forbid you ever need this service and have to pay for it yourself...what's better a few extra bucks a year....oe be at the mercy of people who are in the business of making money....
I am all for saving lives, but I have to wonder if we need all of these helicopters. How many fly at once and how many spares would we really need? Of the equipment on the helicopter, how do they decide what's an acceptable price for equipment that MIGHT be used?
The problem with this whole thing - once government gets started, it never stops. And nobody is going to argue over fines for speeding tickets, are they?
In the whole scheme of things, it doesn't seem like a lot spend each year provided they paid for the flight/services. How many people need to pay into the system to cover just one flight? It's got to be at least 1000.
dinosaur if you gladly pay an extra $27.00 then i can keep my money gladly in my pocket
i don't think that you would have anything to say about the service that is provided if you or your family have had to use it. Mine has, and it saved a life... in fact they have saved many lives. Standby - if you are in a mva and require IMMEDIATE attention/surgery we will make sure we call an ambulance and have them drive you a half hour on bumpy roads with the hopes that you get to the hospital on time to be saved. Oh but then again you would probably complain about the bills you receive from the hospital...so better yet, we will just let you lay where you are and hope that you have a miraculous recovery - hey at least it will be free!
Oh and another thing, about the added fee on a traffic citation... how about you just not speed in the first place and then you might not get that citation with all the fees it comes with....oh and then you might also not get in an accident in which case you may need the assistance of the med evac...
this should be handled by private companies, if you need it, it's there, and like always if you use it you pay for it! I am tired of being billed for services I neither want or use! I usually like to get a kiss when I'm getting screwed!
And truthfully maybe there ought to be some type of criteria used before dispatching one of these to a crash scene, like age of victum, how productive are they? what benefit do they offer society? Maybe some aren't worth all that trouble and expense!
I don't know what is so special about Air transportation these days that the Government has to own the equipment and operate it. This is a service that can be outsourced as so many other services can.
Ok first of all they are adding the extra money onto traffic citations. If you don't want to pay this extra fee I would sugguest you not get any traffic citations. The private companies that fly most likely do not see anywhere near the amount of money from the state that the MSP aviation division sees and of course this service as all services cost money and not just a penny or two. This service as was said saves countless lives yearly. With the fee coming from citations at least all of our tourists are helping to foot the bill as well. Everything costs money and the money has to come from somewhere. I do agree that they can't fly 12 helicopters at one time however there has to be spare units for mechanial issues. I am just saying that if you ever needed this service it wouldn't really matter if you where paying an extra 13.50 our an extra 300.00 it will help save your life.
keep feeding a beast and it requires more, more and more. We havw got to get these elected ones out of office and elect people with a good idea on how to spend our tax dollars.
Just more out of control Government.
When will it stop?
Hmmmm....A service that is free for the citizens of Maryland. Actually it is the premiere medevac service on this planet. I would accept nothing less.
I was saved by this service 6 years ago. After I was involved in an accident caused by a speeding driver. So they could tack a $50 service fee on to speeding tickets and I would be more then happy!!!
But I guess, Beezer, you have a problem with the lead foot so you dont want to pay it. Go ahead keep speeding and hit me. I will own you too!!!
No other State in the country operates a medivac system like Maryland.
John Astle - MD legislator - the father of the program - is fighting to try and 'rope-in' the program. You see he didn't envision such run-a-way growth and he is a former helicopter pilot.
And by the way - for the folks who might are in favor of the expanding program - wait to you see the elipticals in the State helicopter hangar - they put the Salisbury Fire Department's gym to shame.
I can tell there are an aweful lot of MSP people posting here.
You can identify these individuals by the AV designation on their state purchased State Police vehicles.
Stay on them Jo. I saw a show where the Coast Guard had just refitted the SAME aircraft from airframe, electronics, to new engines. The military has done that for numerous years. They fly 30-40 old aircraft ie:(huey,& ch47s). Its safe, and after its done, it's like flying a new aircraft.
Anonymous 5:25, How old are you, how old is your mother and father, what do you do for society and what do they do for society? Are you worthy of being saved is your family worthy of being saved. For the type of commment you make probably not!
Reference to 7:53 Posting
You must be a plant because no other person in their right mind would issue a blank check for services that go unchecked.
Their are valid arguments in favor of privatizing the fleet. It is done in the majority of other States.
They will use these helicopters for a hang nail if you let them! $$$$$$ They bill you $4000- 6000 dollars
Having the government run a program will always be more expensive than one run by a private company, period.
This is absolutely - hands down - the best news source I have ever seen in and around our Tri-County area.
The Daily Times cannot provide this type and level of reporting.
Wow - I'm impressed. Keep-up the good work Joe.
How does this have anything to do with Progressivism?
To 9:25 That an Easy one to answer.
Just goes to show how a limited government program swelled so that now the citizenry is now working to sustain the government whereas before it was a fundamental service provided for the people.
That is what progressivism is all about. It's actually role reversal - if you know what I mean.
7:46 AM - You can't compare a State Police helicopter program to a military helicopter program. Do you have any idea how many mechanics and technicians are involved to keep those "like new" aircraft in the air? I worked at helicopter maintainence squadrons for 5 years while in the Marine Corps. There wasn't a helicopter on our flight line that was younger than me. Unfortunately to support a squadron of 12 helicopters you normally would have about 150-200 marines behinds the scenes doing all different types of maintainence, inspections, and quality control. Also, don't think that the parts ordered on a daily basis to keep those birds in the air is even remotely cheap.
Bottom line is that Maryland is known in the Med-Evac community as having one of the best (if not THE best), Med Evac programs in the world. Is it expensive to maintain, yes it is, but what's the old saying, "good things aren't cheap and cheap things aren't good".
It amazes me how much you all take for granted. The MD trauma system has been ranked in the top 5 in the nation for the last 15 yrs (according the Journal of Trauma and the American Medical Association).
Private company's charge $7,000 to $15,000 a flight. So instead of paying $13.00 or $15.00 a year, you would pay $7,000 for a 5 min flight from Pocomoke to PRMC???
There is extensive research that shows that your risk of dying from trauma is substantially decreased when you receive definitative treatment (in the OR, not just getting to a hospital) within 1 hour of your injury. So that is why there are 8 available helicopters at anytime.
The helicopters are also used for search and rescue missions. How come no one complained about the $$ when the helicopter spent most of the day looking for Sarah Foxwell???
I would challenge anyone of you to discuss this topic with Dr. Thomas Scaela, the director of Shock Trauma, I believe he would enlighten you all on a few things!
10:23 and Michael, sounds to me like someone doesn't want to lose their cushy jobs, you guys have over there. By the way what do you guys do day after day sitting there waiting for the call to come in? Seem's you have plenty of time to check out this blog!
Re: 11:53 Post
I have to agree with you. Like you - I also believe that some of these people posting here are on the recipient side of the equation. To just flat out say that any expense is worth justification of maintaining Maryland's med-evac service is shortsighted.
I'm with you brother. I would rather have the money in my own hip pocket because our government has proved time and time again that they are just not good custodians of our hard earned money.
11:53, You once again prove my point about people jumping to conclusions before they have all of the information. You assume that because I have a different opinion than you, that I must work for that particular company. I have NO affiliation with the MSP, or any other EMS or fire company. Just a person who, once again, sees a lot of people complaining and denounce something they have little information about. I am sure that it would be very easy for me to come to your place of business and pick apart your work habits, given the fact that you are on this blog at 11:00 in the afternoon.
If you are ever in a situation where you need the helicopter, you'll be glad that it's there. Marylanders should be proud to have such a benificial service.
I don't question the SERVICE. I question whether it would be more cost effective to outsource delivering the SERVICE. Has anyone in State Government ever had a cost analysis done? I don't understand how having a State employee pilot a State owned aircraft saves more or less lives.
Michael, No where i have ever lived claimed 11 am was in the afternoon! a mind is a terrible thing to waste! stop smoking your government medical marijuana and drinking their kool aid and get off your ass and get a job and then hand your paycheck over to obama and omalley so they can lessen my taxes! thank you very much!
Hey Al in fenwick! now there's an idea! unfortunately omalley would love it, let's see how he can work this to the state's advantage, cause you know they are never going to give back the surcharges. Hmm, something like this I'll bet, we privatize the service but then we put stipulations on when the service can be used and for whom it can be used. and we pocket all the savings! for all you liberals does that sound familiar? Whatever happened to if you want it and use it you pay for it?
1:36, Very Disappointing! I thought you would come back with some substance and try and change my mind, instead you resorted to insults and defamation.
I have a full time job, pay taxes, and have never used any government aid. I also teach at SU on the side. The reason I teach is so that maybe one day, people like you become obsolete and then we will be able have an intelligent discussion instead of just a bunch of ranting and unsubstantiated remarks.
Al in Fenwick, the reason why the trauma system works is because of the communication and interrelationships between the EMS and helicopter personnel, the hospital, and the surgeons. If the helicopter system were privatized, then that piece of the communication would be lost and the patient would suffer.
Michael did you even read the article, the EMS service charges for service, it is not free and on top of that they collect surcharges thru the MVA...this program gets more expensive yet the benefits do not increase. How's that lottery for schools doing? and Social Security? It's the same concept, once the gov't starts collecting they keep increasing the tax/revenues and the entitlement mentality of getting something for "free" sets in.
To my knowledge, the MSPAC does all trauma and emergency medical flights. The Memoranda of Understaing with the private med-evac companies, I believe an dI could be wrong, only applies to inter-hospital transports, something the MSPAC gave up a long time ago. It was my understanding that the MVA surcharge was for EMS/Trauma, which are still done by the MSPAC.
So if you get into a car accident in Pocomoke, the people picking you up and taking you to PRMC or Shock trauma are the MSP. If you are sick with the flu and need to go from PRMC to Johns Hopkins, than a private helicopter company will transport you and you will have to pay them.
I think that is how it works.
michael teaches at su! that explains everything! Lord help the kids you are brainwashing! learn the difference between defamation and libel, vs slander which is what it would be if I told you what i am thinking in person. call it whatever you want bottom line is why do you liberals always think every government program is worthwhile? If I don't want it or use it or need it then why must kool aid drinking obama voters like you insist on my financial participation? How about you pay for it and I'll use it when I need it for free? does that sound familiar to your cause?
7:59, Obviously, I do not teach law and I do not push any political beliefs on my students. I only try to ensure that they think logically and make decisions based on the best available evidence. Also, I am NOT a liberal, I voted for McCain just like many people who read this site. I also am against govt. run programs, epically healthcare. I just think that, as it pertains to this topic, the system works, has helped thousands of people, and we are very fortunate to have it.
So you would rather pay $10,000 for a private helicopter transport than $12 or $15 a year?
The point being that the MD Trauma System WORKS and works very well! It is a shame that you chose politics over common sense. I am not arguing that we need to be more socialism in America, just that, IN THIS PARTICULAR INSTANCE, it is better, FOR PATIENT CARE that the helicopter system not is outsourced to private companies.
Reply to 7:59 Post
This is the reason I keep coming back to this blog, because it is fair, balanced, and unbiased coverage. Believe me, the type of brainwashing espoused by folks like Michael has been going on so long - that they now believe it is reality.
No Michael, See you don't really get it. I am tired of paying for every government program some other person in this country may think is worthwhile. If we follow your arguement to it's LOGICAL conclusion as you state then every program someone else wants would be worthwhile and funded by people like me, whether i agree with it or not! This is what's wrong with the way this country is being run today.
The reason why I think it is logical is because there is research and statistics to prove that the system works. I agree most govt. systems do NOT work, however this one does.
So say we privatize the helicopter system and we go from the top five in the nation to the top twenty in the nation in trauma care...that means more people have DIED from trauma related injuries! People, who live in Maryland, people who you or I may know.
My argument is not for socialism; it is in this situation that the alternative that you purpose is going to directly cost lives not money. More people will die, that is the problem.
You know this is, in part, what is wrong with this country. Nothing is black and white, there is a ton of grey area, and to suggest that EVERY govt. program is wrong and should be abolished is just not right.
I guarantee that the same people who want to keep their $15.00/year, heaven forbid, got into a car accident and was flown to the hospital would be on here complaining that they paid $10,000 for a 10 min. helicopter ride and somehow the state was getting a kick back from it.
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