On February 20, 2010, following the discovery of the remains of Christine Sheddy in Snow Hill, charges were issued against Justin Michael Hadel, age 19, of College Station Texas for 1st Degree Murder, 2nd Degree Murder, 1st Degree Assault, and 2nd Degree Assault. The Application for Statement of Charges in that case, requested by a detective from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office assigned to the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation, states as follows:
On or about November 13, 2007 at 2911 Byrd Road, Pocomoke, Worcester County, Maryland Hadel did kill Christine Marie Sheddy.
Sheddy was reported as a Missing Person [sic] to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office on November 14th 2007. The investigation revealed Sheddy had been staying as a guest at the 2911 Byrd Road, Pocomoke, Maryland address. Justin Michael Hadel-(Hispanic, Male, 11-11-1990) was also a guest at this residence during this time frame. Information developed during the investigation revealed Sheddy was murdered. Witnesses stated Justin Hadel was responsible for the murder of Sheddy and provided investigators with a potential location of her remains.
On Friday, February 19th 2010, investigators searched the location described by witnesses. During the search a clandestine grave was excavated which produced deceased human remains. Clothing found on the deceased human remains were consistent with the clothing Sheddy was reportedly wearing on the day of her disappearance –(11-13-2007).
On Friday, February 19th 2010, the Worcester County Forensic Investigator for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner’s Office-(OCME) responded to the scene and examined the deceased human remains. The Forensic Investigator [sic] advised the deceased human remains would be transported to the OCME’S office [sic] for autopsy.
Based upon these charges, a fugitive warrant was issued which was served upon Hadel on Thursday, February 25 in Texas. Hadel has now waived extradition. On March 9, 2010, Hadel was transported from Texas to the Worcester County Jail.
On March 1, 2010, the OCME confirmed that Christine Sheddy’s death was a homicide.
This case remains under active investigation by members of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation, assisted by the Maryland State Police Homicide Team and Cold Case Unit.
Finally, justice for Christine!
You were right on with this one from the beginning Joe.
I wonder if the other blogs will give you the credit you deserve.
Some kind of way I feel Mikey McD. will try to parlay this into a "positive" for his campaign later this summer - you know - like "I was the one who really solved the case"...LOL. If he knows what's good for his credibility, he will keep his trap shut and fade off into the land of political loosers.
Hopefully they will all get what they deserved. Several people knew and covered it up, until now. I am glad that someone let their conscience guide them. Christine didn't deserve this.
10:27 Where does it say he was an illegal?
Justin Michael Hadel-(Hispanic, Male, 11-11-1990) Illegal? Migrant worker? Oh I'm sorry the MSM now calls them international travelers. When are the liberals ever going to see the light?
Am I missing something? Where does it say he's illegal?
Well I had said in an earlier post that JR Jackson would blame the kid for the murder because he was a juvenile at the time.
no he is an american citizen his mom is a white american he was born in MD
No he's not an illegal. Born and raised in Baltimore City, I believe.
Hadel's cousin is Jackson's girlfriend, Tia.
10:43 You know he will. And he will also say, as he always does, there is no crime in PCity. This happened in the unincorporated part of the city so clearly it has no effect on the city itself.
Wow, a murder committed by a US born citizen. How can that be?
Hey 12:45 you missed the point, it's on top of your head! Better check to see how many non-citizen prisoners your tax money is paying for. I completely understand why someone would ask if he was a citizen or not. We are just sick of illegals.
Tia and Clarence knew exactly what happened in that home that day. No one spoke up until now. I wonder what they would think if it were their daughter that was murdered. Lots of cover up. Make them so uncomfortable that they will have to move or maybe they will confess to the rest of the story.
So very saddened a mother of 2 young children had to die like this and lay in an unknown grave for 2 1/2 years while her kids and family suffered. I hope they get to the bottom of this and anyone having anything at all to do with this, even if it is not telling something they knew gets their just rewards. I do not know this girl or her family, but my heart aches.
All three of these folks Tia, Clarence (JR)whatever his name is and this boy Justin are trash and NOTHING MORE THAN TRASH! They all three are to blame and for some reason I'm thinking JR gave this kid up to cover his own a** in jail in TN! JR your worth as much as Justin...NOTHING! And don't feel like you dodged the ball Tia you've got explaining to do as well!!! You knew that girl was killed in that house that night and you know who did it...I hope they lock up all three of you..you give society a bad name and for that you should be punished!! Bet all three of your mom's are Proud of You as their child what an embarrassment you are to your FAMILY!
It didn't take a rocket scientist to have predicted two years ago that the underaged kid would take the fall for this. No news to folks in southern Worcester County.
Billy & Stephanie Burke, take your BS elsewhere and quit trying to stir the pot here. You can try to hide behind anonymous but as you can see it will not fly. In fact, I know, spend your day trying to get jobs and quit sucking off the taxpayers instead.
Look this up on Blinkoncrime.com complete senario of events and characters surrounding this woman' disappearance/murder
So what if he was hispanic n his mother is white he didnt do it
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