The suspect/alleged shooters are, Brandon Smart and Jordan Purnell.
Both suspects have had warrants served to their addresses, 611 Booth Street and 611 Delaware Ave. Yes, both 611 addresses. There was also one served on Sassafras Drive.
They are saying there is now a third suspect. They are driving a silver Explorer or Mercury Mountaineer, (both the same kind of vehicles). They believe they are headed to the Charles Street neighborhood. Please keep your eyes open as these men are armed and dangerous.
There was CDS involved.
UPDATE: The third suspect is Joseph Terry Wilson. Detectives are at 614 Smith Street. All Police Agencies are looking out for the silver vehicle involved in the shooting.
Any word on the victim I have family in that area
No updates yet.
This is a known hot spot for gang bangers. You can find thugs congregating on the corner of Mayland and Smith and down to Newton any time of day. SFD need to bust this up.
I'v heard one victim shot in the foot, and the other on the side, He's in critical. my cousin knows the family, he graduated from highschool with them. that area is way too bad. innoccent people get shot because of others mistakes.
Joseph is the same one, that got seriously injured in the Pemberton, shooting in the summer!
Living on MD street was hell. Nice house though
Both of the suspects have criminal histories and are total P.O.S. individuals who can't fight a true fight. Cowards...
My friend was leaving Wawa attempting to get home when this happened. She got out of her car to see if she could get through. She was told it was two guys, one 17, and one named Troy (I don't know if they are one in the same) and both were thought to be dead. One laying face down in the street, pictures being taken, etc. This is so scary. What is Salisbury coming to?
Jonathan, let me ask you a serious question.
Do you really think it's normal for a human being who is not welcome somewhere to post 100 to 200 comments a day, knowing they're going to be rejected?
Then trying touse a name called "Joe's Dead Mother" on a regular basis, I mean, that's pretty sick Jon.
Yeah, some could be Billy Burke but the two of you really need some serious help.
Here's how I look at it though Boys. Every time you bring it up it reminds me of Mom and the great memories I had with her. For what it's worth, then I think, I'm sure she's standing close with her maker and they know who's doing what. I'm comforted in knowing while I may not be able to do anything about your comments right now, you'll pay the price down the road.
Knowing where the two of you are headed comforts me to no end.
well said Joe!
Booth St, Delaware Ave, Charles st, Smith st and Newton st, ALL drug infested streets. Criminal activity is always on these streets. 10 bull dozers and a few wrecking balls and 5 dump trucks will solve that whole issue. It is always something going on on these streets. If the crimes didnt happen there, the crimes lead back there.
Bull Dozers won't solve anything!
That's like sayting shutting down the Thrift Travel Inn will stop all prostitution.
8:20 do you remember years ago when the Police Department had a substation there? Didn't help, did it? Talk to many of the students who have the unfortunate luck to rent in the area with NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of how bad and unsafe the area is and they will fill you will horror stories about the vast UNREPORTED crime going on there. Until law abiding citizens can have the "right to carry" nothing will change. All the bullsh-- social problems, criminology programs, and "civil" programs that have been tried since the 1960's have been not only a waste of time but a huge waste of taxpayer expenses.
What do we, as a society, have to loose by trying a radical approach for once? Get serious people - all those feel-good, liberal pampering of these savages has not and will not work.
Give us a level playing field by allowing the right to carry and the problem will take care of itself. All the studies I have read about show in communities where they have the right to carry, crime rates have decreased in a large way. But, hey, its your life at risk for those of you who disagree.
what will help? I've got several weapons and unlimited ammo. How about I just go take care of business!
This area is concentrated with low level rental properties. The blocks From W Carrol St to Ohio Ave and Camden Ave to Waverly Dr are 80% renter occupied homes! There are over 140 rental units in this small area! What happens to a community overwelmed with rentals? Nobody cares-most renters don't care what happens to their homes or communities because they have no vested interests in their community. When things get too bad they can just get up and leave. What do that stand to lose, a $500 security deposit? That's nothing compared to the loss in value on the homes in these crime stricken areas.
Go scope out the property owners in the area. I find it rather interesting that the majority of the property owners in this area are your typical slum lords of Salisbury and Wicomico County. The area is overwelmingly dominated by:
AKB Rentals
East Coast R & R
GNI Properties
L&S Properties
M&L Rentals
REPC (AKA John Cannon)
Weisner Rentals
All of these companies happen to also be major supporters of Gary Comegys & Company. Also look go look at the other crime sticken areas of Salisbury and you'll begin to notice that there is a dominence of rentals in those areas as well. A lot of which are owned by the companies mentioned above! Coincidence? NO!
This confirms the fact that we never got rid of the corrupt politics when we gave Tilghman the boot. This City and County are still run by special interest groups. Our local government will never crack down on rental housing as long as we have Smith, Comegys and Shields taking the majority while representing the interests of these slum lords. And do you really think that John Cannon will want to support legislation that will take money out of his pockets?
Until something is done about rental standards, our communities are going to be rocked with crimes like this! Home values will continue to plumett and our communities will continue to deteriorate. Unfortunately, there are good, responsible land lords out there that don't deserve to be punished so I believe that there needs to be some reward program for those who properly maintain and responsibly rent their properties. The slum lords have made enough money at the cost of of our communities, its time for us to take it back!
I'd also like to mention that, AGAIN, our judiciary system failed! Go look these suspects' names up on the Maryland Judiciary Case Search.
Smart has gotten off easy on CDS possession, CDS distribution, disorderly conduct, robbery, assault, theft, resisting arrest and malicious destruction of property charges. Has only be sentence 20 days of jail time!
Purnell received a slap on the wrist for attempted murder, assault, reckless endangerment, concealed weapon, handgun possession, driving without a license, driving without insurance, CDS distribution, CDS possession, CDS distribution within a school zone and disorderly conduct charges. No jail time, just probation!
Wilson was charged earlier this week been charged with underage possession of a firearm and should have been in jail right now!
If these judges are going to take it this easy on these thugs, I feel as though judges should start being held accountable for the crimes these people commit!
Not to worry Jim is going to walk the street and fix it all, with a bunch of cops beside him. Pay the snitches and set all these dealers up and ship them off to prison. Beat them at their own game.
I agree with Anon 8:59 AM!
I have a carrying permit and most never know that I am armed at all times. If the opportunity presents itself, I will shoot a criminal dead without hesitation! I dare one of these thugs to come up against me! I'm one of the best shots in towns...the first .40 JHP will go in the chest and the second one right in the forehead before he ever even hits the ground. Call the coroner, not the police-I'll save the tax payers money by not having to pay for a trial or another membership to club fed.
If these ghetto pansies want a shooting lesson, I'll show them how it's done! I've got thousands of rounds, I'll show them all!
10:42...do you feel big now? Just asking because you sound really shallow and insecure!
Anon 11:42 AM,
Actually I am very secure and I am very confident. But I must admit that I'm not very big-I'm only 5'10 tipping the scales at 195 lbs.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you are one of those anti-gun nutcases that want to restrict my rights since you CHOOSE not to exercise the right to bare arms. It's ok though, if I'm around when you get mugged or robbed just let me know that you are scared of guns and I'll let you handle it your way. But let me know how it works out for you when you tell you your assailant that you part of the are anti-gun movement. I'm sure that he'll let you go without hurting you...worst case scenario, we'll have one less liberal democrat to worry about.
You sound goofy, 12:06. Thankfully though the generations of today have nothing in common with you and hence your black president. 2012 isn't going to get you back in power and tough talk and threat rhetoric is equally useless as well. Gangbangers are voting nowadays, didn't you know? So are rappers and the youth of America.
Anon 12:35. PM,
Your racist connotations are certainly unappreciated. I never once stated anything that could nor should be considered racist. Just because I mention crime does not indicate that it is committed by black individual. Just because I call somebody a liberal democrat does not insinuate that they are black. And when I refer to a ghetto I am not singling out primarily black communities.
You deem my "tough talk and threat rhetoric" as useless and it is...to you. I responsibly exercise my rights and have the ability to LEGALLY defend myself at any given time with a firearm-I find that very useful. At any given time, I find myself with a full sense of security; can you say the same?
I don't give a damn who is in power, I will not accept having my rights trample on!
that's news?
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