"This looks really really bad and frankly Mike should know better. He can’t just say I am making this one up, or I have an axe to grind.
It is March and Ms. Bridgeman passed away on November 1, 2009, and five months later he still does not have a new Treasurer."
Editors Note: Craig Theobald was appointed Mike McDermott's Treasured in December of 2009, soon after Roseann Mulderig Bridgman passed away in late 20009.
The Burke's, (once again) made a huge deal out of Mike not having a current Treasurer and as always they were completely wrong. Maybe Food Stamps do that to people, I wouldn't know.
well at least they are keeping up with their record of being 100% stupid.
I live in Pocomoke and everyone thinks they are just plain nutzo, crazy lunatics.
The Burke,s have been hanging out with JR and now I think they are as wacked out as He is.
I will make a future prediction that JR will be on food stamps in 12 months.the bank will forclose on his house,that he put up 6 months ago.Then he borrowed again last month. tic tic tic good things come to those that WAIT.
Yep!! No "Ax to grind" there... Just stupidity to exhibit. Sorta says it all, doesn't it?
Craig Theobald, Treasurer
The anti Albero Bloggers do not have two sticks to rub together,They are trash and low lifers that think they can twist the truth.I did not hear or see any of those A holes helping people that were snowed in and unable to get out to doctors visits or to get supplies. these people ,anti albero bloggers are the reason that we have such a high unemployment rate and JR is the last one to join the Ranks of the big lossers.Enjoy poverty JR.
Joe, you really should lay off the Burkes. They are just strange and there is nothing you or I (or anyone) can do about it. Don't waste your time on things you can't change.
How is this news? We knew they were fools...
Once again... they are idiots.
Pay your bills, JR!
Mention their names at the Royal Farm store on the MD/VA line. You want to hear riotious laughter.
Ummmm...who gives a rats rear end about the Burkes? Why is this news?
I just think it is nice that they can get some feedback at a neutral site, since they only allow "friends and known persons to comment on their web page..Sorry burkes , but the truth hurts!
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