Black & Decker Co., - founded in Baltimore, Maryland in 1910 by Duncan Black and Alonzo Decker - finalized its sale to Connecticut based Stanley works this week. This is the factory located on Calvert Street
The Black & Decker/Stanley merger is expected to result in loses of Maryland jobs as the merger seeks to improve earnings.
The Board meeting was held this past friday, March 12 and its meeting location had been shifted from its traditional location in Towson, MD to Virginia.
For more information about the planned merger finalization meetings
How much more decimated can Maryland become!
What an economic mess.
What does that do to the DeWalt brand? Is that now a separate company, or does it go with the sale?
The shame is that MD has a pretty good and well educated workforce. However, the governmental policies towards businesses is so unfriendly, they are chasing all the good business away. They would rather depend on the Fed Govt. for jobs.
Capitalism on the march.
Another O'Malley triumph!!!
But we have even better news, we are going to extend unemployment benefits
As any educated person knows, THAT'S how you help the workers, more unemployment benefits!
You say there are still a few people left that actually want a job? Oh those people are fools! Silly little uneducated rednecks, they are all just misinformed, don't listen to them
Just relax and let your government take care of you, have another hit of government money, as everyone knows, it's better than crack!
And it's all FREE!
Were the progressive democratic party here in Maryland and we only want to help you, we want to get you nice and addicted, so that you and your children can't even escape a coming hurricane without us.
Just sit back, collect that check, and let us do EVERYTHING for you. Rent too high? Here, take this check, no medical care, oh we have JUST the fix for you
Want a baby? Sure we'll pay for it, but remember, keep him poor so he'll stay addicted!
Now, I heard that your rent is too high and that wages are too low, how about we get you some rent subsidy. We don't want wages to rise, that would mean inflation, we can't have that....we really needs more illegals coming in to keep wages down.
Did you hear that we just gave Casa Di Maryland another few million?
That's right, just sit back and stick that needle in your arm, doesn't that feel GGOOOODDDDDDD?
Oh yeah, we have what you need baby! That's the state injecting money into you, that's right baby, makes you feel good doesn't it?
And we have drug pushers everywhere, we are in all levels of government and we just want to help, we just want to make you feel gooooooddddd.
So come on baby, just keep voting Democrat!
That's right, we know what you need!
Thanks O'Malley and all the democrats in Annapolis. Keep raising taxes and this is what you get.
black and decker left easton several years ago for mexico. wake up america, vote with your wallets. if these companies leave america then you shold not buy their products. Hell at least the japs brought some of their manufacturing to america! don't see many other countries doing that!
The manufacturing is not leaving MD. The Towson plant is staying open. Black and Decker makes electric tools and Stanley makes hand tools. The only significant job loss will be administrative and corporate office jobs.
Assuming that every business change is due to regulation laws of Maryland is absurd without any substantiation.
Companies do mergers all the time. Sometimes its due to the company's loss of market share from failed advertising campaigns, poor distribution networks, lost major contracts, decline in product quality, etc. Sometimes its other economic factors, or even due to the success of one company that another company wants to purchase and bring under wing, and does for the right price.
Beezer, I'd like to see some changes in Maryland policies, too. But get real with blaming the state for each and every change we are seeing in business. Back it up with specifics of what Maryland policy made a real contribution to the change, or stop the yelling.
It actually hurts those of us in business with legitimate and specific issues with the state to have Chicken Little scream the Sky Is Falling.
There is no economic problem in Maryland , just ask the simple minded reader from Nanticoke. It's about supply and demand.
Where is the comment from Nanticoke ? Believe me there are very few progressives down here !...lol.
Reference to 1:28
You had better go look yourself in the mirror. If you can't see the 'handwriting on the wall' you must have your head stuck in sand.
Maryland's regulatory environment is suicidal for any prospective business. Look at the Fair Share Health Act the State tried to impose on Walmart. Look at what they did to the Colts franchise. Look at the shear number of industries that have left our area - (Dresser, Crown, Cambells Soup, Chesapeake Bay Plywood, on and on).
You must be one of the politicos that is trying to save face. We'll guess what the above cited stats are the 'real deal'
Now scram!
To 1:14 Post
How much you want to bet they aren't leaving Towson. I'll wager you a full blown meal they'll be out of here within 14 months.
People - just like you - said the same about Dresser. I can remember it vividly when I revealed it to my Foreman at Dresser he said;
'Larry they ain't moving this plant nowhere' They've got to much invested to move it out of here. Just look at how much it would cost them to move the plant'
Well guess what - they moved.
To 1:28
What world did you arrive from?
Sounds like to me it must be from Mars.
I recall H Ross Perot's words to Al Gore in the North American Free Trade Agreement debate in the 90's. "That giant sucking sound you're going to hear is American jobs being sucked out of the U.S. and into Mexico." No truer words have ever been spoken.
7:28, Dresser closed because the idiots making $17 on the Eastern Shore went on strike for more. Now if Stanley decides to downsize then they will close. In this economy, no one is looking to expand or relocate a factory. Besides, in typical MD fashion, they will give them some incentive so they don't even consider leaving.
Consolidation in the tool industry has nothing to so with the state of Maryland.
Black and Decker has been an ailing company now for well over a decade.
anonymous 9:17 must be someone from Kratovill's office.
Reference to 9:17 Posting
Joe . . I think the political plants must think we are a bunch of imbeciles.
The person posting who questions our areas Factory Closing list has to be a political operative. These are facts and we didn't make them up.
Beazer and Joe....no...I lived in Towson for many years and the current administrative assistant to Black and Decker's CEO used to work for me and I stay in touch with her.I am not a "political operative"...just someone who is close to the situation at B&D.
B&D has been looking for a strategic parner for quite some time now and it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the industry and B&D's deteriorating position in that industry.
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