Could this really be happening? Two major snowstorms within seven days in the mid-Atlantic region. Across the northern tier of the country, big winter storms can happen in rapid succession, but that rarely occurs in the mid-Atlantic region.
It's going to this time, though. Later this week, there will be another big snowstorm in northern Virginia, Maryland and Delaware, and this time the heavy snow could migrate up to central Pennsylvania and central New Jersey. So, what is the biggest amount of snow accumulations in this region? How about 8 inches for starters, and there could be much more if everything were to line up perfectly.
This is going to be a widespread snowstorm with its effects being felt in the Midwest and across much of the Great Plains. A band from central Indiana, back across Illinois and northern Missouri could get more than 6 inches of snow from the storm.
In regards to there being two storms on the map shown here, this will be a case in which one hands off to the other. The storm tracking in Tennessee will be the main low which will hand off its energy to secondary storm along the East Coast. Simply a classic situation for snow in all ways.
surrrrrre it will. The weather agencies have a disturbing tendency to call for a "light" snow event of 2-4 inches and ending up with 12-14" like this past weekend OR acting like the mother of all blizzards is heading our way only to have us right on the rain/snow line and basically getting nothing. I don't believe anything they say. Maybe Baltimore will get it this time but we won't. Wait until Thursday and you'll see how it changes. Bring back Jeffrey Donald.
the last storm unexpectedly
ticked to north a bit,
this one is just as likely to nudge south
lets just hope our schools have AC that can handle July weather
As "exciting" (I use this term loosely, I know not everyone likes "extreme" weather) as another snow storm would be, I feel like because they are now calling for it a week in advance we'll only end up with another inch or two. It's the same way I feel about tonight's snow too. When they can see it coming, it normally misses us. :(
I moved here in 1988 and that winter Accomac was hit with a 6" snowfall followed by an 8" the next week. There were also three 80 degree days in January & February that same winter.
Most storms end up moving farther north then expected. I don't see this one coming back south on us.
The point is.. BE READY.
Those who read about it here last week were....
We live on the coast, and the lows interact with the gulf stream. You can never tell for sure what is going to happen.
If you prepare for 12" and get 4, peachy.
We are ready, regardless... been through this too many times.
I'm always ready. I'm not a nutcase that runs to the store for milk, bread and TP. I just make sure that I have bottled water, batteries, candles, and an alternative heat source. My electric goes out even when it's not associated with bad weather. Without electric I can't flush the toilet or turn on the faucet. Gallon bottles of water come in handy.
great, haven't seen a plow yet. can't wait for a couple more inches on the roads for the county to ignore.
OK , i think i figured out this whole city of Salisbury not plowing the streets. The great overseers of our great city looked into the future and have seen this next band of storms heading our way. So in the foresight of this and with all budget cuts they can only afford to pay the plow boys one time to clear our streets so they are waiting till the next one is gone then they will clean us up real nice. That's my story and i'm sticking to it...
" Oh the weather outside is frightful , but the fire is so delightful and since we have no place to go let it snow let it snow let it snow "
State or City may not have cleaned all the roads in Salisbury but I saw four different trucks/snow plows salting the road that goes around the mall right after lunch time today what's up with that, the road around the mall should help get the children back in school and people get to work. What's up with that around the mall and not the highway and back roads
10:17 pm--Commerce, free enterprise, and the American Dream. Where you livin'?
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