According to the statement of charges Bivens had a back pack with just under a Kilo of cocaine, a scale, baggies and $16,000.00 cash. He was in the Mill Pond Village parking lot where he approached two vehicles, dropped the back pack on the ground and walked away. That's when the Task Force made the arrest.
good job. i heard a former cop has connections and tipped off the task force.
when his phone rang, i bet he thought it was boe telling him school were closed tomorrow. lol. good job guys!
It's Mill Pond what do you really expect.
Outstanding. 16 grand to be confiscated, wow.
Way to go Mike Lewis!! We all love you!
That's just under $200,000 at street price.
Great job men and women!! Keep taking that stuff away.
Great job!! Keep on busting the dirt bags.
Sounds like Mill Pond Village is getting a reputation? I thought it was a nice apartment complex.
Annon 1:59 The task force is made up of all branches of the police.
Ronald is going to owe someone a lot of money !!!
this guy gets caught all the time and is back on the street a week later....what else is new?
it was actually up front at the plaza not the apartment complex.. i live here and its a nice place. stuff happens everywhere. not just bc its mill pond lol.
Anon 2:50, the task force is made up of all agencies because Mike Lewis is the sheriff, son.
Didnt we just read something about Bivens a cpl months ago? Who was in the 2 vehicles, dealers or task force? From the contents it dosent sound like he planed to drop his pack. I hate only getting half a story!
A NEW dodge charger is on its way to being purchased for our deps!
AWESOME job, I love our deps ;)
anon 2:50, all agencies in this county march to the beat of the Sheriff Lewis drum, son. Just consider yourself lucky to be a part of it.
do you have any other info on this guy like where he lived or his age cuz i know of a man with the same name and same past history but not sure if its him or not
PLEASE people get a grip? So you say 'Oh it's this or that place, no wonder.' Your so foolish. THINK before you say something stupid. The rent at Mill Pond is on average higher per square footage than the average mortgage on the Eastern Shore. Do you really believe that much powder THAT much value was destined 'on the streets or in the hood' in SBY? Nope not a chance, it was destined to be in your middle and upper class neighborhoods. Do you think the average kid or adult from lower income averages has dough like that to party for fun? You better get real and clean up your backyards, kids and neighbors cuz that's where that dope was going. TO THOSE THAT CAN AFFORD IT! Old saying, Cocaine is God's way of telling a white man you got too much money. That guy's just a peddler for somebody bigger. Know this and pay attention to the youth around you and change a life. So perhaps they don't become consumers. It's a waste of time and intelligence to assume location is the problem in the drug trade.
I also know a guy named ronald bivens but i thought he was locked up for a long time over the same stuff
4:36 maybe he was going to cook her down.
no that piece of sh!t keeps getting away with it
i would like to smell that stuff make sure its real
4:36 Your righ on the $$$ honey.....It's the rich peps in Salisbury that are on that crap, or the people in this town that get $$ each month from mommy/daddy to "live" on!!
Hope he was driving a nice new car too. Maybe one he paid cash for.
Someone needs to learn to do math a bit better. A kilo is 2.2 lbs or 964 grams. At $100 a gram thats $964,000 street value.
if it is all sold by the gram. Do the math if it is stepped on two or three times.
Kilo is 2.2 pounds. 964 grams. 50-80 a gram and usually goes for 15-30k a kilo. Common street knowlege.
im no dealer but i def kno that cocaine is NOT ANYWHERE near $100 a gram. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! More like $40. Kilo is 36 ounces. more like 1008 grams. Either way the scumbag is BUSTED.
9:16 that sounds like a practical math problem our kids should have on a math test! Teaching real life skills for those who choose the wrong career path. LOL!
Way to go task force! Keep up the great work! We've got too much white stuff in Salisbury in more ways than one lately! Mike Lewis is the man if he has a part of these efforts and so is everyone involved! (and thanks to the women offices who may be involved too!)
9:16pm, you don't know your math you Dummy! Kilo = 1008grams, you do the math! 6:36pm you don't know whats actually going on and how much the cops boost stuff up so therefore you shouldn't be calling anybody a piece of crap; your one for call him one! And for everyone who talks about Mike Lewis; he loves Cocaine not only because of his job but for personal use!
A kilo is 1000 grams -- that's what kilo means - kilogram. The prefix means thousand. A kilowatt is a thousand watts, a kilometer is a thousand meters, a kilogram is 1000 grams.
The users all live in Nithsdale start investigating there .
9:16 YOUR math is flawed. A kilogram is 1000 grams. Kilo MEANS 1000. (it really is approx. 2.2046 pounds)
A kilogram is the base unit of mass measurement in the International System of Units.
Also, when you break it down to street value, you have to take the lowest weight most commonly sold and use it's approximate value. Multiply that by the total weight and you get your "street value".
The lowest commonly sold weight is known as the "twenty". It is called this because of the cost which is $20.00. The weight of the "20" is approx. 1/10th of a gram. Now that you have all the numbers, re-do the math and let us know what you come up with.
You may be able to get a gram for $100.00 but when you break it down into pieces to sell on the street, the value is much higher.
Now try to convince the CIA we don't need drugs on our streets.
All that and no gun to protect himself with. Wish I had got to him first. The coke would of went in the toilet and the $16K would pay some bills.
Coke was going for $100 a gram 25 years ago! I would think it would be a lot higher nowadays!
Its not it cost more to smoke pot. 25 yrs ago the coke was brown(escabar) and you could stomp it and it still mades your nose bleed.
It's just a little bit of powder guys and gals...not much...hell, I had more than that in my front yard last week!!!
The dude has priors. You can't get a decent job with a record. He was just doing what he gotta do to get by. Scum bag? I think not. Drugs r everywhere. Get over it or get under it.
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