Bruce hunter and I are heading out very soon to get started on helping people out with the snow. Of course we'll be "covering the news" along the way.
In the mean time, I'm going to ask that you TEXT me if you have an elderly or handicapped person who needs to be cleared out. We will be in the Salisbury area, not Berlin or Sharptown. When the snow blower is working, I cannot hear the phone. Leave a text message and I'll get back to you.
Also, please help your neighbor this weekend with trash pickup. You and I both know the elderly are not going to be able to get their trash to the curb, so please help your neighbor by bringing their cans to the curb this Friday night or Saturday morning.
again joe great job to you and bruce.i was out yesterday to take one of my coworkers home from work,she lives in shoemaker manor,this developement is horrible.i felt like we were climbing dunes of assteague island.most of these people are retired,a plow hasnt been down there at all threw all of this .i know they have alot to do but no one has been there at all.
Hi Joe,
There are a group of ederly in the Moss Hill apartments that need your or anyone elses help to dig out. the manger is not worried about the safey of the 40+ ederly that live on Woodveiw Sq. Thank you for help! It is wonderful to see people like you and Mr Hunter out there making a difference> Be Safe
Hey Joe,
As people are starting to try to travel, I thought I'd let them know..stay off of Rockawalkin. We live right off of Nanticoke on Rockawalkin, and woke up to at least five cars stuck, and even the snow plows are having to reverse back out to Nanticoke because they can't get through. Our doorbell rang twice during the night with people stuck out there. A detour is highly suggested.
Thanks Joe, you da man!
You my friend are a great person inside and out, Time and time again you show your true side by going out in this mess and showing your support by helping out anyone and everyone you can! SBYNEWS always has the updates and the info you need for anything going on around here you stay ontop of your game and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this. God bless you!
Top Notch Entertainment
randy davis and his son zack came out here on old oc rd in parsonsburg and helped about 6 of us get our driveways today thank you randy and zack!
can only hope u have a heart attack and fall sraight down in the snow u old bastard.
I called the Salisbury City public works about trash pickup and they said that pick up was suspended --probably won't be doing the makeup on Saturday for Tuesday pickup--keep checking before you haul it out!!
Thanks Joe and Bruce for digging out my neighbor's driveway and path. She was overwhelmed with gratitude, I think, but really shy.She said to tell you thanks so much! Her husband died a couple of years ago and she's alone.Let's hear for Jersey people...YES WE CAN!
Bless you Mr. Albero. Thank you for clearing our drive & walkway.
Lee & Pat
Wow - I'm knew to this blog and have already realized what a great person you are - Thank you Joe for all you do :-)
I enjoying reading your blog, but it seems EVERYTIME i read the comments someone has something negative to say about you, such as the person at 12:27, so WHY are they reading your blog?? This is a very opionated blog at times, so if they don't like your view of thinking, then they should just quit coming to this blog. You seem to keep it "real" and some people can't accept that i guess. Haters!
Thanks Joe, for all you do.
anonymous 5:41, who else do we ALL know that would use the name, "Tick Tock"? There's only ONE person I personally know with a clock repair business who recently filed a lawsuit against me and has wet dreams about one day being just like Joe Albero. It will never happen. Anyhow, he is who he is and he doesn't have the balls to use his real name whenever he attacks me. Now you people can hopefully understand when I use the word pussy against people like him.
I think JR's got a split personallity. Just the day before yesterday he wanted you to be his friend on Facebook. I can just imagine what that would of been used for. I personally am glad you didn't accept it since he would of most likely tried to send messages to everyone you know.
Once again, Thank you! The dogs can get out back now thanks to you and Bruce.
That comment is in poor taste,considering a local man actually DID die while clearing snow.Its crude and not funny.
Tick Tock 12:27 is an a$$! No one should wish bad things on another person; let alone someone who is helping the elderly and neighbors. Get the heck off this website.....we all know who you are! slf
JR, hope typing that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. To think people allow you near their children when you can say something like that to someone who has gone out of his way to help others, including myself. Did you go out and try to help anyone. If you claim you did, where's the proof? I haven't read anywhere where someone has bragged about having you do a thing for them. You only help if it helps you. You've always been that way. Your biggest problem isn't what Joe did or didn't do. Your problem is how jealous you are of anyone who's getting more attention than yourself. Even people who think differently came together this week for local fire departments. I don't always think the way Joe thinks. Hell, I have friends who can't stand him because of the blog. My friends know I pick those people in my life not by looks, money, etc. I pick people by whats deep inside. I hope when the day comes when I'm no longer here that each one of them will be able to say the same about me. I'm nothing to look at, I'm poor but I will do whatever I can to help others. It's the mark you leave behind that's your true reward in life. JR, you need to work on how you want all of us to remember you as. Right now I think of you as an ass. I've known you since you were little. You were a spoiled brat. Now your a spoiled ass.
Yes, my grammer isn't perfect but thats because you made me mad, again!
JR is an embarrassment to his late father, anyone(?) that considers him a friend and should be to his family. This fat dump is always telling tales about his many charitable donations and scholarship funds to Wi-Hi (done by his father), yet he wishes ill will to you, Joe, because you are doing something good for others, asking nothing in return. You know he's dying for any attention he can get by the comments he makes. Surely he'll get all righteous and say it wasn't him but the truth is he's the little boy who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar again. For the record I spotted that "tick-tock" connection right away. JR fools no one.
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