Today's public hearing on Rick Pollitt's desire to use a Maryland state grant to purchase a parking lot for the Civic Center was held. More details of this proposal are available here.
It's a shame this public hearing was held on a work day and snow day for children, when many tax payers were unable to attend the WCC meeting. As a result, the majority of folks who attended and spoke out were not the tax base, but special interests advocating for this outrageous expenditure.
County executive; Rick Pollitt made his case in his favorite Pollitt friendly media venue, The Daily Times Sunday, claiming the money used for the Open Spaces funds are not our tax dollars. "No, it is not. Not unless you bought or sold property in an agriculture district recently." he said. Well Mr. Pollitt, that is not entirely true. At least according to John Cannon. The transfer taxes you speak of that fund the "Open Space" grants go into the general fund before they are reallocated to various grants, so while transfer stamps make up some of the funding, the truth is the funding comes out of the general fund. Bottom line is this is absolutely OUR TAX MONEY.
According to Joe Albero; he met with Rick Pollitt after he won the county executive seat and they discussed the "old mall" parking lot and Rick's desire to acquire it for the Civic Center parking. Rick promised Joe; "I promise you the county will never pay a dime for that property." Joe asked how that was possible. Pollitt responded that the county would barter it for another piece of county owned land or some other option but the "county tax payer" will never pay a dime for it. Pollitt seems to be confused now as to where state grant funding comes from.
Certainly there is a case for needing more parking space at the Civic Center. The question really is at what and whose cost? This issue has been around for years and it is my understanding that the City of Salisbury dithered around with it for so long that they lost the original deal which would have offered the first 5 acres for free. Whether that was a good deal or not, is irrelevant now. The point is this has been a discussion for many years and all other options have seemly been dismissed.
While the majority who spoke out today are having their palms greased by the Civic Center in some way, most fiscal conservatives question over paying for such a property during an economic crisis, for a facility that is a tax drain on the county. Certainly with all the land that the county owns; including the Wicomico County owned stadium across the street, The Wicomico High School down the block, the currently un-utilized space and would-be parking area on the Civic Center's current property, the Shore Birds stadium, the old Bennett grounds, all the property Salisbury University has taken over, I mean acquired, as well as other countless county property expansions, there ARE other alternative, not withstanding fee base parking. Sadly they seem to be ignored.
Instead, we as tax payers, in a state with a 2 billion dollar shortfall, are being forced to take this "free money" from the state, instead of demanding that the state use it to balance their budget. "Use it or loose it" is the mantra. and that my friends is the basis of the problems and our fiscal woes. If local municipalities would just start to refuse state and federal "free" stimulus money we could dig ourselves our of this economic mess but the excuse we keep hearing over and over again is, if "we don't use it somebody else will". Well, my advise to the Council Council is to grow some gonads and start being the example of how to be good stewards of our money or find yourself unelected next election.
The other prevalent argument was "we have to spend money to make money" Oh yea? Borrowed money you mean? That will get you bankrupt pretty quickly. Additionally, you have never made money, why should we trust you now? We heard this same sort of thing from the Obama administration when he pushed for the stimulus funds and continue to raise the debt ceiling. "We need to spend our way out of this economic down turn." is the sentiment. How's that working out for you?
The message I heard from many of the special interests today was "We know what's good for you and you don't", followed by an invitation to meet with them so we could "understand" properly why this broken down structure would finally, after decades, make a profit if only they had a $300,000 plus per acre parking lot. A price tag that most agree is well above market price by probably two-fold. Added to this is; the 1.5 million dollar price tag is only the purchase cost. There is the removal of the current asphalt, the cost of the run off issue, at least another 1.5 million to pave it, then there is the little decorative islands and trees, the lighting, the maintenance and the security that will surely be needed, let a lone crossing guards. Where is this money going to come from? You and I. The claim that putting in this parking space will be a revenue maker is pretty well snuffed out in light of a balance sheet revealing all the costs.
Unfortunately, the tax payer footing this bill didn't have much of a voice today. However, there are plenty of people that oppose it.
It's a shame this public hearing was held on a work day and snow day for children, when many tax payers were unable to attend the WCC meeting. As a result, the majority of folks who attended and spoke out were not the tax base, but special interests advocating for this outrageous expenditure.
County executive; Rick Pollitt made his case in his favorite Pollitt friendly media venue, The Daily Times Sunday, claiming the money used for the Open Spaces funds are not our tax dollars. "No, it is not. Not unless you bought or sold property in an agriculture district recently." he said. Well Mr. Pollitt, that is not entirely true. At least according to John Cannon. The transfer taxes you speak of that fund the "Open Space" grants go into the general fund before they are reallocated to various grants, so while transfer stamps make up some of the funding, the truth is the funding comes out of the general fund. Bottom line is this is absolutely OUR TAX MONEY.
According to Joe Albero; he met with Rick Pollitt after he won the county executive seat and they discussed the "old mall" parking lot and Rick's desire to acquire it for the Civic Center parking. Rick promised Joe; "I promise you the county will never pay a dime for that property." Joe asked how that was possible. Pollitt responded that the county would barter it for another piece of county owned land or some other option but the "county tax payer" will never pay a dime for it. Pollitt seems to be confused now as to where state grant funding comes from.
Certainly there is a case for needing more parking space at the Civic Center. The question really is at what and whose cost? This issue has been around for years and it is my understanding that the City of Salisbury dithered around with it for so long that they lost the original deal which would have offered the first 5 acres for free. Whether that was a good deal or not, is irrelevant now. The point is this has been a discussion for many years and all other options have seemly been dismissed.
While the majority who spoke out today are having their palms greased by the Civic Center in some way, most fiscal conservatives question over paying for such a property during an economic crisis, for a facility that is a tax drain on the county. Certainly with all the land that the county owns; including the Wicomico County owned stadium across the street, The Wicomico High School down the block, the currently un-utilized space and would-be parking area on the Civic Center's current property, the Shore Birds stadium, the old Bennett grounds, all the property Salisbury University has taken over, I mean acquired, as well as other countless county property expansions, there ARE other alternative, not withstanding fee base parking. Sadly they seem to be ignored.
Instead, we as tax payers, in a state with a 2 billion dollar shortfall, are being forced to take this "free money" from the state, instead of demanding that the state use it to balance their budget. "Use it or loose it" is the mantra. and that my friends is the basis of the problems and our fiscal woes. If local municipalities would just start to refuse state and federal "free" stimulus money we could dig ourselves our of this economic mess but the excuse we keep hearing over and over again is, if "we don't use it somebody else will". Well, my advise to the Council Council is to grow some gonads and start being the example of how to be good stewards of our money or find yourself unelected next election.
The other prevalent argument was "we have to spend money to make money" Oh yea? Borrowed money you mean? That will get you bankrupt pretty quickly. Additionally, you have never made money, why should we trust you now? We heard this same sort of thing from the Obama administration when he pushed for the stimulus funds and continue to raise the debt ceiling. "We need to spend our way out of this economic down turn." is the sentiment. How's that working out for you?
The message I heard from many of the special interests today was "We know what's good for you and you don't", followed by an invitation to meet with them so we could "understand" properly why this broken down structure would finally, after decades, make a profit if only they had a $300,000 plus per acre parking lot. A price tag that most agree is well above market price by probably two-fold. Added to this is; the 1.5 million dollar price tag is only the purchase cost. There is the removal of the current asphalt, the cost of the run off issue, at least another 1.5 million to pave it, then there is the little decorative islands and trees, the lighting, the maintenance and the security that will surely be needed, let a lone crossing guards. Where is this money going to come from? You and I. The claim that putting in this parking space will be a revenue maker is pretty well snuffed out in light of a balance sheet revealing all the costs.
Unfortunately, the tax payer footing this bill didn't have much of a voice today. However, there are plenty of people that oppose it.
A comment on this blog that seems right on to me: "It seems that most governments don't realize that every time they purchase a property not only are they wasting taxpayers money but they are also removing it from the tax base which leaves less revenue for that government for eternity. In reality, most local governments should be selling excess property to generate revenue, not buying more. There must be something in this purchase for Pollitt if you know what I mean."
The president of the Wicomico County Council; Gail Bartkovich, asked the vote be moved to the next meeting at 10am on Tuesday, February 16th. She then asked that citizens please email their opinions to council on this matter via the WCC website. A simple "yes" or "no" would suffice, so please make your opinion known.Or simply email them here: countycouncil@wicomicocounty.org
A suggestion might be that alcohol sales would be a good first step in creating the revenue stream necessary to expand the Civic Centers business model and the affordability to expand.
just what Salisbury needs- another empty parking lot...
I honestly don't follow the politics surrounding it, my view is that of someone who grew up there and left after college to find a good job.
This is exactly why Salisbury suffers from the "brain drain". The city has a PERFECT spot in the middle of town- could have been so many things that would have brought culture, jobs, UNITY or business to the community... endless possibilities.
But no- another PARKING LOT! At least now there will be AMPLE parking for all of the unattended events at the rundown civic center.
"ohhh Salisbury, I'm so glad we broke up"
You did real good JB, but they will buy it and no one can stop them. Round & Round we go.
I tried to leave a no message and had to jump thru hoops to get thru so was unable to leave message. I guess i am not computer savy enough. Hopefully others are!
Thank you, Right Coast.
You show well how this is not free money with list of what has to come next to make it usable.
And you don't have to be a tea partier (I'm not) to see this is an outrageous price. You just have to have a brain!
The only thing more outrageous than this is Salisbury wanting to spend $2 million on that place called the Bricks. $2 million on ONE building!
I want Sheriff Lewis to lock up the murderer of Common Sense.
I question your comment with regards to the Civic Center being a tax drain on the county. We have been told that the Civic Center is self-sustaining. If in fact it is
a tax drain, the building should be closed. Let people drive to Ocean City or Baltimore for entertainment.
Don't you guys get it? This Rick P. is a sick twisted dude. This guy has one goal and one goal only, the repeal of the revenue cap.
This guy with help from rino and complicit council"persons" want to run this county out of money to put us in a situation so that we have to raise taxes.
Then they get more money, to get higher salaries and better benefit.
Starve the beast, we need people to run for office!
Let's use the Council vote on this to see who should be reelected this fall, besides Joe Holloway (unless he runs for County Exec.)
As far as I know they are unable to sell alcohol, and will never be able to unless they tear that building down and rebuild it.
that old mall was good for sledding over the weekend
I would like to request random drug testing for the county and city councels...These people must be on drugs to think that the problem with the civic center is parking. The facility is not big enough for national acts and no alcohol sales really hurts ticket sales. Someone said something about a professional hockey team.HAHAHAH. Who ever heard of a hockey game or any pro sports event without a cold beer. These people go from one losing effort to another. Last year it was the westside park. Stop spending money, fix what we have by taking care of it. Cut Taxes, not raise them. Encourage businesses to come rather than leave. Do something other than come up with terrrible ideas about how to waste money that only benefits a few
I will vote each and every one of these Council Men/Women and Rick Pollit out of office.
It stinks of cronyism
I forgot to mention that Pollict spent his time today in Annapolis at O'Malley's state of the state address.
I'm going to vote them out & work for their opponents to make sure they're voted out.
Out They Go!!!
4:01 While the Civic Center used to cost us a million plus a year, they only cost us about $90K now.
Please put e mail address of the WCC on here.miesco
Now I am no supporter of this endevaor. Beleive me I think they should have bulldozed the whole mess and put up something better in the old mall lot ..anywho..how much would a ..multi-tiered parking garage cost these days? Say at least 4-5 stories high..build it in the current parking lot? ..would it be more then the 2-3 million we are looking at for more parking for the civic center? What are the options? bedsides cheaper land!
I NEVER by the line that anything our gov gives us is free no cost to us BS to infinity..we all pay one way or another.It is just a matter of how much!
The Civic Center is not allowed to sell alcohol on the premises due to a clause in the will of the person who donated the land (Woodcock). His remaining family was asked to rescind it a few yrs. ago, & refused.
It always has been and still is a drain. Plus the County books are kept in such a way that the "enterprize fund" books don't reflect the full cost of owning and operating the facility. And have you noticed the poor maintenance -- for example, when was the last time they painted the parking lot stripes.
The entertainment function does not require the huge area -- 15 acres -- that Mackes and Pollitt want to purchase and for an absurdly high price.
5:31 Done!
Please reconsider about Joe Holloway and Stevie Prettyman, who are the only watchdogs for the taxpayers in the County government.
They found out about those $23 pens, the $500 trash cans and now this mall madness. Pollitt spends more time in Annapolis than he does here -- went to O'Malley BS speech today.
We do need to dump Pollitt, McCain and some of the others in the election this year.
5:23 Your numbers are wrong.
I thought the 99 year lease forbid beer. The new downtown is the by-pass, if you build it (they) will come. Ive seen it, they will drool to get a piece of it. This county and all counties must be run like a business now. Its the new economic era, if a business isnt growing its dead. Utilize what we already have and make it work for you. How? Co-op the taxpayers, when it is pumping out money they all get a check, then their kids get a check & so on. Alot of the old eastern shore wont come back, it sucks but its true. Save all thats left and preserve our historical charm but grow at the same time. Use the by-pass to do it.
Lands cheaper there.
Oh, like JB said serve beer(stay away from coors). Cold beer...
Beer ... why not have byob ... jack ticket sales up depending on how much you bring. You have to check cooler in & someone serves you. Civic Center is not selling it. $5 per six pack still cheaper for customer O's game $4 a beer
Justin that is what the Civic center told us today at the council meeting. if you have some other proof of the real economic situation is, please do share.
Free!!!!! How stupid are we? Park across the street at COUNTY Stadium. Joe are you going to twist this one too? Come on man!
I took your advice and emailed the council:
Dear Council,
I am opposed to this waste of tax dollars ( some call open space funds ). I would think that if totally necessary to purchase a price of $1.5 million should get 1/3 of the total parcel not 5 acres. As you can recall the whole parcell could have been had for $4 million at auction. With 1/3 it would be enough to eventually build a new center when times are right. The existing could then be leveled to get the parking back.
If you look at WiHi, there are about 5 acres that could be turned into overflow parking between the driveway on Glen ave and the parking lot on Long ave. It may be a walk to the civic center but it is less than most walk to an Oriole game or football etc. So this is an alternative backup plan.
To over pay because this is perceived as free money is outrageous. I could not attend this meeting which should have been held at night to accommodate working people. It looks like it will just get swept under the rug and approved. I will not vote for anyone that has a hand in this purchase of 5 acres for 1.5 million.
Instead of fixing the problems that the county faces we have dumb and dumber worried about parking on a rundown antiquated "civic" center.
Amen 3:32. If you want a good job and any sense of community Salisbury isnt the place to be. Political bickering and community bickering is what everyone does here. Not to mention getting local ppl to actually do work is a daily struggle. I, too hope to part ways. Too much self proclamation of "best of's" and I havent found one to be true yet except "best at being backwards". Enjoy your overpaid for lot on a rundown event center that is marginal at best.
I say close the Civic Center until the economy can support it.
Parking is only part of the issue. The current seat count does not allow us to get big named acts.
Spend the money on the entire old mall property and build a new arena when the economy improves.
9:25 Please remember that there are events at WiHi and the county stadium where this lot is needed in addition to the Civic Center lot.
Civic Center, haven't seen an event there worth a darn for years, The place is way to small for Monster Trucks and the accoustics suck for a concert.When was the last time the place had a sell out crowd ?? Poor management prevails !!! Don't think we need to pay thet kind of money for the old mall parking lot. Are you going to keep it lighted????
It will not matter if the Civic Center starts selling alcohol. Many of of you have tried to make this the reasoning for the failure of the Civic Center.
Fact is, the building is too small for most big venues. The building is not built to handle the mega bands/performers that tour now. The acoustics are not right, and in my opinion have never been right.
I have ushered several events at the Civic Center and I can tell you, they may not "sell" the alcohol, but there is plenty consumed before and during the events!
everyone wants to buy the whole lot and build a new civic center--- where do you think that money will come from?!?! even more tax payer dollars lets get realistic here.
I would still like to know what Rick's cut is. He aint doing this for nothing. Somebody is getting paid somewhere, and isn't just the owner.ytin
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