A veteran Officer of the Salisbury Police Department has been suspended with pay.
Considering this is a personnel matter, Chief Barkley cannot expand on the situation but has confirmed that an Officer has been suspended. The Officer does have the right to a board hearing, should he/she so choose.
More to come....
third floor getting lighter?
Suspended with pay, that sounds alot like a VACATION.
Well Chief, they are OUR employees, as you are TOO.
As your empoyer I am asking, What did OUR employee do to get suspended?
Don't forget YOU are OUR employee, you don't tell us. WE tell YOU. If you don't like that attitude, find another employer.
it is alway good to see someone suppended with pay that way the tax payers still pay but recive less servise
The officer's name can certainly be released, and maybe even the general basis for the action.
Maybe you should read about LEOBR. It dont matter who he works for, the officer has rights and you should stop acting like you are a god or a king. He has rights and violating them will cost the city much more then he will make in 20 years. Maybe you should just back off and give this officer his entitled rights and bylaws.
What the hell is the point of suspending someone WITH pay? I'd LOVE to get suspended from my job WITH PAY!
I've read & not necessarily agreed with J Dawg in the past, but i couldn't agree MORE with him today.
It's a personnel issue. Unless the officer has committed a crime he can be charged with, and they wish to charge, it's an internal matter.
Releasing information prematurely can put the city up for some serious legal fees fighting a suit from the aggrieved employee.
What you all don't understand is that police officers are governed by the Law Enforcement Officer's Bill of Rights (LEOBR), and unfortunately Jdawg, that takes precedence over what his "employer" (you THINK it's you) wants to know. If SPD does not follow the LEOBR the accused employee will be OWNING the city. It's funny... Hey Jdawg, how about you give the guys a raise since you are their employer? Or buy them all new vests for protection. Should come to a little over 250K. OR, how about you shut it and let the SPB brass do their jobs. Sometimes, Jdawg, it's better to be thought a fool than to start typing and prove it.
You must remember if this officer is a member of the FOP he may have certain rights to where the information cannot be released to the public.
Can you say vacation?
J Dawg... seriously???
Seeing as this happened like an hour ago... i think we can give Barkley some time to write up a release and then you will get your information!...
Joe has insiders everywhere... I am sure Barley did not call and say hey, we just suspended a guy with pay and not telling you why or who!
It is refreshing to have a Chief who is not leaking protected information to the press in violation of the city's personnel polciy.
Releasing personnel information to the public, whether the employer is private or government, opens them up to a real big lawsuit. Who cares who was let go and why? It was done and there has to be a darn good reason to make such a bold move. Acting Chief Barkley, good job for cleaning up the house.
I think you are forgetting due process. You don't own the police dept and I think you should be happy that the dept is holding people accountable. Believe it or not, police officers do have rights too, I bet if you were suspended you wouldn't want mcdonalds telling everyone what you did.
Some of these comments are absurd. I hope a few on here can learn from
folks like 12:15.
Dawg, you are close, but not accurate.
The "Officer" is NOT one of OUR employees.
The "Chief" IS one of our employees.
The people nor the elected government has any rights as to firing this officer. The only person who has the right is the Chief.
That's how it works in the police departments. The Officers do not even have to answer to ANYONE EXCEPT the Chief!
You people that are not involved with law enforcement/corrections/parole etc.should know that the courts have set the rules.They have to be found guilty of a crime.
12:15, you rock!
J Dawg, you're an idiot. Maybe you should provide your name and address and they will release the information since you are the employer and when the officer sues, instead of suing the city or the dept, he can take YOUR house and YOUR car since he is YOUR employee. 12:15, again, that was hilarious, i'm still chuckling over that one!
Where in the LEOBR does it prevent disclosure of the fact that he/she was suspended -- who and when as well as what reason? Such disclosure occurs frequently in Maryland.
It was a HE.
maybe "he" pulled his gun on a mailman for having hunting rifles in the back seat of his truck while moving. The mailman filed a formal complaint. Out of line.
maj. livingston...bout time
Theres got to be a woman involved somewhere.
2:02 I agreed 1000%
2:44 You're an ass! More women should be in charge and maybe something would get done!!
Not livingston, right?
3:13 dont get your panties in a knot.
No, not livingston, it would say "dinosaur suspended" if it was him!
No its not Livingston... you would have a lot of HAPPY people on here! No one defending the officer involved.
And as far as pulling a gun on a mailman for the hunting rifles in the back seat... they are guns, the officer doesn't know how you would use them and has to take every precaution... get over it!
3:13 Let them take down bubba the 300 pound man on Meth. that isn't armed. Not going to happen sweet pea.
The only thing I don't like is "suspened with pay". Why, if you go that far thinking something is wrong then go all the way and stand by it, without pay. Now I have to leave to watch Mr. A's show. map
If it's Livingston, it is also rumored that he was part of departmental document shredding a while ago and that the crime numbers that he put out were questionalbe(rumored). I hope that the old regime will leave SPD one way or another and we will have a department again that comes to work every day to make Salisbury a safer place, not just to pick up a check on the 3rd floor.
OMG, some of you people are nuts.
How about this: I'm going to make an accusation against you to YOUR employer. I'm going to publish your name, too.
Doesn't matter that you may not be guilty. I'll take your pay away while you go through the hearing process, so you get behind in your bills.
Then when it turns out you weren't guilty, or not to the extent I said you were, then we'll give you your pay and say, gee, sorry. Too bad we ruined your credit.
Get real, already.
There's a time to suspend without pay and a time to do it with pay.
You know it alls think you are entitled to know everything because you pay taxes, even if it will cost you more because you violated someone's rights.
Glad there is 12:15 and 12:17 to educate the rabble.
why don't all of you 'officers' get doing your jobs and stop acting like you are 'gods and kings'?
contrary to what you think, you are accountable to 'the people'. anyone can go file a complaint against any of you. if the result isn't satisfactory, they can go right up the chain to the feds.
you are not immune.
Maybe we can clean house in the Salisbury Fire Department as well. Is there anything going on with the chiefs selection? Get rid of Hoppes but we don't need another outsider.
If it was me, it'd be in the paper the very next day. does he have rights that i don't have?
Yes... he does have rights that you don't have. If you read above or do a little research, you will learn about LEOBR. Also, as 10:24 stated... ANYONE can go and file a complaint for ANYTHING... it doesn't have to be true. With a job like law enforcement, you have to realize that people ARE going to make false complaints, it happens a lot, and it makes taking care of the legitimate complaints that much harder. If the man is suspended with pay, the administrators are probably still in the process of trying to determine if the complaint is valid or not. Let them do their jobs, stop being so critical and give the new acting Chief a chance.
Most of you people need to get a life and stop complaining and assuming things that no one knows. The public will know when it is time for them to know and NO it is not some big government scandal. All this is is a little town with a bunch of complainers who have nothing better to do with their lives then to start rumors about things they have no idea on. Grow up and get a life high school is over people and please know what you are talking about before you post something because most of you sound like a bunch of idiots (sorry if the truth hurts).
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