In first public appearance, golf star says he was ‘foolish,’ admits to therapy
PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. - Tiger Woods apologized Friday for cheating on his wife and says he is unsure when he will return to competitive golf.
“I was unfaithful. I had affairs. I cheated. What I did was not acceptable,” said Woods, looking composed and speaking in a steady voice. His wife, Elin, was not with him.
As for coming back to the PGA Tour, the planet’s best golfer said: “I do plan to return to golf one day. I just don’t know when that day will be. I don’t rule out it will be this year.”
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He should be back golfing. I don't see how his private life and the mistakes he mad should be reason to go into hiding for the rest of his life. And who believes all these BS artist women anyway. So he's the world biggest golf playboy WHO CARES! -Jay
Tiger doesn't owe anyone but his wife an apology!
I just don't understand why he got married. Plenty of famous people are "playboys" and we love them just the same. Sometimes you just gotta Clooney up.
1:01 pm Absolutely agree!
Your statements would be correct if we lived in a society without creations like TMZ and entertainment tonight. Without a public satatement, these media outlets would keep him spinning on the hook forever. At least he can begin now to pick up the pieces.
Pathetic people worried about someone else's business because he is famous. Hey people get a life of your own!
It is obvious that this man will do anything to share a bed with a woman, even face public scrutiny. Wow what the addiction will do.
Woods , I could puke at the sound of the name! He should be playing golf in China or North Korea.
He owes everyone more than an apology. He is a public figure and should be setting the example. Of course if this example is ok with you , then you need professional help too!His wife is loving it , she will make a fortune.
He needs to play golf....and not give a crap about all of the media giving him a hard time for being a bad husband. There are bad husbands (and wives) all over the US...Let the man be!!
its lonely at the top.notice he didnt exploit his jealous white friends.hahaha.they disappeared like cockroaches in the woodwork,some of which couldnt get layed in a whorehouse with a fistfull of fifties.NIKE....JUST DO IT!!
I still can't believe that was the top news story at Noon! Not only that but CBS thought it was important enough to interrupt programming for his pathetic little apology.
There are a lot more serious problems in this country than being consumed with someone's marital problems! It's not NEWS!
How can we judge , maybe he needed something he was not getting at home.
Why is Mr. wiener apologizing, and who cares? Simple: He doesn't want to lose a fortune in endorsements, and his sponsors have to care about his public image. It's not about golf at all!
Wiener Woods makes the bulk of his money from endorsements, not golf prize money. The last figure I heard was over a hundred million in endorsement deals. To those selling a product, the reputation of their spokespersons is paramount as it translates to profits and losses. Several of his sponsors already put Mr. wiener's ads on the back burner while monitoring public opinion. Were he to lose his endorsement deals he could lose hundreds of millions now and in the near future.
So let us accept these facts: Mr. wiener isn't sorry for his infidelities. He's like most of us; he's sorry he was so stupid and got himself caught! He is on camera apologizing and groveling because his words really say, please write my sponsors and tell them I'm a great guy, and please, please don't let them pull the plug on me, boo-hoo, boo-hoo, sob, slobber!
2:40....obviously your one of those pathetic people that worries about other peoples business! Just because he's a famous golfer doesn't mean he's any better than anyone else....i could care less what he does and if you need to look at him to set some sort of standard than your the one that needs the help...not me!
boo...freaking....hoo.... the only thing he is sorry about is he is SORRY he got CAUGHT!
This "admitting of his wrongdoings" was part of his sex rehab therapy. He did it because he had to, not because it was a heartfelt apology.
Okay my thoughts. This is Tiger, which adds a whole new meaning to put a Tiger in your tank.
With that said. If this was me, John Q Citizen, not famous, I would be scum.
I ask, who wrote his speech. Give that person a metal. Great Speech.
My thoughts on this....How am I going to save my reputation.
How am I going to have parents tell their children that I am a role model....
How am I going to convince Elin that she should keep me around. ($$$$)
There are great actors in this world. Did he convince you that he was sincere???
Great Actor???
Would I stay with him if I was Elin??? ($$$$$)
Great golfer, unfaithful and a liar! Pretty much sums him up as far as his TV time goes. Hope he gets his life together. There is life after golf.
Okay lets make this easy.
If this was you or me. Your spouse or you. Would you accept this???
Enough said
What would it take for you to accept this........to stand by his side?????
Elin needs to cut her losses. Once trust is broken, there is nothing left. No money in the world can buy piece of mind. She needs to be a real woman and hold her head up high and walk away. There are true men out there that would jump at the opportunity to stand in Tiger's place. It is what it is.
TAL-you crack me up. LOL.
He owes everyone more than an apology. He is a public figure and should be setting the example. Of course if this example is ok with you , then you need professional help too!His wife is loving it , she will make a fortune."
This thinking absolutely infuriates me. Who cares that he is a public figure! He is a human being- we all make poor decisions, do stupid things, etc., but we aren't all flamed by the public. He doesn't need to set an example for me- and really, neither does any other public figure (our celebrity worship in this country is just plain sick). Growing up, my parents were the example of what I should be when I grew up. The vast majority of people in the public eye don't do anything to make themselves good role model candidates.
Why the hell is this news to anyone? Big deal, he had an affair or many affairs. Like he is the only man to ever screw around on his wife? His private life has nothing to do with his golf game. Screw the media and his former sponsors. I won't support any of his sponsors that pulled their support from him just because they are hipocrits of the highest caliber.
Tiger lost nothing other than the trust of his wife. Big deal Buick isn't going to endorse him...it's government motors anyway, who cares.
I thought that sex addicts like pedophiles were incurable. What difference is a speech going to make? It's an insult to the public's intelligence, but this is how the marketing machine works.Elin doesn't appear to be a stupid woman. I wonder how much (and what)they are offering her to come back? They need to put the children first and we need better role models for the kids in this country. Money is not the be all and end all of the world.
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