On this date, the Salisbury Police Department would like to remind the citizens of Salisbury that the Snow Emergency plan is still in effect for the roadways designated as Snow Emergency Routes. This is due to the amount of icing that still exists on these roadways. As this plan remains in effect, the public is still prohibited from parking on the designated routes to allow for Salisbury City Public Works to continue to plow and remove this ice.
There will be a notification when this plan is terminated.
So what do they propose to do? Write tickets or the right thing and have them towed away!
Is this supposed to be a joke about allowing Public Works to "continue to plow?"
Public Works stopped plowing about 10 hours after the last flake landed. The emergency is actually within the city government. Give them the tickets.
It's time to tow them away! they've had enough time to move, now lose it!
they need to realize the plows work much better when you put them on the road.
I live at the end of Glen Ave near Wi-Middle school. It happens to be a snow emergency route. There are still cars snowed in on this street. Let's ticket and tow at this point. If they didn't do it by now then when? By the way thanks to the epilepsy foundation for not clearing their sidewalks for the kids as stated in another ignored law. And they are across form Wi-Middle school.
Lots of sidewalks are under mounds of snow. Worst ones are near crossing's.
You'd be surprised at how many university students who live on-campus have cars parked in the nearby neighborhoods. Lots of them don't move except for a few times each semester, if that. They put a strain on neighborhood parking when the weather is good. They put a real strain on neighborhood parking and are a hazard during a snow emergency.
Pretty much all of the residents (homeowners and renters alike) in the area had their cars out of the snow emergency streets within a day or two. Not all, but most.
The street conditions still suck. It's dangerous for people who drive and walk.
It's time to tow the rest of those vehicles, no matter who owns them.
Is this a joke? Snow emergency routes have cars all over them. Side walks also snow covered every where. But let some weeds grow tall and watch out!
I think that the sidewalk clearing laws need to be enforced, starting now. Everybody's had enough time to get their walk cleared. We still have to walk in the streets, and the conditions there are dangerous because of snow, ice and traffic. We shouldn't be forced to walk in the street when there's a law that provides for cleared sidewalks.
I know NSCC is busy, but it's important. At least as important as peeling paint, don't you think?
Please remove those cars that are on College Ave by the College. They are in the way
Remember all that sidewalk on Business Route 50 that was installed during the Summer with all of that "stimulus" money? It's still covered with snow and people are walking in the roadway.
This is a very good example of taking "free" money to install sidewalks but not having money in the budget to maintain them.
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