Would you speak with the Chief of Staff, your Chief Economics Adviser, and your Senior Adviser with your feet up on the Resolute Desk - a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1880?
We should inundate the White House with emails demanding he keep his feet off of our furniture.
This arrogant, immature & self-centered man has no sense of honor, or of simple decency.
While this posture is disrespectful in any culture, it is absolutely never done in any executive setting.
Further, in over half of the cultures of the world, it is recognized not only as disrespectful, but as an extreme insult.
He thinks of himself as a king -- and not as a servant of the people, humbly occupying our White House for his term in office.
Electing him was an enormous mistake -- and will cost us in many ways, for generations.
Somebody pull the chair out from under this A**
Joe, this person is a disgrace to the USA. Not enough words to describe the feelings of disgust. He should be drug off the property in handcuffs with a bag covering his head. This behavior is unexceptionable in the White House for any president, white, black whatever. Obama is bringing our standards down to his level and on a daily basis.How much longer are we going to put up with this CLOWN????
hahah thsts so true
Someone will sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.
Arrogant, self centered, immature. Are talking about you or the President?
He's an uncouth, arrogant smarta$$, with absolutely no respect for other peoples property.
STFU already! You guys spend so much time with the "Obama the socialist anti-christ" narrative that you miss opportunities to effectively debate the administrations policy's and positively shape the direction of the country.
The truth hurts he is a progressive which is the same as Socialist judging by his policies ! so STFU !
3:39 what policies? spending money he doesn't have so the next generation of americans can live like his third world relatives is what he's all about!
he is a clown and I am happy he is so arrogant! His fall will come swiftly and it will be hard!
You liberals always make me laugh, with your positively shape the direction of the country. You and your oreo are running it into the ground and you think that's positive! LMMFAO!
Anonymous 3:39 - STFU !!!!!!!!!!!!
Must be some of that home-brew.
Maybe we should ask that the Clintons return all the furniture and accessories they stole from the White House when they left.
this person disgusts me on so many different levels i can't look at the loser. i cant imagine the havoc he's going to wreak on us by then end of his one term. him and his wife have brought the office of the president down to common level...he's a ghetto man playing like a bigshot.
hope the people that elected him are happy with what they got. he is absolutely ridiculous. no class. thanks sjd
See the guy in the blue tie with his hands on his hips to the right?
He saying, "Get your G&^ Da^% feet off that desk NNNNNNNNNOOOOOWWWW!!"
He's the Republican with common sense..
Folks this is an all time low point for our great country, unfortunately Obozo has more tricks up the long sleeves of his Clown Suit.
I've been in that room. The floor is marble and it's cold. Kennedy didn't like it either.
A prime example of a minority in public housing, wouldn't expect anything other than that from this worthless, illegal alien!
Damn, I shutter to think what he and Michelle are doing on "our" bed.
All you people - no matter what your background, especially the ones who " voted this time because it was the - Trendy- thing to do, or the "we're gonna make history" voters. Eat it. Eat everything that his "change" is bringing you. If you take your heads outta yer butts, you'll find that eating his crap ain't tasting so good.
funny thing is us older folks aren't gonna have to worry as much as all those younger college kids who worked and voted for him! boy are they gonna pay dearly for their naivity!
Do you really think that the President with his feet up on a desk is worthy of a post? Give me a break. Joe, I'm a local police officer and love what you do for everyone around here, but this is a stretch. What's the problem with having a meeting in a relaxed, informal atmosphere? Complaining about his political decisions is one thing, but propping his feet up? You're just reaching now.
how many more years will we have this Democrat in office put there by young stupid kids
5:05, that's Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, AKA the "f'n retarded" guy. He is a bigger A$$ than the president. I'm surprised he isn't on the left side of the picture..... shining Obama's shoes.
Slow Learner ??? This character is not slow by any means. Slick maybe, no respect for the office he holds or the ppl of this great country.
I say we grab him by his big ears and his nappy hayd and kick his butt all the way out of the Whitehouse.
Now all you Libs, Have at it!
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