There are several elderly people on the East side of Main Street in Salisbury who have been out of power since 11:12 PM Friday night. I'm talking some people, Mrs. White who is 98 years old. Mrs. Mitchell is 92 years old and quite frankly several others who are above 80 years old.
Because they have no power they are reaching out to me to see if there's anything that can be done. That being said, Delmarva Power, these people need your help.
If you work for Delmarva Power of have a connection, please contact whomever necessary to help these elderly people on East Main Street. THEY NEED HEAT!
I wouldnt count on delmarva power...they wont be out till the snow quits falling, I'v seen it too many times. I'm running off my generator now....powers ben out since 3:15am Maybe someone could round up some kerosene heaters?
there are several people out of power....everyone pray for all of our power company workers, Delmarva Power and Choptank....they are all working hard to get power on for everyone.
Give the Red Cross a call. They're prepared to give shelter to those without heat, etc. And I'm sure someone can arrange transportation to the shelter.
As someone that was out of power from 3 am til 1:30 pm I know how horrible it is to be without power. I hope they get help soon. From personal experience I saw a man in a bucket 3 stories high in the blizzard like conditions cutting branches for 25 mins so my whole neighborhood could be restored. No one would enjoy that even for triple time.
Anyone can go to www.delmarva.com and click on an outage map. There are several thousand without power just here in the Salisbury area. I'm not sure where on E. Main st they are. It shows all outages and it looks like the larger numbers are being worked first.
My thanks to all that ARE out during this storm. I am so glad they are.hunopic
anonymous 4:50, you have to have power to do that.
DP&L For what they over charge should not have an outage lasting longer then 2 hours . They need to be government regulated !!!
anonymous 5:08, Signed, Frank Kratovil
since when do u have to have electrcity in your house to access the internet? everyone has a phone these days. Thats besides the point tho.
Mike, with all due respect, read the article again. These are people in their 80's and 90's. They still have rotary phones, gimme a break!
Last I looked at the Delmarva Power website, every outage of more than 5 people was resolved. Actually came on to praise their work...Where is Comcast??
im pretty sure the map is for people to be informed of others without power. being able to see the map wont help with getting any power on sooner. Im not sure what your point was joe.
I have to give credit to Delmarva Power for coming out last night and giving service back to the 1200customers that were without in the Camden neighborhood. We were evidently the first big power losers, which always seems to be the case in the SBY.
5:24 please look closer and you will find larger outages than 5. In fact 1 larger one might be the one affecting these older folks. There is no way a company could get to everybody during a storm like this. I am fortunate to have power and hope all are restored soon. And I nor any family work for delmarva power. The map has changed drastically for the better over the last couple hours.
Just got electric back on about an hour ago. Went off late last night. The temp in my house was 48 when the power finally came back on.
And, unless you have a laptop with a charged battery, you cannot access the internet when you have no power. Last I checked desktop computers need electric to use them!
and lower your freaking rates too!!
6:31 PM
not to be picky but almost everyone i know has internet on their cell phones.
Many in our neighborhood loas power last night. We have gas logs, so could keep a couple of rooms warm. We phoned elderly neighbors and welcomed them to come to our home to be more comfortable. The elderly Church Street ladies would be welcome here too. Joe knows how to reach people who would welcome them into their homes. We would need people with vehicles that can navigate the roads to transport them here. Our power is back on now so we are able to offer to help in a more meaningful way.
My parents live on Schumaker. They've been without power since last night. Both are nearing 80. They do have a gas fireplace which is keeping them warm and eating sandwiches. I begged them to come to my home. They would but can't get here due to how bad their road is. I'll be up all night worrying about them.
This is a great opportunity to build community, just like the Sarah Foxwell case. Check with your neighbors, help each other out, and let's get through this together. You'll learn a valuable life lesson through this storm if you reach out.
My Dad is 85 and also lives on the East Side of Salisbury...remains with out power. Just had a friend pick him up in his 4wd and is checking him in to Country Inn and Suites. The map on Delmarva Power indicates power may not be restored before midnight tomorrow.
joe there is alot of elderly and disable people living at chestnut manor apts in delmar md the place looks like a diaster area out here people can't get out..there is no one here shoveling the walk way or side walks..
I was with out power off East Main Street for over 14 hours and when we finally got it back I lost it again for another hour. Not only did we lose power I had no Comcast phone, cable or Internet. I don't fault the workers at Delmarva Power because they worked their butts off in that blizzard to get power back on. DELMARVA POWER please cut the trees away from your power lines. I am sick and tired of losing power every time their is a slight wind or any kind of storm.
I live in this neighborhood and the problem is, that you can not get a straight answer from DP. Each phone call results in a different answer from; I do not know when, tomorrow, or monday. My issue is, how am I supposed to plan a strategy without correct information. Do I turn the water off to avoid a flood from broken pipes, and do I try to find other lodging? Then we repeatedly received automated phone calls stating the power was on, when it was not. This resulted in the work order being cancelled several times. We saw them out there last nite in this horrible weather, and I have alot of respect for these people. But NO ONE was offering strategy assistance; were there open shelters and where? can someone with 4WD move these folks to other family homes? what action should I take to protect my home from freezing? This is not the first time DP has been critized for their slow recovery and lack of information in disaster situations. You would have thought they would have learned from the last fire storm, that keeping the public informed goes a long way. Thank you to the men and women who were out there while we were hiding under our blankets trying to keep warm. I went 23 hours with no heat, my neighbor who got electric at 2pm took me in, bless her!
i live on the east side & delmarva power has skat on my power too!!!
Powers back on on part of the East Side. Delmarva Power said they would call when restored. Still no call...stopped holding my breath and their website is not accurate.
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