While the majority of you stated there's no darned way you'd dump $5,000.00 into a 1994 Ford Crown Victoria with 150,000+ miles on it. Yet, YOU ARE. YOU are in fact dumping some $5,000.00 into this engine, it's YOUR car and while I agree, the decisions is flat out stupid, the leaders of the City of Salisbury couldn't care less what YOU think.
The vehicle is sitting in the Shop right now and you just blew five grand. Now, for me personally, I would have searched the Internet for a vehicle similar to this one, (since they're a dime a dozen) with very low miles on it and I would have made the exchange.
The way the Fire Department thinks, why not dump five grand into it and then surplus it at the end of the year. This is the same group that spent $14,000,000.00 on a new Fire Station and no one ever questioned who was pocketing what! There's not even been an investigation to prove the deal was shady.
However, things seem to come in $5,000.00 cycles. They sold a $50,000.00 Ladder Truck for $5,000.00, (or so). Since that was FREE money, why not dump it into a piece of crap Crown Vic that's been torn apart inside and out. The paint is peeling off this vehicle. The tires are worn out. I hear this vehicle is just a piece of junk, yet YOU just spent $5,000.00 to put a new motor into it.
Enjoy your ride Taxpayers!
It isn't a lie if you don't know you're doing it.
I am suprised that Singer and Associates isn't doing this. What's up with that?
There is no person in his right mind who would dump $5000 into that vehicle. Who ever made that decision needs to be removed as a manager, because its a poor decision at best. There are too many vehicles like this available out there at surplus or sale to ignore. I see former government vehicles all the time driven by citizens around town. Great cars at great purchase prices. Ever heard of Jessup and the state surplus auction ? The fire department leadership needs to go before the citizens are bankrupt.
If this is true than Acting Chief Richard A. Hoppes needs to be relieved of his duties immediately.
What the hell is wrong with the leaders of Salisbury? Are they mentally challenged?
This is absolutely ridiculous to replace a motor in that old car. I wouldn't even spend a $1,000 on the piece of junk. The mayor needs to audit the maintenance records on that clunker and make some heads spin.
I heard that Acting Chief Rick Hoppes hired back David Cox as a firefighter for the Salisbury Fire Department. This David Cox is the same person that got arrested for driving a fake police car and impersonating a police officer. Would this $5,000 be going into David Cox's fake police car so that he can make police stops on women again?
Does David Cox even have a valid drivers license? How many points does he have on his drivers license. I saw where he got caught speeding and had an FTA on him for failing to appear. I wonder if they did a background check on this guy. Will this guy even be able to drive a city vehicle? Is he covered by insurance? Are they going to allow this guy with a shady background to go into homes of innocent tax paying citizens of Salisbury? Does the Mayor and Council know about this person and his background. Will they post his schedule so that I will know when not to call 911 in the event of an emergency.
NOTE TO MAYOR AND COUNCIL: Hiring back David Cox is putting the City of Salisbury at risk for potential litigation. He is a LIABILITY that the city doesn't need.
Acting Chief Richard A. Hoppes was never qualified in the first place. Whose decision was his placement? They need to go, also.
Just bought a motor with about 4500 miles on it , $500.00.Guess their theory was $50,000 for new or
$5,000 motor. Firemen are taught to put out fires , not to be in the accounting field , that's obvious.
I think it's a smart move. Low mileage in SBY... beats spending 20k on something new.
Anonymous said...
Acting Chief Richard A. Hoppes was never qualified in the first place. Whose decision was his placement? They need to go, also.
9:39 AM
John Pick told Mayor Ireton to put Hoppes in as the acting chief.
Clydes is a friend of the firehouse people. He fixes their cars for fringe bennies.
Mr Cox is returning to work Monday after a year and a half absence. Thats just what the fire department needsright now. That should make the public feel safe. Who's the idiot that did the background check on this guy ? Then again that doesnt mean anything in Salisbury, because they need numbers at any cost. He could rob a bank and they would take him. Stay on this story Joe, because the public needs to know whats coming to help. Cop impersonators.
Just to play devil's avocate here, if there is a need to have a vehicle, it may be the way to go. If the vehicle was bought new by the SFD, they know the maintenance history, and putting in a new engine should extend the usable life 5-8 years. If you buy at auction, you could be getting a water damaged or salvage reconstructed car. I have done this type to repair twice in my life and it worked out great and saved me money in the long run. Just look at the numbers...$5,000 now and perhaps $1,000 a year for maintenance, after 8 years you are still only half way to the cost of buying new. Could actually be a smart thing in tight times, assuming they really need the car.
Hoppes, Gordy and Bragg. I know you read this blog every single day so please get on here and justify why you are spending any kind of money on that old clunker.
My conveyor toaster went up at work and it was going to cost $325+ to fix a $700 toaster. The corporate purchaser suggested that I get a new $1028.00 toaster rather than fix a 7 year old toaster that ran 12 hours a day for 365 days a year.
Government lacks common sense.
The vehicle having work done to it is NOT an assigned vehicle. It is used to run errands.
To those of you challenging me to get more facts, I got my facts. So much so I even provided pictures of the vehicle inside the shop.
Some of you nay sayer Firefighters may not like the fact that Salisbury News obtains information you don't want leaked out but we do NOT cover things up because we are friends with someone in ANY department.
You will face the firing squad once again on this matter as we continue to prove you are simply out of control.
Your way of thinking and running a business needs to be exposed and ultimately shut down. The citizens just aren't going to stand for this kind of stuff any more. You had your fun, you got your way, now it's time to take care of the SPD instead.
I knew there was a punchline in there somewhere Joe. Luckily, I'm not a part of that, however, I'm sure I'm paying for something, somewhere I shouldn't be.
Thanks for the food for thought.
Before I retired the fire department had a Chiefs car and a Deputy Chiefs car and that was it. Look out back of the new firehouse and there are six crown vics lined up and numerous pickups. This car is used for errands and a an occasional class transportation. They do not need all these cars. Gordy is breaking the city and Hoppes is the puppet allowing it.
Let me also say this, since the nay sayers want to challenge me.
Is this not a 1994 Ford Crown Victoria with somewhere around 150,000 miles on it?
Is the engine not blown on this vehicle?
Is it not going to cost around $5,000.00 to fix the engine?
Is this vehicle actually assigned to a Deputy Chief and or a vital vehicle to your fleet?
Since you never come back with facts yourself, why don't you answer these questions to the taxpayers footing the bill.
Instead of making false claims I'm allegedly making towards this vehicle, answer the questions above and let's see who's telling the truth, or not.
In Joe's defense this is not a post bashing the Salisbury Fire Department. Instead it is a post bashing the poor leadership and leadership decisions of the Salisbury Fire Department. Rick Hoppes, Bill Gordy and David See has ruined that fire department and it is a sinking ship. Unfortunately there are going to be some nay sayer firefighters that are going to defend the Salisbury Fire Department. Some of these people have been lead astray by Gordy and Hoppes and they need to wake up and demand that Hoppes and Gordy step down or replaced immediately. That department needs to become the proud fire department it once was.
Notice nothing was mentioned of Bragg. He spends most of his unproductive day at the fire hydrant smoking cigarettes all day. He is just a warm body filling a position because no one else wants it. He got his position by back stabbing, kissing ass and riding Hoppes' coattail to the top. Get rid of all of them.
"Let me also say this, since the nay sayers want to challenge me."
Joe - Everyone is entitled to their OWN opinion. Ask your question and move on if you don't like all the replies.
10:30 AM, well spoken.
Please don't say anything negative about Clyde or his shop. Clyde is a good guy and goes out of his way to work on the city's vehicles when needed. I encourage everyone to use Clyde as your mechanic.
"Help Is On The Way"
Here is a senerio no one has addressed- The city operates a repair facility with completely capable machanics why is this kind of work being contracted out in the first place? Does anyone realize how much money could be saved not only on this job but many other jobs as well? I see alot of police and fire vehicles at local garages.
Joe, let me give you the inside truth, pay attention, gets interesting. To replace a car would take $25,000 budgeted dollars, but to repair one comes from an unwatched "parts" account. Simply put, ZERO accountibility! btw, I called it in your other post, I knew it was a SFD car you were laying for.
From the view across the Bay, Salisbury is imploding. Chicago-style politics, and each time, it seems to be getting worse.
But even if they went out and purchased a similar car to this with less miles, isn't it still going to cost us near $12,000 for the LED light package to be put on the new purchased car?..Don't get me wrong. I def wouldn's spend $5,000 on that heap of s*&$ but what cheaper option would there be?
Virtually all levels of your government are now out of control.
Case-in-point - the Education department is complaining about inadequate funding. Pollitt blames the Revenue Cap yet lines-up funding for a 1.5 million dollar civic center parking lot and another million to boot for blacktopping and lights.
At the same time our roads are falling apart and the Fire Department orders nautillus elliptical trainers and $5000.00 engines to go into a $600 dollar vehicle.
Does anything look out of kilter here?
Well thanks for posting the pics Joe I now know to NEVER recommend Clyde's to have work done on a vehicle. That price is absolutely ridiculous! Seems to me someone is getting a little something because if one were to search that price could have easily been beaten, but then again I guess that's why Salisbury can't get a reasonable budget under their belt.
Maybe I should sell them some dog poop..it is extra special poop and would promote grass growth BUT here is the great part it will restrict grass growth over 3.5" 10% of the time so it will cut down on landscaping costs.... it's a deal salisbury just $100 for 8 ounces. What idiots to allow such crap!
This still goes right to the top ie: our worthless Mare. Anyone that can't even appoint a Department head in almost a year shows everyone what he expects of leadership. Hell, just bring David See back, at least then you could pin the tail on the ass****.
They have discontinued Crown Victorias. The two SPD got will be the last ones they get. I bet SFD wasnt able to get one cause larger police departments around the country got the last bids. I'll take a 5,000 dollar motor over a 40,000 dollar Suburban.
This is certainly going to cost very close to $5,000.00. Clyde would sell them the Jasper engine for about $3,100.00. He would probably sell them a start up kit consisting of plugs, plug wires, new water pump, etc for about $350.00. He would send the radiator out to be cleaned for about $100.00. He would charge about $100.00 for misc. fluids and then there would be about a $1,200.00 labor rate to put in the engine. Adds up to very close to $5,000.00 to me. That being said, how do you know they haven't already had to put a transmission in the car if they ran it as ragged as it sounds in which case it would be probably be a good investment as the car then has a new (re-man) engine and trans. in it for less than the price of a new car.
And if they had purchased a new/used car you would be complaining about that. Seems to be the way things go now - complain, complain, complain.
Thank God for Mr. Albero! I guess every cloud has a silver lining.
Anonymous said...
But even if they went out and purchased a similar car to this with less miles, isn't it still going to cost us near $12,000 for the LED light package to be put on the new purchased car?..Don't get me wrong. I def wouldn's spend $5,000 on that heap of s*&$ but what cheaper option would there be?
10:55 AM
OK 10:55 AM smart one. Why does it cost you ("us")$12,000 to put on a new LED light package? Why does it need a new LED light package if this car is only being used to run errands and go to class? Some people just don't get it.
They just rescently took the airbags of the rescue truck cause they we out of date and now they need new ones but don't have the money to buy them .but we will put money into a junk car.
It is not a fair statement to say that everyone lied. The truth is that the city government does what they want and the citizens have little say over it.....
You people are ridiculous. This isn't your job to make this decision and it is a good decision. You don't know all the facts yet you are rushing to judgement.
You are clearly overlooking a number of factors. This car is outfitted with decals, radio equipment, light equipment, and sirens. You're going to spend a few thousand alone just to outfit another vehicle with all of that. Plus, the vehicle you'll be replacing it with low miles or not will have an engine in it that ISN'T brand new. These cars are a dime a dozen yes but they're all in similar condition because they get WORKED. Replacing an engine is a good idea, as your reasonable alternative is probably only to buy a new one. Then those decal, radio, siren, light costs come back at you again.
Do they have a wrecked one that they could swap engines out with?
Anonymous said...
And if they had purchased a new/used car you would be complaining about that. Seems to be the way things go now - complain, complain, complain.
11:39 AM
So with that attitude you suggest it's ok to waste our hard earn tax dollars?
What does Clyde care what he takes from the City of Salisbury? He lives in Delmar.
anonymous 12:22, as a commenter recently stated, this is NOT an essential vehicle, so it doesn't NEED lights. However, even if it did and they went out and bought a USED Crwon Vic from let's say Florida from an elderly couple that never really used it, (which happens often) with 25,000 miles on it, they'd spend a thousand bucks and have a dependable vehicle.
To throw away 5 grand on this unit is clearly a joke and you guys th=ought you'd get away with it. However, Salisbury News is always on top of your BS and we calledf you out on it.
The next thing we'll see, probably some time on Tuesday, is an article in the Daily Times explaining how the SFD is great stewards of our money.
Just like you'll see a big article soon about Terry Cohen's letter to the Mayor and Council about the $100,000.00 dump truck. You wait and see.
It is easy to spend money when it is not YOURS !!! What a mess.
Anon 11:57 and Joe...we all know even if they went and purchased a used vehicle that they would put lights on it. without question. to say they wouldn't do that is a lie. Anon 11:57 i said $12,000 just comparing the price to what Joe said the new Fire car last year cost to put lights on it. Not saying that it would actaually cost that much. I was just using Joe's price as a comparison.
maybe the spfd should ask some people on the west side where to get these types of vehicles for a good price. seems there are a lot of them riding around town
Thats funny, when I worked there Rick use to put the old lights on the new cars, so I guess now you through the lights sirens away and get new ones every year.
Decals really, cost that much they isnt much decaling done on that vehicle, and yes years ago we did that too. CAUSE WE HAD NO MONEY...
Funny thing, the firefighters are so good at decals, and lighting they work part time for Black doing it.
Funny crap..
Who said the engine was blown?
Give me a T-R-A-N-S-P-A-R-E-N-C-Y!
What's that spell-transparency
What's that mean-"Exposure"
YEY Joe and Team.
Anonymous said...
I think it's a smart move. Low mileage in SBY... beats spending 20k on something new.
9:51 AM
Smart move? Then why don't you pony up the money. Do you even pay city taxes?
Here is another idea if you went the route of purchasing a nused vehicle. Put the lights off this one and put it on the new one. Decals do not need to be as extravagant as what I have seen. We do not need gold leafing like what is on most fire equipment. All you really need is a seal. The city should have capability to make these, or buy one. They aren't that expensive. You could easily pick this vehicle up with low miles for 10k or less. If it is used for errands and such, it does not need to be a inceptor. Bottom line, if it is the lights and decals that are the sticking point, there are ways to address that, like I stated. The city has mechanics that should be able to handle this task.
You need to follow the money trail.
1. The auto repair shop is providing some kind of kickback to personel in fire depatment such as free service for their personal cars, or just plain cash.
2. Once the engine replacement is done the car will be deemed too old and someone in the fire department will buy the car cheap with a brand new engine.
isn't $5000 cheaper than buying something new or with less miles??
$1200 labor rate that would be 18 hours at around $65 an hour if it takes anyone 18 hours to change an engine in a crown vic they need to find a new line of work.. it only takes me 8 hours at the most to do an engine swap in one as it is a very simple car to work on to begin with
Anonymous said...
What does Clyde care what he takes from the City of Salisbury? He lives in Delmar.
12:37 PM
Don't blame Clyde he does a great job in getting the vehicles worked on immediately. He does exactly what the SFD leadership tells him to do.
I wanted to add that I think 5k is a bit steep for a Ford engine.You can buy TWO gently used Crown Vics ready to drive for that price.I know three people who have Crown Vics and they love them,and do not have any problems with them but personally they just arent for me.Too big,too much gas.
And there is a huge difference between a family car and one that has been ragged out in public service.Again,5 grand is ridiculously high for a motor.It reminds me of those car warranty ads where they try to scare you by saying that replacing an alternator can cost around 900 dollars.Bullsh*t!
And the thought of Cox going back to work is scary.He is like a serial killer in training,trying to pick up girls playing fake cop.Big liability but obviously they dont care.
Yes i would spend $5000 to fix up an old car instead of 30000 for a new one.
If i where some of the people who wrote in yesterday and you said i was a liar , i would tell you where to go you sob.
What the hell do you know.
You lie all the time on this blog and you know it.
Print that you liar.
BAD accident - rt 13 north in front of walmart....just letting you know in case you want to go get pics....my son just clled 2:18
All I have to say is "wake up people". Your rights and liberty are being taken away day by day, not only in Salisbury, but all over the USA. Citizens do not have the voice they think, remember this come election time. Challenge all candidates BEFORE the election, not afterward. Some are good, most are not, but, the bad apples are the majority at this time, and you know what that means.
Again, wake up, Salisbury, WAKE UP AMERICA, before its too late.
Mr. L. Rowles
No, I don't suggest any such thing. I suggest that some people don't seem to be happy unless they are complaining and those people would complain no matter how it was handled. What are you doing that is constructive? Mostly, from my viewpoint, you seem to be into destructive. Never happy. You put your boy into office, never mind that he had no real experience, and now as he learns you aren't happy. Perhaps it is time for Salisbury to go with a Town Manager form of government and hire someone who had an actual education and experience suitable to running a town rather than a part time mayor. Oh, but that would cost money too. Can't have that.
These are all valid points here. I have two questions of my own. Why isnt the city maintence mechanic doing this work ? Dont they have a wrecked or old Vic that they could have taken the motor out of in the city ? What about a recovered drug dealers car ? This is senseless and wasteful.
Maybe Cox can lend his Crown Vis to the City for giving him his job back. It has lights badges and everything you need. Oh ! I'm sorry, thats set up for a cop.
WHOA.....when is it going to end??
I think the City of Salisbury should be renamed City of Corruption Plus because it seems that everyone who is in charge of anything to do with the city is corrupt. I really get tired of so many dishonest people - boy what an upbringing these individuals had.
i said in yesterdays survey that sounded like a car care price and i was dang sure right !crooked clyde worked for crooked watkins for years before wifey caught him with the noodle in a younger bowl of soup and ended up with the whole business and sent him packing. what i cannot understand is was the job bidded out ?it should have been since it was over a thousand dollars. joe u the man! keep up the birddogging on there a$$!
I have to say I am really at a lose for words here seeing my hard earned tax dollars wasted in such a manner. Why isn’t the City of Salisbury service garage on Lake St. not working on this vehicle who my tax dollars pay for? Has the fire department not looked at installing a junk yard engine in this vehicle considering it’s age? Why doesn’t the city garage work on all city vehicles? Why am I paying a local shop money for profit that could go to a city mechanic's salary? Salisbury city garage repairs dump trucks, trash trucks, backhoe’s, front end loaders, road graders, light cars (police cars including emergency light packages), pickup trucks and who knows what else those people fix. The last I knew there were some darn good mechanics working at the city garage has something changed? Joe I thank you for finding out this information and exposing ignorant decisions made by management. To the fireman we know you aren’t the ones who made this decision so don’t think people are mad at you ok.
B.W. Handy
Joe you need not look farther then State Government. 150k on a cruiser is barley broken in. They will put a new engine, transmissions, and completley rebuild a cruiser if it has less then 200k on it. The new trade in on cruisers is between 250- and 300k depending on condition of the body. Besides the repair, parts budget is wide open compared to new fleet purchase. The only difference is the state has their own mechanics. Not to long ago, the guys at city yard would be doing this work and saving alot of money.
Ripping OFF THE city.$5000??? investigation please>>
I got a good used motor at Eden Auto Parts a month ago for $500 bucks. We pulled the bad motor out Saturday then had the junk yard special just about ready to start by super time. Sunday morning we put in the fluids and fired that puppy up. For a motor from the junk yard with 72k on it darned if it don’t run pretty good. So far I’ve put close to 2k on it and not missed a beet. I bought my work van new in 96 that now has 189,554 on it. The rest of my truck is in good shape so for $500 bucks I put my work truck back on the road and never missed one day or slinging paint. Humm other than a 30 pack and a busted knuckle we did right smart good don’t you think!
Did "I" say anything about buying a NEW vehicle. NO!
In fact, what makes YOU people think Salisbury, (Beverly Hills) is so special that you have to have everything brand new?
Did Pittsville get a brand new Ladder Truck when they paid $5,000.00 for their last one. Oh, that's right, they bought it from the City of Salisbury.
As I stated, there's absolutely no reason to have ANY special lights on this vehicle. In fact, go to this Website and check out the 2000 Frod Crown Victoria WITH a Police Package on it at a local Dealership. http://easternshore.craigslist.org/ctd/1620540851.html
So you see, there are plenty of other options and remember, THAT'S RETAIL!
I love all the damage control morons on here stating that a $5,OOO motor replacement is cheaper than buy a new car. Who said anything about buying a new car? Five thousand dollars could go a long way in buy and nice dependable vehicle just for transportation. We aren't talking about outfitting a rapid response emergency vehicle. This car is said to be used for getting around town instead of using an employees car.
Joe, for someone who is "rich", you sure don't know how to manage money properly.
anonymous 5:13, (probably none other than JR) What makes you say something like that.
Hmmmmmm, let's see. I own 15 cars, a motor coach, 2 harley's, a boat and a wave runner. I own a multitude of properties, buildings and homes and oh, guess what JR, EVERYTHING IS PAID FOR!
Now let me see, perhaps you're right. Perhaps you're qualified to challenge someone like me with such a statement. Hell, my motor coach is probably worth more than the home you raise your children in and its not even mortgaged.
Nice try though.
So, because you own 20 vehicles (and I'd bet they are all rust buckets based on the stuff you drive around town), a few run down properties, and a "ranch" in Delmar, that makes you responsible with money? I bet an accountant would disagree. You got lucky with a couple real estate deals, big deal. So, you have a few dollars, how many real friends do you have? Certainly not as many as you think. You sure don't have any in the SFD, SPD, or WBOE. Do something positive for once instead of trying to control our wallets and spread lies.
Why why why why why why why? I have been an auto mechanic for over 30 years so let me tell you putting a new engine in that vehicle makes no sense. I see this car is not the main emergency vehicle for the fire department so a salvage yard engine would be my recommendation. Over the years I put a load of used engines in from the salvage yard and never had a problem. Sure there are extra things you need when putting in a used engine such as tune up parts, anti freeze, oil and filters but still that’s not $5000.00
I bet the transmission is the original too so you might as well think of replacing that soon. Your best buy might be to get the engine and trans from the salvage yard if possible.
Joe I know you were centering that last comment to one individual but it kind of hurt my feelings a bit! Your motor coach is probably worth more than the house I am raising my children in and it is mortgaged, but we work really hard to have this house and even though it isn't much it is a lot for us! Heck I would be in tears if I had a pop up camper to take my kids camping in instead of a tent, but I have a tent and am able to take my little ones camping so I am doing better than many people and I am thankful for that.
Don't allow one idiot to cause you to chose poor wording! I know it is hard to deal with idiots so often and I am sure you weren't thinking of it as something that may touch others so I don't fault you for it. Just think about the fact you are more than those few will ever amount to and don't let them get under your skin!
The negative comments about Clyde Nichols and Harlan Williams are a little over the top here. Firstly, there are always two sides of the story. I think it's pretty irresponsible to make your judgements based on one. You are maligning someone's reputation and potentially putting their livelihood at risk by slandering someone you don't know and have never had interaction with. Anyone who knows these two men would never make that comment, but it's easy to sit in anonynimity behind the safety of your computer and run someone down. I've often read these comments on other controversies and thought the same thing. It's one thing to report fact, and another to sling mud.
Give me a break who made this decision Gordy or Hoppes? Stupid you hear me stupid! Here’s my question and I’ll make it short. City yard works on SPD cars but not SFD cars why? And the Sheriffs department is no better because I see their cars all over the place at shops being worked on. So why doesn’t the county repair shop work on county owned sheriffs department cars? You know Joe this whole thing might just be bigger than you think. I would like to know why the city shop doesn’t work on all city vehicles and the county shop work on all county vehicles. Better yet why not consolidate both, combine resources to work on all these vehicles. Combining those resources might be a good idea.
anonymous 5:33, you are so right, please forgive me everyone?
Remember though, I too worked very hard to be in the position I am in and did so honorably. To have someone challenge me for doing so ticked me off.
anonymous 5:30, spoken like a true jealous individual. No, they're not rust buckets. They may not get driven very often but each and every one of them will fire up every time you turn the key.
By the way, it wasn't just real estate deals that got me to where I am today. In fact, I'll come out of retirement for another long weekend in upcoming weeks to manufacture another large lamp order for one of the largest lamp manufacturers in the world. I don't want to come off arrogant again so I'll simply say that one order like this one can put me back into retirement for another 6 years. Not that I need it, I'm just not stupid to walk away from such an order. Nice try though.
anonymous 5:30, who's in your wallet today?
OMG! How much would you wager Gordo made that decision from a white sandy beach in the Caribbean? Hoppes can’t be that stupid can he?
Please tell me why the fire department needs all those cars. Does city police have enough patrol cars for police officers to do their job? There is no way in gods green world that fire department needs all those cars.
Joe it's all good! I think you are awesome from what I have seen of you on this blog. (I have never had the pleasure of meeting you in person, although I have been in the same room with you on a few occasions) Hard work and smart investments are the way to go. Who can fault a person for that? I surely don't!
Unfortunately I made stupid mistakes and stumbled for years before finally getting my stuff together so I am paying for those decisions now! Even so I am very very thankful and proud for coming as far as I have in life. Like I said before I may not have much but I have busted my a$$ for everything that I do have.
Keep doing what you do Joe apparently it is working for you!
if this car is rarely used, why not just use a personal vehicle & expense the mileage?
Ireton asked us how to get rid of Gordy and hasn’t done it yet. What the h***? Ireton you need to show us you have a set of balls dude!! How long are you going to let this crap go on before you do something about it? You have the power just do it! Gordy volunteers his time he’s not on the payroll just bust him back to firemen! Tell him he’s not a chief anymore and he’ll go away. He has no recourse just tell him he’s not the chief. Come on dude tell him.
I use my own car when I go to MFRI classes why can't the rest of you?
Anonymous said...
if this car is rarely used, why not just use a personal vehicle & expense the mileage?
6:05 PM
Replace it with a used engine from the junkyard. Gordy will hear nothing of the sort. Everything is new and Hoppes does what Gordo tells him to do. Throwing away your tax dollars without a worry or care. Who's going to stop him. The three stooges wont.
Is that the same car I see in Pittsville during the day several times a week?
Mr. Gordy, until you grow a pair and use your real name, you're right, comments like the one you just tried to pass off as anonymous won't see the light of day.
I will say this though. I'm confident it pains you to know I have "insiders" that give me hard information for you to accept.
As you mentioned in your rejected comment, many of Salisbury's leaders are gone and yes, that is because of my exposure. You too will soon see the end of your light as a participant of the Salisbury Leadership, as will the rest of the big spenders in Salisbury.
We are nowhere near done as we continue to drive people like you to places like Florida and the likes to TRY to get rid of your stress.
Now we know you're a regular to Salisbury News and while I wouldn't want to stress you out any more, might I strongly suggest you simply stop coming here because I'm truly afraid that the infoirmation we'll be delivering in the near future about the SFD will be too much for you to handle.
As for the information brought out about others, spouces have NOT been brought into play. Not yours and not the mechanics. Unlike the dirty pool you have played by getting so closely involved with JT & Co. you Sir can simply kiss my A$$, along with your good buddy Mr. C.. If you can't figure that one out, take another stress reliever pill, relax and I'm confident it will come to you soon enough.
Retire and walk away, you're not only no longer welcome, I'd retreat before you're publicly humiliated.
Oh, let me finish with this. You tell Mr. Hoppes to quit trying to send recruits to get Joe Albero to publish the PIO Press Releases. You people refused to forward information to us for many years and now all of a sudden you've come to realize we're bigger than ANY other news source on the Eastern Shore and you NEED ME? Again, kiss my A$$.
When the SFD has professional leadership in place, people who are honorable to face the truth, who understand accountability without excuses, then and only then will I reconsider my position.
You say because the hood of the car isn't up, that doesn't mean the engine is being replaced. Man, you may call that Shop and tell them to STOP any and all work on this vehicle, I'm really cool with that. That is, IF the engine hasn't already been replaced. However, my sources are way too good to deny the work was ordered to be done and Salisbury News, (once again) came to the taxpayers rescue.
Now, IF the Mayor is aware of this, (which I know he is) and the work continues, my guess is his position will be relieved sooner than his full term or he'll never see a second term as Mayor. Don't believe me, try me.
Gordy stay away we don't need you chump.
Singer fire equipment bought a 1988 Pierce engine from Salisbury this year for just a few thousand. They dropped a create motor in it for around $3500 and its running around as a spare/loner. Salisbury let it sit for months and never looked into a motor when it blew. Gordy said it was not worth it and called it a blessing. This allowed him to buy a new one as he said. The council never knew what hit them.
Gordan should of got that one, Darn Jimmy Johnson.
How many actually lied? How many did not live in the SFD juridiction? I answered the survey but I live in Delaware so it is no skin off me.
Mr. Albero
Thank you for that last post it was a good one. At some point leadership of the fire department has to get the punishment it deserves. We all know Gordo is the rotten core that has to be removed. D. See is already gone but was he really rotten? Nope he allowed Gordo to ruin him just like Hoppes did and its called guilt by association. How stupid can Hoppes be to let Gordo bring him down keeping him out of the chief’s position? I actually gave Hoppes a little more credit than that going into his intern as acting fire chief but I was wrong. I had hopes Hoppes would have rid himself of Gordo but he didn’t so as a result he cost himself the office of fire chief.
Joe - regarding your 6:22 comment , all I can say is WOW !!!!!!!!
Singer did not put an motor in that old fire engine. The original motor is still in that fire engine and its running just fine imagine that. Did Gordy lie again?
All these posts sound strangely alike. Maybe the few disgruntled pretend union fire fighters are making them all over riding the point here. Stop your whining and let real intelligent comments be made.
I can live with the car repair. I'm not cool with the fireman who impersonated a cop returning to work. Thats just crazy.
Hoppes is pissed off right now because he was denied the fire chiefs job. He is going to go through the back door to spend as much money as he can. He is cussing Mayor Ireton every day and he and Bragg a running the Mayor down every chance they get.
Please, please someone answer the only two questions that matter: why (please!) are these repairs not being done at the city garage? This is a simple repair (I know of which I speak). This reflects a pattern of wastefull decisions. If someone will tell me when and where, I will confront and question those responsible. Second, if true, that the city hired a criminal stalker, I ask prior to the lawsuits who made this decision. Someone PLEASE answer me. BTW, as a competitor of Clyde, I will say he is one of the most honorable men I know.
When it comes to Gordy career and volunteer hate him alike and want him gone. Money can buy many things but it can’t buy respect. Gordy isn’t super man he just came in spent every dollar he got his hands on and said look at me fact is we didn’t need all this crap. Yes we needed a new ladder truck not three ladder trucks. Yes we needed a new fire engine not two. Gordy likes to spend money on new stuff when its not really necessary but we can’t stop him. If the volunteer membership doesn’t give him what he wants he threatens them that he can take it anyway. You know why don’t you because he changed the city charter when he got in office during the station two situation to suit him. It gives him power to take volunteer money given to them by Wicomico county where before volunteers had to vote to expend that money before. Money gave volunteers respect and power against Gordy until he took volunteer power. No one including volunteers have any say against Gordy just the way he likes it. He’s not stupid is he?
Hoppes is very pissed off right now that’s why he’s preaching all his safety bull crap to everyone. Take your safety bull crap somewhere else and leave us alone. You aint the chief so go back in your office and play on the computer.
It is easy to hide behind the computer and say these two (Clyde and Harlan) are saints also, but they aren't.
Anonymous said...
I can live with the car repair. I'm not cool with the fireman who impersonated a cop returning to work. Thats just crazy.
6:53 PM
In my opinion they are two major problems, but I also think cop impersonating fireman is a major liability to the city tax payers. The citizens have a hard time trusting the firemen now because of Gordy and Hoppes and now Cox. WTH!
Anonymous said...
Second, if true, that the city hired a criminal stalker, I ask prior to the lawsuits who made this decision. Someone PLEASE answer me.
7:01 PM
Acting Chief Hoppes and Acting Deputy Chief Bragg
anon 7:01, he may be honorable but there is no doubt if he is charging the city $5,000 for a replacement engine he is NOT as honorable in city dealings as he may appear elsewhere.
Anonymous said...
anon 7:01, he may be honorable but there is no doubt if he is charging the city $5,000 for a replacement engine he is NOT as honorable in city dealings as he may appear elsewhere.
8:44 PM
He may be charging that much but the city doesn't have to get the work done. They could have gotten a used motor or a cheaper quote.
That car was seen sitting outside of Clyde's all last week in the back. I thought the tow truck was going to take it to Delmarva Recycling. That car is nothing but junk.
The city needs to get a good fire chief in place to clean that mess up. I really don't think an outsider knows how bad that fire department is and will make it worse. The current leadership and administration is like a cancer and it is spreading fast.
You really don't like posting evidence that's against your viewpoint? Stop being a bully. Have some humility.
To be fair Joe, Since you used kbb for your first value, why not back up your elderly couple from FL value.
Elderly couple in Orlanda, FL.
Excellent condition, 25k miles.
Retail value (Because they're not going to go searching the classifieds):
So by the time you AT LEAST put decals and radio equip in, you've spent nearly the five grand. So we're not even talking lights since your opinion is they're not necessary. What if the primary vehicles need work? Get in an accident? The back-ups have to be ready to use.
A new engine is justifiable, plain and simple. That's why they did it.
anonymous 10:55, I'm happy to post that comment. In fact, I think it makes you look like an even bigger fool. Take the lights and equipment off the old vehicle and put it on the new one. In fact, don't even do that. The vehicle is a go getter vehicle and it is not necessary to dress it out with all that equipment.
Leave it to a democrat to pay RETAIL, or a government employee. Nevertheless, let's just see where your comment brings us from this point forward.
Anon 10:55 PM you are an idiot. You just don't get it because it isn't your money. I doubt you live in the city and pay city taxes. The point Joe and others are making is that the car is not an emergency vehicle and doesn't need all the emergency bells and whistles. Looks like Hoppes and Gordy and playing damage control again.
The two post on sfd contradict each other. In one you say do not put and engine in and the other you say put the engine in. Putting a motor in a old pumper is crazy, and maybe so in this car. Just remember the council has to approve of everything, there is where your problems are.
Most, if not probably all the firemen dont even know the car is broken or why. Thats how important it is. Dont blame the firemen. They just take direction from the current leadership and I use the term loosely.
One comment for this story.. What does Cyldes have to do with anything? Have you looked into other shops windows to see who's cars are getting worked. I am sure his shop isnt the only one with official cars. Just another way to slander someones name and business and for what may I ask....
Just to set the record straight, I have not slammed this business. Although $5,000.00 to replace an engine is an absolute JOKE, this is America and if the City is that STUPID to pay that kind of money, oh well.
Well it sures sounds like it to everyone reading this blogg... You didnt have to put pictures up of this new business. I have known these 2 men for a long time, and if people want good service and to make sure their cars are up and running properly then they should take it to Clydes. Talk to the Mayor about them spending crazy amounts of money vs. putting pictures up of a business you were looking into the windows without the Owners permission.
anonymous 12:22, Let's just6 cut through all the crap Clyde. So it took you a while to get on line and see this article, now you're trying to defend your business.
If you have a problem with me or my article, contact your lawyer. While I truly wish you success with your business, always remember that trying to hit a Grand Slam on a single deal will always come back and bite you in the A$$.
You too, Sir, should be held accountable.
To respond to the last post.... How would Clyde be help responsible for the cities actions. He is a innocent by-standard in the cities mess..
anonymous 12:59, ROTFLMAO! $5,000.00 worth of innocence. BS
In fact, that's like a plastic surgeon doing a Pamela Anderson boob job on a 98 year old woman. Give it a rest and shut up. Sometimes you just have to say NO.
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