Michael Schwartz recently did an article about Barbara Mikulski retiring and the Baltimore Sun chose to recognize him, but did so accurately.
"On Monday, shortly after Bayh surprised Democrats by announcing that he was quitting, an obscure right-wing blogger posted a report that Mikulski would be announcing in a few days that she will step down. The groundless report was picked up by other blogs - including some that clear the very low bar for respectability in this realm - without bothering to check its validity."
Congratulations Michael. We knew it had to be you once I read the word, "obscure."
Did anyone read the Leggs/Foxwell article The Baltimore Sun did over the weekend?
Uh, didn't you report the same story?
anonymous 12:10, we didn't author a story about Barbara. We linked to someone elses article.
Hasn't he found a job yet. The guy has way too much time on his hands. He may dislike Obama but he sure loves milking unemployment. Can you say RINO.
I saw Michael commenting on JT's site. Does anyone want to take wagers on which one of those two will die first from obesity or a heart attack?
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