How many Wicomico County private citizens would be ready and eager to be conscripted into forming our own snow - guard to help alleviate the overwhelming conditions.
If the State can't handle it and the County can't handle it. . . then isn't the National guard suppose to be our last line of defense.
I say activate the Guard immediately and open the equipment depot gates and let the 'snow fly'.
Politicians. . . I hope you all are listening.
I wouldn't wait for it to happen. I saw this same thing back in 1979. Out where all the snow did happen, didn't see a plow for days. They were all riding around Salisbury, where there was a whole lot less snow.
They are not listening. They are in their nice warm homes. May have even had the public service clean their snow away. No work tomorrow or monday so just sleep and sit by the fire in la la land. These people didnt get a furlo or a cut in pay so they might even afford someone to clear their snow. The reminder of us depend on Joe to come push it away or srape it away ourselves. Ill bet Rickey didnt shovel anything. He dont know it snowed.
Probably the most ridiculous idea I've heard today. What is the National Guard going to do, stop it from snowing? I love how our elected officials have to take the blame for the acts of Mother Nature.
That's all we need, a bunch of rednecks in their big ol' trucks playing in the snow feeling even more self-important. Here's an idea, stay home for a day or two and enjoy the family.
As far as the National Guard, can you say 'over-react.' My rural road is drivable now even in my front-wheel drive car, as the county crews have been doing a great job all day. But I'll stay inside and enjoy the fire.
Agreed completely! BTW Comcast Sucks....Delmarva Power Rocks!
""Maryland National Guard Units are prepared to assist local emergency managers and first responders around the state, and have already begun deployment to throughout Maryland," O'Malley said. "
From WBOC, so they were already being deployed.
I listened to WBAL early this morning and the National Guard has been activated and was very active - taking nurses to work, set up to transport patients (6 per humvee they said, all lying down).
The county and state should be able to handle it with all the dame taxes we pay.
Its doing to be 17F tonight with wind. Thats way differant than last night.
Mr. Albero, my significant other's son and I went over to Pine Bluff Village this AM to care for his mother/grandmother, and we were greeted at the front door by a resident who told us that the power had been off since 3:00AM. It was heartbreaking to see these elderly residents huddled together for heat and comfort. Why would a facility designated for senior citizens not have a back-up generator? We were preparing to take her out to the home of a family member when the power came on. I fully understand that DPL are probably working themselves to death, but what are the folks doing who "manage" these facilities? I guess I just wanted to vent, but thanks for listening.
Isn't the National Guard unit in Salisbury either transportation or military police?
There isn't a vehicle in the NG parking lot that has a plow on it.
What can they do to make things better, aside from transporting people to work at the hospital or others to shelters?
oh geez people. it's winter, it's snowing, we had plenty of warning this was coming. WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL IF YOU GET TO STAY HOME FOR A FEW DAYS!! Be happy you have a nice warm home and stop whining.
The National Guard has been working on the Western Shore since yesterday.
They should be activated to help some of the people who are elderly with no electric. Checked on choptank Electric website and they were pulling their crews off until 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. So if you have Choptank and no power it won't be until tomorrow until it is restored. The farmers back where we live will be the ones who get us out tomorrow. We haven't seen a truck all day and don't expect to. Be safe everyone.
I get so tired of hearing people complain that the county and state workers are not doing their job. As the significant other of a State Highway road crew member, let me assure you that he as well as the guys at his shop do not enjoy spending their entire weekend (40+ consecutive hours for the last 2 storms) - trying to clean up what mother nature is laying on us, with little to no sleep. I am sure they too would like to be nice and warm and snuggled at home in front of the tv with their loved ones instead of trying to keep the roads safe and passable for the MORONS that find it necessary to travel in conditions such as we are experiencing. However, as part of the responsibility they accept when they take the job to work on a highway crew - they know they will have to work in some of the most horrible conditions.
A lot of you do not understand the conditions at which salt can be spread for maximum benefit without costing us, the taxpayers even more money or even how to use or when to use the plow on the front of those trucks. Give it a rest - they do what they can with what they have.
In addition, the fact that someone would negatively comment on the fact that they saw road crews laughing after such trechorous and long hours is beyond my cognitive thinking. You people should spend your time praying for those guys to make it safely home to their families or better yet, if you feel the need to be on the road, a donation of a home-cooked meal, snacks or desserts would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to the local State Highway crews for at least trying to maintain order for the citizens of our county and state!
EMS in this county is stuggling to get to people the roads are that bad. That is where the national guards humvees would come into use
***Man Joe, come outside of the newsroom.. The National Guard has been out there..They have been giving esential personel rides to work.. But I guess you wouldn't need a ride***
For those of you that want less government in your lives and less spending by the government I would suggest that you reframe from calling on government to help just because we got a little snow. Don't forget that the National Guard is the government. We have no real emergency at this time, so why do you conservatives want to waste tax payers money. By Monday everything will be back to normal with or without the National Guards involement.
My plea would be to have those able bodied citizens help those less fortunate or that are unable to get out. This is when those that can need to come together and help each other out. Besides, aren't all the National Guardsman still in Haiti?
At 17F and no power its dangerous now.
6:18 If you have an emergency at you residence, you will want the roads plowed.
This is what confuses me and makes me mad. The State declares a State of Emergency and NO One should be on the road but emergency personel.
But if you are considered, Essiental Personel, you are mandated to report to work or face repremands. So...you have 2 choices, try and get to work to keep your job or get stopped by the police and get a citation.
A WBOC reporter did a bit last night at the Nat'l Guard Armory. The Nat'l Guard spokesman explained the Guards responsibilities during the storm and was very knowledgeable informative, and mannerly, quite unlike a lot the
bloggers on this site.
yes, conservatives only want the government involved when THEY are inconvenienced.
Delmarva Power still rocks and Comcast still SUCKS!
Response to 6:39
Yes I am a conservative. And if you'll read my article I wrote that there are many Wicomico County residents that are able and willing to report for voluntary service.
I know of at least 12 - (we'll refer to them as the dirty dozen)- that could handle virtually any piece of equipment the military can provide.
We'll guarantee the taxpayers - just like George Patton did when he liberated Bastogne.
When Eisenhower - asked Patton how long it would take his third army (located in Northeastern France) north to counterattack. He said he could attack with two divisions within 48 hours.
We'll liberate Wicomico County from this dreadful snowfall in 12.
Beazer - (and the dirty dozen)
5:50 I would beg to differ with you. There are few people on the shore better at shoveling it than Ricky.
As an essential employee, let me tllyou that even se of us cn't get t work. I live out in thecounty a he sent someone out to pick me up and thaperson got stuck and wanted me to walk to them in this mess. Te snow in my yard has drifted to 3 feet and Iwasn't aling anywhere. Theplows only came dow y road once last weekand I don't figure tosee tem this wek a al, so e have to try and drive on a one lne road if there is even that just to dive totown or work. Therd isn't psable and even 4 wheel drives can'g down here. So, yes I would love to sit oe and enjoy it but I know that peopl out there depend on me.
6:39 You speak like a fool, either do it on your own time with your own equipment or join the Guard. Just what the county needs, you and the drunken dozen cleaning up the snow with Government equipment.
Thank you to all the county workers who are out risking their lives to plow our roads! God Bless you! I am thankful to have a warm house w/power and working heat. I will stay off the roads anytime no problem to make your jobs easier.
8:25 Oooooh, I'm impressed.
Beazer or Beezer at 8:25 p.m., which is it? Do you not know how to spell your own alias?
FYI, Guard members are out.
To the person wonder if essential personnel requiring to report will get cited by the police, no, you won't. That's why you are "essential."
Beezer, or Beazer, whichever, if people want to help, they can call one of the three numbers provided by the Salisbury mayor's office. People don't get to just hop on a piece of government equipment because of liability issues (yes, taxpayers who paid for the equipment will sue the government to cost other taxpayers for their overzealous use of equipment resulting in accidents.)
I won't tell you what my work is, but I got to see plenty of emergency personnel in action answering calls from road issues to power issues to health issues. They busted a$$.
You people need to quit b*tching and thumping your chests. Start saying thank you to those out in this stuff to take care of you. If you have power and are warm enough to type on this blog, STFU.
The only people that should be on the road are emergency personnel (police, ambulances, fire trucks) essential personnel (Police, prison guards, nurses, doctors, plow trucks)
No one is going to die from being in the house a few days so the road crews are not contending with idiots that haven't a clue how to drive in rain much less snow and ice.
The National Guard should be strictly for getting essential and emergency responders to and from locations in the event they are needed and cannot do so without assistance.
Seems to me in some eyes the county and state are damned if they do and damned if they don't!! Sit back, relax, enjoy the down time, and take a minute to appreciate being alive instead of searching for reasons to complain. Life really can be so much simpler than some people make it.
Really? Aren't we over-reacting a little? First, if you have any sense, you would stay home. Second, if you have to leave, it's drivable, just take your time. Third, has anyone really seen a police officer with a car pulled over for being out? They've been busy enough with you boneheads who think you can still drive 55, or that four wheel drive means indestructible. The snow is an inconvenience, that’s about it. I’ve been forced to drive in the worst of it and have had no problems, just take your time.
why don't we give shovels to all those on welfare and make them earn it for once? let them clear the roads, hell we've already paid them, then it would save the wear and tear on our trucks and road crews! besides most of them are overweight the exercise would do em good!
National Guard is helping ems and police depts. in Dorchester! They are stationed at Hurlock Fire Dept. I guess Wico County does not rate..
The only thing the national guard should be doing, is that they should be taking the country back from the commies in Washington like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid!
Then they would really be guarding the nation!
Stop crying and enjoy another day inside.
I usually like this blog and get on it regularly but stop crying and complaining all the time
What some of you don't understand is that some of us out in the county will NEVER see a snow plow. If we do it will be long after the snow has melted enough for us to even get out on the highway. The storm we had in Decembetr it was 5 days before I saw a snow plow. I think he was lost then, trying to find his way back to Salisbury.
To those helping others whether clearing roads or helping neighbors, a BIG thanks! To you complainers, get over it and try to help someone in need. You might find it rewarding.
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