In a 2007 report released by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), the crime rate in Maryland was approximately 8-percent higher than the national rate.
According to the study, Maryland’s property crime rate – which accounts for roughly 87.2-percent of the overall crimes committed – was 5-percent higher than the national average, and violent crime clocked in 27-percent higher.
In 2009, CQ Press released their annual Crime State Rankings, and Maryland was listed as the ninth most dangerous state in the union, finishing second in murders, second in robbery, sixth in auto theft and ninth in assault.
And Maryland has – according to the National Rifle Association – some of the toughest gun control laws in the country.
So to capitalize on that documented 'success' thanks to previous get-tough-on-guns legislation – and to remain indifferent to properly enforcing laws currently on the books - the Maryland General Assembly is once again seeking passage of an ‘assault weapons’ ban that does little more than regulate the people who actually abide by those laws.
SB 516, introduced this week by Senator Mike Lenett (D – Montgomery County) and numerous other members of the anti-gun sect in the Maryland Senate, would designate “specified firearms as assault weapons; prohibiting with specified exceptions a person from transporting an assault weapon into the State or possessing, selling, offering to sell, transferring, or receiving an assault weapon; requiring the Handgun Roster Board to compile and maintain a roster of prohibited assault weapons; etc.”
GO HERE to read more.
Again the liberal A-holes just don't like the constitution and trying to enact this law is an attack on the constitution
put an upside down flag on your car if you are opposed to this type of assault on our constitution.
You dont ever put the flag upside down.
I hope assault weapons are banned in MD! Everyone I've come in contact with that wants or owns an assault weapon is arguably insane- lets face it THERE IS NO ACTUAL REASON TO OWN ONE. Unless you are an active service member (SORRY MILITIA'S DONT COUNT IDIOT) then you have no reason to own one of these.
BAN THEM! Mike Lenett has my support/
I am NOT - REPEAT - not goining to give up my firearms. Under any damn bulls- liberal a$$ed laws. Arm up, folks, get all the ammo ya can!!!
I legally own many of the firearms targeted by this liberal takeover attempt.
I feel sorry for the stupid jack booted slug that comes to take them away.
dear doug, yes there is a time when you can fly the flag upside down, it is a signal of distress!
unfortunately we are way past that point in liberalland!
2:46 If they come to get MY guns, you'll be the first to find out my firepower...
You OBVIOUSLY don't know nor understand History.
Hey 2:46pm you are with out a doubt a dumb a$$. The very guns these basturds are trying to ban are already regulated to death to begin with and the criminal does not buy them. If these S.O.B.s would enforce the laws we hav on the books now in Md. we wouldn't need any more. Personally I think your car is useless so we should ban them in this state as well that way we won't have any more DWIs. These politicians have no common sense at all and mr.2:46 neither do you.
^5, anom 2:46. call me a dumb a$$ too. Whoever comes to get any of my guns that i own LEGALLY, will in short turn find out just how much firepower they posess. If that's how i have to go down, i'll go down on the right side of things, anyhow.
Doug, yes you do. It signifies distress. It is now being used to identify those of us who believe our nation is in distress and want to make things right.
2:46 the 2nd amendment doesn't stipulate what guns americans have the right to keep. It does stipulate that the right to keep them and bear them shall not be infringed. What part of that do you not understand?
6:39...ANY gun you own, you own legally because any requirement to register them is illegal. Local, State and federal governments have been violating our second amendment right from the very first time they passed a law that infringes upon it. This is one of the biggest issues patriots of today have and one of the first issues we want addressed as we elect people into office to move us back to the type of government first instituted by the founding fathers. Show us that you want this type of change. Bear the American flag upside down until we can fix this nation and put it back the way it belongs.
Long live the Revolution!
How come the Left bends over backwards to give terrorist the same rights as us, and ACLU sues evrybody for some terrorist or piece of $hit rights so called being violated, but they always seem to overlook the "Right to bear arms". The only one that is hurt buy gun laws is law abiding people. I agree with the other posters. I seem to remember hearing a quote saying" from my cold dead hands"
I really hate this backward, redneck, hopeless, useless town and all the morons who live here.
We have a Peninsula full of mentally challenged, impotent, bullies who want to show their love for this country and her laws by arming themselves to the teeth and shooting anyone who disagrees.
Forget what you think Obama wants to do, you guys are already on your way to destroying the country.
Hopefully, the jack-booted thugs will take care of you before you recover from your hangover.
where do legislators get their ideas for the bills they want to pass? do they lie awake at night thinking them up?
1:06 love it or leave it!
why do you care what others choose to do? does it bother you so much that others choose to exercise their rights? don't you love to exercise yours? You wouldn't like it if someone told you you couldn't! so please spare us from all your drama! There are plenty of other places and countries you can go live in that meet your idea of utopia!
Could one of you anti-gun liberals please tell me how an "assault rifle" functions differently from a modern hunting rifle?
I can see no difference between my guns?
They both go bang?
How is this going to reduce crime?
How will this reduce the bad guys from getting anything they want anyways?
Will it erase "evil looking" guns from history kind of like our current total wall-to-wall drug ban didn't affect the drug market one little tiny bit?
Could one of you anti gun liberals explain that to me? I can't seem to understand the logic?
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