The reason my Grandson wasn't picked up today by his assigned School Bus was because the driver got stuck in the snow.
So to ALL of you nay sayers, even on the second day road conditions were not acceptable and my photos taken and produced yesterday proved to be 100% accurate.
Was told this afternoon that schools will open at the regular time tomorrow. Better get your sleep kids!
That's one full bus !!
I'm sure this would be considered an excused absence. AND, I'm sure that if parents called the schools that they could not get their kids there by themselves that it would also be excused. What the schools are trying to do here is watch out for the other end of the gun when school runs halfway through the summer. You see, they have to OFFER AND BE OPEN 170 days each year!
Let's all work through this record snowfall and still preserve our summer vacations.
Delmar district is on 2 hour delay while Wicomico is on time. This really messes up Delmar Elem and its students. Why can't these districts get coordinated? Because Wicomico is run by idiots. Roads are stll narrow and ice covered, so lets go on time.
The wheels on the bus go round and round.
round and round.
round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all over the ice!
That happened to us yesterday! Waited for bus but after a half hour I called school. School said that the bus was stuck in snow and to bring our son to school! So I picked up a couple kids in the neighborhood that I knew did not have rides to school!
Ok that is one bus out of how many? There is a difference in a bus getting stuck and putting the kids lives in jeopardy. Still think it was the right decision. so can we agree to disagree? Please.
Joe, could you please tell us when your tv show will be back. Me and hubby both miss it.
What is wrong with having a designated group pickup location in these conditions, like local shopping center or gas station / convenience store? The parents could brave these roads and take their kids to such a spot. It seems easier than having these buses try to go practically to each kid's door.
Yet we can afford a $1.5M parking-lot.
Hes plays. "Slip-Slidin away, the closer to my destination the more I keep Slip-Sliding away."
Not only are all of the roads not cleared, all of the schools are not ready either.....not enough staff parking at West Salisbury or Glen Avenue, all portable steps and walkways not cleared at Bennett Middle or Delmar.....AND today Parkside had a fire drill whereby students on the second floor exit the outside access doors and come down the adjacent stairwells....and guess what, those areas hadn't been cleared and they couldn't open the doors and go anywhere....good thing it wasn't a real fire.
I have a real problem with the town of Delmar. Iwas driving down Main St. There were small children walking in waist deep snow because the side walks were not cleared.
Come Delmar I love the town but this is just not safe. Some of the kids were walking in 54 instead of the snow drifts.
Cops must have been working a major homicide they were all at the office.
I signed that petition for you guys. I guess now that you have it. It is back to the old ways during the days.
We need 4x4 school buses.
Where did the bus get stuck?
They were some good pictures of a couple of roads, but they didn't really reflect the roads in general throughout the county. If anything, maybe just Delmar should have been closed because their roads were definitely in rough shape. Don't they have plows?
5:42, I have been told by several that schools will be opening with 2hour delays all week.
Today Parkside High School had a fire drill. My son had a class on the second floor. To exit the building they had to exit the building via the outside balcony and then proceed through a door. Only problem, that door was blocked by snow and could not be opened to allow the children to exit the building. Good thing it was fire drill and not a real fire or they would have been in serious trouble. Not one word from the school concerning this. I will be contacting the board tomorrow - any fire fighters reading this - please make sure something is done!!!
At Parkside, it was NOT a scheduled drill... the alarm was PULLED by someone...
If any parents, or grandparents, are really concerned for you childs wellbeing, drive them to school yourself, or havethem stay home. If a bus did happen to get stuck, or slide a little, it really isn't that big of a deal. The huge drifts on the sides of the road will stop them, and they should be driving slow anyway. If you don't, you are all just complaining to complain.
As of right now, Wicomico has not announced any delay.
Delmar has a 2-hour delay.
I doubt very seriously it was a fire drill. More than likely someone pulled the alarm. Fire drills are normally scheduled but if weather is bad they are postponed. Plus schools try to have all administrators in the building when a drill is conducted and all secondary principals were in a meeting the whole school day.
Certainly call and complain about exits not being cleared - as you are right, if it had been a real fire, the situation could have been tragic - but not about a fire drill.
Wow talk about a liability Parkside. I guess you can get a Phd. but not enough common sense to blow your nose. Sad really. The more book smarts the less common sense one may have.
First of all, there is not a Main St. in Delmar. Secondly, it is not the town's responsibility to shovel walks. True some of Delmar's Streets are not that clear, but consider also, that many of the residents on the side streets do not have off street parking. People park on both sides of the road making it almost impossible to get a plow down it and do a halfway decent job. Delmar had just as much snow as everyone else and nowhere to put it. They do have trucks with plows, though how many, I do not know. If you have a problem with the streets, contact Public Works to get an answer. Maybe while you are on the phone with them, you could give them suggestions as to how they should do it. Probably the same person complaining that complained about the noise. If they do things so much better in Baltimore, you should return there.
Jane, don't waste your time. Emperor Frederickson makes all decisions and waves his sword to subdue all complainers. Your child is only one of 14ooo and accidents will kill a few. Everyone can't be saved. Decisions are made for the best interest of the majority. You don't know half of what goes on in some of our schools.Stupid parents think their children are safe in school. Little do they know.I wonder the principal and vive principals walk aound and chech all doors. Oh, that 's right, they would have to get up out of their chair and might mess their shoes up. My child could not even get into the portable on Tuesday until the teacher cleared off the steps at Bennet Middle. I told my son to call me on his cell phone the next time . I will be out there with camera and the press.This is nonsense. Where are the custodians? Give the administrators a shovel. They make enough money to work extra hours in emergencies.I think all parents need camera access of every room or area that their child is in during the school day.The internet is a very useful tool and has vast possibilities.
thought you lived in DE,,, I know the propery you live on, it is in DE....
Wow! I never even would have thought of what could happen if there was a fire, or some other type of emergency. Perhaps the fire marshal can personally fine our superintendent for all the violations and hold him accountable. Makes me wonder if the rooves really were inspected before the students went back! Wonder how many accidents may have happened in student parking lots and how many falls?
All of this does not matter, school opened, remained to stay open, and only a handful of losers are complaining about it. YOU LOSE!!
My kids told me about the Parkside fire drill. Apparently the football coach couldn't even get the door open.
When they get that title "Dr." they become God , right judy Strib.
I call them career students , too lazy to work!
And I thought there was a shortage of Drs. at the hospital!
OK folks, time to wake up and truly smell the coffee. We all know that trying to get these kids back in the schools has nothing to do with the extended school year. It all has to do with $$. That's right, there is a genuine fear by the BOE that students will not be prepared for the upcoming MSA testing by missing so much school this time of the year. They teach to a state test. If our county schools perform poorly on those test, hence less $$. Also, it looks bad on the BOE's John Fredrickson. So if they get the $$ from the government, then they keep their jobs. What I don't understand is that we continue to not fill much needed teaching positions. Anyone notice this year how much larger the classroom sizes are growing? We have classrooms full of assistants at half the teacher's salaries that are as much or more qualified than many of the tenured teachers themselves... Food for thought!
It's 6:35AM Thursday morning, I'm watching WBOC as I read and they're announcing City of Salisbury is STILL in a state of emergency....hello WBOE.....can you now admit that city streets are not ready to have buses riding on them or children walking in the icey streets because sidewalks aren't cleared????? Frederickson and board members, we all don't live in fancy neighborhoods like you.
...and you were in your glory to report this because now you can keep on "beating this dead horse to death". Three days on this subject is enough. Wonder, had schools been closed on Tues., and Weds. what the comments would have been. But no need to speculate ...schools were open, whats done is done, and there is no way to change it, Thank your God all is well and get on with life.
Grow up people!
What exactly do you people want? I know let's never go back to school or work!Lets just go to Walmart and buy bread and milk and sit around and play on this stinkin computer
I still say if you feel the roads near your home are too dangerous keep your child home.
If the bus can't make it down your road but you can get out, take your kid to school yourself. Or at least to the nearest bus stop that the bus can get to.
You can not tell me that you and your children have not left the house in over a week. If you can make it out to go to the park/elks to go sledding, or the mall to see a movie, or even to the store for milk and bread you can take your own child to school.
And stop complaining. Take responsibility for your own life.
Amen Chris! Personal Responsibility! Something we are not do a very good job at teaching these days! It is always someone's else's fault.
I understand person responsibility to get your kid to school. What about the responsibility of the High Almighty Dr Fredericksen in making sure the fire exits are clear??? Fine him personally. He is from up North where it snows more often then here and why did he not hink about this????
9:22 I agree! There should be a plan in place that makes sure these types of things are followed up on. There are people below him that should have them answers. Calling the Superintendant names will not get the exits open any sooner. Get involved! They are OUR schools not his, he just works for us.
8:17 Anon
It is not the town's responsibility to clear the sidewalks in town. It is the responsibility of the property owner!
However, it certainly IS the job of the Code Enforcement Officer, if that's what they want to call him, to be going around and taking care of the violations, but he's probably sitting in his nice warm office talking on the phone or meeting with some future developer and giving away the town again.
The Town Manager keeps him around for some reason. He should have been gone a LONG time ago. I think maybe she's afraid of him or maybe he has something on her he's holding over her head?
Get to work Mr. Bounds!
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