Attention AFP Wicomico County - Come out Tomorrow For a 38B Delegate Town Hall
Come Armed with some good questions. We will be video taping!
As part of an ongoing effort to keep in touch with community needs, Delegate James Mathias & Delegate Norman Conway will hold town meetings through February with the goal to help them make informed decisions during the 2010 session of the Maryland
General Assembly.
“The 427th Session of the General Assembly is now underway and there are many measures up for consideration such as balancing the State Budget and bills that
target sexual predators,” Conway said.
“These town meetings will be an opportunity to share any concerns you may have with your Delegates.”
Conway & Mathias are looking forward to hearing about issues important to the citizens of Worcester & Wicomico Counties. The pair held similar town meetings at the beginning of 2009, and they both want to encourage all their constituents to attend again this year. They hope citizens will take the opportunity to share their opinions and concerns with the Delegates, as well as learn what the 2010 General Assembly will involve.
“Please come and let us know what’s on your mind as we continue to work hard for you on the Eastern Shore.”, Mathias said.
Those who are unable to attend the meetings can Contact Mathias and Conway directly. Their district office numbers are listed below.
The following town meetings have been scheduled:
Sat., Feb. 20, 11-12:30pm Salisbury – Wicomico Public Library
Sat., Feb. 20, 3-4:30pm Town Hall of Berlin
For more information call:
District Office, Delegate Conway – 410 543 9060
District Office, Delegate Mathias – 410 352 3096
I have never followed politics before. I am seriously thinking about going tomorrow to see what it is all about . It is only an hour and a half how bad can it be ??
LMAO - Wait till you see how these guys
answer the questions they are asked.
Apparently it REALLY pissed off some of the Worcester County people
anonymous 6:54, Grow Up.
IF that's the only reason you're going, to piss them off, stay home. That goes for the AFP people as well.
If any of you are not respectful towards these gentlemen I will personally call you out on this Blog.
YOU are NOT in their shoes and 99.9% of you don't have the GUTS to run for Office and do their job.
Their lives have been put out there for each and every one of you to challenge. If you disagree with them on an issue, simply be respectful and politely challenge their decision, they do work/represent you and the majority of voters voted them into Office.
As I stated in my interview with Jim Mathias a few weeks ago, we are from two seperate parties and while we may disagree on many issues, we agree to disagree and we remain friends.
I also do not agree with Norm Conway on many issues but I have NEVER been disrespectful towards any of them. If you dislike their positions you have the power of your voice and the power of your vote.
However, to think that you can retaliate and piss them off in public clearly shows you're there for all the wrong reasons. Also remember, they do NOT have to do these meetings.
Good words Joe
Yes, Way to go Joe!
This is a great opportunity for those who support the death penalty or life in prison for sex offenders to show and voice their concerns on how our community has been affected over Christmas.
I can still remember the days when Jim used to sell me cigs on the boardwalk. I was 13 at the time. This is a true statement, no bull. I was not the only one. Its always about the money folks.
I agree with Joe's comments. Maintaining a state of professionalism and decorum should not in any way take away from the ability to ask direct and piercing questions of these gentlemen.
Del. Conway for the most part has served in a stated conflict of interest by his having received compensation from the Board of Ed.
He has also contributed to the poor fiscal state of Md. Many vote for him because the Democrats have made the Chairman of the Finance Committee and they like for him to bring home the bacon.
There comes a time when we must say enough is enough and vote to replace people with this philosphy-Conway and Mathias are two of them.
I had Mr.Conway, as a sixth day student! What I remember is him walking around with his thick yardstick, which he nicknamed Charlie, and threatening student with it. I still recall him slapping "Charlie" on the desk of a friend of mine, and hitting him in the knuckles. He is one of the worst teacher I ever had, and I did 8 years of college, grad school.... Perhaps he has changed, but I doubt it!
Two losers together.
Oh look, it's an election year and they want to grace us with their presence. After the election you won't see either one of them again, especially if they win.
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