EASTON, Md.- Easton police have arrested a 75-year-old registered child sex offender accused of fondling a 9-year-old girl.
Hermione Rasin Sr. of Easton is charged with third-degree sex offense, fourth-degree sex offense and second-degree assault.
According to police, the alleged incident occurred Tuesday morning. Following his arrest, Rasin was locked up in the Talbot County Detention Center on a $25,000 bond.
Rasin is currently a registered sex offender in the state of Maryland. According to police, he was placed on the registry in 2000 after being convicted of sexual child abuse of a minor.
Why can't we make a law that states "if you touch a child once, you're locked up forever". I feel like we let these offenders keep doing this over and over.
This is a prime example that sex offenders NEVER lose the urge to sexually abuse children. That scum is 75 on oxygen and still abusing children. They should all be put to death, sick SOB's are not worthy of living.
SALISBURY NEWS????????????????????????
look at him. i don't think he was out running the streets after kids. he's only going as far as his air hose. some parent or guarding let their kid near him. why do people let this happen? in this case there should be charges placed on them also.
The answer~strike a match and throw it on his oxygen tank.
11:59 you must be a molester yourself. did you know this man was a child molester before you read this today? if you touch a child you should be put away period.
to 12:12pm
does the name freddie kuger come to mind?
Needs castration.
Take his oxygen from him let him find out how to breathe on his own. Dirty old molesters need to meet their makers.
I think its time for all the sex offenders to pose for a photo on the rim of Mt. St. Helens.
keep an eye on your kids at all times. around family members, you better keep both eyes on your kids. the laws protect sicko's more then nonsicko's. so there going anywhere they want. nothing your going to do about it.
Give him a match with his oxygen ..Sick ole idiot..
Guess who is paying for the oxygen to keep this scumbag alive?
reminds me of the old man from family guy.
You would shoot a rabid dog. You kill an injured horse. You would put down a diseased cat. Why the hell do we not do the same for the sick perverts abusing children?
take away his oxygen.
Wish these people weren't created.
Take away that good oxygen that we the tax payers are paying for.
to 12:42: I don't think castration will do anything for this fossil. Cut off all of his fingers!
SHOOT HIM !!!!!!
Take his oxygen away from him while he is in jail and let him try to catch his breath and let him think about what he did to a small child these guys get away with this shit ti easy thats why they keep doing the same crimes.
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