"Singer fire equipment bought a 1988 Pierce engine from Salisbury this year for just a few thousand. They dropped a create motor in it for around $3500 and its running around as a spare/loner. Salisbury let it sit for months and never looked into a motor when it blew. Gordy said it was not worth it and called it a blessing. This allowed him to buy a new one as he said. The council never knew what hit them."
This is the 1994 engine that was sold on bid in the fall to a fire company in Pennsylvania.
It did not match the color schemes for Gordy... I bet he will be in hall of fame now....
I wonder has he ever fought a fire?
Most time guys with a lot of hot air stay out of fires and talk a big game. I guess that is where his son gets it from.
Want a chief that knows fire, go with Reccords, Gladwell numerous other really good fire fighters. I have been in the fire with them nad they know the department.
I know this isn't the exact fire engine. My understanding on this one is that Station 1 didn't want to give this one up as it was in cherry condition but it's the only photo of a recent fire truck that I had. So we now have two stories in one.
Its a web alright
Whos the spider & whos the prey?
I dont get it. Are you saying the fire dept kept around a bum engine, one they fully expected to fail on them, just as an excuse to buy a brand new one? What a mess.
Joe, the term "crate engine" refers to a NEW engine. I have never seen anyone put a new diesel engine in a truck of this size. I have worked at a big truck dealers for years.
The cost of a new engine for this truck is more like $18000.00. The price you are saying will barely buy a new 350 chevy, let alone a big CAT or Cummins.
You may also want to investigate the equipment age requirments placed on fire departments when funding in concerned. A department will not get outside funding if they are operating an outdated fleet. Small departments are often forced to upgrade so they qualify for outside funding.
Outdated fire equipment has little value. It is a shame, but it is fact.
Anonymous said...
Want a chief that knows fire, go with Reccords, Gladwell numerous other really good fire fighters. I have been in the fire with them nad they know the department.
6:51 PM
You really have no clue do you?
Is it "create" or "crate" motor? Everyone knows the department in PA. is very happy with thier purchase, and runs it front line.
$3500 for a crate engine for a fire truck, but $5000 for a new engine for a crown vic? Something out of wack.
anonymous 7:23 said, "Outdated fire equipment has little value. It is a shame, but it is fact." Tell that to the Pittsville Fire Department and ALL of the other Departments that bought Salisbury Fire Department used equipment. The ONLY people they're worthless to is See, Gordy and Hoppes.
I'm sorry guys but you're just plain Idiots. Better to shut your big mouths than to continue to make yourselves look like complete fools.
I want to know why Larry Dodd wasnt given an interview for Fire Chief?
While this is taxpayers' money, those who spend our money don't think of it that way. Since they didn't work for it, they spend it as they want to. This is true from the Princess Anne town councilman with the credit card all the way to Congress. Why fool with putting a new motor in when you can just buy a new fire engine. After all, you're not spending your own money. That's the same attitude that the Bd. of Ed. has when, for example, a school official charges his daily cup of java to the taxpayers; they, in turn, pay for their own coffee.
As of this time I have changed the photo to the proper Fire Truck.
What happened to the perfectly good motor and transmission from the other 1988 Pierce engine? The one that was left sitting on the chassis at the old training center on Isabella Street. The twin to that 1988 you are talking about is sitting up in the new fire station. Joe took pictures of it being put on the second floor by a crane while the new station was under construction. The Cab and the hose bed are mounted to the floor of the second story and was placed there for training. Guess how many times it has been used for training? NONE! NADDA!, not once. There was nothing wrong with that fire engine and Gordy and Hoppes destroyed it with a torch. It has been sitting in that new station for almost 2 years and never has been used. Don't forget about that perfectly good ambulance that is setting up there as well. They cut that up with a torch as well.
9:03 Thats terrible about them destroying perfectly good things that don't belong to them. It belongs to the city. Heads need to roll once a new chief is hired. Won't be soon enough for the taxpayers. Can they possibly do any more damage than they already have?
Anon 8:17 PM, you are a complete IDIOT.
whats ridiculous is these big motors are meant to last 500 to 600k miles before a rebuild. I know a fire engine doesn't have anywhere near those kinda miles so im guessing they abused or didn't maintain it like they should have intentionally
I've never seen so many know it all's and trouble makers in my life. Is this some small group of cry babies posting over and over. Half the posts aren't even about the orginal topic just the promotion of personal agendas. The other half are just plan dumb. This small group of uinion wanna be's is what is killing the department.
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