I want to reach out to WBOC and tip my hat to them tonight. On the 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00 News Broadcasts, Wboc spoke of the Dr. Bradley vase and the now more than 400 charges against the sick bastard.
While they clearly held the 1,200 pages of charging documents, they never once got into ANY of the details of his crimes. Now, that being said, some of you may think I'm joking but I'm not.
I/We have seen these documents and what this man did was sicker than ANY crime any one of you have ever heard of in your entire lifetime. They could have come out and said some things but they refrained from doing so with total CLASS and I respect them for what they chose to do.
Keep up the good work WBOC, we need the competition.
WOW , I did not see that coming !!
This actually made the CBS evening news tonight. I cant believe this animal will be able to take another breathe! He needs to go and go now!
CBS went through some of the details with identity protected interviews.. Very sickening...
If this man has done just half of what my stepfather did to me (he is burning in hell now), this POS should be handed over the the parents of the children hurt by him and let THEM TAKE CARE OF HIM!!! Then what's left let him become the boy toy in the prison he is going to.
I am happy to see you give credit where credit is due Joe. That takes a pretty big person to do that. I respect WBOC also for not divulging such information. I sure hope the CBS news does not get a copy because if they do I would not hold my breath!
I hope that the community will remember that this twisted man is the one on trial and NOT the parents . . . The parents are suffering enough without public condemnation . . .
It is "take another breath." "Breathe" is a verb.
We have given the term "sick" to these really BAD people. When we do that , it is obvious they will seek a mental case ! They are bad people , really bad people.Bad is the word to use.Bad or the social enemy or what ever , they are bad guys or girls.They don't need to be in a mental hospital , they need to be in jail or given the death penalty.
He will cut a deal with the court system and they will accept it to keep from going to trial.
anonymous 7:40, you are absolutely CLUELESS about this case.
This man committed, (by far) the most hanis crime ever seen in American history. Your statement is ridiculous and false.
Annon. 740AM...you must be the same person who corrected my spelling with BREATHE!!!!
If this monster gets anything less than LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE, God help us and our system. Let the inmates have their way with him every day for the rest of his life.
You must not have seen the 11PM news. They had some grusome details on wboc.
So much evil walking around us. There is no other explanation. Why do we allow these people to take up space? I cannot even allow myself to contemplate what he did to those little ones.
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