Now more than ever, it is important to be aware of your environment and the people in it.
Our website http://www.wicomicosheriff.com/ has a link to the Wicomico County Sex Offender Registry. This site includes the name, address, description, and photo of every registered Sex Offender in Wicomico County. There are currently over 160. This includes those who live or work within our county. This site is searchable by name, street, or town. We at the Sheriff’s Office recommend that you take a few minutes to visit our site and familiarize yourself with how it operates. Also on our website are links to both the Maryland State Sex Offender Registry and the Federal Sex Offender Registry. With other jurisdictions so close to Wicomico County, these both can be a valuable resource. Though it is important to remember that in order to be “in compliance” with current laws, an offender need only to register twice a year and provide a current, valid address.
If you have any questions or concerns reference to a Sex Offender, please contact our office at (410) 548-4891.
Joe, I think when they profile the most wanted subjects on PAC TV they should have any registered sex offender listed that failed to report to Robin Roberts as scheduled. I was thinking about this shortly after Christmas and have watched the episodes (which I am sure repeat), they list more child support offenders than anything. How can they be more wanted than a convicted sex offender. I know there are several each monththat don't report to Robin or who Robin finds out that they gave bad addresses! They should be profiled everytime they record a show until they are found.
As close to Delaware as we are, it would be nice to have a link to their registry. I tried to navigate the De site several times and could not find it.
Yes, can you put up a link to DE Joe? This would be very beneficial! Thanks
I like the new lay out of the site , it is very user friendly
As a parent of 2 children attending Prince Street School, I KNOW for a fact that this type of information WORKS. My children have attended Prince Street for the last five years, and on at least two occasions, school staff were able to identify registered sex offenders and report them immediately to the Sheriff's office. As my wife and I volunteer often at the school, we have a pretty good pulse on things there as we take our responsibility to our children seriously. Not only is the registery a powerful tool for all of us to be aware of sex offenders around our children, but also a testiment to school staff who were, and in my opinion, continually dilligent with the saftey of our children. Both times the Assistant Principal (now Principal) was directly involved, and this just speaks volumes about his commitment to our children, but also the school system and Sheriff's department as well. I'm no fan of the school system, but my beef is with the central office people who routinely make a mess of everything, but the staff at Prince Street really are dedicated to keeping kids safe. Thanks for keeping us all updated, and keep up the GREAT work to expose all of the absolutely idiotic goings on. Salisbury has the potential to be a great place to live and work when we all work together to put this human trash in it's place. Behind Bars!
I just tried the link to the sheriff's dept. page and it doesn't work - the state registery does though.
For those of you looking for the Delaware Sex Offenders List, Ask and ye shall receive:
There is button at the top rigght of the page that says "Search Offender". Searches can be done by name, address, employer, type of offense, and online user IDs. There is also a neighborhood mapping function so you can see where the offenders live in relation to your address. Hope this helps you out.
DE Sex Offender Registry is here:
You can sign up to receive email notifications when a registered sex offender moves into your neighborhood or town, changes address, or changes jobs.
If they locate them, the individuals should be fitted with ankle monitoring devices.
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