How about that State of the Union Address last night, eh? Stand up, sit down. Stand up, sit down. Praise my Obama, for he is'ith the leader.
I about threw up twice and we only watched 10 minutes of his crap. I walked away thinking, I knew I didn't trust this guy before but now, I'll never trust this man because he is not only a puppet, he's an Idiot.
Leaders don't read teleprompters because they can't FEEL the message and own it. Obama read a speech that was drafted as a feel good, sucker the Americans because the government has sucked us dry of our bank accounts, our property values and buried us so deep in debt we can't even sell our most valuable possessions without having to owe an additional $100,000.00 to the bank that made us the loan on the piece of sh!t.
I walked downstairs and mentioned to my Wife that the freak show was on and she eagerly changed the channel. It didn't take 20 seconds and she was already spouting out, YEAH, RIGHT! Within no time she grew sick and tired of the other puppets standing, then sitting, over and over again. Within 10 minutes she had enough and asked if she could change the channel.
So did we watch the entire thing, hell no we didn't. You don't have to sit through an entire show like this to HOPE it will change direction and go back to what you want to hear. You know, things like, we're cutting 50,000 jobs in the federal government. You know, things that make sense. Things that make the GOVERNMENT hurt just as much as the American people who are now out of jobs. I mean, what do they think we want to hear. We have politicians like Rick Pollitt who actually get excited by crap like Obama just spit up. It supports keeping things the way they are and government will step in and fix things. WRONG! This is America, you A-Hole! We do NOT need one man grandstanding in front of millions of people telling us we need to produce more jobs. Well NO SH!T SHERLOCK!
Nevertheless, the Albero Household turned that load of crap off because we're not a stupid household. My Wife voted for Obama and she couldn't change the channel fast enough. Hopefully that tells you a whole lot about HOPE.
I am disgusted with this President. I am disgusted with Democrats who think that government can fix everything. Obama will NEVER get re-elected. He's another Jimmy Carter, who also had a fixation with beer and the White House.
Enjoy it while you're there Obama because your stay will fly by so fast it isn't funny. Sadly, (for people like me) the next 3 years will feel like 20! Sit, stand. Sit, stand. Give me a break. Freakin puppets on a string. Make me sick. ANY man that expected me to sit, then stand and if I didn't, felt I was being disrespectful can simply kiss my butt. He may be your Messiah but he sure isn't mine. He'd be two seconds into a new sentence and people would start standing. Sorry Folks, made me want to puke.
That being said, I'd sure enjoy hearing what you thought about last nights speech.
Did not watch 1 second of it. It would not serve much purpose to listen to a liar and get upset and angry over his incompetence just before bed.
Watched about 10 minutes. I hope the is an extensive fact check because I counted many lies and half truths. The calling out the supreme court for their recent decision was about the most ignorant thing obamination has done. And his puppets rose to their feet and applauded. I hope you post that youtube Joe for all to see. And Joe Biden in the background was horrible, they should have zoomed in on o.
Felt like I was at a May Day Rally in a soviet bloc country of past years UP AND DOWN UP AND DOWN!!!!! Hail The Annointed One!!!!! YUCK
I could only stand to watch about 15 minutes. Even if I were to like what he was saying, which I didn't, I still couldn't believe it because the man is just a plain old lier. The congressman from the south had it right when he said "Obama lies".
I can't believe you made it ten minutes. You are a stronger man than I am.
Joe, every State of the Union speech I've watched by any President was the same stand up/sit down event.
I watched the entire speech. Did I believe everything he was saying? Hell no. I've never believed everything ANY President has said in these state of the union speeches.
However, what I did see was the continued determination by the Republican party to not support this President, period!
Even when he was talking about tax cuts (which they are all about), they grandstanded once again by all sitting in their seats like statues. I know why they did it, because the tax cuts were not for the rich.
Well, I'd rather see tax cuts for the people who are struggling instead of the ones who already have it made.
At the same time, we need to get the deficit under control.
I'm a registered Independent and I vote BOTH sides of the ticket. I vote for the one I feel will do the best job.
I did not vote for Obama and I did not vote for McCain. I truly didn't feel either one would do a good job.
He is our President, like it or not and if more people would support him and help to advise him, maybe things would be different.
If you are constantly badgering what your child does instead of taking notice of the good things he does, what type of child do you have? If you constantly badger an employee over every move they make instead of taking notice of the good things, what type of employee do you have?
Well, see what I mean?
He's not perfect. Show me a President who has been perfect!
I'm not some eliquent writer here and I don't have degrees or initials behind my name. I'm just a hard working American who is just sick of the whole political thing and have been for some time.
Let's all pull TOGETHER and get America back on track instead of choosing sides and refusing to work together.
America has become no more than a GANG! One side firmly against the other!
Notice the camera angle with the "pop up people" in front all around so it hid the Republicans who all stayed sitting. In the past you could see the "pop up people" all to one side only.
I did not see the "show" . I was out with great friends having a beer . I did not miss anything!
I tried to put my opionions to the side and give him the benefit of the doubt. Boy, I wasted an hour of my life watching it. I eventually fell asleep like Janet Napolitano. Before he started speaking I knew what he would say. He made empty promises to both democrats and republicans. He said both parties need to be bipartisan - but they lock out the republicans. The democrats way of being bipartisan is republicans agreeing with every thing they want. He said he lowered taxes - NO, he changed the withholding tables. He said he would lower taxes on small businesses - LIE, and it needs to be lowered on all business. He said he would start investing in Nuclear Power and drilling off shore - Yeah Right.... He can only lie to Americans for so long. Hopefully we can survive till this fall when Republicans take over.
9:29 I agree with most of what you say but the republicans probably didn't stand up and clap when the president mentioned lower taxes because they know its not true. There is no way that taxes would be lowered with Obamas socialist agenda. At this point they need to lower taxes. both income and business taxes. It makes me sick that Obama thinks he can spend our money better then we can.
I listen to part of it when I got off work. Then turned it off. What I did learn was "Blame it on Bush" because I had nothing to do with it. Blame it on the Supreme Court. Blame it on the Republicans even though my Democrat party had a "super majority" and could get nothing passed. If I remember Obama was a Congressman and the Democrats had control of Congress the last two years of Bush when the problems multiplied rapidly. Campaign time so we have done nothing wrong. Nobody wants to co-operate with my controling / demanding Democrats who listens to no reason or no one. We have done everything right. There were no earmarks in Bills I signed, there is transparency, I reduced spending to control the defiect just to name a few of my accomplishments I promised. The ideas Obama is now trying to take credit for sounds like the McCain campaign speeches that he was totally against and Rebuplican ideas. I was against them before I was for them. Did not fool me one bit that he is a definite failure and it was in his own words not mine.
I've never watched any presidents state of union , they're all just a bunch of bull sh**. Reagons may have been the last one that made any kind of sense.
Obama is doing everything he can to help the democrat Congress destroy America as we know it. It is not time to give in and let him run rampant while we do nothing. That is why you are seeing so much anger and ornanzing around the country, people are fed up with lies, big government and the attitude by the elitists that the people are stupid.
Last night was horrible, one lie after another.
anonymous 9:29, two words would come out of his mouth and people would start clapping and begin to stand and even Obama would put up his hand as if to say, wait a minute, I haven't even finished or got to the POINT of what he was about to say.
The Democrats were putting on a SHOW, you know it and America knows it.
That's thye real problem in this country. Healthcare is being shot down because Americans have had enough of the BS. Obama is 25% of the way through his term and he has blown trillions of dollars, billions of which cannot even be accounted for.
Recovery is not easy. I'm NOT blaming the democrats for the condition this country is in. I'm simply saying, the buck stops here. Our government spending is way out of control and the more IDIOTS that stand up before the man even gets to his point, the more angry I get.
Oh, and let me say this too. Obama made promisses of HOPE and CHANGE when he ran for Office. Seriously now, what's changed for the better in America right now. He can keep talking about jobs all he wants, how did the job recovery program work for him so far. Enough said!
Blogs are here to expose the BS any more. The MSM keeps feeding one side or the other and have proven to be useless any more. Is FOX slanted, absolutely. Are they accurate all the time, absolutely not. The age of telling the news and people following their agenda is over. Blogs say their peace and then people interact with healthy debate and Americans become far more educated. The Republican and Democrat Parties haven't woken up to the new America and their old ways of doing things do NOT work any more.
Mind you, I get phone calls every single day from politicians. I received one early this morning from Jim Mathias, as an example. Jim see's and understands the direction Blogs are headed and respects their value. I don't even have to explain where Andy Harris feels with Blogs as he was the very first politician to take the risk and work directly with a Blog, Salisbury News.
The sitting, then standing crap is over with. Americans are NOT stupid. They are NOT puppets. We need a leader who understands the pulse of America and Americans are now on the Internet and in our area, (for what its worth) Salisbury News leads the way.
Oh, let me add. We do NOT just throw out the Republican side of things. You see plenty of Jim Mathias and Frank Kratovil press releases, even more so than you see the republican messages. We leave it up to YOU to decide if they're headed in the right direction or not.
In the mean time, I will not sit here and praise President Obama for a feel good speech loaded with total crap. I want a President who will stand there and say, you know what Folks, we feel your pain. It's time to downsize as well as make those businesses we loaned YOUR money to, to force them to pay YOU back every penny. I'm going to make sure every executive doesn't get paid a penny in bonuses until YOUR money is recovered. There are so many ideas that could prove our government can represent "We The People" it isn't funny. However, instead we get BS artists like Congressmen and Senators who stand up, sit down. Puppets, is all they are.
You want to impress me. Let the President do his entire speech and when he's finished, stand up if you like or sit there in disgust. We have always been taught to sit and not applaud until they are finished. Not our politicians. Why, because they are above being human. They are above you and I and they have forgotten where they came from. They do this to SELL you on total BS in the hopes of convincing you they speak for the every day American and that makes me sick to my stomach.
I watched all of it to see what this man has in store for us -- his goals cannot be attained. I can't believe all of those people were fooled into voting for him because he was such an "eloquent speaker". What a bunch of crap and now we are paying for it. What a shame.
This country needs jobs. We had jobs. We had a good businesses.
Where did they go what happened? Look on everything you wear, equipment you use the toys your children play with. MADE IN CHINA. We sold our country and ourselves out.
He so full of bs u can smell him before u ever see him.I started to watch and after watching for a few minutes I thought I was attending Mass in the local Catholic Church.We had better get rid of this dangerous peron quick.
I never voted in the presidential election I just could not decide what to do.(so i was wrong!) The Potential of 8 more years of BUSH "thingys" America had already fell and would never recover. PEOPLE PLEASE DO NOT FORGET WHERE WE WERE 1 YEAR AGO AND HOW WE GOT THERE. Last night as I watched a man (the President) try to beg congress to work together for the sake of America I LOOKED IN THE AUDIENCE AT THE GOPs and they looked like a disrespectful bunch of rich folk that their shirts were too starched and they were miserable. NO ONE thinks Obama is the Messiah. Our Messiah already came and will return to take his followers back. Although my grandmother on her death bed told me to hold on to faith in Christ it wont be long I still believe It wont be long people. The good book is telling us all about what is going on today. Sad that too many are just concerned with bipartisian politics and hating the other party than trying to fix and work together is WRONG WAY WRONG.
9:29 Obamanation lies when he utters the works tax cut. He wants a check given to his non-working, government dole intoxicated, voters and "call" it a tax cut. See if he goes for tax cuts to offset taxes paid.
I'm surprised he didn't get another Nobel prize for teh speech right as he started the speech.
He never mentioned terrorist,or anything about National Defense. The last time someone asked him about defence, he said he would paint it next week.
When the man opens his mouth, all that comes out are lies. Watched about 5 minutes and couldn't stand any more. He is so into himself and his lies that I just can't stand it, so his face is not gonna be on the tv in this house.
there were other factors to his being elected than just being an eloquent speaker. read into it what you want. he's a complete waste of time, he puts fear into intelligent people because we all see beyond his blather....no president has been perfect, but this president is a freaking disaster and is taking us all down into the shitter. i've had respect for presidents in the past, but this guy will never gain a miniscule amount from me. if i hear one more time about him blaming the bush presidency i think i'll puke. talk about immature....when he was elected i was appalled at how many ignorant people were dazzled by his promises. he's like another hitler and we are surrounded by superficial people that just don't get it.
anonymous 10:21, why did it take Obama a year to realize the American citizens wouldn't take any more of their spending. The democrats are just now realizing that WE THE TAXPAYERS footed the bill for ALL of their spending and now, (when there's nothing left) he wants to offer us a tax break?
His mortgage recovery thingamabopper isn't working and if it weren't for the Blogs, who would have known. Look at the Post we put up the other day about unemployment experiences. Look at the Post about unemployed local people trying to get some kind of healthcare.
Yet this Idiot of a President will send $100,000,000.00 to Haiti!
Yeah, you people just keep giving this man a standing ovation and praise him for destroying America financially.
When I hear the government is cutting 50,000 jobs, closing BS Offices and a President who stands there and tells Americans, yeah, this energy thing may not PROVE to work but this is America, right or wrong, we're going to lead the way because that's what Americans do. OMG!
Can you be any more STUPID than to bank trillions of dollars into something they're already admitting doesn't need to be done!
I've seen and heard enough.
We saw that the State of Crap was on and decided to watch The Simpson Movie instead. I think it was a wise choice!
Thank you Comcast!
You ain't heard nothing yet. Wait until O'Malley give his state of the state speech then Pollitt gives his state of the County speech. There will be so much crap flowing you will think the WWTP overflowed again.
It's an election year, these Aholes will say anything to get reelected then it will be business as usual again. O'Malley is worthless and Pollitt is a coverup man. Remember this in November.
I changed the photo as it offended people.
Right on Joe. I couldn't have said it any better myself. Obama has us headed in the wrong direction.
Thank you so much for changing the picture, I am truly grateful.
Like and alcoholic we must hit ROCK bottom before anything positive can start to happen, we are not at ROCK bottom yet. Were not even close, but its coming. Its going to take decades to turn this around if its done right, done wrong it may never happen. We may be witnessing the end of the United States of America.
joe, I think you meant 10:20. 1021 is preaching to the choir.
anonymous 10:42, I couldn't agree with you more. However, haven't we ALL learned that with the brightest minds in the world we're NOT drug addicts and should NEVER even come close to hitting rock bottom.
We used to be smarter than that but while our government bring ALL of America to its knees, they have made most of us hit roick bottom, making it OK for us to fail as a country.
I HIRED better than that. Folks, vote out every single incumbent in Office. Republican, Democrat, get them all the hell out of there before it's too late.
I couldn't stand Pelosi and her botox jaw moving around and Biden's constant nodding his head in hero worship - after about 2 minutes of TRYING to listen to the speak, those 2 distracted me so much I HAD to turn the channel.
10:20 "Sad that too many are just concerned with bipartisian politics and hating the other party than trying to fix and work together is WRONG WAY WRONG."
Bipartisian politics is when the two parties come together. You want republicans to stand up and clap for joy for Obama but it's the democrats who wont let republicans in the closed door discussions. Republicans are left out... Just because democrats have the large majority in the house they expect republicans to just give in to everything they say. Thats not bipartisan politics. If you were informed you would have known this but you just keep believing Obamas lies. He blames His failures on Republicans but the democrats could have passed anything they wanted to... Does it worry you that democrats are fighting among themselves? Do you think the health care reform bill is good when democrats themselves can't agree with it?
It is frustrating to feel the anger that everyone has- love him or hate him all the puke talk, saying it is all lies and other defamitory comments are disrespectful. We need to teach our children that we must respect our elected officials, elders and fellow americans. Be a part of the solution- don't just complain!!
To the individual of which I rejected their comment, let me address the decent part of your comment. I was challenged as to how I could challenge Obama when I only watched 10 minutes of his speech.
Good question. You see, I went on line early this morning and watched many bits and pieces of it. As difficult as it was to watch, I also read articles from around the world about what others, (getting the pulse) felt and I couldn't agree more.
Look, are you denying that these people are puppets? The stand up, sit down crap went on all night in that broadcast. You are lead to believe Obama is on the right track. OK Fool, how much do YOU have left in your bank account. Don't even come back here and lie stating you're in good shape. It was bad enough 10 & 20 years ago when Americans couldn't even save 5 or 10% of their income. Americans aren't living paycheck to paycheck any more. They're losing their homes, their jobs and their dignity as an American Citizen.
Yeah, you're one of those people who is grateful you still have your job. That's cool, I'm happy for you. However, we have leaders making absolutely stupid decisions for ALL Americans and they're WRONG!
Bailing out Corporate America was absolutely stupid. We should have hit "rock bottom" back when Obama first came into Office and never loaned a penny to the BS Artists on Wall Street.
All Obama did was feed the rich and the end result will be failure anyway. However, it will be at the expense of every American and not the Corporations who caused it.
I am NOT a PUPPET either...DID not watch as I HAVE not watched ANY of his "shows" including inauguration!! CANNOT bear to see or hear a man of which I have zero respect...the faster he is out of office the better for ALL. God Bless America, Keep our Guns, Keep our Schools, Protect our Children, Decide on our OWN insurance - Keep our RIGHTS!!
10:48 You made me chuckle because I thought the same thing. I'm just in awe that this President and his democrats don't understand what they are doing to the American people. I just don't understand....
Ditto to 9:12 a.m.
Reagan always read his speaches off teleprompters. As a matter of fact he is the president who started it.
Anonymous 10:25 -- Laugh out loud funny !! Joe , like the photo maybe if he quit drinking he get some work done !
I watched it, and I have seen many a State of the Union Address. And they seem to be all the same.
The only thing that I saw different between this one and ones we heard over the past 8 years, was that instead of hearing the phrases "9/11", "terrorism", and "Middle East", this time all I heard was "jobs", "Hope", and "economy".
Same S**t, different words if you ask me.
I guess I have just become a cynic. I'm subscribing to the "If you're in, you're out" way of voting this year. Maybe if we just start over we can fix this mess.
I am intrigued though at everyone's complaints about standing and sitting nonsense. That happens in all of them. Sit, stand, clap.
-Chelsea Reid
Well, I thought Apple's iPad launch was pretty invigorating so I watched reruns of it instead of the SOTU speech. Funny, it doesn't seem that I missed anything.
I wonder what Hillary is thinking.
The picture offended some people? I guess the truth hurts. He is referred to as the messiah even thought I think he is closer to the anti-christ.
Joe, I respectfully disagree.
Americans are completely mind controlled and stupid. We are in fact idiots.
Collectively we can't see the forest for the 2 party trees.
Pick a side, any side, stand up, sit down, clap, make a grimacing face, show dissaproval, whatever. They are laughing at us.
Well spoken Joe.
I felt the exact same way you did.
My wife & I turned off the tv & went to bed after struggling thru 20 minutes of all that crap. I think I would of perfered to of have slammed my head in a car door than to watch all that bull!
Watched HGTV
12:24, The picture was offensive because NOBODY should be compared to Jesus. He stands alone. And that some people think he is as good as Jesus is just plain blasphemous. Thank you Joe for letting me give my two cents. :-)
Put my head in the sand the night he was elected and won't come out until he is out of office. How can anyone have expected that the change he called for would be good when he didn't have the experience or knowledge to know what change would be needed? You all let me know when you remove your heads from his a** and I will take mine out of the sand.
so 6:31, you are one of the whiners that is just pissed because the election didn't go your way. People like you ask "what has Obama done" yet you let your blind idealogy keep you from seeing both the good and the bad decisions the administration has made. No wonder politicians stay in power so easily; they play people like you like a fiddle
pelosi reminds me of a teenage cheerleader in heat. biden has sucked at the free federal trough for way to many years.
I decided to watch the last 30 minutes of this comedy show and between watching Nancy blinking her eyes over and over and hopping up out of her seat every two minutes and Biden with his smirk on his face, thought the heck with this! I had more important things to do besides listening to lies and empty suiters!
i didn't even watch his bulls**t speech. obama has done nothing good for this country and i didn't feel like listening to anymore of his so called promises. i didn't want to hear how it is time for change and him do nothing about it. obama is full of crap i really hope he doesn't ever get re-elected. i will never vote for him.
8:10, I guess you never learned in school when they told you that in order to effectively debate your opponent you have to be familiar with the opponent's position. Anyone who thinks they are always right just because is a blind idealogue.
It's a shame you haven't suffocated yet. Going to be a long 7 years down there.
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