Vehicle accidents and even road closures could result on the ground, while airline passengers face flight delays and cancellations.
This afternoon into early tonight, an additional 6 to 12 inches of snow will fall across eastern Virginia, southern Maryland and southern Delaware.
This additional snowfall will bring storm totals up to 18 inches in some areas.
Richmond, Virginia Beach, Va., and Salisbury, Md., are among the cities where such snowfall totals are possible.
In addition, strong winds gusting between 30 and 40 mph will create significant blowing and drifting of the snow along with whiteout conditions at times.
I just did a round trip to New Church Virginia. 1 1/2" on the ground at the rest area just south of the MD VA line at 11:00. Just got back to Hebron. 4" in my back yard at 12:40.
San Box John
I don't think we can handle 18 inches in this area
IF anybody has been out recently could you comment on road conditions please.
5 inches as of now in our back yard. In town Salisbury.
anonymous 1:35, I have been out and quite frankly I am extremely disappointed in the Delaware side of things.
While we posted last night that they claimed they'd be ready to go and tried to comfort travelers, they're full of crap!
The Maryland side of rt. 54 was completely clean while the Delaware side was packed with snow and had never been touched.
The side roads are horrible and from what I experienced, I'd recommend everyone stay off the roads. Maryland NOR Delaware had any sand down but at leas the Maryland side had been plowed.
I thought roads were bad not much plowing going on and that was a hr ago! I even like to drive in snow so it did not bother me! But you know Salisbury we get a dusting and the whole world has ended LOL
Its a white out.
Let me add, Folks, there are some people out there who think this kind of snow is fun.
Pickup trucks stepping on their gas to make their rear ends slip and slide, that sort of stuff. I was driving down Rt. 54 and some a-hole was doing just that.
Now if he had gone too far, we would have easily hit head on and trust me on this one, as soon as you lightly hit your brakes, you are out of control. So driving very slow, (if you have to be out there) is the smart move.
If you have young ones with not much experience, please keep them off the roads at this point. If they do not have to be somewhere, keep them at home and teach them to remember they used to walk to places before they got a license, learn to walk again.
No good will come from anyone just making an unnecessary trip, its that bad out there. It used to be I enjoyed getting out in this stuff myself. Growing up in New York, this stuff was easy. Now that I' older, clearly I'm more worried about the redneck in the pickup truck, (the other drivers) than anything else.
I have two sick ones at home right now and the only reason I went out this morning was to pick up much needed prescriptions.
WBOC still reporting 3-6 inches...I already have 6 inches in Salisbury so I think your 6-12 inches is more accurate! Storm is more north than what the forecasters predicted. Nothing seems to be plowed...or the snow is falling too quickly that they can't keep up with it. Personally I love it! Just wish is was on a weekday instead of a week end..LOL!
Joe, one thing I'll give you is that you called this two or three days ago and you were right on. In fact I believe you called the last storm accurately too. This is a great place to get news and weather.
My husband and I went out a little while ago. College Avenue is awful, as is Beaglin Park Drive and Route 50. NOTHING that we were on had been plowed. We have AWD and could feel the tires struggling to get traction. If you don't have to go out, DON'T. People are driving like they don't care about their safety or the safety of others.
When snow is coming down this fast this hard, plowing is futile battle. The highway on the Maryland side is that way because of pre-salting.
Just relax, stay home, read a book, clean out a drawer, do your taxes or get a little lovin' in, yee haw.
7 inches out here by the airport at 2;16
Just took a walk on Snow Hill road with my dog. Can't believe the morons out driving.
Joe, maybe you can post this. Why isn't Wicomico Co. trying to clear the roads? I have been down severaly snow emergency roads and not one plow has been there. Northwood drive is terrible!
Now here's the kicker. The plows are out riding around on the roads but not one truck did I see with the plow down. I know they will use cost as an excuse, but if they can take the truck on the road, they can plow it!! I alone must have seen a dozen trucks riding around and not one was plowing.
These are our leaders for you one. I can only expect to hear those losers use the excuse that the budget is tight, and if we eliminate the revenue cap, we can clear the roads. I say if the truck in on the road, paying overtime for for the drivers, at least do something!
I say, let's all pool together and get rid of all the losers!!
Anonymous 2:07 - I like how you think!
people are stuck going up both sides of the overpass. Drivers beware! Love it when we get more than forecast. Nice change for once.
It's really bad at the north end, too. We had to go pick up our teenager from her Saturday job, and couldn't believe how many people ARE out. One issue that we noticed...the traffic lights aren't being tripped by traffic, since it's all iced over. So there are potentially bad situations at every intersection that has a traffic light. Be extra careful if you MUST go out, but try not to, at least until the snow stops and the road people can get some traction.
I have video on my blog...passed a state road truck...with his plow UP!
Ilive in Delmar by the baseball fields.The roads are a mess.
I haven't seen a plow yet. I live on the south end of town.
9.5 inches in Deal Island. 3 pm
At this rate schools will be closed a week. The temperature isn't going over freezing in the next couple of days either, and that won't help in clearing the snow.
The temp now is 17 degrees and I don't think salt will even work at this temperature. A low of 12 tonight and 10 degrees tomorrow night.
Joe, I own a towing comapny and been driving the by-pass. At one point it was a complete white-out.
people were just stopping in the middle of the road to clean their windshields.They would just stop without warning. I have already winched out 9 vehicles. The roads are complete disaster. When the trucks do plow, within minutes there is 2 inches on the ground again. i even called the MSP and recommended closing down the southern part. i strongly advise that if it is not an emergency DON'T go out.
To be fair, the way it's blowing and drifting, and with it still coming down heavy, it would do little good to plow it.
We're getting hit, and there ain't much to do but wait it out-- things will be a mess for a few days.
We got some butt heads in Nanticoke driving around without their lights on and acting like idiots. A white dodge with silver on the bottom going way above the speed limit.
I have 7" on my sidewalk now and it's still snowing hard... I predict 10".....
The County does not have emergency routes, only the State and City
Has rt 13 or 50 been plowed?
Left work at 2pm after brushing about 6-7 inches of snow off the top of my car. The roads are a mess, mostly not plowed, and near white-out conditions. I live on a back road and held my breath all the way down the road because it was impossible to see where the road was or where the ditches are. I think I'll stay right where I am.
Here in Seaford, on Alternate 13, I have yet to see a state truck, the roads are bad and people are driving up and down this road. If you don't have to go out, please stay home. I'm waiting for some idiot to drive into my home with his 4X4 and nasty attitude.
WBOC can't get their forecast right. I don't have 2-5 here. I have 6 and it's still snowing!
agree with 4:02...WBOC is STILL reporting up to 6 inches in Salisbury....I already have 9 inches in Salisbury and it's still snowing! Guess they're a bit behind! Geesh!
In Fruitland the roads are bad. College students think they know how to drive. WRONG! Especially those with a friend who drives a pickup. He's pulling his pals behind him using a rope while they stand on a board of some kind. Someones gonna have a broken neck by the end of the afternoon by the looks of how they go around corners.
Folks...make plans for your kids now...there won't be school most of the week. Don't start bi$ching on Monday when you get the call.
The main roads are bad and the back roads won't even be touched till mid week I guess. Plus with all of the blowing snow, there is not use.
The plows are getting stuck and running off the roads as well... it's not safe for anyone to be out! I know at least 2 plows have been in ditches. Don't complain about the plows.. there isn't much they can do when they can't even drive!!!
This is obviously one of the bigger snows we will ever see around here. Stay off the roads and figure on everything being a mess for a few days. It is snowing too hard to clear the roads right now and too cold for salt. I would guess schools are closed on Monday, and closed or delayed on Tuesday. Kids will be in school until July.
Here is something else to ponder this snowy evening on Delmarva. Accuweather's five day forecast for Salisbury is saying 1-3 inches of snow for Tuesday night. Thanks a lot El Nino.
When I went to work at 1pm no state or county roads had been plowed in lower Somerset county but the City of Crisfield DID have plows out.Go figure.
Hats off to the crew in Sharptown, THEY plowed the streets.
I just came from Salisbury to Laurel and the Maryland roads were actually better than the Delaware roads. Several Cars are ditched on the Delaware side and roads are treacherous. The worst part is that you cannot see out of your windows because the snow is coming down too fast and freezing on your windshield.
Stay in and cuddle.
I don't have anyone to cuddle with.
Where's Al Gore when we need him???? LOL!
6:49 Snow usually follows him around. We gotta find him and get him outta town!
Hebron Maryland as of 01 30 2010 18:55
Sand Box John
Some of the "morons" that are out driving HAD to go to work & had no choice. Like my husband.
Joe this was the first place I heard about the storm, so we weren't shocked like so many were. Thanks for the heads up days ago.
Awwww Darn. Visit the Humane Society next week.
Just got back from Salisbury deliverying my wife to PRMC for her night shift as an RN. I was in a 4wd truck and saw many fools driving the little grocery getters and getting stuck trying to access side roads. Stay home unless you are working, providing a public service or an emergency.
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