WBI needs help with identifying the witness pictured is the attached photo. He was in the Barnes and Noble Store in Salisbury on 1/15/10 at 9:19 am. Could you help us by running the photo and asking anyone who may know who the person is to contact WBI at 410-548-4898. He is the younger gentleman in the black jacket in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
I'm new...what is WBI? Is this guy shoplifting?
i do not know his name but I am almost sure he works at blockbuster in Salsibruy near su.
Joe, What happened at the Barnes and Noble?
He’s guilty just look at the way he is eyeing the camera. He knows it there.
So are these people passing counterfeit money or something?
What's up?
wonder what the scoop is their investigating at b&n?
What happen there that they are looking for these people
That is Jay Darrah
what is going on at barnes and noble that the police are repeatedly looking for these folks?
I wouldn't be telling anyone who these people are with out knowing what they did... And by identifying these people you have the right to know why they needed you to do so in the first place... I'm not trying to do others work whom get paid to find these people without knowing whats behind it...
6:00 jacka$$
Wicomico Bureau of Investigation
That's definitely not Tony Overton
most definately not tony overton. lol
Read the post people, it is to identify a "witness" not a "suspect."
That person is at least 10 years younger than tony overton! Tony is a nice guy, salt of the earth. Don't try to paint him as doing something wrong!
definitely not jay darrah
They're investigating the staff for theft. As you can tell from the young and old guy posts it's the same two staff working behind the counter.
That is definitely Neil Basumalik.
the photo image quality kinda sucks. i dont think i recognize him.
I usually keep my mouth shut, but this one is too easy.
11:08pm... or some random crime happened just outside Starbucks at a certain time and these people could have witnessed it. That would explain why the same two people are working on both pictures. Jackass.
its anthony parker!!!!
it looks like jon davis
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