There's a charity event going on at the Market Street Inn in the near future. They would like me to survey all of you to find out what three charities you support most. The top three charities will receive 10% of the business they take in that night.
1. coastal hospice
2. humane society
3. wheels that heal
I myself don't have a certain charity; however, I would like to see the money to go the youth of sby and to help them get either what they need becasue their short of it or for something to help keep them off the streets...
Autism Delaware
Johnathan Taylor
We give monthly to two causes:
Childhood Cancer Research
I like to support the Salisbury Jaycee Foundation. They raise funds to take hundreds of less advantaged children shopping every Christmas. I love the Christmas season and the spirit of giving reminds me of the importance of giving to those in need.
The Wellness Community.
Wounded Warriors!!!
The Humane Society.
Peace and Brightest Blessings,
We would attend if some was going to Right to Life.
programs for children 'in the hood' We all complain about the delinquents- let 's find something for them to look forward to and strive to be better.
Salvation Army supports the local Youth and so does the Local United Way. I give to both when I can.
World Vision
Samaritan's Purse
Muscular Dystrophy Assoc.
Wounded warriors. My son was wounded in Afghanistan ( fortunately not severely ) but observing the more seriously wounded, courageous young men that have to go on, makes this my #1 charity by far.
Feed the Children, HSUS, Make-a-Wish foundation, Sunday Breakfast Mission, Salvation Army, Hope and Life Outreach and SPCA.
I would support locally:
Coastal Hospice
Relay for Life
Women Supporting Women
united way
coastal hospice
wounded warriors
red cross
Joseph House
Wounded Warriors
Coastal Hospice
Coastal Hospice
Wounded Warriors
Wicomico County Humane Society
About the only one I donate to is the National Multiple Sclerosis Society but I could be biased since I have MS.
How about Downtown revitalization, something that would benefit the town not an outside organization.
Coastal Hospice
Wounded Warriors
Red Cross
1. Hospice
2. Humane Society
3. Salvation Army
1.Coastal Hospice
2.Human Society
3.Salvation Army
Joseph House
Wounded Warriors
Coastal Hospice
Humane Society Wicomico County
Women Supporting Women
The Wellness Community
Life Crisis Center
Wicomico Child Advocacy Center
United Way
1. Delaware Coalition against Domestic Violence
2. Women supporting Women
3. Human Society
Humane Society
Somerset Challengers
Relay for Life
Wounded Warriors
Humane Society
Joseph House
Cancer treatment for children, cj
Coastal Hospice
Salvation Army - their youth sports programs need help to keep kids off the streets and out of gangs. Not all kids can afford Crown!!!!
Humane Society
March of Dimes
United Way
Wicomico County Humane Society
Women Supporting Women
United Way of the Eastern Shore
3:05 I agree. Not all kids can afford it or get a ride there. The Salvation Army's are in key places to help at risk kids. We need to break the chain of crime at a younger period of life where kids are more impressionable. I just wish Dick Beals and Benny Reddick were still around. They saved THOUSANDS of at risk kids! Some of "their" kids now own businesses and hold key leadership positions throughout our community.
Salvation Army
Junior Achievement
Humane Society
Salvation Army for obvious reasons.
JA because they promote financial literacy with our children, something that they don't learn in school, and something hugely important.
Humane Society because there are so many critters who've lost their caretakers and their homes.
National MS Society
I support the I.R.S. by far the most. Not by choice though
While I agree with all of the charities listed, these charities also recieve many donations and funds from state and local governments as well as food drops and so forth. I personally feel that some of our local fire depts which is a non profitable charity should be eligible for the same respects. Granted I know there is plenty of controversary on here about the funding with the Salisbury FD, Be that as it may there are 11 other depts in the county. I know of 3 who have recently had intentions of upgrading their fire depts. Willards just completed theirs which leaves Pittsville and Parsonsburg. As member of the local communities in this area I think it would be great to offer them a portion of the proceeds. It is to my understanding that Parsonsburg has already broke ground and Pittsville has the plans but not enough money to start the projects. Looking at the design on the sign at Pittsville it appears they have a great building design. Folks one thing to keep in mind with this design before any negative comments start appearing is this; the Pitsville Fire Dept has always been announced as a shelter for many years for the school as well as the community if there were to ever be a state of disaster or a school evacuation and so forth. The Dept also houses a complete array of equipment to service every need of the community to include EMS, Rescue, Fire, and Truck operations. The dept works tirelessly at many fundraisers such as bingos, carnivals, car shows, wild game dinners,sporting clay shoots and the list goes on and on....With this being said like all government agencies budgets are being cut, with these cuts comes sacrifices, One thing we all have to remember is these people working these fundraisers are VOLUNTEERS, they take time away from their families not only to answers calls, and training, but to work these fundraisers in an effort to balance the budget. Folks this is hard for the average person to do in a daily routine of life not in the fire service imagine the time it takes in the fire service. I'm sure many of you think I have rambled enough but in all actuality and seriousness think about what has been said here and take it into consideration that these fire depts are VOLUNTEER, and they have to earn everything they get with an annual allowance from the county/state governmet which barely covers the daily operating expenses let alone the capital expenses that may occur. I thank you for your time. God Bless!!
A concerned Resident and Patron of these fundraising efforts.
ANY shelter who takes in and assists battered women and children to get help with counseling.
Coastal Hospice
Salisbury Jaycees Foundation
Relay For Life
Wicomico Humane Society
Coastal Hospice
Wicomico Co. Humane Society
Salvation Army
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Maryland Chapter
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