Word has reached SBYNews that former city council president Mike Dunn has been removed from Salisbury University's Neighborhood Relations Board. Dunn was the co-chair of the organization tasked with improving university-neighborhood relationships by finding answers to issues that create friction between the two.
Dunn's ousting follows previously reported behavior at a December meeting that participants described as "rude", "outrageously aggressive" and "personally offensive". Dunn was reportedly engaged in dressing down other meeting participants as he allegedly supported unhealthy landlord activities in a loud, red-faced rant that defied the efforts of other members to calm it.
Dunn wore a baseball cap throughout the entire meeting, even as a moment of silence was offered by the rest of the members to a recently deceased SU student.
Many had previously questioned Dunn's placement as co-chair of the group, even his qualifications as a member. He does not live in the city. Nor is he technically a bona fide employee of the university.
The replacement for Dunn as co-chair is said to be Salisbury City Administrator John Pick.
One member, in an SBYNews phone interview said, " There were actually some neighborhood people who didn't come to the meetings just because he'd be there. His way of getting things done wasn't getting anything done. A lot of people found him so abrasive and contrary that he stood in the way of positive action. I don't think anybody (on the board) is going to miss him."
I heard from a university source that everyone was really embarrassed him on several occasions. Sounds like he's even more damaged than before.
Hopefully, Mike is getting the help he needs. His anger and agitation have been a concern since his City days.
As we old people say "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"!
Tell your Janet D-E that guy has gotta go - NOW!
Sounds like Mikey is flaming out. Is there any more deserving person?
As much as I enjoy both of NPR's stations based at SU, I refuse to donate to an org. that would have Mr. Dunn on the payroll. Hopefully some one with the station(s) will read this...
Cocaine and swinging will do that to you. Obnoxious litle twit. Serves him right.
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