Answering the Call
When the Uprising Church in Hebron, MD received news that Salisbury natives Beverly and Tom Brumbley were still alive after an earthquake struck their home and the school that they run in Port a Prince Haiti almost a week ago today, they knew they had to answer the call for help.
Within a few days, working alongside the Brumbley’s who still reside in Salisbury, an effort to answer a call for help has turned into a effort to save a school community of children and a family a half a world away.
The Brumbleys, who run a school in Port a Prince and 4 satellite schools around the capital, spoke with Pastor Bill Cropper of the Uprising Church just a few days ago, stating “Please tell people to pray. We have nothing.”
Down to only 5 gallons of water, Pastor Bill Cropper and the Brumbley family here in Salisbury knew something would have to be done, and done fast.
A collaborated effort and an outpour of expedient support led to the delivery of 500 lbs of food and water by small plane to Tom and Bev Brumbley yesterday.
However, the effort to help this family and school of over 900 children in need does not stop here.. The Brumbley Haiti Relief Fund has been established here in Salisbury. With the support of the local Red Cross, PRMC, large corporations, and local businesses, an effort is being made to fill 9 trailers donated by Allied Trucking that are stationed around the Salisbury community with food and medical supplies for the Brumbley family and the school in which they lead. As soon as these trailers are filled, a local corporation has offered to ship 2 50,000 pound containers of those materials at no cost directly to the Brumbley s and their children in Haiti.
Donations have already begun to pour in as stories of young children emptying their piggy banks to purchase supplies in order to make a difference have inspired others. In 3 days the effort has raised over 40,000 dollars. The short term goal is to collect 100,000 lbs of supplies at the drop off spots throughout the area. The long term goal is to raise 500,000 dollars to rebuild these schools and these peoples lives in Haiti.
For a list of supplies and how to make contributions go to http://www.theuprisingchurch.org/ and click on Brumbley Haiti Relief.
Beginning January 19th from 7am to 7pm supplies can be taken to one of these 9 locations
Oakley's Farm Market27466 Ocean GatewayRt. 50 Hebron, MD(Next to Shore Stop)
The Tabernacle ChurchNorth Campus9887 Bi-state Blvd Delmar, MD 21875
East CampusRt. 50 & Morris RdPittsville, MD 21850Hours: M-F 9am-5pm and at Sun morning services
Redmen Lodge103 Clyde AveFruitland, MD 21826
Shorebird Stadium6400 Hobbs Rd.Salisbury, MD 21804
Zia's Italian Grill2408 N. Salisbury Blvd. Salisbury, MD 21801
Barrett Chevrolet, Inc10419 Old Ocean City Blvd.Berlin, MD 21811
Next to ApplebeesOff Rt. 50 in West Ocean City
Dorsey Marshall State Farm Insurance
Princess Anne MD
Pastor Bill Cropper states that another plane will be taking a smaller amount of medical supplies and food as well as local relief responders as early as tomorrow.
Let’s rally as a city, a county and the Eastern Shore and come to the immediate and long term aid of these Salisbury natives and the over 1000 children and their families that they are responsible for in Port A Prince Haiti.
For more information or ways you can help the Brumbley family and the school they lead, please contact http://www.theuprisingchurch.org/
UPDATE: We were just informed that some of the individuals that were supposed to leave Salisbury last night to head to Haiti had their flight cancelled. It turns out another rescue group had flown out there and were murdered for their food & supplies and the rest of the incoming flights were cancelled.
Thats why we should not go there
That's why your not cut out for this kind of work. Your okay with watching young children die on national t.v. and not do anything about it. It takes a special breed. Your just not it. Ask not what Haiti can do for you. Ask what You can do FOR Haiti and the human beings whos world as come down around them. That is not a hit thrown at you by the way... its just an opinion and something I feel strongly about.
Zackary Keenan
Now that's how a community is supposed to act... taking care of our own. We've known the Brumbley's your 30+ years and what they do changes the lives of 10's of thousands. They have answered the call of God on their lives for 40+ years. Tom and Bev, Gail and I love you and pray for you and your family daily. Better days lie ahead.
Dont be too hard on that first person who commented....I admire the selflessness of those who go on these missions but personally I prefer not to be gang-raped and left murdered in some 3rd world country for my efforts.I pray every night for the people there who are suffering,but I wouldnt go there either.
Thanks Joe for helping to get awarness for this Haiti relief effort. It saddens me to hear of the deaths of those volunters and also the hardened heart of the 9:29 comment. Let us not be fooled this tragety could happen here, Im sure this person would gladly welcome help if he/she were under his /her fallen home. It goes to show that a few bad apples can spoil the whole bushel. Lets all rise up, answer our neighbors call and build GODS kingdom! Get involved and love your neighbor as you love yourself! Check out www.theuprisingchurch.org and help our Salisbury natives the Brumleys! Thanks Joe and all that have a heart for someone else! Henry Oakley
Um, something to be said about being self reliant, huh? How about let's take care of the children in America and our provinces first. We can't even take care of our own people but are going to deal with this mess too? Why all of the sudden do we have to support Haiti? They never supported us before? Has anyone here been there? If so, you know it to be one of the most corrupt governments in the World. As far as this one is concerned-they're on their own
Go figure the Dems would try to take people in and free up the Border once more-they need the votes
That's exactly why those of us well-meaning amateurs gave to the Red Cross, instead of diving into a situation that we don't know about. Let these people do their jobs, support them financially, and hope for the best. Once the crisis has passed then we can go about making progress. Now it's just about food, water and medical help.
Their daughter is a teacher in Wicomico County. These are amazing people, and the whole family are so completely selfless and amazing. Please support their efforts.
-Mom in Wicomico County
upon further reading I'm totally HORRIFIED to see that there are actually people on here that are AGAINST helping people in the wake of such a horrific disaster.
you people are sick. UGH
JP, no one is against helping them. I'm personally against our government stepping in and throwing my tax dollars into Haiti. We have clearly proven through private donations we can and will do what is right. Obama stole my money, period.
Joe, Im also horrified! PRMC's #1 orthopedic surgeon was headed down there from what I heard. I pray he was on the flight that was cancelled! Dr Huber...PLEASE BE SAFE!! I personally cant wait for him to get back!
The Brumbleys are great people who have sacrificed for humanity-- maybe not a humanity that wears red, white & blue-- but humanity nonetheless. Tom and Bev are Amreican citizens, and they have lost everything. So for all the flag-wavers who say we should only help our own people-- we are!
This country was founded on the idea that ALL men are created equal and have "inalienable" rights. If these rights are truly "inalienable", it should not matter what country a person is from. Those who desire to help are free to help.
If the government taxes me to provide aid to Haiti, where's the goodwill? I'd prefer to choose to do my part alongside other Americans who CHOOSE to do their part. Mandated freedom is not freedom at all.
It amazes me how everyone sits and wonders where we get the money to help Haiti!!! The same place it finds money to spend on useless abortions(that the government pays for), and war, at least this money is being used for the good! I'm just thinking if this were to hit here in the US if we wouldn't want any help from any other country to help lift us up? Oh wait during hurricane Katrina they did, if interested in seeing how click the link. I don't think we turned down their help. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_response_to_Hurricane_Katrina
I guess if you can place your head on your pillow at night knowing that you could make a difference in the world and you choose not to...well then I guess that is on you!! I pray for Haiti, and I also pray for those who think it is ok to have such a cold heart to such a horrible disaster!
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