My question always is, are we putting good money after good money? By that I mean, I support the Salvation Army because I know they help local people in Salisbury and their money stays local. However, if we donate to the National Organization, who knows where that money ends up.
What has the Missing & Exploited Children's Association of Maryland done for the Eastern Shore? Were they there for Sarah Foxwell? Did they gather up their supporters and search for Sarah on Christmas Day? Or do they show up when emotions are running high and target those emotions to raise money when people are at their weakest point?
Look, I'm NOT saying this is a bad organization, not one bit. I'm also not saying they're a good one either. IF I had seen them making sandwiches and providing water two or three days after Sarah went missing, that would be one thing. I'll be the first to admit, I don't know a whole lot about this organization but I will say this. I'd rather give my money to a group in which "I" know will benefit Sarah Foxwell and her siblings.
I have purposely posted this article for this time because I do not want it to conflict with their mission this evening. However, I want your eyes and ears open to groups that prey on situations like we are all in right now and I have yet to hear what this group is doing locally for the Foxwell Children. The red flag is up and if their intentions were to be put to good use here, we would have heard about it. I have not heard them come forward offering counseling, nothing. Just food for thought.
Support your own community and protect your own community. National orginazations are mostly bottom feeders, collecting big salaries, and impersonating good will. Salvation army gets it right, they will get it to ya when it counts, my sister said the women for SA lined up to help her and three kids when she got laid off at Christmas. She cried in her car. Said mom never made her feel so loved as she did that day. Ment so much!!!!! Love and good will to your fellow man! Pray that somehow good people will be blessed....
the answer is to act and respond locally.take care of your community,and they will take care of you.nationally recognized organizations waste money and resourses.the red cross is perfect example.the woman resigned after people found out what she was makin.the salvation army is tried and true,and the old people will tell ya,it truely is the most rewarding all the way around.granma always said to be grateful no matter what!,there are always people worse off.if you can read this blog,you are one of those blessed people.granma would never ever consider owning a computer.she said it was devils work,you dont need it.well.....I dont know about that.
It's always hard for me to donate money because how do we KNOW that the money is going to where its intended. I think it's great to donate to good causes that are legit... but there are A LOT of scams out there, and it's hard to pick them apart. I live paycheck to paycheck for the most part, and money is tight for most people right now, so i can't afford to put money in another persons pocket who is out scamming. I hope this is a "legit" organization because all the people who are donating tonight are doing it for little Sarah.
I "kinda" tried to say in a low key fashion what Joe has just said. I have over 50 years of experience in dealing with Government and private interaction. A lot of organizations simply "suck" off of the Government connection.
Organizations such as this benefit from definition rather than contribution. When they raise their head to be identified, let them go further. Just tell us what you do or intend to.
This makes people happy to give to a national organization. Everyone blasted giving to the family. IDEA we give the money to local organizations to get the family rehabilitated from there addictions (we all have our own)
Not much....
By visiting their website: www.missingkids.com, you get a comprehensive view of their mission statement. According to the annual report, 94% of the all funds go the programs and education. It appears that the majority of their focus in on training and education of law enforcement, and operating the National Missing Child hotline. There is reference to the Amber-alert program, yet no discussion of participatory funding. They do provide assistance toward local and state elected officials, in the preperation and drafting of legislation.
As a national-level organization, I don't believe they automatically participate in local 'grassroots' issues; the focus in on national-level awareness and education.
A very worthwhile national organization.
Joe I think the event in the park tonight was very nice. I was a little surpised that the person who is putting together a non profit to benifit victims has such a questional personal history.
Thank you Joe for voicing what I was thinking. I haven't heard of this group doing anything locally. Yes, everyones emotions are running wild right now, especially tomorrow when we say a final goodbye to that dear Angel. I hope this group isn't getting us while we're weak (emotionally).
I don't know if the MECA of MD has contacted the Foxwell family, but they do have a website with more information if anyone would care to look:
I believe this group could be instrumental in organizing people to lobby our legislatures for change in sentencing convicted sex offenders.
Hope this helps.
Joe, while I do not know the level of participation in Sarah Foxwell's case (prior to, during or after), I do know that the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has been widely responsible for helping to change laws and legislation. Granted, there is still a long way to go, but this organization has been responsible for some very large contributions to the cause of protecting our children. I would greatly encourage everyone to research them and visit the website.
Inquiring minds want to know!!
I was not able to attend the vigil for Sarah Foxwell tonight due to work schedule, however I am looking forward to your post when I get home. Much appreciation for all you do, Joe!
What have you done for the Eastern Shore? I really hate you. You are going to pay in 2010. You deserve what's coming to you!
9:40 Not sure what that's all about but sounds like you have some anger issues that perhaps should be dealt with personally if not professionally. Don't like Joe or the sby news blog, then go to another site.
6:56 I was thinking the same
I know who she is and she is not the type who would volunteer without getting something from it for herself
I would like to clear some things up. First the Missing and Exploited Children's Association of MD did not start this fundraiser. A group of LOCAL residents in this community started this fundraiser. We found out that there had already been several funds setup to help the family. We wanted to donate to an organization that fought for law changes in the State of MD which we live. No local organization fights for laws for these types of criminals, so we had to go outside the local community. Do not blame the MECA of MD because they are not pushing this. We contacted them and told them that we were going to donate the money to them. They had nothing to do with the fundraiser other than that. If you want your money to go to the family then there are several options you can choose other than our ribbons. The money is going to go to MECA. There are plenty of ribbons left for sale and we are going to be working with several businesses hopefully to be able to provide these to people who would like to get one. I talked to Heather who put on the Vigil tonight and have volunteered to help with more fund raising events that are in the works as we speak. I know there are scammers out there but please trust me when I say our group is not. As stated before several people in this group donate thier services and money to several local charities every year to help out people in need. I also want to take the opportunity to talk to MECA and see if they will start organizing more events on the eastern shore.
Joe i was at the vigil all night by the tables. Im sure you saw us selling the ribbons but did not once come talk to us. If you have so much doubt why didn't you talk to us face to face so we could discuss your disbelief and hopefully turn it into belief in that the money will be used as we have stated. Thank you to all who purchased. We have plenty left and will be available for sale around the area.
6:56...I couldn't be there tonight due to my work schedule. What do you mean?
10:40-(Im 10:33)Dont know if you are her but I was referring to Kristine..(and her husband too for that matter)assuming 6:56 was too
You're right. I did organize this to get something out of it-the opportunity to help our community get a little closure and hopefully invoke a little change. I don't see how this vigil benefits me at all. It's not about me. I think it's so funny how someone can try to do something for the greater good and people still find a way persecute them.
Regarding my record. If anyone took the time to scroll to the bottom and read details of the outcome of those cases you will find that most of them were dismissed. The theft charge was for a 'gas-n-go' when I was 18. Kids do stupid things. No one is perfect. I would love to look up the records of the people that post here, but most of them don't have the courage to sign their names...
And finally, to the person who 'knows' me. Please reveal your identity, lol. I'd love to find out if I 'know' you. Dollars to doughnuts-I don't.
Could someone please tell me exactly what the funds are intended to help the family with? The burial expenses are already paid for so what exactly is the money being used by the family for. If the children need counseling, medical insurance will pay for that. I have a hard time donating money to a family that should not be profiting off the death of a little girl. The cicumstances surrounding the death are horrible and i would not wish it upon anyone, but she was not the provider for the family so what are the funds being collected for?
Funds are collected for a variety of reasons. 11:50 you assume that everyone has health insurance - you seem to have the Marie Antionette - "let them eat cake" mindset with your apparent obliviousness that many people, especially here on the shore, don't have health insurance. That possibly being the case, the surviving family members may not have access to the therapy they need to get past this in a healthy way. Then there is the fact that no one is forcing anyone to give money to this family (you'd call that taxation). If you have a problem helping out others who are going through what will very likely be the most horrible and difficult time of their lives - then don't. But don't put a bunch of reasons out there in an attempt to justify your unwillingness to help them. There are plenty of people who are willing to help and they do so without any expectation at all of being recognized or compensated in any way. I feel that if my child were to have met a similar fate, I may not be of the mindset to set aside my grief in order to jump right back into the rigors of life. I may not be able to go back to work right away. (many places don't pay you while out of work for any reason) These donations will go a long way in feeding parents and siblings, etc., while their lives settle to some level of normalcy. A setback in life of this magnitude may make it impossible for those raising the siblings to afford continuing education when the time comes. From what I'm seeing some of these donations are being made to assist with that later on.
A community came together on a level I've never seen before. It's the American way. Please don't cheapen the efforts of good people by demeaning the cause. These folks have been victimized twice. Once by the animal who carried out this horrible act, and once by an ineffective criminal justice that allowed someone like that to walk the streets among good, law abiding people.
In my opinion this family can never "profit" from this. If they were given a million dollars, they still have lost more that they could ever get back in monetary compensation.
I think that this tragedy has shown us all what the court system does with many people who are charged with crimes.
I have been in law enforcement for many years and I can tell you that just because a case is dismissed does not mean it was not done by that person.
What I did not hear you say in your post was that you did not do those crimes. What I did hear you say was that they were dismissed in one way or another.
What you did last night to show respect for Sarah and bring the community together was good but don't blame people for doing what they have been encouraged to do to protect themselves.
I apologize for being unclear. The majority of the 'crimes' on my record were not committed. They were mostly false accusations and misunderstandings. I did explain the theft charge as being a stupid teenaged mistake. Believe me, I am so glad that those records are available to the public, simply for the fact that is does list cases even if they were dismissed.
You're right, just because a case was dropped, doesn't mean it didn't happen. The community needs to see that information. Especially when it comes to sex offenders. That site allows the public to see what offenders have been charged with, even if they were not convicted, which is important information needed to protect yourself and your family.
I am not blaming anyone for researching. I absolutely promote and support doing your homework on people. I do not feel however that people should use the information they find to participate in online gossip.
5:50am (Bob). Just FYI- Life Crisis has free counseling for anyone that has experienced tragedy at the hand of violence. Thought I would put that out there for anyone who was not aware and could benefit from their services.
7:55, you are so right about the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. They are the ones who got Amber Alerts to happen!
Joe, go read up on them. Adam Walsh was abducted from a mall when he was 6 and brutally murdered. His father would not rest until laws and methods were made to combat this.
Much of what is done across the country for endangered children was started by this group.
After all the wonderful coming together for Sarah, why is there so much anger and condemnation of groups and people trying to do the right thing?
Save it for the criminals.
Tammy, where were they when Sarah was taken? Just curious.
The system is broken.
Start by paying attention to how your representatives have voted for the funding cuts to the agencies overseeing these areas. Then call or email the office and ask why. Only action, by each one of us, will change these things.
Also, volunteer. Get involved deeper in your communties. Life Crisis, CASA, Big Brother/Sister. Angel Food Network. Know about the problems in your area neighborhoods and do something about it. Be an example.
Thanks Joe for being an example.
10:59 i wish i knew who you are but you are not that brave to put your name on here you say you know kristine well you must not cause she is not the one putting this together she is just helping out and you say " her husband too for that matter " i have nothing to do with it i was there to help and support and i'm not getting anything out of it but if you really want to talk aabout some people then you need to look at the ones that where selling the cds cause i know one of them really good in fact they are in my family so if you really want to go there and you know me then you know who i am and i dont care who likes it. thats all i have to say so before you start talking stuff on here get your facts right thats the problem with salisbury everyone thinks they know everyone when they really dont but they are quick to talk about someone..
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