9:38 p.m. -- “I have no interest in sugar coating what happened in Massachusetts. There is a lot of anxiety in the country right now. Americans are understandably impatient" -- Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Robert Menendez.
“In the days ahead, we will sort through the lessons of Massachusetts: the need to redouble our efforts on the economy, the need to show that our commitment to real change is as powerful as it was in 2008, and the reality that we cannot take a single thing for granted and cannot afford even a second of complacency.
9:13 p.m. -- Coakley has conceded in a call to Scott Brown, according to a Brown aide.
9:09 p.m. -- At least Coakley won her hometown of North Adams, 2,854-965.
9:07 p.m. -- Bad news for Coakley from Woburn: The Brown margin there is wider than the margin for Romney against O'Brien in 2002. More bad news from Fall River, a traditional Democratic stronghold: Coakley wins there but with several thousand fewer votes than in 2002 and 2006.
8:45 p.m. -- A bad omen for Coakley in Boston's western suburbs? Take the town of Ashland, where Brown won 3,467-2,897. That's a turnaround from Democratic Governor Deval Patrick's 3,118-2,329 victory over Kerry Healey in 2006. And similar to Republican Governor Mitt Romney's 3,734-2,295 win over Shannon O'Brien in 2002.
8:33 p.m. -- Brown maintains early lead, 52 percent to 47 percent, with 8 percent of precincts reporting.
8:28 p.m. -- “The discussion outside is worrisome,” said State Representative Peter J. Koutoujian, a Waltham Democrat who was at the Coakley party. But Koutoujian said he had been making phone calls for Coakley earlier in the day and the positive response he had gotten “made me feel better about Martha’s pending victory.”
8:24 p.m. -- Brown jumps to an early lead, 52 percent to 47 percent, but that's just with 4 percent of precincts reporting.
8:22 p.m. -- Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is expecting Brown to win. "He did what I couldn't do. It looks like he's going to win a seat for Massachusetts in the US Senate, and I congratulate him. He's been a strong candidate, run a good campaign, and he has made it very clear that the arrogance in Washington is being rejected by the people of Massachusetts and across the country."
8:14 p.m. -- The mood at the Coakley party is subdued. A few dozen people are snacking on hors d'oeuvres and checking their Blackberries.
8:10 p.m. -- At Coakley’s party in a giant ballroom at Sheraton Boston Hotel, the stage is draped with a huge American flag, Coakley’s name is projected on one wall, and Blue Soul, a rhythm-and-blues band, is playing. Aides said Coakley is in a room at the downtown hotel, awaiting results from the election.
8:07 p.m. -- The mood is upbeat in the packed ballroom where Brown supporters are gathering, with red, white, and blue balloons poised for a triumphant balloon drop in nets on the ceiling. At one table, Brown's daughter, Ayla, a former American Idol contestant, is expected to sign CDs.
8:03 p.m. -- At the Park Plaza ballroom where Brown supporters are gathering, senior Brown adviser Eric Fehrnstrom told NECN that the turning point for Brown was the Dec. 30 "JFK ad" which put the campaign on the map. "After that, it was like riding a rocket ship for 2 ½ to 3 weeks till today," he said.
8:01 p.m. -- Polls are closing around the state in the extraordinary race for US Senate featuring Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley. It's all over but the counting.
Did anyone else get a phone call after 9:00 PM from surveyors asking political questions. Thought it was very interesting that they wanted my opinion on how Obama is doing. Are you kidding me? Republicans just took a place in Massachusetts for the first time since the 1970's! How do you think Obama is doing!
He has won by a landslide. Looks like the Dumbocrats
are losing out on this one big time!
I hope this is just the beginning of an American awakening. We've still got a long long way to go, but this victory is encouraging.
I believe Health Care Reform is needed, I also think we need checks and balances, so a win by Brown is good. Now let the real negotiations begin, is health care an entitlement, should the insurance companies be reigned in, are preexisting conditions fair, should policy holders pay a premium for life style choices, should the food industry and pharmaceuticals be held accountable? Are there some medical procedures that simply will not be available to everyone, and only available on insured paid health insurance plans. So far, I've not heard much about these tradeoffs, but there has to be tradeoffs, and people who work and who are already contributing to health insurance themselves should not have to support those who have no interest in working (not the same as people who have recently lost health coverage due to layoffs)?
It may be hard, the politicians, both Republican and Democrats might actually have to do the right thing and forgo corporate funding. But they had best due the right thing because this is a deteriorating situation and it is only going to get worse.
" Sitting on the dock of the bay watching the tide roll away " This is great news
nope no calls, but they have called in the past.signed former dem.
Pelosie and Read are running the show, not Obama...Obama is just waiting for a bill to sign....Read/Pelosie will drag his butt down...and has done very well so far.
Progressives suck...yeah I said it
We ran maybe the worst candidate we could have- to replace on of our most beloved Democratic members of the Senate.
We still have the R's far out numbered in the big picture.
10:24 Great questions...And I agree on your assessment 100%.
All for one or, none for all!
One of our most beloved Democratic members of the Senate?!?!?
Give me a break . . . longevity does not make a good Senator.
11:12 Keep thinking/voting Progressive and see where it gets you on November 2, 2010...Bring it on.
We, (centrist) out number both parties...and we will take this country back.
Republicans and Democrats (not Progressives) came together to send a message to DC.
11:12 --
or is that Ms. Coakley?
Keep on thinking that way while your ship sinks.
we may have been blindsided by the dems on this on.hopefully this guy helps the republican party.he is after all a liberal republican lets hope he votes like a republican!
I know the late Sen Kennedy lost his seat by his death, but I think this is a great start to replacing all of the career politicians. Term limits please!!!
The government can't run the health care plans it has now (medicare, VA, Tri-care) why do they think they can do a better job with another?
Less government, not more, that is what the people want. The government that governs least, governs best. A quote by the great Ronald Reagan and is OH so true. Got the message yet dems?
"The rise and fall of the obama empire"
No black panthers there! At last a true and legal vote count!
You've said it all. You have the EXACT same attutude as Pelosi, Reid, and Osama.
That's why you lost in Virginia, New Jersey, and now in Massachusetts.
I hope you don't change
Pant's on the ground Obama lookin like a fool with his pants on the ground !
My gut feeling is that the people of Massachusetts have wanted their embarressment named Ted Kennedy out for many years, but the Democrat machine, and the corruption kept him in.
The voters there saw an opportunity for a change both for Mass, and for the rest of the country.
People can align themselves with any party all they want but when that party starts screwing them the way the Democrats have done for the last year.....say goodbye!
I love it! Ok all you liberals. Its hard for you to accept your loss but get over it.
Barney Frank needs go next in Mass.
Get ready to duck! The pendulum is about to swing very quickly back to the right!
Each time it changes direction it picks up speed. If the conservatives thought the Republicans screwed them over with Dubya' and Cheney, then you had better watch out now. They are going to really tax, spend and wage some serious war.
If you liberals thought the Democrats have screwed you over with Obama and company you had better watch out now. They are going to usher in a communist regime like we have never seen before - one that would make Stalin cringe with envy. The government will control every aspect of our lives from cradle to grave. They are going to take "care" of us.
Yikes! Both political parties are totally out of control. They behave as if some Wizard of Oz is behind a curtain pulling on strings at random. But there is nothing random about this stuff. They are playing us like a fiddle.
They will continue to offend our intelligence in every sense of the word - and then allow us to believe we have voted to make another change. They control this pendulum and we are being duped into believing in a system that is rigged.
My opinion.
6:53 AM You said it all!! AND you almost made me WET my pants!!!!
Yoo hoo where are all the democrats on this blog now? Alex, Dani, Two Sentz... Thats what I thought.
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