Pipe Smokers Beware!
A new bill has been introduced and is pending in Congress, H.R. 4439, that would amend federal law established by last year's S-CHIP expansion. The bill proposes raising the federal excise tax rate on Pipe Tobacco to be equal to the tax rate on roll-your-own Cigarette Tobacco.
The federal pipe tobacco tax is currently $2.8311 per pound, which represents a 158% increase from the pre-S-CHIP tax of $1.0969 per pound. The proposed bill would increase the tax on pipe tobacco to a whopping $24.78 per pound!
Screw it I'll grow my own and sell to my friends .
My grandfather got oral cancer years ago from smoking a pipe and chewing tobacco. Went thru hell getting radiation on his jaw/cheek and could not swallow or eat for awhile. Burned his skin which later healed but his taste buds were never right after that. He did over come it and live several more years to be 91 and die in his sleep though. I'd say it's a good time for people to quit!
It should be up to individuals to make that choice not Government !
I dont care about the outcome of someone using pipe tobacco or chewing tobacco it is there choice.
But i do care about being taxed to death , the hell with america , it sucks.
12:54 Obama Sucks, America does NOT.
Hope and Change, WTF
Join the tea party movement against government taxation and spending and vote out anyone that doesn't listen to the peoples will regardless of party affiliation .
The idealogues strike again. Yes tax dummies who poison themselves then put further strain on the healthcare system.
They pay for their own health care so stop trying to run peoples lives !
Didn't this already happen? I remember being at the state line place in Delmar, and talking to a clerk about this happening soon. This was back in December.
So apparently you can produce hard data to show that people who smoke pipes don't recieve any public health care benefits. More importantly what you fail to see is that when insurance companies have to kick out the additional dollars to care for these people, premiums are bumped up for everyone!
With the use of recent technology, there is finally an alternative to cigarette smoking that is actually worthwhile. It’s called the electronic cigarette and smokers everywhere are finding that it truly holds its own when compared to tobacco.
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