ANNAPOLIS, MD (January 6, 2010) – Governor Martin O’Malley issued the following statement on Mayor Dixon’s intention to resign:
“This is a difficult day in the history of our City. All of us need to support Council President Rawlings-Blake as she takes on the critically important work of leading Baltimore’s progress as our new Mayor.”
STATEMENT FROM A READER OF SALISBURY NEWS: My Girl Shelia Dixon resigned as Mayor after a plea agreement and will NOT have to go to Jail and still receive a pension of $80.000 + a year. Not bad for a couple of gift cards huh.
enabled by O'Malley
maybe her and our x police chief can get together and have another off spring that we have to pay for...
The Dumbocrat way....
We continue to see these politically connected people get special treatment and avoid jail time. The average folks would certainly face jail time under the same circumstances. In our own area look at what occured with the Sheriff Jones, Chief Peccarrao, James L. Henderson, Davis Ruark cases. Don't tell me with a stright face that the punishment that they received is the same that the average Joe would receive under the same circumstances. Rank has it's priviledges as they say in the military.
You're girl Sheila is down right dumb. This will follow her the rest of her life - not bad huh?
Infuriating! I have a hard time believing that she would have gotten off scott-free if she were a white male.
Hey Shanie take the cue and make a move SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!
Eighty grand a year pension on the taxpayers dime for a criminal? I guess if you're a politician, crime does pay. The system is broken beyond repair. I obey the law to stay out of jail, but as for respect for the law-I have absolutely none. I don't see anything there worthy of any respect.
I agree with Ryan!
can't believe that low life gets to keep her pension. There are people in this country who have nothing to live on when they grow old despite working hard their whole lives and being law-abiding citizens. This woman steals from the city, lies, makes up a bunch of bullsh** excuses and gets to live on $80,000 a year. Unbelievable.
she should run again in a few years like crack smokin and yac sippin marion berry did! of course when you consider what they so called governed over and was elected by, well you get the picture!birds of a feather flock together!
A white mayor would be getting three hots and a cot.....thats for sure!!!!
Democrats reward bad behavior !
to award her pension is OUTRAGEOUS!
EFF plea deals.
Maybe she got a job in the Obama administration to supplement that pension.
How can this happen? What about us hard working state workers who are overworked and underpaid, taking furloughs and salary reduction days, not getting raises, and watching others getting laid off or having facilities shut down while we live in fear for our jobs and are honest law abiding people? Look how many state worker's jobs we could save w/her disgusting pension!
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