Dear Joe,
Please list this response. The customer in the article conveniently forgot to mention a few facts in his article. Sherwood did step up and cover half of the total service bill, as well as agree to fill his tank with gas, in order to attempt to satisfy the customer. Sherwood also covered a brake repair requested by this same customer, at NO cost to him. As well, he did not mention that he had taken an extended test drive and did not detect the issue that he brought forward in the article. He also forgot to mention his threat, as Assistant Fire Marshall of Worcester County, to return with his team to do a full fire inspection, if the bill was not covered. I am not sure that threats from the Fire Marshal of Worcester County are part of protocol in his position. Let’s hope that this is not the approach taken by his peers in the Worcester County Fire Marshals Department.
Tony Overton
Sherwood Of Salisbury, MD
Good feedback!
Puts a whole new spin on the original post, doesn't it?
Ha ha ha ha ha, busted!
its good to hear both sides of the story
Tony is swinging back and he landed a couple, ha,ha...
Hope you don't have any violations.... sounds like it might have been cheaper to take care of his bill.
Worcester county does fire inspections in Wicomico county?
You must either cover his bill, or take the car back and give him his money back. There's no middle ground. Either you stand behind your merchandise, or you don't.
Regardless of his threats.
Mr. Overton, if this person did attempt to use the power of his office to influence business outside the realm of county fire business, as a retired police officer I cringe when I read or hear of such stuff and encourage you to file a complaint with the state's fire marshall's office.
Your Service Department is a hook and crook operation. It sad the auto industry is in the shitter because Americans will screw a fellow American every chance they get.
Mienke should be shut down they are so crooked. A kid that worked there told me about all the crooked crap some guy named Cory was behind. That the mechanics padded bills and would say entire brake systems were shot because they use other area service depts like Oil Spot and Grease Monkey. Meinke implied that it was not intentional but that Oil Spot and the likes just do not hire good techs. WOW. I was told 3500. 00 to replace my entire brake system. Went to Delaware Tire. It was one caliper that had to be replaced.
Anyone else having trouble with them needs to call the State'a Attorney Office and the BBB I think they could be looking at some action. THEFT IS CRIME.
The fact remains that there always seem to be a problem with a car when you leave the dealership. My opinion is that they are all crooked! Its a shame, you almost have to take a mechanic with you everytime you go to buy a car. It also amazes me how none of the problems that happen soon after the purchase of a car seem to be caught during the inspection. I've had my fair share of dealings with dealerships, and all of them are out for one thing. To hit your pocket as hard as they can. Where is the law to protect consumers when you leave from a dealership and a week later the car goes to crap...The lemon law only applies to new cars, at least that is what I was told...go figure!
Mr. Overton, get over yourself. I bet you kissed his rear end just to get his money and now that you have it you don't give a crap. You don't look very professional when you respond in a manner like this. Do you need a course in customer service? There's a way to defend your company's actions without dragging YOUR CUSTOMER through the dirt. Guess I won't be purchasing my vehicle from Sherwood. Thanks, buddy.
A machine is a machine. No One can know what can be wrong with a car until it is used! I mean why blame Sherwood? They made good on it anyway. I dealt with the Service manager Tony, he is a straight up good guy. I have a new Jeep and he repaired items and when OVER and ABOVE to get me satisfied. Still a machine, Any machine has flaws and will break. Don't Blame Tony
Mr. Overton
My elderly mother took her van there just before Xmas because it kept cutting off at stops. She purchased it there and has always been loyal to your dealership, even with oil changes. They ran a diagnostic for which she was charged and the first thing the service guy said to her was "its about time to trade it in isn't it?" My mother told him she had not even thought about that as she really liked her van. He gave her an estimate of $1800-$1900 to do the repairs. She told him she had to think about it because that was a lot of money. She drove the van home. The check engine light which was not on when she took it in was on when she left. She called and reported it and was told they probably forgot to reset it and they would do that when she brought it back in for the repair. My mother then took it to Pittsville Motors who gave her an estimate of $400 and only ended up charging her $272.00. The van runs beautifully now. How do you respond to that. You tried to rip her off!!! Something very similar happened when I took my Caravan in for a fuel pump. I tried to warn her. Your dealership is crooked as H@!! Please respond.
Tony would you like to address all of the other complaints listed? Coming back the way you did with your accusations doesn't follow my logic is the customer is ALWAYS right.
You still should have covered all the cost!
So glad Tony responded! We love Sherwood! When does Worcester Fire Marshal's department do fire inspections for Wicomico County? Shame on that man for using his position to (try to)get what he wants. Makes you wonder what else he uses it for. Glad I don't live in Worcester County.
Sounds like there may be some concern in your last statement. You must also must not be running a fire safe establishment. Reason 2for not going there
Does it really matter? I work for a local car dealership very close to you and that would NEVER happen here. Sorry Sherwood. We get customers of yours practically everyday and hear the complaints and the "I will never go there or recommend Sherwood." You better step up your customer service and hire some better employees or you will continue to lose business.
I suspected there was more to the story.....
Mr. Overton, it is not just this person who has had a problem with your dealership. It is MANY who have. I wouldn't take too seriously a threat from Worcester County to a business in Wicomico County anyway. I am not sure I even believe your version of events as your sales and F. & I. personel have lied to me more than once.
I have had instances where phone calls are not returned, emails go unanswered and the personel involved won't even get up off their rears to come over and simply say "hi, welcome to Sherwood, can we help you?". Instead I had to go over an interupt his cell phone call and ask if there were anyone around to help me BUY A CAR. About 12 minutes later, a "salesperson" finally came out and asked "what can I do for you?". Your business, in the venacular of today's youth - sucks, especially your customer service. Pohanka EARNED my business. You didn't.
A Worcester County Fire Marshal cannot do an inspection in Wicomico County. Their jurisdiction ends at the county line.
How kind of the company that sold the car to repair the brakes for free after ONE week...is that supposed to be some sort of kind gesture or should they have eaten the cost of that too? I think covering the bill of a loose fuel line rubbing on the floor board of the car is a small price for a company to pay considering it could have caught fire later? Can we say lawsuit? You should have thanked him for being attentive enough to catch what you missed, as it could have been quite a mess if it had gone unnoticed.
Last time I checked the car industry isn't fairing great in this economy, is that hundred dollars really worth all the business you are going to lose over this little pissing match that you want to keep going?
I don't even know this guy, but I think he's right.
Tony is a good guy, bought a van at Courtesy and a used Expedition from Sherwood and aside from some warranty and routine maintenance, never had a problem. As far as complaining that this dealership overcharges, duh!! they all do. I only go to a dealer for warranty work.
That's the other side of the story.
Isn't that interesting about the threat of a fire inspection. He should have his a$$ kicked. But , it sounds like the typical fireman type. Power hungry!
Oops, sounds like this pissed off customer might be guilty of extortion. Report him for abusing his authority!
This day and age, I would expect for you to take care of the customer, I have read both posts, I don't think the customer was unreasonable. Additionally, I don't think his "treat" was meant as such or should even be a consideration, seems like a somke screen covering your bad judgement.
I've always received great service from Sherwood. I'm looking forward to purchasing my next car from there in the near future. Keep up the great work!
Worcester Co Fire Marshall's office has no jurisdiction on Wicomico Co...If someone acted like that to me, I'd tell them to hit the road too...what an a__hole he is. No wonder he wasn't happy; people like that can't be pleased...
and that is why there are 2 sides to every story
Hell yeah... get him Sherwood... I would buy a car from them just for telling him like it is!
I've met DH's(richard heads) like this before. There's one around evry corner. You did the right thing , told us the other side.
as the late great Paul Harvey would say, "Now you know the rest of the story"..Just goes to show how alot of people who don't get their way come out with threats and everything and try to destroy a very reputable business..Bravo Mr. Overton for shedding the truth on this apparently life hating person
Please check out Mr. Steven Anthony Overton (aka Tony Overton) on the Maryland Judiciary Case Review. I rest my case...
He probably felt like he had to stoop down to Sherwood's level to get anything done and apparently he had to.
sounds like someone is not tell the truth. Joe you might have a story here about someone using his position as a fire marshal to get something extra. Now the truth comes out.
Way to go Tony! Sounds like someone has a power complex to me.
Worcester county inspecting in wicomico?
who was this guy?
What a dumbass...I don't think this wingnuts jurisdiction extends into Salisbury. But here we go again with these people in the fire service. Who the heck do they think they are???? Besides, who buys a used VW for 16K? LOL! This character doesn't sound to bright!
I have never had a problem with Sherwood! I bought my truck from them last year and fully intend to go there in Feburary to purchase a car!
Busted! Was it Owens or McMahon? Sure wasn't Winter, after his wife shot him, he resigned. Bet their boss would love to know this. It's called abuse of authority.
Been there and seen that!
These government slugs will make threats like that at the drop of a hat.
I worked at a local car dealer in Salisbury when I was threatened by an I.R.S. employee if I didn't replace the windshield on his brand new car because he thought it wasn't "clear" enough.
The only thing not clear was this guys though process!
Two sides to every story. Regardless, if the individual did threaten retribution, that's abuse of office and the Wor. Cty. Fire Marshall's office should investigate. If true, we don't need an individual with that temperament carrying a county-issued badge and gun!
Uh Oh... I smell an internal investigation coming!
Well Sherwood owned up and signed their name. Now will we find out the name of the person that complained. I have a feeling they wont man up and sign their name now that the facts have come to light.
a;ways two sides to a story
I bought a used truck from Sherwood a few years ago when Tony O was a salesman. On the test drive, I detected a thumping & told Tony about. The rear differential was replaced within a day or two and I bought the truck. A few weeks later, the transmission started acting funny. I called Tony, and he had me bring it in to be checked out. It took them two weeks to finally diagnose and fix it (turns out the transmission needed rebuilt...the previous owner must have beat the s*** out of it!). That said, I can't complain, because they gave me a rental car at NO CHARGE for the duration. And no, I didn't purchase any extended warranty.
Sometimes, I think your attitude plays a big role in how you get treated.
WOW!! While I have written many letters of complaint, I have always been sure to list all details... And for this very reason. You never know who is reading, nor do you know what their response will be.
If the customer bought the car and then just 2 weeks later started having problems, then the problem should have been fixed with no questions asked. He shouldn't have had to pay a dime! I bought a car from Jim Lewes's used cars in willards, and i recommend them to EVERYONE! I bought a car and it came with a 30day warranty. I had a minor problem 60 days later and brought my car to them. I figured i would have to pay and when my car was finished they told me it was a no charge. They said they want their customers to be happy and to come back, and they fixed my car out of the integrity of their business. Let me add, they gave me a car to drive while my car was being worked on, at no charge. Sherwood doesn't care about anything but making money, they should have a big more integrity in their business than that... or they'll become the next Saturn and close doors.
Tony Overton lol
Excellent response Tony! It's about time that dumb asses are called out for their behavior. What kind of rocket scientist is this guy? To make a threat such as this and think it would not be followed up on. You know-sometimes the customer isn't always right. Great job Tony for pointing this out!
Tony Overton is a stand up guy, in noway has he ever cheated anybody. I support him 110% in this, cant believe anybody would stoop to the levels of threating just because of the position they hold.
He's a great family man and a amazing car salesman.
-Barlow Family
Sherwoods always been good to me. Ive bought 10 cars there including for my kids. Everytime they have rectified any problem i had.
Sorry Tony. I know you and your a really nice guy. But only covering half was wrong. He just bought the car. Everything should of been covered. And fixing the breaks on the car. Breaks can't go bad in 1 week? Come on. I don't think I would of mentioned there was another problem you fixed for free. You should of. And to say he should of noticed it during his extended test drive. Good grief. How many people don’t notice something during the test drive. You are not some backwoods dealership selling 100,000 mile cars. Even the buy here, pay here, breakdown here car stores cover you for 30 days. You defended Sherwood in the wrong way. Saying he threatened you with an inspection. He was probably very frustrated by the time he said that. Worse than the inspection he wrote sbynews. Man I would of rather had an inspection any day. I would of called the customer, apologized, returned the money and sent him dinner and a movie. (I own a business and have done this) Instead of losing a few hundred you lost thousands. I am sure at least 1 person reading this will not buy a car from you now. You showed that Sherwood has no Integrity or customer service. You should of let it be and not wrote a rebuttal. You just put your name out there in a negative way. Had it done to me before, never again. Learned my lesson with many sleepless nights thinking about it and reevaluating myself. Sherwood better fix this or it will snowball.
I used to work at Sherwood and know for a fact they are crooks. When they work on newer model cars that are out of warranty they charge the customer and keep the parts. After that they find the same model of a car in warranty and file a warranty claim and get paid twice for parts and labor. You talk about a scam. That needs to be investigated.
In business as in society, the 80/20 rule always applies. The 20% of the a-holes make it bad for the 80%. Dealing with the public is getting more and more difficult. I guess the entitlement attitude toward the government has rubbed off to private businesses. If this cheap son of a bitch didn't want to have problems with any car, Why not buy new that has a factory warranty. Go ahead man, buck up. I know the county pays you plenty to irritate business owners...
However with all that being said, dealing with the car dealerships really sucks. My company deals with all of them and they are all the same. NO NO NO loyalty and are motivated by only one thing...wait for it..wait for it...MONEY. And they will suck every bit of life out of you if you let them. The economy has hurt them. They are attempting to make up some lost revenue by getting more from each customer. Alot of them are teetering and if we have one more dip and they will be gone and we will all be driving hybrids made by Obama Motors.
4:16 What was the problem with your mom's van? Mine cuts out sometime when I stop too. Thanks!
Ha! HA! HA! Tony is a typical used car salesman. He lives in apartments, jumps from car dealer to car dealer and doesn't pay his bills. Tony, before you try to bust on a customer you should be concerned about your shady past. LMFAO!!! What a deadbeat!!
020300011392003 Overton, Stephen A Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 03/03/2003
22C99000906 Overton, Stephen A Defendant Wicomico County Circuit Court Forfeiture Closed/Inactive 08/06/1999 Salisbury City Of Vs. Overton
020300067812002 Overton, Stephen Anthony Aka Stephen A Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 12/27/2002
00052352Z6 Overton, Stephen Anthony 02/1972 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 03/15/1994
00640954H6 Overton, Stephen Anthony 02/1972 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 08/14/1990
00640954H6 Overton, Stephen Anthony Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 08/14/1990
00644285H5 Overton, Stephen Anthony 02/1972 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 12/20/1991
00647013H3 Overton, Stephen Anthony 02/1972 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 05/13/1993
00648309H4 Overton, Stephen Anthony 02/1972 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 09/27/1993
00949927P6 Overton, Stephen Anthony 02/1972 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CV Closed 05/23/1992
020300026561994 Overton, Stephen Anthony Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 08/17/1994
020300067812002 Overton, Stephen Anthony Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 12/27/2002
0H00015666 Overton, Stephen Anthony Plaintiff Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 06/29/1999
0H00047145 Overton, Stephen Anthony Plaintiff Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 04/26/2008
1H00015660 Overton, Stephen Anthony 02/1972 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 06/24/1999
2H00015640 Overton, Stephen Anthony 02/1972 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 06/22/1999
4H00014501 Overton, Stephen Anthony 02/1972 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 01/29/1999
00644182H0 Overton, Steven Anthony 02/1972 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 11/15/1991
4H00020878 Overton, Steven Anthony 02/1972 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 01/16/2001
To the first 4:04 comment, get real. You honestly believe they should have to take back a used car just because it needed a repair? You can't be serious. I hope you walk everywhere.
I have had my share of problems with dealerships after the purchase of a used car and a couple times I have had to get really ignorant for them to even attempt to fix my problems. I've been in this guys shoes in the past couple weeks and I'm still trying to get things resolved(not at sherwood). These big dealerships do as little as possible and try to screw over the little guy hoping they won't push back. When I receive good service from a dealership that makes me want to keep doing business with them. Sherwood made a very poor decision.
Anonymous said...
Tony is a good guy, bought a van at Courtesy and a used Expedition from Sherwood and aside from some warranty and routine maintenance, never had a problem. As far as complaining that this dealership overcharges, duh!! they all do. I only go to a dealer for warranty work.
4:55 PM
Tony is a good guy? What a dumb a$$. I bet you voted for Obama as well.
Anonymous said...
Tony Overton is a stand up guy, in noway has he ever cheated anybody. I support him 110% in this, cant believe anybody would stoop to the levels of threating just because of the position they hold.
He's a great family man and a amazing car salesman.
-Barlow Family
7:23 PM
A stand up guy the Barlow Family says? LMAO... have you checked his criminal back ground. Here's you Kool Aide!!
im gonna buy a car from you tony nice job putting it into light i like how you put your name too
I go to Sherwood quite a bit and I see salesmen running out to talk to a potential customer all the time. There are times when a salesman is busy and cannot break away.
This was a personal issue between you and the customer. If you had a complaint about an alleged threat you should have contacted the authorities. To "gossip" it here on this forum is selfish, childish and VERY unprofessional.
To point out his profession, employment and alledge a threat without proof is very irresponsible of you. In today's world these type of complaints benefit no one. There is always three sides to every story. Yours, his and the truth!
Word of mouth being the best type of advertisement, has hurt both of you. From a financial standpoint, I believe you and your business will be hurt the most. If I were looking to purchase a new or used vehicle at this time, I know I would avoid your dealerships. Just wonder how many others feel the same way?
I have come across this same problem with fire marshals in wicomico county as well. Being a manager of a large department store in the area I have been threatened on more than one occasion of being shut down. These men enjoy the power they possess and it goes straight to their heads. I'm not saying all are like this, but I have experienced similar situation.
7:03 PM
i too bought a truck from LEWIS. The alternator died a couple days later. they were more then happy to have it fixed. He is a good guy.
I have known Tony since highschool, he is a good guy. I am sure he has sold hundreds of vehicles, so naturally you will end up with a couple of people that were unhappy a out something or another. We are talking about a USED car. Let's talk a out The Car Store now, boy have I got a story.
I wonder if either of these posts should have been made. An anonymous post dogging a business wouldn't have carried much weight, but for the business to respond gave it some teeth.
And whoever is asking to look up his Maryland Judiciary Case Review, what does that have to do with this?
Tony, isnt here to fight that fight, because honestly, it's got nothing to do with whats going on right now.
Seriously? It has nothing to do with this as much as what he had for lunch today.
Get over yourself sketchy, looking up people's public information just to take a low pot shot,nobody is perfect.
Mr. Tony how many dealerships have you worked at in the last 10 years on the shore? Have you curbed any cars from this dealership? Now lets talk about who is honest and who is not...
Too funny, should have let this go everyone knows how you deal...
Too Funny.....RTFLMAO!
Tony! Tony! Tony! Tony!
I wonder if the owner of Sherwood, Bruce Rogers, knows that this criminal is attacking a customer on a very popular local blog. Not good for business Bruce. By the way you should do a criminal background check on your used car salesmen.
Tony Overton the poster child for used car salesman.
The FM name is Rob Korb. Someone told me he has it posted all over his facebook page also. Sounds like the FM Office over there needs to have a talk with Rob Krob about his position.
Hey does Sherwood owners know about the comments or just you Tony. Man this can snowball into something really ugly for dealership. If I dont know anything else, you do not piss off people on blogs or Joe's blog cause it will run forever....
Joe, a little over 1yr ago my husband purchased a VW bug from sherwood for me as a wedding gift. Since then the car has been in the shop at least 7 or 8 times.. Finally the motor was done.. according to sherwood the car over heated however while driving down the road the car just lost all power NO temp light came on and no smoke was present how else would one know that their car was over heating?? My car had an oil change by sherwood 4 days prior.. however i was the one left with the problem of needing a new motor sherwood offered to pay $2000 torwards a $4900 used motor .. Thankfully i found someone who was able to rebuild the motor at only $1000. I did have a great salesman however the service dept sucks at german cars.. I would never ever take my care back there for service work..
I am very familiar with the Fire Service in Worcester County. After learning it was Rob Korb, I was surprized. I've known Rob for many years and know his dedication to the Fire Service, both the County and Ocean City as well as the Fire Marshal's Office. With that said, I'll point out a couple inconsistancies in Mr. Overton's article. They are Deputy Fire Marshal's not "Assistant". The County Fire Marshal's Office does not perform fire inspections in "teams". And for that matter, Worcester FMs have no authority in Wicomico for inspections. After reading an earlier post, I checked out Mr. Overton on the Maryland Judicial Search website. Based on Mr. Overton's past I know who'd I believe. Ever wonder why car dealerships have a bad reputation? Hence the saying, "Crooked as a Car Salesman"?
To 8:59..... Mr. Overton's past, including his civil and criminal records have EVERYTHING to do with this. What if the allegation he made about the threat is a lie and then ruins the guys job? His, Mr. Overton's character is also at stake here. Why would he even think of replying to the original post? I agree with some of the others, the owner of Sherwood should look at these responses. I know they go both ways, but negative is negative. When I go to buy my next car it certainly won't be at Sherwood.
I never knew the car industry was such a HOT subject . 77 comments and counting.
Tony... let me just say and to ALL of the comments, i have also been in the car business for over ten years, sales, manangement and F&I, (by the way I am female), and let me say this, I have worked for Sherwood, Pohanka, Preston, and Hertrich, there were things i liked and disliked about each and everyone, BUT i will say this, Sherwood is the ONLY one i would return to, what baffles me about customers is that they are not "always right" customer yes, and you want to keep them, but truthfully, some customers are not worth having!! But assholes that try to push their "positions" to get a freeby, give me a break!! It happens all the time.
Perhaps we need a hipa statement to be signed for used car customers... bold print, YOU ARE BUYING A USED CAR, WE DO NOT KNOW WHO HAD THE CAR, NOR HOW IT WAS TREATED WHEN IT CAME HERE, its a USED CAR!!! you can't stay in business fixing every sqeek and creek, in this care, perhaps, the driver drove the hell out of it for the weeks he had it, perhaps he ran over his kids bike, losening the hose, who knows, but it always comes down to this. Dealerships have a bad rap! some deserve it, some don't. Car dealers are hated more than dentist and lawyers... wonder why... oh yeah!! I have known the used car manager at Sherwood for years, and he has a VERY loyal customer base, why have people returned to him for 2o plus years? Because hes good, honest and fair!!
I myself bought a preowned suv two years ago, 35k miles on it. at just over 37000 and a month later, the transmission went up!!! I was PISSED!! did i buy an extended warranty, despite my knowledge of what can happen... ummm nope... my dealership arranged with ford to cover 90% still leaving me with 300.00 to pay, which i paid, kicked myself in the ass for NOT having bought the warranty...
what im saying people is... there is two sides, before you slame a dealership for not doing everything for free, look at the whole picture, was it really there fault?? if they keep fixing all used car issues for free, how will they keep prices low and stay in business??? With the economy in the toilet we can be greatful we are not ALL shopping at buy here pay heres!!
Tony, right on bud, next time, tell him what you should have, sir, you bought a used car, you test drove it, you had it for over a week, deal with it!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I would have called his superior and reported the threats with witness, anyone who abuses their office deserves to be kicked out of it.
Ok Gotta says it.
I gotta end it right here right now.
The problem is, as with most interactions, was the lack of vetting.
Vetting I tell you!!!!
Tony your sales department should have asked him if he had any prejudice towards used car salesmen. Or had ever heard of an unpleasant dealer service situation? These are fair questions and based on the flavor of response, uncharted territory for your establishment. Congratulations.. If he didn’t answer to your licking, your staff had every right to protect themselves from this enigma. Refuse to sell him.
Mr. Customer you should have asked if everything is 100% covered on the used car. If not, you didn’t have to buy it. I’m sure you paid the very first price the sales person gave you. I’m positive you told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth in your post. You are just as much a victim as the dealer. I understand your frustration but you should have asked really. Why in the world would anyone logically assume a mechanical failure could occur in a depreciating asset? Absurd simply absurd.
Sales person, man up tell the customer the truth and don’t dump on your service department. You sold it, help the customer understand we all have to eat. Do your job; make him feel good about something before he leaves. O that’s right you tried, stayed right by his side the whole time. But you shulda asked
Buyer, start walking, knees don’t wear out either. Heck your going to live forever anyway because you can predict what’s going to happen to your parts before it does, that’s why your so surprised the dealer didn’t leave enough money in the deal to cover these things. You know, if you still have this car next year, and it needs tires. I bet this company still won’t do the right thing and cover them 100% Even after all this press. But you shulda asked.
Now doesn’t this make much more sense than either party being surprised by these equally dispursed travesties?
It was a great opportunity for some to drop some self-pity brain turds though!!!
Love Uncle Ray
How come everyone is anonymous doesnt any one have any Ba**S on this BLOG
nice try TO, got it caught and currently spinning - a WCFO would never threaten an inspection out of his jurisdiction - but the mindless masses may certainly believe it - JLJ
Anonymous said...
I have come across this same problem with fire marshals in wicomico county as well. Being a manager of a large department store in the area I have been threatened on more than one occasion of being shut down. These men enjoy the power they possess and it goes straight to their heads. I'm not saying all are like this, but I have experienced similar situation.
8:36 PM
To let everyone know this anonymous post is fabricated. Wicomico County doesn't even have a fire marshals office, but they should. There are many fire traps in Wicomico County that are going to get someone killed one day and I bet this guy is employed at one. The City of Salisbury needs to have it's own fire marshals office just like Ocean City, Annapolis, Hagerstown and others.
10:03 you have been around "so to speak", I can't put much value into your reply based on the fact that you, either lack comittment or have others reasons as to why you are not at either of the establishments as you mentioned!Maybe fired?
I don't think it's good PR to publically bash a dissatisfied customer...it kinda proves his point.
First of all...I could NOT believe that Tony Overton would put his name out here like this!!! I have known him for years and he is NOT a good guy! He is a liar, a sexist, racist, druggy & drunk, criminal and all around loser! And Bruce Rogers doesn't care about the reputation of his employees! His manager is a loser, Bruce lies to potential employees and has employees lie to customers ALL the time!
Most importantly, I feel really bad for anyone who buys a car from Sherwood. It makes me really sad that people still don't know how horrible their service department is. It's AWFUL.
I wouldn't normally be bashing this but for Tony Overton to come out in public like he is an educated and respected person....HaHaHa!!!!! Too funny!
Wicomico County does have a Fire Marshall. His name is Ed Torbert.
The City of Salisbury has a Fire Inspector. As far as I know, that is still Larry Dodd.
Rather than divulge identifying points about a customer, Sherwood, if threatened, should have filed a complaint about a county (Worcester) employee.
There will always be happy and angry customers in any business. If you feel you are ripped off, contact your state's consumer protection division.
Didn't either of you grow up to know how to handle a problem properly?
These posts and comments are just nuts. The Shore shercood use some grown ups.
The fire marshalls in OC work on the good ole boys network. I wouldn't doubt Tony's store one bit.
I would not take Tony Overton's word on this story. Anyone check his record the the Courts. Hint Hint.
Korb's got little man's disease! That explains the threats.
first off I do all my own work on my cars. secondly the mechs use the factory manuals and if it says it should take two hours to fix something then you are billed for the two hours. Now maybe a good mech can do it in 30 mins. but you are still biled for the two hours the manual calls for. This way a good mech can actually gett paid his share of 80 hours worth of work in only 40 hours. No dealership makes money selling new cars. They make their money on used cars and on service, hence the pricing! I have dealt with every dealership in this town over the last twenty years. Pohanka sucks big time. I have bought several vehicles from sherwood and never had a problem with them. Although I do my homework and if need be I will drive to the western shore to get a better deal. unfortunately most of the car dealers on the shore think they have a captive audience!
as a consumer you have to be smart and do your homework!
That's the problem with this car dealership. They are never wrong. They can put up whatever excuse there is in the book to just continue to rip off the customers. If they were the last car dealership on the face of this earth, I would rather walk than buy a car from them.
10:25-if there is no local fire marshall for Wicomico County does that mean Ed Torbert has been getting paid for nothing the last 35 odd years? Man thats a great racket if you can get into it I guess!
Tony Overton I think you have lost a lot of car sales now. I would be afraid to buy something from this criminal. Looks to me with his criminal record on assaults he may try to beat up a customer. What a dead beat loser. Tony Overton you give all car sales people a bad name. I hope Bruce Rogers cans your ass and you are banned from selling any cars from reputable dealerships.
Thanks for not posting anonymously! Funny.
Two things should happen here, the WCFM should be called down IF he used his authorty improperly, the salemanes should be dismissed IF he brought the issue to a public blog without managangement approval. Other than that, they both made thier beds, now sleep in them. Something about glass houses. Seems both of these guys are exposed in a far less than favorable way, and they did it to themselves.
A very good, former salesman from Sherwood recently told me that their service department worked on commission. Very sad. . .
To the person reminding us to search Mr. Overtons court record, MANY of us, MANY MANY of us, have a criminal record based on false charges that were basically indefensible, including myself. Mr. Albero could speak to this, as the pattern of trumped up charge to silence him is evident if you search him on the Maryland court records. Our system of justice only releases true predators,like Leggs, apparently. Otherwise, its more like the British Inquisitorial justice system, where the accused is truly guilty until proven innocent.
I had a very similar incident with Sherwood. The customer service was awful from the receptionist to the service tech. I requested a refund and after being persistent and standing up for myself, I was given my refund and they labeled it "Good Will". Sherwood really needs to revamp their service department.
We sherrrr wood like to screw you over! LOL
In all these comments about how "BAD DEALERSHIPS ARE" Does anyone want to mention the GOOD they do????
SHERWOOD: 1.did you know that sherwood sells 20-30 cars a year to Dove Point, at little or NO profit??? If they get a van in good shape at low cost, Dove point gets a call!!! 2. In the search for poor Sarah Foxwell, bruce rogers arranged for food and drinks for the search party 3. bruce also is very involved in many charities, in additon to all the employees of his that he goes above and beyond to take care of!!
Pohanka:1. pay it forward donations
2. Toys for Tots
the list goes on, but isn't it amazing the same companies we trash and say are scam artists, are the ones keeping our economy alive, not only employing thousands in our community, but also helping our community!!!!!!!!
to 10:25pm
the above is the link to the Wicomico FM's website. They do exist, as a contractor i deal with them all the time. Check before spout of ignorance!!!
I still say that at the very least this vehicle should have come with a minimum of 30 days bumper to bumper warranty.
I'd also look at my inspection ticket to see when it was inspected and by whom!
Does Sherwood do their OWN Md State Inspections? If so, that would be RED flag enough for me not to buy from them.
Pay attention to this stuff people and you'll be better off!
What a bunch of cry babies!! The man bought a USED car. They come with specific warranties. The salesman didn't come to him with the car...this guy picked out the car, wanted the car after driving it, and then belly aches after a "noise" is heard. I think Sherwood obviously did more than their warranty required them to do but that just isnt enough for someone who buys a used car, with a used car warranty, but wants it to be backed up as if it was brand new with a bumper to bumper warranty. Everyone has the right to get a vehicle inspected somewhere else before purchasing it. The vehicle obviously passed MD inspection BEFORE the brake issue.
And to the idiot who keeps harping on the Maryland Judiciary Case search bull crap...what does that have to do with the car situation and why don't you post your name so everyone can dig into any accusation made against you? I don't know Tony from the guy next door but I'm glad he spoke back and it's annoying to see all the haters that blame the dealership because the USED machine they WANTED didn't run forever with unlimited warranty.
Joe, this is not a first for Korb, dig a little deeper. He barely held onto his job for stopping people in his duty vehicle, he has severial complaints for abusing his authorty. Another "firemen" that never made it as a cop.
Fire Marshal is spelled with only one L!
00808504T4 Korb, Robert Duane Jr 09/19XX Defendant Snow Hill District Court NR Closed 05/30/1998
020400005212005 Korb, Robert Jr Other Snow Hill District Court TORT Closed 02/28/2005
000000T460992 Korb, Robert Wayne 09/19XX Defendant Hyattsville District Court Traffic ACTIVE CASE 08/03/1997
23C08001756 Korb, Robert Defendant Worcester County Circuit Court Divorce-Absolute Closed/Inactive 11/26/2008 Jocelyn Korb vs Robert Korb
Might as well put everyones history up and lay it all on the table. How about everyone that commented... post your history as well.
As assistant fire marshall, Mr. Korb was fined for not having a fire safty exit posted.... Hmmmm Sounds like he thinks he is exempt from the rules he is supposed to uphold?!?!?
This guy is a typical used car salesman; everybody's best friend, won't take your calls the minute you drive off the lot, buys your trade-in himself and sells it in the Moose parking lot.
11:25 You dont have enough time.
Have you thought that when the person went up to the car dealership he may have either been in his work attire or in his county vehicle...how else would mr overton know he was a county employee...he could have very easily saw that as an opportunity to bash him because he saw a government official and thought he could get something out of it...
11:25 It's a shame that Maryland even has that website up so that uneducated people like yourself who are unfamiliar with the law can misread and misinterpret things. The charge that you are referring to is "Failure to possess a serviceable fire extinguisher." It was written by the Natural Resources Police, so I'm assuming this was on a boat or personal watercraft. Worcester County Fire Marshal's Office doesn't having a patrol boat inspecting for fire extinguishers so your comment about him not abiding by the laws he enforces is pretty lame.
Just because a database exists doesn't mean everyone is qualified to use it. I could go save up and buy a crane, doesn't mean I know how to operate it. Leave the judicial databases for professionals that actually know how to correctly interpret the data.
Anonymous said...
to 10:25pm
the above is the link to the Wicomico FM's website. They do exist, as a contractor i deal with them all the time. Check before spout of ignorance!!!
9:00 AM
What a moron!! This ignorant moron accuses someone of "spouting ignorance" and that is just what he did. The link this moron provided is just a link to a "fire protection" office and not a fire marshal's office. All duties of the Fire Marshal in Wicomico County fall under the Office of the State Fire Marshal. http://www.firemarshal.state.md.us/.
The person you mentioned goes by the title of "fire protection specialist" and has nothing to do with being a fire marshal. The duties of the Fire Marshal was taken away and the office was disbanded approximately 15 years ago. At that point Wicomico County turned fire investigations over to the Office of the State Fire Marshal and Mr. Torbert's job was salvaged and turned over to the county public works division.
The only intelligent thing 9:00 AM did was not to sign his name. You are the MORON spouting ignorance.
this guy is NOT a typical car salesman. I personally know Tony and I do know he is not in the business of screwing people.
He also has no control over what the manager does as far as charges mechanically. No excuse for unanswered phone calls though, that is very dissappointing to hear. Him having enough marbles to post back is proof that he cares! This is typical of authority theatening that kind of crap! And a complaint will be tossed right into the good ol boy trash can so forget about that.
Tony will continue to be successful whether or not these crybabys get everything for FREE. C'mon people, things cost money! Next time he should raise the price $1,000 and if any problems arise use that $. Ever think he gave you such a good deal that taking a hit on labor would shrink the margin even more?
talk about use of the word 'typical'... TYPICAL car buyers feel screwed no matter what so whats the difference?
Keep crying you whiners... uhoh, i better make this anonymous before my shack gets inspected by that common inexcusable authority. Grow up Mr. Assistant to Head good ol boy.
Sherwood service = CROOK
They told my wife my truck needed a brand new clutch that was going to cost 1800 bucks, in reality, it needed a slave cylinder. 180 dollars in parts and 15 minutes of my time to remove and replace the clutch slave cylinder was all it took.
They SUCK!
To the female sales rep that has been at every lot on the shore. maybe you should find a new line of work lol. Sounds like the car business is not your business. The double dipping reported by one poster tells us why the auto idust. is in the shitter they even rip eachother off.
Bad rap on the Fire Marshall sounds like abuse of power. He may need to go as well if you can believe what overton is saying. Look at the Md. case search I dont he has a very trust worthy bone in his body.
I just want to post one more thing about Sherwood, I spoke with the manager there, Kevin, I made a very reasonable request about warranty work. I thought he was a real jerk, maybe it was just his boss that wouldn't let him do it, but I really mean it, I have told everyone I know to stay far away from them. I don't even buy parts there anymore, I go to Pittsville or order online.
I have known Tony since he was a child and he has never pretended to b anything other thanwhat he is. He has alwaysbeenhonest about his behavioe, taken full responsibility, and continues to have to answer for choices made in the past. He hasnt lied if someone asked and he took his punishment when given. He has served the community for atleast 8 yrs as a coach to youth and even paid for their fees, taken them to and from games. He is an incredible father, son, brother and friend. He works to make a living not to giv things away for free. His company is in chg. of how service issues are handles, not him. He has changed dealerships because of factors that are none of your business. Additionally, he lived in 1 apartment for 10 years and then bought ahome that he currently lives in. He would not have qualified for a a low % loan if he didnt pay his bills you idiots. He is eduacted, he is Christian and most of all he is human and recognizes his imperfections. He has scores of return business, loyal families that ask to have their kids coached by him on his team. Whatever happened to people looking for the best in each other?
11:25 wtf, you don't even know what your talking about it wasn't failure to not post a fire exit.. You big dummy it was for fail to possess servable fire extinguisher. Giving by the DNR, so more then likely he didn't have one on his boat.. And that by the way was back in 1998... So please learn how to read the maryland case search and know what your talking about before you make a fool out of yourself.
amazing, the dealership signed his name, but the customer refused to sign his. So he is in the customer service business, as a fire marshall????, intresting. i bet there is still more to the story. i bet even if Sheerwood did take care of the issues, he woudl not tell anyone about it, it is a shame, everyone tells everyone when things are wrong but very few tell anyone one when things are great. I have had a few customers that I have fired before, No matter what you do, you are wrong and yes there is a time to fire a customer, and this is one of those times. love to hear the rest of the story.
He just purchased the vehicle less than a week from there! He should have stood behind the product he was selling and covered the bill 100% and then filled his gas tank for in inconvenience that he went through, not to mention the danger of having a problem with the fuel line! After hearing about this and your arrogant response, I won't be buying a car from you! Word of mouth rules on the shore! You won't be in business for long with this kind of business practice! Remember Salisbury Nissan?
Who knew something like this would get so much attention. LMAO. People who have a good experience tell one person about it but, people who have a bad experience tell 10. I can assure you this article does not look good for Sherwood regardless of who is wrong or right. Bad PR is Bad PR.
Although no one will probably scroll down this far, I have to add my Bad Sherwood experience to the record. Last April, My wife's van's Check Engine light came on. Recently re-employed after 8 months out of work, and kinda short on cash, I took it to Autozone to get them to read the codes with their computer. They told me that it was an EGR valve that had gone bad. We bought the Van brand new from Fred Frederick in Easton (great bunch of guys there by the way) and bought the extended warranty. I couldn't remember whether the Warranty ran out at 50k or 60k miles, and since it had 52k miles on it, I decided to take it to Sherwood and ask them if it was under warranty. I SPECIFICALLY told the Service Advisor there to check the Chrysler/Dodge database to see if the valve was covered under warranty before doing ANY repairs that might cost me any money. I left the van with them, so they could check and get back to me. I got a call about an hour later informing me that the EGR valve was faulty. I replied that I knew that, and had already TOLD them that. I asked if it was covered under warranty. they said it was part of the emissions and it was not covered(I had a feeling this was the case, so I wasn't surprised) I asked how much it would cost to repair it. he told me that it would be (approximately, i don't remember exactly) $200 plus a $100 diagnosis fee... Whoa, I thought I told you guys 2 things- don't do anything that would cost me money without talking to me first, AND I TOLD YOU THAT WAS THE PROBLEM WHEN I BROUGHT IT IN!!! HE said that they had to confirm my suspicions before they could tell if it was covered under warranty. I told them that I didn't think paying for a diagnosis that I didn't approve was fair, and that I wanted to get a price and second opinion. They told me that the Diagnostic fee could not be waived, and I had to pay it to pick up the car. Meanwhile, MY wife and I had made the decision to buy a new used car for me to commute to and from OC for my new job. I went to pick the Van up and asked to speak to the service manager. I was told he wasn't around. I told the service advisor that I was going to be in the market for a new car soon, and this $100 would eliminate them from consideration for purchase. I asked him if he would like to lose a $10,000 purchase for $100 worth of diagnostics I didn't approve. he said no, but he couldn't do anything about the fee. so, I paid the $100 ransom to get my car back. I bought a used Malibu the very next week at Barrett in Berlin. I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman- They treated me like crap, and someone else got my business when I was ready to spend some REAL money.
blah blah blah everybody complains but they forget we are only human lets see why would you go to a Ford & Chrysler dealer and buy a VW thats your dang fault oh yea how many people on here go to the emergency room and sit there for hrs on end and then get charged an outragous amount and you dont know any more than you did before u went you all want mechanics to work for free why dont you complain about the stupid doctors that are making hundreds of thousands of dollars instead of an honest mechanic making 30,000 if people are so smart than why dont they repair their own crap oh thats right its the grease monkey's job. try my job for a week or how about a year work your but off make very little money than when the stupid customer tells you the wrong thing that they wanted fixed you have to do it for free lets see free dont pay for my house or put food on the table for my family . its all a joke point fingers is so easy backing up your stupid sh****t is impossible we always kiss the dumb customers a***s the employee is the one that gets screwed each and every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we take a loss for someone we will never see again. THATS WHAT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you come pay my bills and I will kiss your ass all day
This is so typical of the WCFM office. Remember FM Winter, a drunk that pulled the gun on his girlfriend, Korb is no better trust me! Lets see what his boss will do? NOTHING!
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