The word is; Salisbury City Council president Louise Smith, at Monday night's work session, has decided that there is not enough public interest in the City Council's work sessions. Typically worksessions take place at 4:30pm in the evenings. Smith, along with other "retired from the work force" council members, have determined that if there is a need for a second work session during the month, it will be held at 9:30AM, during the workday, excluding not only most of the working public from these meetings, but any council member that holds a regular 9 to 5 job.
How's that for transparency?
So, if you are concerned about crime in the city or if you worry about the outrageous spending that's been taking place by the council, *cough cough - fire boat*, and want to be involved, it's just too bad, if you still have a job.
Schedule of Meetings
Folks, it's time to vote these people out. They have had 12 years to run things their way, now we need to hold the majority on the Council and turn things around. Game Over!
well, considering most of the people that live in the city don't work, it shouldn't be a problem. However, it means they would have to get up earlier than their usual noon alarm time! LMFAO!
It's apparent that she is not working for the citizens,but herself. Make your vote count folks.
Attention Salisbury Voters.. Will you please get rid of that mouthy old dried up hag.Pleeeeease.
Some people work evenings. Most simply won't go to meetings anyway. If you cannot attend meetings, send letters or emails of concern to the council and copy to other news sources like Salisbury News. It's better than just reading this blog and agreeing and then doing nothing.
Whats she trying to hide now?
Smith is doing everything possible to inconvenience the two working members of council as well as the public.
She lied to everyone. Louise's Legacy = Lies.
It was obvious from even the Daily Times' lousy reporting that she lied to the mayor and another council member who made a sincere attempt at working together on that crime position and overtime.
What a good Christian. NOT!
They are going to do whatever they want to do, thats what they have always done & thats what they will continue to do.
Thee is probally something they want to bring up and vote on and dont want the taxpayers to have any knowledge. Then it will be passed 3 to 2 Watch and see
Smith and Comegys both need to go. They have made that council a "hostile work environment." I don't know how the two Ladies of the council stand it. We'll never get more people like them to run as long as Smith and Comegys are on there. Very few people would put up with the abuse Campbell and Cohen do. I sure couldn't!
Anyone who votes for this wretched winch next time needs their butt kicked.
Fear the Weasal. What a freakin joke the people of salsibury get just what they derserve. They voted the idiots in Joe let em live it. As crime goes through the roof. The Fire dept. spends money needed to fight crime. People being murdered taking a back seat to a Fire Boat. Anyone else see the "Big Picture" here.
A freshman mayor that lieterally has his thumb up his ass. W.T.F. I am angry and sickened by this "Eastern Sho" mentality. No wonder business does not want anything to do with this area. The politicians have made sure we will continue to lead the country in violent crime and depressed economics.
The county better buckle down this is a cancer that is spreading to the county in a hurry. Anyone see BIG RICK and the SEVEN Dwarfs searching for Sarah ??? To busy looking at themselves in the mirror. VOTE them all out before you become Salisbury. Clean House.
This pitiful excuse of a "public servant" doesn't want the probing questions and, in many cases, the input of detailed research on the issues that she knows Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen will provide. As always, she wants what Bubba, Shanie, and Louise wants, and to hell with transparency to the people or the voices of informed dissent. Louise hates accountability and, let's face it: accountability are what Debbie and Terry are all about.
Salisbury will never be as good a place to live as it could be so long as Louise - and the other two for that matter - are on the Council.
I hope you see this Louise and follow my own example of transparency. You'll notice I'm putting my name on this post.
Louise won't run because she knows she can not win. Even her backers aren't backing her any more.
How can you salisbury people let this crap run your city? Smith is dumb as a brick and comegy , shields are no better.
Ms. Smith, What are you and gary hiding? No more bulls@#t. Salisbury has a right to know, or you two gotta go. BYE BYE
I'm surprised that she didn't set the time for 7:00 a.m., when Terry Cohen is getting her kids ready for school.
10:22 AM
What do you mean most of the people that live in the city don't work? What is wrong with you? Why does where you live determine if you work or not? Damn, I get tired of irresponsible remarks. Alot more people than not work that live in Salisbuy. I don't like what is going on any more than anyone else, but your assumptions are absolutely ridiculous. I vote responsibly, but when people out and out lie to citizens, then this is what we end up with. Louise lied to everyone from the get go and we all know it but what is done is done. Now when the next election comes along then things can change. But since your so full of assumptions, why don't you tell everyone how to solve the problems we have.
She has somehow deluded herself into this fascist approach to governance. Hey Louise...do us all a big favor...RESIGN. You're a disgrace.
here's what they hide. Tax assessments are down, so "they" can & will raise our taxes!
Rick will do what he threatens with every budget cut(save for meaningful ones)...eliminate the revenue cap...
same old, same old.
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