Hey Joe,
I am writing you to vent a little bit if I may. My issue(s) is with our local radio stations. I am not going to name any names, but they know who there are. We here at Top Notch Entertainment have done EVERYTHING we can to bring attention to us trying to raise funds by producing a song for Sarah. We went to the newspapers... they covered it and added a clip of the song. The Seaford star has covered it. Sheriff Mike Lewis stands behind this project 100% and has informed me that anyone who has in questions about the "realness" of this movement to contact him personally at the Sheriff's Department. And the biggest support of the movement has been YOU. You have the biggest machine in our local area as far as getting the word out. Your site is the most viewed one in our area PERIOD! You have given us time on your site, promoted the song on your site and even allowed us to perform it on your upcoming TV/internet show and what most people don't know is you have even contributed money from your OWN POCKET to help with the reproducing of the cd's when we couldn't. Man, GOD bless you for all you have done Joe. Not for me... not for my music family... but for Sarah. Your one of the reason's we will be at the big event for Sarah (1/31/2009-Sunday 9am till 2pm at Chef Fred's in Salisbury, sponsor by Hope Entertainment). Because you helped us and believe in us and we won't let you down Joe. I promise you that. Thank you and GOD bless you again.
With that said, I reached out to radio asking them to play the song and bring some type of awareness to it. That way at the event people will be familiar with the song. Nothing! I called them and asked was I doing something wrong to get the song played. They informed me that they have alot of music made for Sarah from people. I then wrote them and tried to show them the difference with us and "other people". Personally, I think it was beautiful of people to try to make some type of tribute to Sarah. They (the radio) think people are doing it for "exposure". This song isn't the type of song you make for that. Trust me. I even told them we don't have to do a interview for it...just play the song. The community will take it from there. It is a beautiful song. It really is.
So now here I am asking for your "power of communication" to help again (Man, I know your tired of us-haha). I am asking you to post this letter asking people to call the station and request the song. I think that's the only way they will do it. You would think they wouldn't have a problem with it, but it is what it is. I just want people to hear the song. I want the people that knew Sarah to know that you didn't have to "know" her in person to "know" her in spirit. The 3,000 people who came out to search for her felt like they knew her. Trust me. I felt like we knew her when we did the song. And to everyone, it's not about exposure. We don't benefit from this at all. And trust me, we will be back next Christmas doing the same thing. Like the song said; 'Within us she will forever live on..more than words...more than thoughts...more than just a song".
So people PLEASE call them. Bug them about playing the song.1 (302) 853-0144 (that's the request line- Wow. I guess I just told you the station huh). 1 (302) 856-6163 is the main number. Call them! Leave messages, request it. WE want to share it with everyone cause we all were affected by this. A lot of love was put into it. You can hear it. Trust me. Thanks again Joe, aka "Mr. Do It All"- Haha. GOD BLESS
Thomas-Ceo of Top Notch Ent.
Editors Note: You will see these Artists perform this song LIVE tomorrow on our 1 Hour Long "Joe Albero Show" Special at 9:00 AM. Also Note: The event at Chef Freds has not been set in stone, (date wise) and it's looking more like February now. You can listen to a portion of this song in the top right hand corner of this Blog.
Where are the proceeds for the sale of the song going?
That song is beautiful and i will make the request. Thanks for all you do "Top Notch"!
Listened to the clip........beautiful!
Thank you for the gift of the song. What I heard is beautiful. I'll start calling now. Look forward to seeing your performance on the show tomorrow. Thanks again. P.S. Joe you won't have a dry eye on the Eastern Shore when they sing it.
Don't worry about a Delaware radio station that won't play the song. I only listened to parts of it on the blog and believe it is good enough to get national play. I hope you can have the song sent to news shows such as Greta, Shawn Hannity, and TV shows such as "America's Most Wanted" and others. Your story and song should also be sent to the local and Maryland TV stations. Is it on youtube?
hey, joe can we hear all of the song?from what little bit i heard.these guys sound good...
We have did everything we can for sarah, It's time for you all to request it, The song needs to be heard all over, We have contacted radio stations and I will be contacting more in the begining of the week! The song is too beautiful and the message is too clear for it to be passed up a 11 year old lil girl is gone in this world cause of a sorry peice of shit and everyone is thinking it's about getting our name out! That is the least of our worries!
So call the radio stations, It's a shame that people that have the ears of delmarva at there finger tips dont know how to support the cause and help toward raising money for Srah's Siblings!
Get the word out there!
Rob Anderson
Top Notch Ent.
Hey Rob, is this song available on itunes?
Looking forward to tomorrow morning. Already set the DVR. It's cool to look up the programming and see your name there Joe!
I am the program director of the station you are talking about. This is the first time i have even heard about the song for Sarah. I'd be happy to talk to you about the song and about playing it... We do alot for the community so with that being said Before you put the station on blast you need to talk to the right people. You are right there are plenty of people out there trying to get "exposure" and to get any song played on the station you have to talk to the right people first. So call me on Monday and we will talk or email me at deelite@oc104.com !
Looking forward to seeing this on your show tomorrow Joe.
Obviously you didn't contact every radio station in the area. Contact DJ BK at 98.1 FM in Ocean City. 410-723-9626 and ask to be on Live Lixx @ 6 and promote the song. You can play live on the air. He's on in the evening 3-7. If you need musicians just hit me up at semiblindband@hotmail.com I haven't heard the song yet, just say this story.
michele - from the band Semiblind
The question of where the money for the song is going needs to be answered. The song may be good, but the fact still remains that this seems like an attempt to get exposure and cash in on the sympathy of people already affected deeply by what has happened. You can take that the wrong way or not, but that's my honest opinion!
READ MY LIPS! ALL of the money, $3.00 each goes to the same fund Pickles started. READ the message JT, something you rarely ever do.
The singers/group/managers/producers do not make a single penny. 100% of the money raised goes to the Foxwell Family.
I would like to add that with any type of media there are certain procedures that must be followed, often you cannot just "throw" something on radio or TV. Secondly if your group is so "top notch" you would know about FCC laws. My reccommendation is learn the facts before you blast someone who is a large and positive infulence in our community. Lastly you dont make comments like you have about not having support of local radio stations when you have taken the wrong approach in handling the situation.
With you involved? I wouldn't give these clowns the time of day. You working on getting banned from Pickles too ? Pretty soon, you'll have no where to go. ROTFLMAO !!!!!
I admit I wasn't going to take the time to listen to the clip, but it is just beautiful. Wonderful harmony & lovely words. I hope it gets the attention it deserves.
Thanks again Joe for giving us this place to come to.
anonymous 8:12, aka, JT or JR. You just keep bringing it on Boys. I have some news coming up within the next three days that is going to destroy your reputations forever. Site tight losers because you're about to get spanked like never before.
Get ready to NOT hear any music on the radio real soon if Congress has their way. There is a bill currently making it way through committee that would make regular radio start paying royalties to the artist. I know that sounds like a great thing for the millionaire singers, but it ain't. See US radio companies don't pay royalties, they're the only one in the world that doesn't, so when this bill goes into effect songs will cost a great deal to stations. So stations have a few options 1) they pay and cut into their bottom line. 2)Radio pays, but only play sure hits or oldies thus making music stale or 3) they dump music all together and replace it with low cost talk shows. All indications are they're going with option 3.
Plus trying to get music on locally is next to impossible since most stations here are own by Clear Channel who get their playlist from national headquartes, and you ain't allowed to very from the playlist
To say you don't want any exposure from performing your music is not totally honest but local musicians are known for their genorosity when asked to perform for a benefit or help promote a cause. These people donate their time, money, and equipment all for free, all the time. The Breastfest was all put by volunteers because we come together as a community. These guys took their time, talent, and money and put a song out for Sarah Foxwell. A nice gesture and they just need to work a little to get some radio support. There are still some people who support local music out there, just hang in there and don't put blame on the stations. The people at the stations that do help local acts have to work hard to do so. Local musicians have to work hard to get anywhere on the shore. Maybe we can do a benefit show with some local talent and they can perform there.
michele ~SB
Jr Jt who ever else chooses to come on here and blast joe and others that leave comments you need to take this seriously. There is a young child dead that did not deserve to die. Before leaving such comments just hit the large X at the top of you screen and never return to this site. All you ever leave is negative so why visit???
I thought it was going to be crap. Just a group trying to get attention. I was completley wrong. The first 5 seconds of the song captivated me. This song, or if not this song another song, will get this group national stardom. Well done.
I cant wait to see this on your show tomorrow, where else can you find such timely local stuff on tv. This should be interesting.
I will say this these guys have took time to write a alsome song for Sarah. I think everyone else would agree with me this song should be able to be played on the radio. Thank you Delite.Joe u are alsome and I have been telling everyone about your blog and alot of them have been calling me and saying how much they enjoy ur page, keep up the good work and may GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE.
Thomas,(Top Notch)
My name is Marla Dixxon,I am a DJ for Ocean 98.1 in Ocean City and have been following Sarah's story from the night she went missing...(Sbynews kept me updated,Thank You Joe).We would be so honored to have you come into Ocean 98 and perform "Yesterday" A Song For Sarah.Please call my husband Skip Dixxon at the radio station to make arrangements,he is the program director.Here is the office number Monday thru Friday..410 723 3683. Skip is also on air from 10am till 2pm Monday thru Friday,the request line is 410 723 9626.
God Bless,
Marla Dixxon
Wait til you see these guys perform it on my show tomorrow. Better get a box of tissues!!!!! That goes for the men too!
Joe, Im wondering if WRDE can rerun your show as i will not be available tomorrow morning which means i miss the TV edition as well as the online brodcast. Dont they have another slot for us weekend warriors? thanks vd
You're welcome to call Bob Beckman, (owner of WRDE) at 513-257-5011 and request it. Last week he ran the show at 9:00 AM as well as 10:30, just in case anyone didn't notice the time change. He's a good guy.
By the way Marla, that's very kind of you and your Husband.
do these guys have a website?
Thank You.It is Ocean 98's pleasure..anyway that our family(staff at station)can help.
I am addicted to Sbynews.I have great respect for what you do..Thank You.
Wow! this song is wonderful. Made me cry. I want to hear this in full. Please Please play this on the radio.
Marla, these guys are truly doing an honorable thing. We truly appreciate your support and if there's anything I can ever do for you don't hesitate to call.
We love you Joe - we will be there keep up the good work !!
Heard this song 1st on your site before the candlelight vigil in the park, then purchased the CD for $3 at the vigil. It is awesome and very professional! Very moving! Nice of you to have them play it live! This case w/Sarah needs to stay fresh so people will TAKE ACTION in our community and continue to do so for a long time against predators in honor/memory of sweet little Sarah. I hope you can also get a link to the song the African American lady sang at her memorial service "Beautiful Sunshine Sarah" or something like that. It was also very touching and moving.
anytime one person reaches out to console or promote another Goodness is done. I am from Atlanta and heard the story. I hope the show is great tommorow. Sara will be smiling down. Mel C
I'm the production director and office manager of Talk Radio 101.1 FM WQMR in Ocean City, MD. Please have Top Notch contact me. Even tho we have a talk radio format, we have a local talk program that would be a fitting opportunity to play the song for the public. There isn't any FCC rules against any such thing by the way. Just another program note for the Public File... God Bless!
I just saw the video of "Yesterday" I did'nt know it was Willie Walker.
I met Willie last Jan when he was a contestant in Ocean 98's Ocean Idol(our version of American Idol)I remember signing him up that evening,I wished him luck and then a while later when the contest was underway Willie took the stage and blew the judges for the event away as well as everyone in the room.You could hear a pin drop.(This does not happen to often in the music industry) His voice was breathtaking.I spoke with him for a while that evening,asking him about his life and remember thinking this guy is so nice and most of all so humble.Anyway, when I saw the performance this morning and Joe said "Willie Walker" my heart dropped and I just smiled..Thank You for the beautiful song for Sarah.
Marla Dixxon
I just seen the video of yesterday as well And the 1st guy that sang is Travis Waters he has the most BEAUTIFUL voice...he sad enough tried to work up courage to sing at one of his close friends funeral this summer and there wasnt a dry eye in the building before halfway through the song he broke down. Both guys did a great job. Everytime I see Travis he has that same lil smile and is always kidding around...diff to see him serious and coming togetehr for a cause of such depth. GREAT JOB GUYS! Joe you are really awsome for what you are doing. WE need to stick together as a community...there is NO reason why there shoulda been ANY negative comments on this kind gesture PERIOD!
OMG im crying....for those of you claiming that there group wants promotion ummm...i know for sure willie isnt a part of a group with Top Notch. Think the song idea was his tho and they came together and wrote it and from what willie said he pretty much didnt know how to promote and after he asked Travis to help him sing it and travis being a part of top notch they ALL wanted to do something for this innocent little girl. You people ought to be ashamed of yourself blaming people for exposure on a free PROJECT. WAY TO GO JOE!!!!!!
I don't see how anyone would have a problem with this... say what you will about the music- its just a kind gesture. then again- im always surprised how people on here can find negativity in almost anything. point in case.
Thank you all for your support with this Sarah song we have taken all of our time to make this beautiful and could not to do this as much as we have without Joe so thank you!
As for the performes we did this just for another way to get the song out there to raise this money...people are still gonna think that the money aint going to the siblings but like go said we teamed with Pickles and BB&T bank for the Sarah Foxwell Siblings Educational Fund!
For the people that are backing us up #
100% and for the people that will hate sorry you feel that way maybe if you let your ego down some and open your eyes you willl see this is from the heart Will and Travis have much love for Salisbury and Sarah so don't let this go un noticed. Top Notch just has the heart for this stuff and won't just sit back and let thuis go everyones great comments have let us know its not gonna fade away
We don't have a website We do have myspace go to www.myspace.com/rob52183 and I'm gonna start making a top notch site and have the song on there
For the radio stations our up most apoligies and thank you for your support and we will def get in touch very soon and if you wanna get the cd at anytime you can call me 302 604 8106
Thank You
Robert Anderson
Top Notch Entertainment
I just heard Thomas on 103.9 and Bill & Jessica were not happy with him. Early last week, they asked him to bring a cd to the station and talk with them about getting the song on the radio, he never went to see them. They asked him on numerous occassions to do so. They have a certain way of doing things at the station and were more than willing to speak with him. He apologized. I understand that everyone wants to get the song out but he has to follow their protocol.
I wish the best for everyone and hope that the money goes to the children and not the rest of the family or the parents.
Sounds like they were mad at mr anderson and his unprofessionalism. But he is representing top notch. I'm glad they talked it out though!
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