UPDATE: I have just been informed the property owner is offering a $25,000.00 REWARD in this case. If you have ANY information that could lead to the arrest of the individual that murdered this young man, please contact Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776.
This sounds so very sad... it reminds me so much of a home invasion in Cecil County.
What a terrible thing to happen. Wicomico is such a great place to live and things like this happen. I hate this. It hurts all of us.
Praying for your family Preston.
He looks like he's 12 I feel bad for his parents what a huge loss . I know they will catch the soulless animals who murdered him .
I am mortified at the loss of such a young man. It's hard to believe that desperation alone creates the crime wave we are experiencing here on the eastern shore. I'm am simply at a loss for words.
This is the third state he has recently lived in and he comes to the middle of nowhere. He is 19, assuming he has no job, or education and no family nearby.
The haircut reminds me of the local wannabe white boy thugs I went to high school with.
My guess is that he's running from something or was targeted.
Sadly, that reward should stir things up. What a shame it takes money to inspire people to do the right thing.
11:19....I was thinking the same thing. was there anything taken as far as a robbery or was he just murdered when he answered the door. If the latter is what happened, it sounds like someone tracked him down. kinda hard to believe this was just a random murder at a home only yards away from a major highway.
I know nothing of the home owners or this young man, but there is more to this story. 99% of the time home invasions are done for a reason and are not random. The criminals know there is money, drugs, or something very valuable in that house that they want to get. Sorry for the loss of a young life, I pray this case gets solved.
The owner has $25,000 to spend? Maybe that is why someone tried to get in that house.
Who is this anonymous home owner? Why wasn't he at the door? this story sounds very sketchy to me. Waiting for alot more details....
anon 11:19
are you serious? That is a regular hair cut for a boy. My 4 yr old has the same hair cut does that make him a wanna be white boy thug?
This is so sad. RIP Preston! My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family & friends.
Property owner huh?
I didn't hear about this. What happened?
I get the feeling maybe he did something with a young person and was running from it, past caught up with him.
11:19 You and some of your home boy badge freaks are always the first to tag someone in a negative way. Why? Have you forgotten you are paid to serve? Not to judge? Just shut up!!
A young boy was killed. He won't come back. It is sad.
It is unfortunate that so many people have very little respect for our leaders, our police and the judicial system. It is ALL VERY VERY SAD! ALL of it. Hopefully we can change ALL of them as soon as possible. I just hope all of the meetings to do this will get the job done!
I was thinking the exact same thing! Very strange situation.
you said it... your son is 4, this is a 19 yr old man. 11:19 simply stated it 'REMINDED' them of a wanna be thug... read it AGAIN!
A haricut defines a thug? OK. so does a crew cut or buzz cut define a white supremacist? Be careful. Ask our cops to take their hats off. Are you going to tag them in a negative way because of their haircuts? How rediculous? Joe. Why do you allow these generalities? Please post this so people will stop this stuff. Thanks!
anonymous 1:26, get a grip. So some people don't think exactly like you do. My God, if I rejected 90% of the comments here I disagreed with there's be no comments.
Joe. Thanks for posting. I do have a grip and wanted the people who are so quick to judge in a negative manner to just take a few minutes to THINK before they POST. Maybe this could be part of your comment at the bottom.
Has anyone thought MAYBE he was a witness to something and they found where he was at....and now, he can't be a witness no more.....to me he is a clean cut looking young man..and yep they tracked him down...
anon.1:16 PM you said it... your son is 4, this is a 19 yr old man. 11:19 simply stated it 'REMINDED' them of a wanna be thug... read it AGAIN!
I read it perfectly.. 11:19 was stating that the hair cut reminded him of white wannabe thugs..
Like I said are you serious..That is a regular hair cut for a boy. and like I said and asked ..My 4 year old has the same hair cut does that make him a wanna be thug?
I can't believe people are actually judging others by there hair cuts! Then again I guess I should of seen that coming since it seems like all people in salisbury do is judge a book by its cover!
11:41 why does anyone need to know who the property owner is? so they can run that person down also..and find any dirt if there is any and pull it apart and judge them....sheesh
We all know who would do such a thing, right JT & JR.
It's easy for all of us out here to act like we are the judge. A child was murdered he was someones son or brother. If we keep turning our cheek because we think we are better then them think again! This could have happened to any of us.
My point is come together for once and get these people off our streets call that hotline you do not have to give your name. We can make a difference!
From what I hear the guy that was murdered wasn't the intended target..it was supposed to be someone else at the home. So maybe Preston was staying at the home.. heard a knock.. looked out the window and was shot in the face... Regardless of why, it's such a shame this young man died the way he did.
There is a young man that lives at that address that came through my neighborhood last year and drove his car across a couple lawns. He left school at lunch time, went joy riding with his friend and decided to purposely cause damage to other peoples property.
The sherriff's office was called and spoke to that young man.
Please parents, watch what your kids are doing, who they are hanging around with and befriending. Try to keep them busy with good positive things that will help them get a good start in life.
If you don't think this can happen to you or your neighbor, think again.
Dear God, please welcome this young man's soulto heaven. Comfort his family and friends, and help them through their time of grief. Please help the police catch whoever did this as quickly as possible. A-men.
WBOC says reward is $1,000
It is so sad because a life has been lost. Whether it was an innocent victim, or someone who was targeted...somewhere along the way a life was lost. They say it takes a village to raise a child. I think we need desperately to get back to that mentality. Look after your children and those of your friends and neighbors too. We need to help the young people in our country so that they can have a bright future.
His mother & stepfather lived in Virginia and then moved to Florida. He wasn't a bad kid running from his past! He was staying with his best friend.
What is wrong with some people on here? I can't understand how some of you come up with these out-of-the-blue scenerios, unfounded accusations and jump to conclusions when you don't know the facts.
11:19, first you assume and then you guess. Good job.
12:01, are you brain damaged?
I'll wait to hear more, and hopefully they'll catch whoever did this. My heart goes out to his family.
I am friends with the homeowner and have worked for him. Preston was here visiting for a couple weeks. After meeting him he seemed to be a good guy. Besides it doesnt matter if he did anything or not, nobody deserves to die like that. I know for a fact that the homeowner is taking it very hard. I am sure they will catch the person or persons that did this, its a small town and everybody talks. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and the family he had in hebron.
Preston was raised in a loving family and had the support of his family and friends when he moved back to the area from Fla. As you can imagine, his family is absolutely devastated by this loss and would appreciate any information you might have on his murderer be turned into the police for thorough investigation.
Preston was NOT a thug !!! He was a sweet young man who had just left his Mothers house from visiting for the holidays and stopped at a friends to sleep over before finishing his trip home. For those of you who want to make more out of an innocent young man getting murdered by turning it into that he was to blame in some way are totally out of your minds!!! Preston will be dearly missed and never forgotten for now he is one of Gods Angels looking down apon us. We love you Preston rest in peace!!
Preston was a son, and a brother, and a cousin, and a friend, and soon to be an uncle ... Have a heart, and refrain from unfounded accusations ~ there is a good chance his grieving friends and family will read this. May he rest in peace, and his family be comforted by those who loved him. God Bless.
I have known Preston all of his life. He was a sweet and conderate young man that loved his family. To those that did not know him you have no idea what he was like and let's remember he was the victim not the murderer. 11:19 You, "REMIND ME" of someone who thinks themself so far superior to everyone that you cannot feel compassion for the loss of a young man that never hurt or defamed you in any way.
Preston grew up in Fredericksburg Va., he went to visit with his mother and stepfather in Florida for the holiday season and had returned home and was visiting in Maryland at the time of his murder. Do NOT make him more a victim than he is already....any sins he may have had were paid in full by his death. No one deserves that.
My son's friend who knew the victim is very upset over this young mans death. It (from what I was told) was a good young man being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Either way, it doesn't matter because the only people in that house knows what happened AND the Good Lord.
May peace finds it's way to this young mans family. God Bless and keep in your hearts that your son will never be forgotten and he is now smiling down on all of you and waiting at God's threshold until he see's you all again.
Preston truly will be missed. He was a great young man. He has a truly wonderful mother, stepfather , and sister who are mourning respect them and let them mourn the loss of their loved one. Preston is with the angels now and he will always be on our hearts
9:41....his sins were paid by Jesus' death, not his.
I am a good friend of Prestons Mother. Preston was a wonderful young man.. He was a loving son and brother, who just found himself in the worng place at the wrong time.
If anyone knows where their children are and who they are with, and what they are doing at all times, you must be fooling yourself. I have three children, two of wich are older and have moved on to start thrier oun lives, and i wish iI could protect them always, but I can't.
What I am saying is that Preston was someones brother, a mothers whole world, and dearly missed by family and friends, so until we know the facts, if you can't berespectful to these people, please keep your comments to yourselves.
Thank You,
Tammie Hill
Please do not comment if you don't show respect or compassion for Preston's family. In this devastating time, the family does not need to be reading your ignorant comments about someone you didn't even know. Preston has touched so many hearts in his short lifetime and will be dearly missed.
There is a $26,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest of the sorry excuse for a human being who did this. For his mother's and his sister's sake, please call with any information you have to 410-749-3101. You can remain anonymous.
Preston was a good kid, and also a good man he was a good friend, people who are making accuations that he was a thug have no respect for his family. He was a very smart person, loveing ,caring, so sweet. He will be truly missed but never forgotten. Please Please anyone with any information please come fprward the person who did this needs to pay. For his family's sake. RIP PRESTON We LOVE U
I did not know Preston, but I do know people who loved him. I think that you people need to get your facts straight before throwing stones at a young man who is not here to defend himself. People need to pull together NOW instead of trying to pull this investigation apart.Let the police do their jobs. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Preston.
Though it is sad that such a young man lost his life his mother is not a compassionate person herself for other people. So maybe that is why so many people are lacking compassion for her and her family. I'm praying that this will open her eyes and she will now have more compassion for others. Maybe then others will show her compassion. Remember the GOLDEN RULE... RIP Preston
Obviously the person above did not really know his mother or ever see any interaction because they have no idea what they are talking about. She would have done anything for her son.
12:32..... What the hell is wrong with you? Do you know his mother? Blaming his mother at a time like this? You are the one who is not compassionate. You are a hippocrit!
1:16 and 1:18 I don't think 12:32 was blaming his mother for anything that happened to her son. He was just saying that Preston's mom wasn't compassionate to OTHERS and maybe that was the reason people weren't being as thoughtful of her feelings. He also said that maybe this will make her a little more compassionate the next time someone needs her. I thought ending his statement with remember the golden rule was a reminder to us all!!! I noticed I assumed that 12:32 was a man. For all I know it was a women. This was just one persons opinion also and we all have the right to an opinion. We don't have to agree but it's their right to have one!!!
Hi folks, Please!!!!! just add nice comments about Preston! He is a great dude with a great family (have a hard time thinking of him gone).
And to the JERK that knocked his mom- I'm SURE!!!!!!! you deserved her to be "uncompassionate to YOU" for whatever reason! Karma! Baby!
oka look you stupid pieces of crap! you have no reason to say anything unless you know what happened! the accusations you people are making about the homeowner not wanting to identified, have you ever thought what this is doing to him or his family or the people closest to them? no you didnt. and he has the money to do this because he wants the case solved and if someone knows who did it or anything he wants them to come forward and release the information.
he was a sweet 19 year old young man that has alot of people that love and care about him! and yall out there that want to make fun or judge him cause of what he looks like or that he moved alot, maybe look at urself and ur family it could have been you.
and you dont have a right to sat anything about his mother either! she is hurting right now and you people are juding her? grow up!!!!
I never got the oppertunity to meet you, but i have met some of your family and i can honestly say that they are doing everything to find the person/persons who did this! you will never be forgotten. watch over all of ur family and friends they really need the strength to get through this and to solve this horrible incident.
I cant believe the nerve of the people on here, and the things you said. I knew Preston, very well, he was close to my family, spent many nights at my house and was my daughters boyfriend for three years. The bottom line is this boy lost his life, in a senseless act of hate for human life. I bet those of you who made negative remarks about this senseless murder wouldnt be talking this way if it were your loved one. I cant believe you people and your quick to judge attitudes. He was someones son, brother, nephew, grandchild, and a gift from GOD. I pray God forgives you for your lack of compassion, and hope he remembers your calus aaccusations on judgement day. Rest in peace Preston, you will be missed.
im prayers go out to his family and friends i went to high school with him...its just terrible
I miss you preston so much i love you man.You will always be in my mind.you always told me you would have my back.i love you preston..
your little cousin brian.
Rest in peace. you will always be in my prayer.
Its extremely sad that people would come across this article and have the indecency to talk about his hair cut. This is an old picture, but thats besides the point. The thought shouldn't have even crossed your mind. Preston was unexplainably incredible and witty.He will never be replaced.
I miss you and I love you Preston, I never expected you to go so soon. I wish I would have had one last chance to say goodbye<3
I actually know Preston and his family. He was a normal teenage boy who cared about people and lived life to the fullest!
He was his mothers whole world and the last thing she needs right now is to read this blog and find negativity. She should be able to read it and see how many people loved her son and what he meant to so many. This is a devasting, and life changing event that should NEVER be wished on any one.
So from this point forward on this blog let's keep it positive only.
To his mother, stepfather, and sister: our prayers are with you and together you guys will pull through this. Alot of people love and care about you guys. We would love to help in any way we can! He will be missed!
To all of you heartless people, I would just like to say that my son was NOT a drug dealer. As far as him bringing drugs up from Florida to sell in Maryland, that is just not true. He traveled there by plane so definitely no drugs on him. I am not sure what happened but one thing is for sure and that is that my heart, My best friend and my only son is no longer alive. Please stop jumping to conclusions, you didn't know Preston, you know nothing about him. He had nothing to run from in Florida, He was educated, had a job and a HUGE family that loved him dearly.For the monster that took my son's life like the coward you are you had to use a gun, you are the worst type of coward. If there was a problem it could have been solved like a man,but I guess monsterous cowards like you know nothing about being a man. We WILL find you and Justice WILL be served. From this day forward for the rest of my life I will hunt you till I find you, I will NEVER give up! I will be living and breathing your demise.
So some idiot said that since he lived in three different places he must be a thug. Im a military brat and ive lived in about 12 different places in 23 years... so what does that make me? Some people should think before they write or speak. Or maybe move around a bit so that you can experience the world instead of your idiotic ways.
To Preston's momma. I will never be able to ubderstand what you are going thru, but I have experienced a friend go thru a very similar circumstance.It destroyed her and broke her family up whe she became consumed with revenge. She later learned to forgive but not forget. But by that time she had already lost everything else she had left after the death of her son. Just don't let this person who took your son's life take anything more from you!
I'm not sure what the family expects to see here. This is a blog for opinions. The story has a lot of holes and what is out there makes no sense. A 19 yr old kid is shot at 4:30a.m. for no apparent reason. Of course people are going to speculate. It wasn't a robbery, a home invasion, so whats left is a plausable reason that someone at that home was being targeted for something. Maybe not that kid but shooting someone just to shoot someone is what doesn't make sense. So I say to the family don't go reading these blogs if you fell you might be offended. This isn't a site for condolances, it's a site for people to give their opinions. And for those who have bad mouthed people for saying things re: his mother ect your no better to say the things you've said to them. IMO
I Knew Preston for a couple years. He was a good friend the kind to give ppl his last. He will be missed n all of his ppls hearts go out to his family. R.I.P Preston
Preston Morehouse..my first real boyfriend. first kiss and first date..childhood friend..is gone. Im just devasted on how something so horrible could happen. I know its been a while Preston; but you'll always have a place in my heart. And to everyone that didnt know Preston; can just shut the fcku up. And those that did know him, will wait for justice...and there will be justice. Love you Preston.
ma preston Grandmother I have know preston from Day 1 he was a good kid and once you meant him you would know that.Iam lost with out him and will miss him a long with the rest of of our family .Iknow you have a right to say what you want but please try to be easy on our family right now we need your prayers ty Ma Ilove you Preston will see you soon will always be there for you
Preston was a wonderful kid, He did not deserve to be taken from us. Everyone does have the right to their opinion but have some sympothy and compasion. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Im sure there is a reason that all this happened but only the cowards that did this know that reason. But if by any chance someone else knows anything even the smallest detail (because it may not be small to the police) please call and tell them. You can imagine the hurt and anger we (the family) are going thru right now. There is a $25,000 dollar reward from the homeowner and $1,000 from the police. And to Preston, I talk to you all the time and I hope you can hear me. I watched to grow from a beautiful baby boy to a wonderful young man.I love you with all my heart. You were like one of my own sons because you and Brandon were like brothers instead of cousins. My Heart has been ripped from my chest.Please know that you will always be loved and never forgotten. I know you are in a better place. I love you Preston forever and always.
I used to go to school with Preston, high school to be exact. Me and him had some trouble as teens but he was a pretty cool guy. He will be forever missed, and I hope he gets the justice he deserves!
RIP Preston morehouse
It seems to me that Preston's own family members are saying the same thing alot of the bloggers have stated. The family says that Preston was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sounds to me like someone was indeed being targeted for something. I agree with 5:57 there's no need for them to be reading this if they are going to be upset about it and lash our at those who have stated their opinions!! This is a site for just that OPINIONS!! There are plenty of other sites that can be dedicated to condolances. Maybe they should direct people to those sites and then stay off this one.
To the post at 5:57 have a little compassion you would if it was your family. How do you know he did not stop the intruder from breaking in. Thats it you just dont know. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.
Come on people why so negative. Why question that it happened a 4:30 in the morning. If someone is going to break in your house there going to do it when your not home or when they think your sleeping.
I Never Was Able To Me You Preston And Now Its Too Late. I Bet You Were That Cool And Loving Cussin Brian Told Me About. Your Missed And Loved By Everyone. Your In A Better Place Now Where Your Safe.
R.i.p Preston.
Your In My Prayers At Night<3
You know that people die every day.
Some die before there time.
Some are "bad" people
Some are super stars or Icons
But no matter what they leave behind people that loved them or at lest cared about them.
To have some people start talking BS or pure trash about the dearly departed takes a real brave person
Back in the day you did this over a phone and you were called a telephone tough guy
now I guess you would be called a Blog Bully
I prefer to call you a Web weenie because calling you a gutless, know nothing, child molesting, closet homo
a waist of sperm and a sorry excuse for a human being is negative and not what this place is for.
Some people have busted on his hair cut
Called him a drug dealer
Called him a white thug
Talked trash because he had lived in 3 states in one year
Well Jim Carrey made millions with that kind of hair cut and Preston some days was as funny if not funnier than him
He was never convicted for any thing dealing with drugs so he was not a Cocaine Cowboy
What made him a thug his hat or baggy pants so we should lock up 50% of the 30 and under males in the US today
Me and my family lived on the east coast moved to Japan and then to Hawaii all within 11 months so we are all trashy people I guess.
If you had a beef with him ...hello its over now.
If you are a real real bad ass and think what has happened is cool and condone things like this be a real bad ass and use your real name and leave your address
Have the courage not to hide behind some fictious character that you made up....
If nothing else remember the Golden Rule...
If you have nothing nice to say about some one shut up and move on.
Amen to the last comment! We never had the pleasure to meet Preston. We know & love his mother Cyndi, & stepfather Mike. To know Cyndi is to know that she loves her children unconditionaly, no matter what was going on..like most mothers do. She is a wonderful person, inside & out. She raised beautiful, wonderful children. Preston was loved by his family & friends, & was on his way to a great & wonderful life. Only God knows why he took him home.
Cyndi & Mike, rest in knowing that you will see him again one day, away from a world where people judge. We will stand beside you & support you in whatever you need. I know that you will NEVER give up until the person or persons responsible are found & brought to justice. Our hearts are broken for you. We love you, Terry & Donna~ Brunswick, Ga
Please be consider the family and friends of Preston. He was taken a a senseless act of violence. No chance to grow and discover the man he could be. We knew him thru our grandaughter and and he was always a sweet person and a joy to be around. We agree with his mother, we do not believe he was a dealer nor was he carrying drugs from place to place. The picture on this site is one of the best we have seen of him. If all the negative people could have seen his smile and just been around him, you may not have the same opinion you have now.
Preston was one in a million and will be greatly missed.
Preston, we will miss you and we know you are in a good place now...
Rest In peace.
NaNa & PaPa
11:40 I am 5:57. How do you know I haven't been thru the same thing? I have!!! And I know that reading these blogs doesn't accomplish anything. I was trying to be kind and state that there is room for alot of speculation. In fact you gave one yourself. I was letting the family and friends of the family know that they can set up site for memorials and condolences, such as memory-of.com. I'm sure there are plenty of others sites out there but this is the one I chose. It keeps ur loved ones memory alive and keeps friends and family off sites for opinions if it is only going to add salt to the wound. The friends and family themselves are guilty of lashing out. Losinf someone you love doesn't make it right to pass judgement any more then the next person.
Preston we love you and miss you! May you rest in peace.
I went to this Preston's funeral on Saturday with my daughter (a long time friend). Preston had come to my house to visit many times over the years and he was always smiling and very respectful. His parents, sister and family miss him very much. If you could see the pain in his Mother's eyes that final day when she was burying her baby and only boy, you would not be writing these ugly comments. My heart is so broken for her and the family. I think about Preston everyday and the evil monster that took him away from his family and all of his beloved friends. My daughter will forever regret things let unsaid, so lets just learn from this awful experience and always tell people that you love them every chance you get. Preston - you were a wonderful young man, but God knew that and that is why he has you now. To the MONSTER that took this baby from his Mother, I hope you ROT in HELL forever! Sam (His Sister) I hope you get peace in knowing that your baby brother was a good person and be sure your children grow-up and know him. Sorry they are going to miss out on their Uncle. I know he would have loved to be there, but he will watch over them. Preston - Rest Little Man!
I also was at the funeral and yes the hurt in that family..sooo sad!!! He was his Momma's boy!! The bond between, Mother and son, is like no other.
I also think of him daily..(exhales) I can not wait for them to find the person that did this!!
Preston you will never be forgotten.
I know you will watch over your family.
Preston was waaay too young to leave this earth. We were all robbed. From one Mom to another the pain is unimaginable. He was a very sweet and respectful young man. He LOVED his family so much!
Preston's memory will live on forever and his evil senseless murderer will rot in jail forever.
Love you Preston. So sorry honey.
You know I've been wondering if Scott Turner's offer of a $25,000.00 reward has brought in any leads. Or if there is any new information to be told. If anyone has any knowledge re new info about Preston I'd be interested in it.
preston went out with my sis. he cared about me and my famly. he always put a smail on my face. he was a awsome boyfrend to my sis he love us all. he wuld ot let me mom carry anything like when we had to refull the propain he alwas made SURE thay did not have to left it the liltle thing like that made him the careing,awsome,and finny person he was. i rember one time when me and him and my sis were at the mall he sarted singing the FUNNYECT song i have ever herd my mom made him sing it all the time! and my sis spoke at his funarl i bet his looking down smailing still she lightin the mode with some joke that are for real ture. he is always in my hart and to the hartles human being that did this i hope you get kot becuse you need to pay and NO not with your life but i hope that his mom testdfis agnst you in a cort to keep you in i KNOW if my mom whuld if she had to becuse she loves him that much! i love you Preston rest in peace and i hope you flly high in you pentins ps hat love you!!!!!
You know I never met Preston but I've met a lot of his family members. They may be loyal to each other but let me tell you they will talk shit about you behind your back as well as talk shit about other family members behind their backs. They turn on you in a hearbeat for the very same actions they themselves have done or WORSE! They never see themselves as doing anything wrong but you're the devil. One min their your friend the next your enemy. They judge you without knowing all the facts. If you think I'm wrong, look at what they're saying here and on other forums such as topix. Their true colors are showing. I'm sorry a life was lost but someone started something and somone else finished it. Just keep watching and reading the truth is already starting to come out about the night before Preston was shot. He may or may not have been the target but innocent of any wrong doing I don't buy. I fully expect the family to rip me a new one now. But I can assure you it won't be the 1rst time and probably not the last. Their family members have judged me without ever talking to me or bothering to get my side of the story. So when I read them talking about karma.... Hummm I wonder if this sad event could be just that!!
12:56AM Preston had a very large family...Who exactly are you speaking of? Generalizing the whole family is unfair. If your putting it out there, you might as well specify, and if not then why bother posting?.
11:19AM Where did 12:56AM state that they had met all your family members? So where is the unfair generalization you speak of? Just curious.
12:19 The poster said it in the very first sentence....the post leaves it open for it to have been any one of Prestons MANY family members. Just wanted a clarification.....Probably wont get one, but I feel like if you are going to take the time post something, then POST everything. Why hold back, if you are posting as anonymous.
2:42PM 12:19AM does state things re the members of your family they have met. Then you yourself say the post leaves it open to be anyone of your family members not ALL of your family members!!! Again where have they unfairly generalized ALL Preston's family? Nothing else left for me to say. Can't speak for 12:19AM guess you'll just have to wait and see.
preaton is mt man im 11 and he incerided me to do what i wanted he helped me when my girlfrend broke up with me and laughed and me when i messed up and we laughed together becuse he was that nice i was at her fernal and with tears in my eys said goodbye on last time and said "bye preston see you on the orther side" so to ALL YOU CALLEST PEPS IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY DONT SAY IT ITS SAD THAT IM 11 AND I ACT BETTER THAN YOU I DONT SAY BAD THING TO ORTHER YOU NEED TO STOP BE CALLEST rip preston give my real papa and hun for me
Just heard this news. This kid was a thug who has been nothing but trouble for years! A "good kid"? No. This kid ripped people off, beat kids, and was running from some trouble. Trouble caught up to him and showed him who was boss. It wasn't this little punk.
Is there any recent information on this case????
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