A Public Policy Polling nationwide survey of 1,151 registered voters Jan. 18-19 found that 49 percent of Americans trusted Fox News, 10 percentage points more than any other network.
Thirty-seven percent said they didn’t trust Fox, also the lowest level of distrust that any of the networks recorded.
There was a strong partisan split among those who said they trusted Fox — with 74 percent of Republicans saying they trusted the network, while only 30 percent of Democrats said they did.
CNN was the second-most-trusted network, getting the trust of 39 percent of those polled. Forty-one percent said they didn’t trust CNN.
Each of the three major networks was trusted by less than 40 percent of those surveyed, with NBC ranking highest at 35 percent. Forty-four percent said they did not trust NBC, which was combined with its sister cable station MSNBC.
Thirty-two percent of respondents said they trusted CBS, while 31 percent trusted ABC. Both CBS and ABC were not trusted by 46 percent of those polled.
“A generation ago you would have expected Americans to place their trust in the most neutral and unbiased conveyors of news,” said PPP President Dean Debnam in his analysis of the poll. “But the media landscape has really changed, and now they’re turning more toward the outlets that tell them what they want to hear.”
The telephone poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.8 percentage points.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0110/32039.html#ixzz0dor3q4hG
Was the survey done on the ES alone?
That statistic is laughable!
Public Policy Polling??? You have got to be kidding...granted Fox get it's share of lilly white angry men looking for a little soft core T&A but "trusted news source"?? I think not. Fox has little to do with news.
"Dewey Defeats Truman"
Wow Joe you have the liberals coming out of the woodwork like roaches when the exterminator visits the projects.
It's not called "Faux News" for nothing, LOL!
One long op-ed.
The key quote comes at the end. People go to where they hear what they "want" to hear. Don't like Obama? Well you'll love Fox
Liberals hate truth and transparency . Hench Fox news is the most trusted !
10:52 Those are your tactics ! Fox news has conservatives and liberals on their programs and let them hash it out and let individuals decide I can see why you would hate that philosophy ! Socialist !
the Russians had Pravda when it was still red as red can be.....and the red staters have Fox News....or news without merit.
it's the same one-sided propoganda.
it doesn't make it true or transparent just because it's what you want to hear or bill o'reilly or that nutbag glenn beck told you it was true.
I'm not real keen on the liberal side of the coin either....so don't pass it off as me just being a liberal blowhard....i'm just rational enought to know the motivation and the obvious agenda coming from the respective sides.
just calling a spade a spade here.
Fox is slanted so far to the right, it could never possibly be fair or balanced.
i also love how fox news junkies seem to think that obama caused all these problems.....as i recall the economy was on it's way to the proverbial outhouse when the last election took place....just sayin.
selective memory...and screaming your own bullet points...very hip on fox apparently.
when will we all just realize that standing across the aisle from one another screaming about how our particular "team" has been wronged or disagrees with what the other is doing is counterproductive for all the things that both parties claim to hold so dear.....values, morals, liberty, and all of that.
they are all scumbags....and we have ourselves to blame, as we elect them after sipping on the proverbial kool-aid over and over again.
Alex I'm so sorry you have such a bad view of your liberal comrades. A Republican has to see it to believe it and a Democrat has to believe it to see it.
For your information PPP is considered a left leaning polling firm. People are just beginning to realize that all of the networks were in the tank for Obama and continue to be. If not Hillary would probably be president today (which would have been almost as bad as Obama). Obama was never investigated by the mainstream media, I guess because they spent too much time sending hundreds of people tp Alaska to try and dig up dirt on Palin. If Obama had ever been properly vetted he would not have been elected, and if they would dig into his background today he would probably be impeached by the democrat congress.
The socialists are mad their is a news agency they can't control !
"Fox is great"; the same people who think Rush Limbaugh actually speaks the truth instead of trying to grab ratings.
Democrats Republicans and Independents wanting to hear both sides of the issues watch Fox News ! Those who are looking for filtered news watch CNN CBS ABC NBC.
are you presenting an argument that you think it would have been better if palin would be trying to lead our country through the worst fiscal crisis in decades.
who's your republican savior that could save the day.....
seriously...you guys talk such a big game on Obama and say words like liberal and socialist the way that you used to say racial slurs back in the 50's.....he's screwing up...sure...but the deficit was huge under dubbya....and 8 years of his missteps put us where we are....obama might not be helping his own cause...but your comments are extremely one-sided and borderline ignorant...
i'm not naive enough to say obama is making all the right choices...but i can't see one person in the republican party that is worth a try...
give me a better option....and not someone who drives a truck or goes to church on sundays...someone that can get things on track and won't succomb to the normal dc bs.
until, then quit it with your simpleminded tom-foolery...palin....ridiculous.
we are getting a bum rap on this....instead of pointing fingers...how bout some solutions.
2:44 amen.
So many of you don't understand that while the partisans work to instill fear and divide us our ship is sinking. And when it hits the ocean floor we'll all be on it. Hold everyone accountable, democrats and republicans, and stop all the one-sided idealogical BS
I'm for upholding the Constitution and anyone who is not is an enemy of this country and needs to be destroyed !
Is the socialist / liberal argument so flimsy that one lone voice like Fox news can destroy it ? Why are they so threatened if they really believe in their movement ? And why do they attack and try to destroy and shout down down contradictory opinions instead of healthy debate ?
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