Killing of 11-year-old, sex offender issues to resonate through session
"Depending on how far the state's Democratic-controlled legislature is willing to go in an election year and whether O'Malley latches on to a particular proposal, efforts to tighten restrictions could add a layer of complexity to lawmaking this year in Annapolis," writes The Post's Aaron Davis, in a story that also takes a deeper look at how the killing appears to have affected O'Malley's message on crime reduction.
"With or without new legislation, hearings on Maryland's sex offender rules appear likely to raise questions about the tenacity of prosecutions and coordination of law enforcement efforts surrounding at least one of the state's registered sex offenders. A Washington Post review of court records and interviews with law enforcement sources reveal a more disturbing picture than detailed previously about Thomas Leggs Jr., 30, the man charged with kidnapping in the disappearance of Sarah Haley Foxwell."
Joe, Unfortunately he still won't agree that this case is a death penalty case. He needs to get with it. Wonder how he would fell if it was a daughter of his.
Yeah election year so NOW he wants to pay close attention to it so he can get more votes.
Politicians are predictable and JOKES!
O'Malley: Get this through your thick head. We demand the death penalty for this loser. If you won't support our efforts to prosecute this case as the death penalty, your days are numbered. I think that the crime scene investigators need to send him the pictures of her body and full accounts of what happened. He will change his mind.
Time for all of us to start calling the governor's office.
Just let him free and we will take care of this issue without costing the tax payer.
Power attracts the corruptable.
Absolute power attracts the absolutly corruptable.
I agree with anon 2:18..Let society show these sick bastards that we wont stand for this.
What's so surprising -- it's an election year and O'Malley will do anything to get reelected -- plus he knows that he's gonna be blasted for doing nothing before this happened.
PS -- looks for Pollitt to do the same thing.
It's all politics with O'Malley. As I recall, he is the one that opposes the death penalty. So what does he intend to do now, spend more tax dollars on some stupid program?
Tough question to answer Eh Governeor! To help you out a little, I volunteer to throw the switch and if possible put on youtube for all to enjoy.
The whole Post article is worth a read.
Say what you want about election year politics but no one with half a heart can know about Sarah without wanting to do somthing about it. I think O'Malley is for real about it.
Hey Folks, O'Malley is not the only one talking law and order now that it is an election year, have you noticed more out of Davis Ruark?
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