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Friday, January 08, 2010
NJ Senate Defeats Gay Marriage Bill
COLLINGSWOOD, N.J. - January 7, 2010 -- New Jersey's state Senate has defeated a bill to legalize gay marriage, the latest in a string of setbacks for advocates.
Gay rights advocates had been pushing hard for the bill because on Jan. 19, new Republican Gov. Chris Christie takes office and he has vowed to veto a gay marriage bill. Outgoing Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine had promised to sign it into law.
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Gay marriage is only a ploy by attorney's to double their divorce business.
Let the Gay's get married sheesh. Dang religion yet again in the way of happiness. They should Ban Religion
" Let the gays get married " They can have a civil union now but that's not good enough for them . What they want is to outlaw religion and gay marriage would do just that . If a church refused to marry gay persons because it goes against there beliefs the would be sued out of existence and chaos would ensue people would marry animals their siblings and so on. If gays want to wed then they can create their own term and religion and church .
Your information is totally wrong.
Churchs do not have to offer gay marriage. They would not be sued for refusing to perform gay marriages.
This is all about a civil license given out by the state nothing more. Civil unions are not offered everywhere, they are not available in Maryland. Funny how people think that is available nationwide. Civil unions are not recognised on a national level, therefore, no rights about taxes, property, inheritance etc.
It's my understanding that the civil unions allowed in NJ convey all the rights of married couples to gay couples in NJ including "taxes, property, inheritance". To me, this is a good compromise.
The gay community should also do themselves a favor and not promote the behavior on national tv that we saw from that American idol guy. Dudes kissing (even simulating) dudes will never be cool to the majority of American. Just telling the truth.
10:54 Your totally confused if gay marriage is legalized the church can be sued for discrimination no one disputes this .
For those who argue against gay marriage from a religious perspective: Marriage predates Christianity. The earliest known recorded reference to marriage was in 1790BC in Eqypt. All religions and races recognize some form of marriage it is not strictly a Christian ceremony.
Marriage was originaly no more than a business arrangement between two families. The man paid a price for the woman's hand in marriage to assure the paternity of his children or the woman's family paid a dowry to a man to protect and keep their daughter.
In early times marriage was about money and not love and most marriages were arranged without the spouses ever meeting prior to the ceremony. Over time marriage has changed based on the culture, religion, and demographics to become what it is today and it will continue to evolve and change based on present and future cultures and demographics....
In the Roman Catholic church divorces at one time were forbidden, marriage under the eyes of God was binding until death... as times changed divorces were frowned upon yet allowed however the Catholic church will still not perform a second marriage for a divorced person as in the eyes of the church and God, they are still married to their original spouse.
To me, marriage is a bond of love and a promise in front of friends, family and God that you will cherish that love always and be there to support that person until you are parted by death... I personally don't think that promise should be limited. Just my opinion.
Two homosexual people that I don't know getting married has no more effect on me than two heterosexual people I don't know getting married. People get married every day all over the world and nobody but their friends and family are any the wiser... so what does it matter if they are gay or straight?
If a church does not believe in marriage between different races they can refuse, they cannot be sued because it is their religous belief. However if they have employees they must provide benefits to a legal spouse (regardless of race). This is where the idea of churchs being sued comes up.
Those against gay marriage twist this around and give out false information.
11:59 Your a pin head this country was founded by Christians I don't care what you say happened 1000 years ago in another country . This is our country were talking about here so why don't you move to Egypt !
Genesis 2:23 And Adam said: "This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man."
24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
This is the view of those who believe the Bible. This selection of verses is from the first book in the Bible, Genesis. Adam is recorded as the first Man and "she" refers to the first Woman, Eve.
I think God was around before Egypt !
If you are not for same-sex marriage...then don't marry someone of the same sex. For those who oppose it I ask "How will gay marriage affect your life?" The answer is it won't. If you want to protect marriage so bad you should ban divorce.
As you have all totally missed or chosen to ignore my point... Gay marriage is not about religion, the passing of laws allowing gay marriages do not mean that a Christian church or any other religious organization is required to marry them. Do you not recognize people as being married who were married by a non-church/non-religious justice of the peace? How about people who are married under other non-christian religions? Marriage is universal and transcends church. It is a union between two people in the witness of their friends, family and THEIR GOD. This country was founded on freedom of religion that no person should be persecuted for their religious affiliation.
Christianity teaches tolerance of all even if they do not hold the same beliefs as you, that is for God to judge, not us. So how can people who present themselves as devout Christians be so intolerant?
Mark 9:38-40 "...we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbade him, because he followeth not us. But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me. For he that is not against us is on our part."
1:30 I love when people like you try to define Christianity to Christians . However this is not a religion only argument the American people reject Gay marriage and all are not religious . But once again you dance around the issue of equal treatment under the law if gay marriage is legalized then adults could marry children people could have multiple spouses you could marry your dog . And if all this is legal then insurance companies would have to cover anything your married too, surely you can see how it could spiral out of control !
I wish all you gay's would go back in the closet. I liked it alot better when you were in there. Stop craming your sexual preference's down our throats or maybe we should have straight people rallies oh that's right we don't need to tell people we are normal they know we are and you are not. Go hide hurry!
No Gay Marriages.
Please someone answer me something. Why do gay guys go by Christopher, Bradley, and William instead of Chris, Brad, and Will?
To 1:58 - remove your head from your rear, there are child and animal protection laws that would prevent marriages like that from ever happening. This is a debate with regard to two humans of age making a mutual decision to marry... I love how people who are basically just against gays love to start spouting off about all the ridiculous things that allowing them to marry could lead to.
And as for defining Christianity to Christians, I myself am a Christian, I have read the bible numerous times throughout my life, attended bible school all through childhood and have attended church my entire life. Just because I am not a bigot and I follow what I learned through my Christian upbringing of tolerance of all regardless of where their beliefs lie does not make me non-Christian.
What do I care that insurance companies would have to pay out for the spouses in married gay couples? They would be paying their premiums just like the rest of us. So you have a problem with insurance companies paying out when a gay man or woman gets in a car accident or needs medical attention?
As for 2:04 - Gay people wouldn't have to march or cram their preferences down our throats if we all just lived and let live. If they weren't judged by their sexual preferences and allowed the same liberties the rest of us have then you probably wouldn't even know they were there. But instead we shun them, say they can't marry - even in a non-religious ceremony, before don't ask don't tell we told them that they couldn't join the armed forces and defend our country. Do you feel the same about the marches and rallies taken up by women when they were treated as second class citizens and not allowed to vote? How about people of different races marching in demand of equal rights?
For the record, I myself am not gay. I am a heterosexual woman who feels that it is not my place to judge people based on their age, sex, race, religion, sexual preferences or any other defining characteristics.
2:04 Maybe you should stop cramming your religious and moral ideals down everyone's throats. I don't think your Jesus would have appreciated how his followers have distorted his teachings and created an environment of hate and intolerance in his name. Shame on all of you. Judge not, that ye not be judged...isn't that what your bible says as well?
Angered Monkey you insult anyone who disagrees with you including calling Christians intolerant who are against and in the same breath you say your a Christian you sound very confused . Also animal protection rights will not apply to equal rights. If gays can marry then anyone can you can't seem to come to terms with reality the law is the law no matter much it has become perverted by the left like you !
I have insulted noone. I did not call all Christians intolerant, I called the people against gay rights intolerant as that is the definition - if you are against something then you are not tolerating it which makes you intolerant. I know many Christians who, while not agreeing with sexual preferences of gay people and feeling that such people are not following with their Christian beliefs don't shun them or fight against their rights.
Animal and child protection rights will keep people from marrying animals and children as you cannot marry someone who is not of age or mind to consent to said marriage. That would be a marriage of force and thus not legal. As I said gays marrying is a marriage of two consensual people of legal marrying age.
3:31 Do you even read the comment that your responding to . That's what happens when you become hysterical and start blaming everything on Christ .
I've seen work shops that say they can cure homosexuality maybe it would be best to put your energy into that and problem solved . I hope you get help !
The Catholic Church, in DC, threatened to withhold social services. Services they are well paid by the city to provide.
The only reason was they wanted the right to discriminate against any employees that were gay. Not because they would have to perform gay weddings, they knew they would not be legally obligated to perform any gay weddings.
Angered monkey so what your saying is people are intolerant of gay marriage but isn't also true that you and the gays are intolerant of 1 man 1 woman being the definition of marriage and if that's true aren't you also intolerant of the religions who hold these beliefs ? Sounds to me if anyone who disagrees with your radical agenda is intolerant ! Sorry but the age of political correctness is over !
6:35 that is incorrect. I am tolerant of all religions and their beliefs. If I was not then I would be saying that all churches should be forced to perform gay marriages. Instead I am saying that the churches have the right to their beliefs and to uphold those beliefs within their sanctions, and that gay couples should have the right to marriage either through a church that supports them or a non-church affiliated justice of the peace.
This is not a debate about whether or not the church should allow gay marriage it is a debate over whether gay marriage should be legal. Churches are not required to marry anyone they don't see fit to marry. My mother was Catholic and my father was divorced previous to marrying her, the Catholic church chose not to marry them due to his previous divorce so they married instead in a Methodist church. Many Churches turn people away for marriage if they are not active members of the church. Other churches will decline to marry a couple that they feel is not right for each other or ready for marriage based on the Pastor/Reverend/Priest's determination upon meeting them.
Everyone has the right to their opinion and the majority will rule when gay marriage is put to vote. My whole point is; how does it directly affect us? If Sam Marries Bill in New Jersey what ramifications is that going to have on us? Nothing... the world will go on spinning and 99.999999% of the population will not even know the wedding took place.
Angered monkey you keep denying that if gay marriage is legalized that they could sue if a church refused to perform the service and the fact is they will be able to sue .
Its just insane to think there are still so many bigots out there, of course its definitely worse on the shore...
The fact is that if you people were really concerned with "protecting marriage" you would be trying to outlaw divorce, not legislate who can and cant get married.
I'm also glad I'm not religious when I hear some of you use Christianity as your means of forcing your beliefs onto others- the fact is that this argument will always come down to equal rights, and how you are simply against everyone being able to enjoy the freedom you do. Sounds an awful lot like the previous battle over civil rights to me...
JP what a weak argument and you also show what a hypocrite you are showing your bigotry towards MD's Eastern shore while you allege bigotry . Homosexuality is a perversion nothing more and to legalize it would open the door to legalizing pedophilia, bestiality to name a couple . You should focus your energy into known programs that have cured Homosexuality and then the need for debate on this ludicrous subject can be put to rest !
8:19 You keep saying that over and over and it is not true. Kind of like saying Iraq and 9/11 in the same sentence will make it true.
So I guess if a gay person is denied a seat in a restaurant they couldn't sue ?
Here is just one of thousands of instances of gays suing the Church !
Anon 12:07-
"Bigot" refers to one persons intolerance towards another person or group- NOT a geographic location...
and I'm sorry but there are WAY more homophobes and bigots on the eastern shore than where I live- thats why the shore has such a poor reputation and that's why I left!
Also, think about what you are writing before you write it- Homosexuality is not "illegal" and this debate is about Marriage, not sex anyways. Homosexuality is illegal in fundamentalist society's in the middle east- not the United States of America.
Last but certainly not least- your assertion that same sex marriage would somehow open the door to legalize pedophilia and bestiality is SOOO mindlessly irrational that even people who agree with your stance on same sex marriage wouldn't want to be seen with you.
It's going to be lonely down there in your bunker someday...
Apparently there are a lot of people all around the country who have the same beliefs as the people from the eastern shore who by they way were found to have the most intelligent people per ca-pita in the country. Oh and where are you from or are you to embarrassed to reveal. As for your bunker that's where you and your ilk molest each other .
If you don't like 'religion' and what it's about, then move to another country that wasn't founded on it. Our country was built on the foundations of God & if you don't like it, go to another country where you have no religion and see how you make out there. Read up and see what happened in the bible to those who were gay. There was nothing nice about it and there is nothing nice about it now being stuffed down our throats who want nothing to do with it.
this country was NOT founded on religion and certainly not Christianity. Get your facts straight, and by facts I mean elementary school history.
The fact that you cite "the bible" at all let alone as fact completely discredits your argument.
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